Chico's FAS, Inc.
(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.
Filed by the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
x Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material under Rule 14a-12
Chicos FAS, Inc.
(Name of Registrant as specified
in its Charter)
(Name of person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
x |
No fee required.
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act
Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which
transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which
transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of
transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the
filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33966
April 30,
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend our 2008 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders, which will be held at The Ritz Carlton
Sarasota, 1111 Ritz-Carlton Drive, Sarasota, Florida on
June 26, 2008 at 2:00 P.M., local time. The meeting
will begin with a discussion and voting on the matters described
in the attached Proxy Statement and Notice of Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, followed by a report by several of our officers on
Chicos financial performance and operations.
The attached Proxy Statement is a critical element of the
corporate governance process. Its purpose is to answer your
questions, and to provide you with information about
Chicos Board of Directors and executive officers and a
discussion of proposals that require your vote.
Please read these materials so that youll know what we
plan to do at the meeting. Also, please sign and return the
accompanying proxy card. This way, your shares will be voted as
you direct even if you cant attend the meeting.
On behalf of the management and directors of Chicos FAS,
Inc., we want to thank you for your continued support and
confidence in Chicos.
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33966
TO BE HELD JUNE 26, 2008
To the Stockholders of Chicos FAS, Inc.:
2:00 P.M., local time, on Thursday, June 26, 2008 |
The Ritz Carlton Sarasota
1111 Ritz-Carlton Drive
Sarasota, Florida 34236 |
1. To elect three Class III directors, each to
serve for a three-year term;
2. To approve and ratify the Amended and Restated
Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan
which includes, among other changes, an increase in the number
of shares of our common stock authorized for issuance under the
plan by 10,000,000 shares, the addition of an authorization
to award stock appreciation rights and performance awards and an
elimination of automatic grants to non-employee directors;
3. To ratify the appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as the Companys independent public accountants
for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2009 (fiscal 2008);
4. To transact such other business as may properly
come before the meeting or any adjournments or postponements
You can vote if you are a stockholder of record on
April 30, 2008. |
Our 2007 Annual Report, which is not a part of the proxy
soliciting material, is enclosed. |
Pursuant to new rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), we have elected to provide access to our proxy
materials both by sending you this full set of proxy materials,
including a proxy card, and by notifying you of the availability
of our proxy materials on the Internet. This proxy statement and
our 2007 Annual Report may be accessed at,
which does not have cookies that identify visitors
to the site. |
It is important that your shares be represented and voted at the
Annual Meeting. Please vote by dating, signing and mailing
the enclosed proxy promptly in the enclosed postage paid
pre-addressed envelope. If you should be present at the
meeting and desire to vote in person, you may withdraw your
proxy. If your shares are held in the name of a broker, bank or
other holder of record, follow the voting instructions you
receive from the holder of record in order to vote your shares. |
By Order of the Board of Directors,
A. Alexander Rhodes
April 30, 2008
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida
To the
Stockholders of
April 30, 2008
Chicos FAS, Inc.:
These proxy materials are delivered in connection with the
solicitation by the Board of Directors of Chicos FAS, Inc.
(Chicos, the Company,
we, or us), a Florida corporation, of
proxies to be voted at our 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and at any adjournments or postponements thereof.
You are invited to attend our Annual Meeting of Stockholders on
June 26, 2008, beginning at 2:00 P.M., local time. The
Annual Meeting will be held at The Ritz Carlton Sarasota, 1111
Ritz-Carlton Drive, Sarasota, Florida. Stockholders will be
admitted beginning at approximately 1:30 P.M. The
operation of cameras (including cellular phones with
photographic capabilities), recording devices and other
electronic devices will not be permitted at the meeting.
It is important that proxies be returned promptly to avoid
unnecessary expense to the Company. Therefore, regardless of
whether you plan to attend the Annual Meeting or the number of
shares of stock you own, please date, sign and return the
enclosed proxy promptly.
What is
the purpose of the meeting?
At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will act upon the matters
outlined in the accompanying notice of meeting, including the
election of directors and ratification of the Companys
independent public accountants. In addition, the Companys
management will report on the performance of the Company during
the fiscal year ended February 2, 2008 and respond to
questions from stockholders.
When are
these materials being mailed?
This proxy statement and the form of proxy are being mailed
starting on approximately May 7, 2008.
What is a
It is your legal designation of another person to vote the stock
you own. That other person is called a proxy. If you designate
someone as your proxy in a written document, that document also
is called a proxy or a proxy card. The form of proxy card
included with this proxy statement designates each of Scott A.
Edmonds, Kent A. Kleeberger and A. Alexander Rhodes as proxies
for the 2008 Annual Meeting.
What is a
proxy statement?
It is a document that the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) regulations require us to give you when we ask
you to sign a proxy card designating individuals as proxies to
vote on your behalf.
What is
the difference between a stockholder of record and a stockholder
who holds stock in street name?
If your shares are registered in your name, you are a
stockholder of record. Owners of record receive their proxy
materials from us. When you properly complete, sign and return
your proxy card, you are instructing the named proxies to vote
your shares in the manner you indicate on the proxy card.
If your shares are held in the name of your broker or other
financial institution, which is usually the case if you hold
your shares in a brokerage or similar account, your shares are
held in street name. Your broker or other financial
institution or its respective nominee is the stockholder of
record for your shares. As the holder of record, only your
broker, other institution or nominee is authorized to vote or
grant a proxy for your shares. Accordingly, if you wish to vote
your shares in person, you must contact your broker or
other institution to obtain the authority to do so. Street name
holders receive their proxy materials directly from their broker
or other institution, not from Chicos. When you properly
complete, sign and return your proxy card, you are giving your
broker, other financial institution or nominee instructions on
how to vote the shares they hold for you.
What is
the record date and what does it mean?
The record date for the 2008 Annual Meeting is April 30,
2008. The record date is established by the Board of Directors
as required by law and the Companys Articles of
Incorporation and By-laws. Owners of record of common stock at
the close of business on the record date are
entitled to:
(a) receive notice of the meeting, and
(b) vote at the meeting and any adjournments or
postponements of the meeting.
constitutes a quorum for the meeting?
A certain minimum number of shares must be present or
represented by proxy at a meeting before any stockholder vote at
the meeting can be effective. A quorum is necessary to conduct
business at the meeting. For the Annual Meeting, the quorum
requirement will be satisfied if a majority of the outstanding
shares of common stock is present
represented by proxy. You are part of the quorum if you have
voted by proxy. Abstentions, broker non-votes and votes withheld
from director nominees count as shares present at
the meeting for purposes of determining a quorum. However,
abstentions and broker non-votes do not count in the voting
Who is
entitled to vote and how many votes do I have?
If you are a common stockholder of record at the close of
business on the record date, you can vote. For each matter
presented for vote, you have one vote for each share you own. If
you are a holder in street name at the close of business on the
record date, you generally will have the right to instruct your
broker or other financial institution how to vote your shares,
although specific procedures depend on the terms of your account
arrangement. As of the record date, there were 176,443,600
common shares outstanding. Each common share is entitled to one
vote on each matter properly brought before the Annual Meeting.
Shares of common stock, par value $.01 per share, are the only
outstanding voting securities of the Company.
How do I
vote my shares?
Stockholders of record can vote by:
returning a completed proxy card by mail to The Registrar and
Transfer Company, Attn: Proxy Department,
P.O. Box 1159, Cranford, New Jersey
delivering a completed proxy card to an inspector of election
prior to the Annual Meeting; or
completing a ballot and returning it to an inspector of election
during the Annual Meeting.
If you hold your shares in street name, you can vote by
submitting a voting instruction card to your broker or other
institution in accordance with the procedures and requirements
applicable to your account. If your shares are held in street
name and you wish to cast your vote in person at the Annual
Meeting, you must either (i) obtain a
legal proxy, executed in your favor, from the bank,
broker, or nominee, as the case may be, or (ii) obtain a
proxy direction form from the bank, broker, or nominee, as the
case may be, and follow the instructions on the form so as to
provide such bank, broker or nominee with your directions as to
how you want such shares to be voted.
Can I
vote by telephone or electronically?
The Company has not established procedures to allow telephone or
electronic voting by stockholders of record, but may do so for
future stockholder meetings if we determine that the added
convenience to our stockholders would justify the additional
costs to the Company associated with these voting methods.
Street name holders may vote by telephone or the Internet if
their bank or broker makes those methods available, in which
case your bank or broker will enclose the instructions with this
proxy statement.
Can I
change my vote?
You may revoke your proxy or change your voting instructions
before the time of voting at the meeting in several ways.
If you are a stockholder of record, you may revoke or change
your proxy instructions at any time prior to the vote at the
Annual Meeting. To do so:
mail a revised and properly executed proxy card dated later than
the prior one;
give us written notice of your change or revocation; or
attend the Annual Meeting and file with the Secretary of the
Company or an inspector of election either a notice of
revocation, a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or a
duly executed ballot. The powers of the proxy holders will be
suspended if you attend the meeting in person and you so
request, although attendance at the meeting will not by itself
revoke a previously granted proxy.
If you hold your shares in street name, you may revoke or change
your proxy instructions at any time prior to the vote at the
Annual Meeting by submitting new voting instructions to your
broker or other institution in accordance with the procedures
and requirements applicable to your account.
If I
submit a proxy, how will my shares be voted?
If you submit a properly executed proxy card, the individuals
named on the card, as your proxies, will vote your shares in the
manner you indicate. If you sign and return the card without
indicating your instructions, your shares will be voted for
the election of the three nominees to serve three-year terms
on our Board of Directors, for approval and ratification
of the Amended and Restated Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus
Stock and Incentive Plan, for ratification of the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys
independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending
January 31, 2009 (fiscal 2008), and otherwise as
recommended by the Board of Directors.
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting, we encourage you to vote by proxy as soon as possible.
My shares
are held in street name. How are my shares voted if I do not
return voting instructions?
Your shares may be voted if they are held in the name of a
broker or other institution, even if you do not provide the
broker or other institution with voting instructions. Brokers
and certain other institutions have the authority, under the
rules of the New York Stock Exchange, to vote shares on certain
routine matters for which their customers do not
provide voting instructions by the tenth day before the meeting.
The election of directors and the ratification of the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
public accountants of the Company are considered routine matters
and thus may be voted on the matters scheduled to come before
the meeting as your broker or other institution may determine if
you have not provided voting instructions within the applicable
time frame.
What are
the Boards recommendations?
The Boards recommendations regarding the proposals to be
considered at the Annual Meeting are set forth together with the
descriptions of the proposals in this proxy statement. In
summary, the Board recommends a vote:
for election of the nominees for the Class III
Director positions (see page 7).
for approval and ratification of the Amended and Restated
Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan
(see page 19).
for ratification of the appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as the Companys independent public accountants
for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2009 (fiscal 2008)
(see page 27).
With respect to any other matter that properly comes before the
meeting, the proxy holders will vote as recommended by the Board
of Directors or, if no recommendation is given, in their own
discretion. At the date this proxy statement went to press, we
did not know of any other matter to be raised at the Annual
What vote
is required to approve each item?
Election of Directors. Directors shall be
elected by a plurality of the votes present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote
on the election of directors. A properly executed proxy marked
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY with respect to the
election of one or more directors will not be voted with respect
to the director or directors indicated, even though it will be
counted for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum
present at the Annual Meeting.
Approval and Ratification of Amended and Restated
Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive
Plan. The Amended and Restated Chicos FAS,
Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan will be approved and
ratified if the number of votes cast FOR
approval and ratification of the amendments by holders entitled
to vote exceeds the number of votes cast opposing the approval
and ratification of the amendments.
Ratification of Appointment of
Accountants. The appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as the Companys independent public accountants
for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2009 will be
ratified if the number of votes cast FOR
ratification of the appointment by holders entitled to vote
exceeds the number of votes cast opposing the ratification of
the appointment.
Other Items. If any other item requiring a
stockholder vote should come before the meeting, the item will
be approved if the number of shares voting for the item is
greater than the number of shares voting against the item.
What are
abstentions and broker non-votes?
An abstention occurs when a stockholder of record (which may be
a broker or other nominee of a street name holder) is present at
a meeting (or deemed present) but fails to vote on a proposal,
indicates that the stockholder abstains from voting on the
proposal, or withholds authority from proxies to vote for
director nominees while failing to vote for other eligible
candidates in their place. A broker non-vote occurs when a
broker or other nominee who holds shares for another does not
vote on a particular item because the nominee does not have
discretionary voting authority for that item and has not
received instructions from the street name owner of the shares.
How are
abstentions and broker non-votes counted when tabulating the
Abstentions (that is, a properly executed proxy marked
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY with respect to the
election of directors or ABSTAIN with respect
to any other matter) and broker non-votes with respect to a
particular matter do not count in any vote totals for or against
any matter, even though the shares associated with such
abstentions and broker non-votes are counted for purposes of
determining whether there is a quorum present at the Annual
Meeting. Accordingly, for purposes of any vote, abstentions and
broker non-votes will have the same effect as does a share that
is not present or otherwise not voted, as more specifically
described below.
Election of Directors. Abstentions will have
no effect on the outcome of the election of candidates for
director. Additionally, the election of directors is a matter on
which a broker or other nominee is generally
empowered to vote, and therefore no broker non-votes are
expected to exist in connection with the election of directors.
Approval and Ratification of Amended and Restated 2002
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. Because the
proposal to approve and ratify the Amended and Restated 2002
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan is a matter on which brokers
are not empowered to vote without instructions, there may be
broker non-votes. However, for purposes of approval and
ratification of the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Stock and
Incentive Plan, neither abstentions nor broker non-votes will
have any effect on the outcome of the vote, which recognizes
only actual votes cast for or against the proposal.
Ratification of Appointment of
Accountants. Abstentions will have no effect on
the outcome of the ratification of the appointment of the
accountants. As for broker non-votes, the ratification of the
appointment of the independent public accountants for the fiscal
year ending January 31, 2009 is a matter on which a broker
or other nominee is generally empowered to vote. Accordingly, no
broker non-votes are expected to exist in connection with
ratification of the appointment.
Are votes
confidential? Who counts the votes?
The votes of all stockholders are held in confidence from
directors, officers and employees, except:
(a) as necessary to meet applicable legal requirements and
to assert or defend claims for or against the Company,
(b) in case of a contested proxy solicitation,
(c) if a stockholder makes a written comment on the proxy
card or otherwise communicates
his/her vote
to management, or
(d) to allow the independent inspectors of election to
certify the results of the vote.
All votes will be tabulated by employees of The Registrar and
Transfer Company, the Companys transfer agent for the
common stock, whose representatives will serve as one or more of
the inspectors of election.
Who is
paying for the preparation and mailing of the proxy materials
and how will solicitations be made?
We will pay the expenses of soliciting proxies. Proxies may be
solicited on our behalf by directors, officers or employees in
person or by telephone, mail, electronic transmission, facsimile
transmission or telegram. The Company will request brokerage
houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward
soliciting material to stockholders and the Company will
reimburse such institutions for their out-of-pocket expenses
incurred thereby. The Company has not engaged any outside
service provider to assist in the solicitation of proxies.
Does each
stockholder receive his or her own copy of the 2007 Annual
Report and this proxy statement?
In some cases we may send only one annual report and proxy
statement to an address shared by two or more stockholders,
unless we have received contrary instructions from one or more
stockholders at that address. This practice, known as
householding, is designed to reduce our printing and
postage costs. If you are a stockholder of record residing at
such an address and you wish to receive a separate copy of our
2007 Annual Report or this proxy statement, please contact
Laurie Evans by phone at
(239) 274-4588
or in writing at 11215 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida
33966 and we will promptly send you separate copies. If we have
been sending only one annual report and proxy statement to your
household but you or another stockholder in the household wishes
to receive separate copies of annual reports
and/or proxy
statements in the future, please contact us in the same manner.
Please also contact us if your household receives multiple
copies of our annual report and proxy statement and you would
prefer that we send only one copy for the entire household.
How do I
contact the Board of Directors?
You can send written communications to one or more members of
the Board, addressed to:
Lead Director, Board of Directors
Chicos FAS, Inc.
c/o Corporate Secretary
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33966
All such communications will be forwarded to the relevant
director(s), except for solicitations or other matters unrelated
to the Company.
How do I
submit a stockholder proposal for the 2009 Annual
The Companys 2009 annual meeting is currently expected to
be on June 25, 2009. If a stockholder wishes to have a
proposal considered for inclusion in next years proxy
statement, he or she must submit the proposal in writing so that
we receive it by January 9, 2009. Proposals should be
addressed to the Companys Corporate Secretary, 11215 Metro
Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida 33966. In addition, the
Companys Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
also require certain advance notice to the Company of any
stockholder proposal and of any nominations by stockholders of
persons to stand for election as directors at a
stockholders meeting. That notice must provide certain
other information as described in the Companys Amended and
Restated Articles of Incorporation. See Stockholder
Proposals for Presentation at the 2009 Annual Meeting.
What were
some of the significant management changes since the 2007 Annual
As previously announced or reported, the following key officer
and director changes occurred since the Companys 2007
Annual Meeting:
In August 2007, Donna M. Colaco joined the Company as the Brand
President for the White House Black Market brand,
succeeding Patricia Darrow-Smith, who left to pursue other
In August 2007, John J. Mahoney, the Chief Financial Officer and
Vice Chairman of Staples, Inc., was added as a new independent
director of the Company.
In September 2007, our Chairman of the Board, Michael A. Weiss,
stepped down from his positions as a director and chairman as a
consequence of his returning to assume the role of Chief
Executive Officer of Express. Scott A. Edmonds, our President
and Chief Executive Officer, assumed the additional position of
Chairman of the Board and Ross E. Roeder, a longstanding
independent director for the Company, was appointed as the Lead
In October 2007, Michele M. Cloutier was promoted to the
position of Brand President for the Chicos brand.
In October 2007, Patricia Murphy Kerstein stepped down from her
position as Executive Vice President, but continues to assist
the Company through her position as a consulting employee for
the Company.
In November 2007, our Chief Financial Officer, Charles J.
Kleman, who served this Company for more than 18 years,
retired from his positions as Executive Vice
President Finance and Chief Financial Officer and
stepped down from his position as a director of the Company.
In November 2007, Kent A. Kleeberger joined the Company as our
new Executive Vice President Finance, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer.
Standing For Election
The full Board is currently comprised of eight directors. The
Board is divided into three classes with Class I having two
directors, Class II having three directors and
Class III having three directors.
Directors are elected for three-year terms.
The terms of the existing Class III directors, John W.
Burden III, David F. Walker and John J. Mahoney expire at the
2008 Annual Meeting.
The Class I directors, Scott A. Edmonds and Ross E. Roeder,
serve until the Annual Meeting of stockholders in 2009 and the
Class II directors, Verna K. Gibson, Betsy S. Atkins and
David F. Dyer, serve until the Annual Meeting of stockholders in
2010. Charles J. Kleman, who had served as a Class I
director during most of 2007, stepped down from his director
position, as well as his officer positions, on November 5,
2007, upon the appointment of Kent A. Kleeberger as his
successor to the positions of Chief Financial Officer and
The election of the three Class III directors will take
place at the 2008 Annual Meeting. At its meeting on
February 26, 2008, the Board approved the recommendation of
the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee that the
following persons stand for election at the 2008 Annual Meeting:
Class III
Director Seats
John W.
Burden, III
David F. Walker
John J. Mahoney
If elected, John W. Burden III, David F. Walker and John J.
Mahoney, will continue their service on the Board beginning at
the 2008 Annual Meeting and will serve on the Board until the
Annual Meeting in 2011, or until their successors are duly
elected and qualified, or until their earlier death, resignation
or removal. Unless otherwise directed, the persons named in the
enclosed form of proxy intend to vote such proxy
FOR the election of John W. Burden III, David
F. Walker and John J. Mahoney as Class III directors of the
Each of the proposed nominees for election as directors has
consented to serve if elected. If, as a result of circumstances
not now known or foreseen, any of the nominees becomes unable or
unwilling to serve as a director, proxies may be voted for the
election of such other person or persons as the Board of
Directors may select. The Board of Directors has no reason to
believe that any of the nominees will be unable or unwilling to
DIRECTORS. The nominees that receive a plurality of the votes
cast by the shares entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting shall
be elected as the directors.
for election at this meeting to terms expiring in
John W. Burden, III, 71, has been a director since 1997
and is currently an independent retailing consultant, having
served as a consultant and partner in Retail Options, Inc. from
November 1993 to December 1997. From December 1990 to March
1993, Mr. Burdens principal occupation was as an
officer in Pelican Palms Realty Company, a real estate sales
company he owned. In 1990, he retired as the Chairman of both
Federated Department Stores, Inc., and Allied Department Stores,
Inc., following a 19 year career in various merchandising
positions in the Federated organization, including President of
Burdines and Chairman of the Abraham & Strauss
Division. Prior to that time, he spent 12 years with
David F. Walker, 54, has been a director since 2005 and
is currently the Director of the Accountancy Program at the
University of South Florida in St. Petersburg and leads the
schools Program for Social Responsibility and Corporate
Governance. He has held these positions since 2002.
Mr. Walker also has been an independent consultant with
respect to accounting, auditing and business issues since 2002.
For approximately 27 years, through 2002, Mr. Walker
was with the accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, having
served as a
partner with the firm from 1986 until 2002, and most recently
until 2002 as partner in charge of the firms assurance and
business advisory services practice in the Florida/Caribbean
region. Mr. Walker is a certified public accountant,
certified fraud examiner, and holds a Masters of Business
Administration degree from the University of Chicago Graduate
School of Business. He currently also serves on the Board of
Directors of First Advantage Corporation, Comm Vault Systems,
Inc., and Technology Research Corporation, Inc.
John J. Mahoney, 56, has been a director since 2007 and
is currently the Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer for
Staples, Inc., having served as Vice Chairman since January 2006
and as Chief Financial Officer since 1996. Prior to 1996,
Mr. Mahoney was a partner at Ernst & Young LLP.
Mr. Mahoney joined the Board in August 2007 to fill a
vacancy created by the Board, having been recommended for
service as a director by David Dyer.
Continuing in Office
whose present terms continue until 2009 (Class I
Scott A. Edmonds, 50, has been a director since 2004 and
is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and
Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. Edmonds has been
employed by the Company since September 1993, when he was hired
as Operations Manager. In February 1994, he was elected to the
position of Vice President-Operations and, effective
January 1, 1996, he was promoted to the position of Senior
Vice President-Operations. In February 2000, Mr. Edmonds
was further promoted to Chief Operating Officer, in September
2001, Mr. Edmonds was promoted to President, and in
September 2003, Mr. Edmonds was appointed to the additional
office of Chief Executive Officer. In September 2007,
Mr. Edmonds was appointed to the additional office of
Chairman of the Board. Prior to joining the Company in 1993,
Mr. Edmonds was employed by Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., a
plumbing and electrical wholesale company, since 1980. His last
position with Ferguson was President of the Fort Myers,
Florida Division.
Ross E. Roeder, 70, has been a director since 1997 and is
the former Chairman of Smart & Final, Inc., having
held this position from 1999 and having also served as a
director of SFI Corporation, the parent corporation of
Smart & Final, from 1984 until his retirement in 2007.
From 1999 until 2004, Mr. Roeder also held the position of
Chief Executive Officer of Smart & Final, Inc. From
1986 to 1998, Mr. Roeder served as a director of
Morgan-Kaufman Publishers, Inc., a publisher of computer science
text and reference books, and from 1993 to 1998 served as its
Chairman of the Board. From 1986 until February 1993,
Mr. Roeder was President and Chief Executive Officer of
Federal Construction Company.
whose present terms continue until 2010 (Class II
Verna K. Gibson, 65, has been a director since 1993 and
presently is a retailing consultant. From 1985 to 1991,
Ms. Gibson was President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Limited Stores Division of The Limited, Inc., a retail apparel
specialty chain. From January 1991 through 1995, she served as
President of Outlook Consulting Int., Inc. and in January 1999,
she resumed the position of President of Outlook Consulting
Int., Inc. From December 1994 to July 1996, Ms. Gibson was
the Chairman of the Board of Petrie Retail, Inc. From 1993 to
fall 1999, Ms. Gibson was a partner of Retail Options,
Inc., a New York based retail consulting firm.
Betsy S. Atkins, 54, has been a director since 2004 and
is the Chief Executive Officer of Baja Ventures, an independent
venture capital firm focused on the technology and life sciences
industry since 1994. Prior to 1994, Ms. Atkins was Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of NCI, Inc. a Functional
Food/Nutraceutical company from 1991 through 1993.
Ms. Atkins was a co-founder of Ascend Communications, Inc.
in 1989, a member of their Board of Directors, and served as its
Global Market, Sales, and International Executive Vice President
prior to its acquisition by Lucent Technologies in 1999.
Ms. Atkins also serves on the Boards of Directors of
Polycom, Inc., Reynolds American Inc., and SunPower Corporation.
Ms. Atkins publishes and keynote speaks on corporate board
governance best practices for the National Association of
Corporate Directors. Ms. Atkins was a
Presidential-appointee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation advisory committee, and is a Governor-appointed
member of the Florida International University Board of Trustees.
David F. Dyer, 58, has been a director since 2007 and is
the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Tommy
Hilfiger Corporation where he served from August 2003 until his
retirement in May 2006. Prior to joining Tommy Hilfiger
Corporation, Mr. Dyer served as President and Chief
Executive Officer of Lands End from 1998 through 2002.
From June 2002 until August 2003, Mr. Dyer also served as
Executive Vice President of Sears and a member of the Management
Executive Committee at Lands End, in addition to his
position as President and Chief Executive Officer. His
responsibilities included, in addition to Lands End, the
Sears Direct businesses, both internet and catalog, and the
Great Indoors Home division of Sears. Mr. Dyer previously
served in various other roles at Lands End from 1989 to
1994, including as Vice Chairman and Director from 1991 to 1994.
Mr. Dyer began his career with Burdines, a division of
Federated Department Stores, and held various merchandising and
marketing posts during his 17 years there. He later served
as President and Chief Operating Officer of Home Shopping
Network and was Acting President of J. Crew Catalog from 1997 to
of the Company
Governance Guidelines
The Company has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines that are
available at by first clicking Our
Company, then Investor Relations, then
Corporate Governance, and then Corporate
Governance Guidelines. The Corporate Governance
Guidelines are also available in print to any stockholder
who requests it by contacting the Companys Corporate
Secretary, 11215 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida 33966.
These guidelines were adopted by the Board to formalize its
obligation to be independent from management, to adequately
perform its function as the overseer of management, and to align
the interests of the Board and management with the interests of
the stockholders. The Guidelines have been updated from time to
time since their initial adoption. The Guidelines, as adopted by
the Board, meet the updated listing standards of the New York
Stock Exchange. The Company has completed its annual review of
the Guidelines. Any revisions to the Guidelines continue to meet
the applicable listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
and have been posted on the Companys website.
On an annual basis, each director and executive officer is
obligated to complete a Director and Officer Questionnaire
which, among other things, requires disclosure of any
transactions with the Company in which the director or executive
officer, or any member of his or her immediate family, have a
direct or indirect material interest. As of March 31, 2008,
no such transactions have been disclosed.
Board of
The members of the Board of Directors on the date of this proxy
statement, and the committees of the Board on which they
currently serve, are identified below:
and Benefits
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
Scott A. Edmonds
David F. Walker
David F. Dyer
John J. Mahoney
Governance Structure
Corporate governance is typically defined as the system that
allocates duties and authority among a companys
stockholders, board of directors, and management. The
stockholders elect the board and vote on extraordinary matters.
The board is the Companys governing body, responsible for
hiring, overseeing and evaluating executive management,
particularly the Chief Executive Officer, and management runs
the Companys day-to-day operations. Our Board of Directors
currently consists of eight directors. The current Board members
include seven independent directors and one individual who is a
member of the Companys senior management. If all of the
nominees for election are elected, the Board will continue to be
comprised of seven independent directors and one non-independent
Board Responsibilities
The primary responsibilities of the Board of Directors are
oversight, counseling, and direction to the Companys
executive management in the long-term interests of Chicos
and its stockholders. To the extent appropriate under Florida
law, the Board, in carrying out its duties, also may consider
the interests of other constituencies, which include employees,
suppliers, customers and the communities in which it does
business, and the economy of the state of Florida and the United
States. The Boards detailed responsibilities include:
(a) selecting, regularly evaluating the performance of, and
approving the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and
other senior executives; (b) planning for succession with
respect to the position of Chief Executive Officer and
monitoring managements succession planning for other
senior executives; (c) reviewing and, where appropriate,
approving Chicos major financial objectives, strategic and
operating plans and actions; (d) overseeing the conduct of
Chicos business to evaluate whether the business is being
properly managed and whether proper internal controls are in
place and effective; and (e) overseeing the processes for
maintaining Chicos integrity with regard to its financial
statements and other public disclosures and compliance with law
and ethics. The Board of Directors has delegated to the Chief
Executive Officer, working with Chicos other executive
officers, the authority and responsibility for managing the
Companys business in a manner consistent with the
Companys standards and practices, and in accordance with
any specific plans, instructions or directions of the Board. The
Chief Executive Officer and management are responsible for
seeking the advice and, in appropriate situations, the approval
of the Board
and/or its
various committees with respect to significant actions to be
undertaken by Chicos.
The Board and its committees meet throughout the year on a set
schedule, and also hold special meetings and act by written
consent from time to time as appropriate. The Board of Directors
held six meetings during fiscal 2007 and each incumbent director
attended at least 75% of the total number of Board meetings and
meetings of committees on which he or she served. The average
director attendance was approximately 98%.
During fiscal 2007, the non-employee directors of the Board met
without the Chief Executive Officer or other members of
management present during four of the six regularly scheduled
Board meetings.
and Lead Director
In August 2003, the Board originally created the position of
Lead Director, whose primary responsibility was to preside over
periodic executive sessions of the Board in which management
directors and other members of management do not participate.
Verna K. Gibson was serving in the position of Lead Director
when in December 2006, the Board appointed a Chairman who was an
independent member of the Board. The Company decided that
Michael Weiss, the then newly appointed Chairman, should take
over the duties and responsibilities previously held by the Lead
Director. The transition of these responsibilities from
Ms. Gibson to Mr. Weiss was completed at the 2007
Annual Meeting of Stockholders. However, shortly thereafter,
Mr. Weiss accepted an offer to reassume the position of
Chief Executive Officer of Express, and because of a concern
about a perceived conflict, Mr. Weiss offered to resign
from the Companys Board and his position of Chairman. The
Board accepted his resignation with regret and, after
deliberation, decided to appoint Scott Edmonds to replace
Mr. Weiss as the Chairman. Because Mr. Edmonds is not
an independent member of the Board, the Board immediately
reinstituted the position of Lead Director with the same
responsibilities as before. In September 2007, the
non-management members of the Board appointed Ross Roeder to the
position of Lead Director, and Mr. Roeder has been
designated to continue serving in this position until at least
the Companys 2008 Annual Meeting of stockholders.
Determination Regarding Director Independence
Pursuant to the Corporate Governance Guidelines, the Board
undertook a review of director and director nominee independence
in February 2008. During this review, the Board considered
transactions and relationships between each director or nominee
or any member of his or her immediate family and the Company and
its subsidiaries and affiliates. The Board also examined
transactions and relationships between directors, nominees or
their affiliates and members of the Companys senior
management or their affiliates. As provided in the Guidelines,
the purpose of this review was to determine whether any such
relationships or transactions were inconsistent with a
determination that the director is independent. A director is
considered independent only if the Board affirmatively
determines that the director has no material relationship with
the Company, either directly or indirectly. In accordance with
the Guidelines and the NYSE standards, a director is not
independent if:
The director is or has been within the last three years an
employee of Chicos.
An immediate family member of the director is or has been within
the last three years an executive officer of Chicos.
The director has received more than $100,000 in direct
compensation from Chicos during any twelve-month period
within the last three years. This excludes director and
committee fees or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
An immediate family member of the director who is an executive
officer of Chicos has received more than $100,000 in
direct compensation from Chicos during any twelve-month
period within the last three years.
The director or an immediate family member of the director is a
current partner of Chicos internal or external auditor.
The director is a current employee of Chicos internal or
external auditor.
An immediate family member of the director is a current employee
of Chicos internal or external auditor and works in the
auditors audit, assurance, or tax compliance practice.
Within the last three years, the director or immediate family
member of the director was a partner or employee of Chicos
internal or external auditor and personally worked on
Chicos audit.
The director or immediate family member of the director is, or
has been within the last three years, employed as an executive
officer of another company where any of Chicos present
executive officers at the same time serves or served on the
other companys compensation committee.
The director is a current employee, or an immediate family
member of the director is a current executive officer, of a
company that has made payment to, or received payments from,
Chicos for property or services in an amount which, in any
of the last three fiscal years, exceeds the greater of
$1,000,000 or 2% of the other companys consolidated gross
As a result of this review, and based on information furnished
by all members of the Board regarding their relationships with
the Company and research conducted by management with respect to
outside affiliations, the Board affirmatively determined that
seven of the eight current directors, Ms. Gibson,
Mr. Roeder, Mr. Burden, Ms. Atkins,
Mr. Walker, Mr. Dyer and Mr. Mahoney are
independent of the Company and its management under the
independence standards set forth in the Guidelines, under the
NYSE independence standards and under the independence standards
set forth in
Rule 10A-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In particular, the
Board considered the position with the Company held by
Mr. Burdens
as described under the heading Certain Relationships and
Related Party Transactions, and determined that such
relationship did not cause Mr. Burden to fail to meet the
applicable independence standards. As a result of this review
and this process, the Board also affirmatively determined that
the Audit, Compensation and Benefits, and Corporate Governance
and Nominating Committees are all comprised entirely of
independent directors. In addition, members of the Compensation
and Benefits Committee meet the additional standards applicable
to outside directors under Internal Revenue Code
Section 162(m) and qualify as non-employee
directors as defined in
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Mr. Edmonds is
considered an inside director because of his continued
employment as a senior
executive of the Company. The Board also determined that Michael
Weiss, a director whose resignation was accepted in early
September 2007, was independent of the Company and its
management under the independence standards set forth in the
Guidelines, under the NYSE independence standards and under the
independence standards set forth in
Rule 10A-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 while he served on the
Board, but that Charles J. Kleman, a director whose retirement
from the Board was effective in November 2007, was considered an
inside director because of his employment as a senior executive
of the Company.
Code of
The Company has a Code of Ethics, which is applicable to all
employees and directors of the Company, including the principal
executive officer, the principal financial officer and the
principal accounting officer, and to all the directors. The Code
of Ethics is available under the Investor Relations portion of
the Companys website ( by
clicking on Our Company. The Company intends to post amendments
to, or waivers from its Code of Ethics (to the extent applicable
to the Companys chief executive officer, principal
financial officer, principal accounting officer or its
directors) at this location on its website. No waivers have been
granted under the Code of Ethics.
to Non-Management Directors
Stockholders and other parties interested in communicating with
the Lead Director or with the other non-management directors as
a group may do so by writing to: Lead Director, Board of
Directors, Chicos FAS, Inc.,
c/o Corporate
Secretary, 11215 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida 33966.
Letters addressed to the Lead Director or any of the other
non-management directors will be routed to the Secretary who
will review all such correspondence, will keep a file with
copies of such correspondence (including a log thereof), will
regularly forward such correspondence that, in the opinion of
the Secretary, deals with the functions of the Board or
committees thereof or that he otherwise determines requires
their attention and may also provide each of the Board members
with summaries of all such correspondence. Directors may at any
time review the file of such correspondence or the log of such
correspondence and may request copies of any such correspondence.
A separate process has been established for dealing with
concerns relating to accounting, internal controls or auditing
matters. Stockholders, employees, and other parties interested
in communicating about any of these particular matters may
alternatively submit such communications by calling a third
party hotline that has been established by the Board of
Directors (1-888-669-4911, ext. 2273) and such reports will
immediately be brought directly to the attention of the chair of
the Companys Audit Committee and separately to the General
Counsel and to the Vice President Internal Audit. If
instead a communication relating to accounting, internal
controls or auditing matters is received in writing by the
Company, the Secretary will promptly forward such written
correspondence to the chair of the Companys Audit
Committee and separately to the General Counsel and to the Vice
President Internal Audit. These particular reports,
whether received through the hotline or in writing, will be
handled in accordance with procedures established by the
Companys Audit Committee.
Attendance at Annual Meeting
The Company has no policy with regard to Board members
attendance at stockholders annual meetings; however, it
has been the custom for Chicos directors to attend the
annual meeting of stockholders. Eight of the nine directors then
holding office attended the Annual Meeting in June 2007.
Governance Materials Available on the Chicos Web
The Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines are intended
to provide a set of flexible guidelines for the effective
functioning of the Board and are reviewed annually and revised
as necessary or appropriate in response to changing regulatory
requirements and evolving best practices. They are posted on the
Corporate Governance section of the Companys website at
In addition to the Companys Corporate Governance
Guidelines, other information relating to corporate governance
at Chicos is available on the Corporate Governance section
of the Companys website, including:
Audit Committee Charter
Compensation and Benefits Committee Charter
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Charter
Executive Committee Charter
Code of Ethics
Policy on Granting Equity Awards
Stock Ownership Guidelines
Terms of Commitment to Ethical Sourcing
Complaint Procedures for Accounting Matters
of the Board
The Board of Directors has a standing Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee, Audit Committee, Compensation and Benefits
Committee, and Executive Committee. The current charters of each
of these committees as well as Chicos Corporate Governance
Guidelines and Code of Ethics are available under the Investor
Relations portion of the Companys website
( by clicking on Our Company.
Chicos stockholders may obtain printed copies of these
documents by writing to Chicos FAS, Inc. Corporate
Secretary, 11215 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida 33966.
Governance and Nominating Committee
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee held six
meetings during fiscal 2007. This Committee is responsible for
developing and implementing policies and practices relating to
corporate governance, including reviewing and monitoring
implementation of the Companys Corporate Governance
Guidelines. In addition, its principal responsibilities from the
perspective of its role as a nominating committee are to
interview, evaluate, nominate, and recommend individuals for
membership on the Companys Board of Directors and its
committees. This Committee also prepares and supervises the
Boards annual review of director independence and the
Boards performance self-evaluation. This Committees
charter is available under the Investors Relations portion of
the Companys website ( by
clicking on Our Company.
All of the members of this Committee are independent within the
meaning of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
and the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines.
The Audit Committee held seven meetings during fiscal 2007. The
Audit Committees principal responsibilities are to assist
the Board in its general oversight of Chicos financial
reporting, internal controls, ethics compliance, and audit
functions. This Committee is directly responsible for the
appointment, compensation, and oversight of the work of the
Companys independent public accountants, reviews the
annual financial results and the annual audit of the
Companys financial statements and approves the inclusion
of the audited financial statements in the
Form 10-K,
reviews the Companys quarterly financial results and
approves the
Form 10-Q,
and meets with the independent accountants and the Vice
President-Internal Audit from time to time in order to review
the Companys internal controls and financial management
practices. During each fiscal year, at least one (and usually
more) of the meetings between this Committee and the independent
accountants is held separately without management present. This
Committee has established policies and procedures for the
engagement of the independent accountants to provide permissible
non-audit services, which includes pre-approval of all
permissible non-audit services to be provided by the independent
accountants. This Committee has the authority to hire its own
outside legal and other
advisors. This Committees charter is available under the
Investors Relations portion of the Companys website
( by clicking on Our Company.
All members of this Committee are independent within the meaning
of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines. Federal
regulations also require the Board to determine if a member of
its Audit Committee is an Audit Committee Financial
Expert. According to these regulations, an audit committee
member can be designated an Audit Committee Financial Expert
only when the audit committee member satisfies five specified
qualification requirements, including experience in (or
experience actively supervising others engaged in)
preparing, auditing, analyzing, or evaluating financial
statements presenting a level of accounting complexity
comparable to what is encountered in connection with the
Companys financial statements. The regulations further
require such qualifications to have been acquired through
specified means of experience or education. The Board has
determined that Mr. Walker, the chair of this Committee,
and John J. Mahoney are each qualified as an Audit Committee
Financial Expert within the meaning of the SEC regulations, and
that each of them has accounting and related financial
management expertise within the meaning of the listing standards
of the New York Stock Exchange. Although the Board of Directors
has determined that Mr. Walker and Mr. Mahoney each
has the requisite attributes defined under the rules of the SEC,
their respective responsibilities are generally the same as
those of the other Audit Committee members. The Audit Committee
members are not auditors or accountants for the Company, do not
perform field work and are not full-time employees
of any audit firm. The SEC has determined that an audit
committee member who is designated as an Audit Committee
Financial Expert will not be deemed to be an expert
for any purpose as a result of being identified as an Audit
Committee Financial Expert. See the Audit Committee Report on
page 29 for further information.
and Benefits Committee
The Compensation and Benefits Committee held seven meetings
during fiscal 2007 and regularly acts by written consent. The
principal responsibilities of this Committee are to review and
make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the
compensation of all officers of the Company, to provide input
and make recommendations to the Board on individuals elected to
be executive officers of the Company, to review and make
recommendations with respect to the Companys existing and
proposed compensation and bonus plans, and to serve as the
committee responsible for administering the Companys
various equity incentive plans, Deferred Compensation Plan,
401(k) Plan, and the Cash Bonus Incentive Plan. This
Committees charter is available under the Investors
Relations portion of the Companys website
( by clicking on Our
All of the members of this Committee are independent within the
meaning of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
and the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines. See the
Compensation and Benefits Committee Report on page 33 for
further information.
The Executive Committee serves primarily as a means for taking
action requiring Board approval between regularly scheduled
meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee is authorized to
act for the full Board on matters other than those specifically
reserved by Florida law to the Board. In practice, the
Committees actions are generally limited to more routine
matters such as the authorization of ordinary-course corporate
credit facilities and borrowings. The Executive Committee held
one meeting during fiscal 2007 and may, from time to time, act
by written consent. This Committees charter is available
under the Investors Relations portion of the Companys
website ( by clicking on Our
and Procedures Regarding Related Person Transactions
Transactions and relationships that involve directors, executive
officers or other related persons and that constitute a conflict
with the Companys interests require, in advance, a full
disclosure to and review by the Companys Audit Committee
of all facts and circumstances concerning the transaction and
relationships, all in accordance with our Code of Ethics.
and Evaluating Nominees for the Director Positions
for Selection of Director Candidates
The Board is responsible for selecting director candidates. The
Board has delegated the screening process to the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee, with the expectation that
other members of the Board and executives will be asked to take
part in the process as appropriate. Candidates recommended by
the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee are subject to
approval by the Board.
The policy of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
is to consider written recommendations from stockholders for
positions on the Board of Directors. A stockholder who wishes to
recommend a prospective nominee for the Board should notify the
Secretary of the Company or any member of such Committee in
writing with whatever supporting material the stockholder
considers appropriate, including the nominees name and
qualifications for Board membership. In evaluating such
nominations, such Committee seeks to address the criteria set
forth under Director Criteria and Director
Obligations below. Such Committee will also consider
whether to nominate any person nominated by a stockholder
pursuant to the provisions set forth in the Amended and Restated
Articles of Incorporation of the Company relating to stockholder
nominations. See Stockholder Proposals for Presentation at
the 2009 Annual Meeting on page 69 for further
information. The Company received no stockholder nominations in
fiscal 2007.
and Evaluating Nominees
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee utilizes a
variety of methods for identifying and evaluating nominees for
director positions. The Committee regularly assesses the
appropriate size of the Board, and whether any vacancies on the
Board are expected due to retirement or otherwise. In the event
that vacancies are anticipated, or otherwise arise, the
Committee considers various potential candidates for the
director positions. Candidates may come to the attention of the
Committee through current Board members, current management,
professional search firms, stockholders (as described above) or
other persons. Once the Committee has identified a prospective
nominee, it will make an initial determination as to whether to
conduct a full evaluation of the candidate. This initial
determination is based on whatever information is provided to
the Committee with the recommendation of the prospective
candidate, as well as the Committees own knowledge of the
prospective candidate, which may be supplemented by inquiries to
the person making the recommendation or others. The preliminary
determination is based primarily on the need for additional
Board members to fill vacancies or expand the size of the Board
and the likelihood that the prospective nominee can satisfy the
applicable criteria for directors.
If the Committee determines, in consultation with the Chairman
of the Board and other Board members, as appropriate, that
additional consideration is warranted, it may ask Board members
or engage third parties to gather additional information about
the prospective nominees background and experience and to
report the findings to the Committee. The Committee then
evaluates the prospective nominee against the criteria set out
in the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines. The
Committee also considers such other relevant factors as it deems
appropriate, including the backgrounds, qualifications and
skills of existing Board members, the balance of management and
independent directors, the need for Audit Committee expertise,
and the Committees evaluation of other prospective
In connection with this evaluation, the Committee determines
whether to interview the prospective nominee, and if warranted,
the Chair of the Committee, one of the other independent
directors, as well as the Chief Executive Officer, and others as
appropriate, interview prospective nominees in person or by
telephone. After completing these evaluations and interviews,
the Committee deliberates and makes a recommendation to the full
Board as to the persons who should be nominated by the Board,
and the Board determines the nominees after considering the
recommendation and report of the Committee.
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible
for reviewing with the Board the requisite skills and
characteristics of new Board candidates in the context of the
then current composition of the Board. This assessment includes
experience in industry, finance, administration, operations and
marketing, as well as diversity. Director candidates should be
able to provide insights and practical wisdom based on their
experience and expertise. Service on other boards and other
commitments are considered by such Committee when reviewing
Board candidates.
Directors are expected to prepare for, attend and participate in
Board meetings and meetings of the committees of the Board on
which they serve, to ask direct questions and require straight
answers, and to spend the time needed and meet as frequently as
necessary to properly discharge their responsibilities and
duties as directors. Each Board member is expected to ensure
that other existing and planned future commitments do not
materially interfere with the members service as a
of Directors
Certain compensation arrangements have been in effect for the
non-management directors in fiscal 2007. Although these
compensation arrangements remain in effect as of the date of
this proxy statement, the Board recently voted to change the
compensation arrangements for the non-management directors and
such changes will take effect as of the date of the 2008 Annual
In recent years, the Companys compensation consultants
have assisted the Board in its review of director compensation,
including conducting a total outside director compensation
analysis in early 2008 utilizing data for the Companys
peer group companies. The 2008 analysis was used in connection
with making the decision recently to change the compensation
arrangements for the non-management directors, as described
Base Compensation and Benefits. Under the
compensation arrangements for directors in effect in fiscal
2007, each non-management director received an annual retainer
of $40,000, and an additional $1,000 for each board and
committee meeting attended, whether in person or by telephone.
When a non-management director was serving as the Chairman of
the Board, such non-management director received an additional
annual retainer of $40,000. Each non-management director who
serves as a committee chair for the Audit and Compensation and
Benefits Committees receives an additional annual retainer of
$20,000 and all other Committee chairs receive an additional
annual retainer of $10,000. The Lead Director receives an
additional annual retainer of $20,000. All directors are also
entitled to reimbursement of their reasonable out-of-pocket
expenses for attendance at board and committee meetings.
Non-employee directors may also elect to participate in the
Companys health insurance program with coverage provided
for the director and his or her dependents and with the cost
thereof paid by the Company. During the last fiscal year,
Ms. Gibson and Ms. Atkins participated in this program.
Effective as of the Annual Meeting, the revised compensation
plan eliminates all meeting fees, each non-management director
will receive an annual retainer of $60,000 per year, the Lead
Director shall receive an additional annual retainer of $30,000
per year, all additional retainers for Committee chairs will
remain at the current levels, the Company shall propose to the
stockholders an Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Stock and
Incentive Plan that, among other things, eliminates the annual
grant of 10,000 stock options for non-management directors. If
the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan
is adopted by the stockholders, the Board will retain the
discretion to issue equity based compensation to the
non-management directors. At its meeting in February 2008, the
Board approved an award to the non-management directors of
10,000 shares of restricted stock that would fully vest in
one year, to be granted shortly after the adjournment of the
Annual Meeting. All directors will continue to be entitled to
reimbursement of their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for
attendance at Board and committee meetings and non-employee
directors will also continue to be entitled to elect to
participate in the Companys health insurance program with
coverage provided for the director and his or her dependents and
with the cost thereof paid by the Company. In addition, the
Board agreed to maintain the current Stock Ownership Guidelines
for directors at an amount equal to three times the annual
Stock Options and Restricted Stock. Under the
current compensation arrangements for directors which were also
in effect in fiscal 2007, each year following the Annual Meeting
of stockholders, each continuing non-employee director was
entitled to receive an automatic grant of stock options to
purchase 10,000 shares of common stock. In the fiscal year
ended February 2, 2008, Ms. Gibson, Ms. Atkins,
Mr. Burden, Mr. Roeder, Mr. Walker,
Mr. Weiss and Mr. Dyer each received automatic grants
under the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan
for 10,000 shares. Each such option grant, which vests in
1/3 increments annually beginning June 26, 2008, has a
ten-year term, and permits the holder to purchase shares at
their fair market value on the date of grant, which in the case
of these particular stock options was $24.58.
Mr. Weiss grant was forfeited in its entirety on
September 24, 2007, upon his resignation from the Board.
In addition, under the current compensation arrangements for
directors which were also in effect in fiscal 2007, any new
non-employee director would be entitled to receive 10,000
options upon election or appointment. Mr. Mahoney, upon his
appointment to the Board of Directors in August 2007, received a
grant of 10,000 options under the Companys 2002 Omnibus
Stock and Incentive Plan. Mr. Mahoneys stock options,
which vest in
1/3 increments
annually beginning August 22, 2008, have a ten-year term
and permit Mr. Mahoney to purchase shares at the fair
market value on their date of grant, which in the case of
Mr. Mahoneys stock options was $18.23.
Under the current compensation arrangements, the Companys
current non-employee directors, Ms. Gibson,
Ms. Atkins, Mr. Burden, Mr. Roeder,
Mr. Walker, Mr. Dyer and Mr. Mahoney may
occasionally receive additional option grants or restricted
stock awards at the discretion of the Board of Directors under
the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. In
fiscal 2007, on March 9, 2007, each of Ms. Gibson,
Ms. Atkins, Mr. Burden, Mr. Roeder,
Mr. Walker, Mr. Dyer and Mr. Weiss were granted
2,500 shares of restricted stock. For those directors who
remained directors on March 9, 2008, these restricted stock
awards vested 1/3 on March 9, 2008 and are scheduled for
further 1/3 vesting on each of March 9, 2009 and
March 9, 2010. The restricted stock award granted in 2007
to Mr. Weiss never vested either in whole or in part and
was forfeited upon his resignation from the Board.
The Board has adopted the Amended and Restated Chicos FAS,
Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan, which if approved at
the 2008 Annual Meeting by the stockholders, will change the
equity portion of the compensation arrangements for non-employee
directors. See, Proposal to Approve and Ratify Amended and
Restated Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive
Plan. If the amended and restated plan is approved by the
stockholders, the non-employee directors will no longer receive
automatic grants of stock options either for continuing
directors or for newly elected directors. Instead, it is
anticipated that each year following the annual meeting of
stockholders, beginning with the 2008 Annual Meeting, but at the
discretion of the Board, each continuing non-employee director
would be awarded a determined number of shares of restricted
stock. The restricted stock would fully vest one year following
the grant date. If the amended and restated plan is not approved
by the stockholders, the automatic grants of stock options will
continue as long as shares remain available.
Director Compensation Table
The following table provides information on the compensation for
non-employee directors for the fiscal year ended
February 2, 2008.
Change in
Pension Value
Incentive Plan
or Paid in
Cash (3)
Awards (4)
Earnings (7)
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
David F. Walker
Michael A. Weiss(2)
David F. Dyer
John J. Mahoney
(1) |
With respect to compensation disclosures relating to Scott A.
Edmonds and Charles J. Kleman, each of whom are or were also
NEOs of the Company, see the Summary Compensation Table under
Executive Compensation. |
(2) |
Retired from the Board effective on September 24, 2007; no
Board compensation earned or accrued after that date. |
(3) |
The following table shows the breakdown of the Total Fees Earned
or Paid in Cash between the Annual Retainer, the Board and
Committee Meeting Fees and the Committee Chair Fees. |
Total Fees
Earned or
Paid in
Chair Fees
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
David F. Walker
Michael A. Weiss(2)
David F. Dyer
John J. Mahoney
(4) |
The amounts included in the Stock Awards column
represent the compensation cost recognized by the Company in
fiscal 2007 related to restricted stock awards granted to
directors in and prior to fiscal 2007, computed in accordance
with Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 123R
(SFAS 123R). For a discussion of the valuation of
restricted stock, see Note 10 to the Companys
consolidated financial statements included in the Companys
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended February 2, 2008. As of February 2,
2008, the named directors had the following number of unvested
shares of restricted stock outstanding: Verna K. Gibson -
4,167 shares; Ross E. Roeder - 4,167 shares; John
W. Burden, III - 4,167 shares; Betsy S.
Atkins - 4,167 shares; David F. Walker -
4,167 shares; Michael A. Weiss - 0 shares; David
F. Dyer - 2,500 shares; and John J. Mahoney -
0 shares. Certain of these unvested shares have vested
since February 2, 2008. |
(5) |
The amounts included in the Option Awards column
represent the compensation cost recognized by the Company in
fiscal 2007 related to option awards granted to directors in and
prior to fiscal 2007, computed in accordance with
SFAS 123R. For a discussion of valuation assumptions, see
Note 10 to the Companys |
consolidated financial statements included in the Companys
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended February 2, 2008. As of February 2,
2008, the named directors had the following number of options
outstanding, all of which were fully vested except as indicated:
Verna K. Gibson - 257,600 (16,667 unvested); Ross E.
Roeder - 257,600 (16,667 unvested); John W.
Burden, III - 50,000 (16,667 unvested); Betsy S.
Atkins - 20,000 (16,667 unvested); David F. Walker -
30,000 (16,667 unvested); Michael A. Weiss - 13,333
(all vested); David F. Dyer - 20,000 (all unvested); and
John J. Mahoney - 10,000 (all unvested). |
(6) |
The Company does not maintain any non-equity incentive plans for
its non-employee directors. |
(7) |
The Company does not maintain any pension plan or nonqualified
deferred compensation plan for its non-employee directors. |
(8) |
Comprised of Company-paid premiums for health insurance coverage. |
Indemnification. We indemnify our directors
and certain of our officers to the fullest extent permitted by
law so that they will serve free from undue concern that they
will not be indemnified. This is authorized under our By-laws,
and accordingly we have signed agreements with each of those
individuals contractually obligating us to provide this
indemnification to them.
The Board, the Compensation and Benefits Committee and Company
management believe the effective use of stock-based long-term
incentive compensation has been integral to the Companys
success in the past and is vital to its ability to achieve
continued strong performance in the future. In 2002, the Board
and the stockholders adopted the Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan (the 2002 Omnibus
Plan). In June 2006, the 2002 Omnibus Plan was amended to
change the vesting schedule for options automatically granted to
non-employee directors, applicable only to new option awards
taking effect following the date of the amendment.
Subject to the approval of the Companys stockholders, the
Board has adopted an amendment and restatement of the 2002
Omnibus Plan. The proposed Amended and Restated Chicos
FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan (the
Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan) would make
several significant changes to the 2002 Omnibus Plan, as
described below. The Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan was
approved by the Board on April 17, 2008 and will become
effective upon approval by the Companys stockholders at
the Annual Meeting. In the event that the required vote of the
stockholders to approve the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus
Plan is not obtained, the amendments to the 2002 Omnibus Plan
reflected in the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan will not
become effective and the Company will continue to make grants of
awards pursuant to the terms of the 2002 Omnibus Plan as
currently in effect and subject to applicable law.
As required by the 2002 Omnibus Plan and applicable New York
Stock Exchange rules, the Company is submitting the Amended and
Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan for approval by the Companys
stockholders, and has specifically conditioned the effectiveness
of the amendments and restatement on such approval.
of Proposed Changes
At this time, the stockholders are being asked to approve the
Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan. The material changes to
the 2002 Omnibus Plan that would be implemented by the Amended
and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan are as follows:
Authorizing an additional 10,000,000 shares for issuance in
connection with awards made to eligible participants;
Expanding the permissible types of awards to include stock-based
and cash-based Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs) and Performance
Eliminating the automatic grants of stock options for both new
and continuing non-employee directors, but continuing with the
authorization of the Board to grant discretionary equity based
awards to non-employee directors, thus allowing for flexibility
to change the type and amount of grants from year to year;
Eliminating the 1,600,000 share sublimit on the number of
shares covered by the plan that can be issued as restricted
stock or restricted stock units;
Establishing a $5,000,000 limit, with respect to Performance
Awards, as the maximum dollar value payable to any one
individual during any one calendar year;
Eliminating the default provisions relative to the post
termination stock option exercise periods for employee grants
and for non-employee director grants, with the expectation that
the post termination stock option exercise periods will be set
forth solely in the individual grant agreements;
Eliminating the automatic acceleration of vesting of awards upon
a Change in Control and replacing it with an acceleration of
vesting of the awards if, upon a Change in Control, (i) the
successor organization does not assume, convert or replace the
award or (ii) a qualifying termination (such as
without cause by the Company or for good reason by
the award recipient) occurs within 12 months after the
Change in Control;
Eliminating the default provisions relative to pro-rata
acceleration of vesting in the year of termination, with the
expectation that any acceleration of vesting in the year of
termination will be set forth solely in the individual grant
Providing that with respect to Performance Awards the minimum
performance period will be one year and setting forth the list
of potential performance measures.
All other material terms and conditions of the 2002 Omnibus Plan
will remain unchanged.
The Company believes additional shares are required to support
the continuation of the 2002 Omnibus Plan through June 25,
2012, the date after which awards can no longer be made under
the 2002 Omnibus Plan. For information regarding shares
currently available for issuance under the 2002 Omnibus Plan,
please see New Plan Benefits below. For the most
part, the other changes to the 2002 Omnibus Plan being presented
to the stockholders for approval are designed to provide the
Board and the Compensation and Benefits Committee with greater
flexibility and to bring the Companys plan more in line
with plans in effect at other publicly traded companies,
including peer group companies.
The amendments do not affect the nature or amount of awards
previously made under the 2002 Omnibus Plan.
of the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan
The full text of the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan
appears as Appendix A to this proxy statement. The
following is a summary of the principal provisions of the
Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan.
General. An aggregate of 9,710,280 shares
of common stock were initially reserved for issuance under the
2002 Omnibus Plan. This number reflects the automatic
adjustments that were effectuated to take into account the
July 30, 2002 two-for-one stock split and the
February 22, 2005 two-for-one stock split. As of
April 30, 2008, an aggregate of approximately
700,000 shares of common stock remain available for future
grants under the 2002 Omnibus Plan, subject to certain sublimits
for restricted stock and restricted stock unit awards. As
amended and restated, an aggregate of approximately
10,700,000 shares of common stock will be available for
future grants under the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan,
subject to certain sublimits for individual awards in any one
calendar year. The sublimit for aggregate awards of stock
options and stock appreciation rights to any single individual
in any one calendar year is 1,000,000 shares. The sublimit
for performance awards, restricted stock awards and restricted
stock unit awards that are intended to be
performance-based compensation to any single
individual in any one calendar year is 400,000 shares. As
for performance awards that are denominated in cash and that are
intended to be performance-based compensation, the
maximum dollar value payable to any one
individual during any one calendar year is $5,000,000. However,
unlike the prior terms of the 2002 Omnibus Plan, there will be
no aggregate sublimit on the number of shares of common stock
covered by the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan that could
be granted to all recipients in the form of restricted stock
awards or restricted stock units.
The aggregate number of shares covered by the Amended and
Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan, as well as the number of shares
covered by outstanding options (and the per share purchase price
thereof), the number of shares covered by outstanding stock
appreciation rights, the number of shares covered by outstanding
restricted share units (and the per share purchase price
thereof, if any) and the number of shares covered by performance
awards are each subject to further automatic adjustment, without
further action of the Board or the stockholders, in the event of
any subsequent stock dividend, stock split, or certain other
recapitalizations with respect to the common stock.
Plan Administration. Generally, the Amended
and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan provides for administration of
the plan by the Compensation and Benefits Committee; provided,
however, with respect to matters concerning awards to
non-employee directors, the plan provides that the authority for
the administration of the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan
rests with the Board. The committee administering the Amended
and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan (except with respect to matters
concerning awards to non-employee directors) must consist of not
less than two (2) nor more than five (5) persons, each
of whom must be a member of the Board and be a
non-employee director (as such term is defined in
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) and who also
qualify as outside directors within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code and the related regulations and
as independent under the applicable stock exchange
The Compensation and Benefits Committee currently consists of
three directors of the Company who are not employees of the
Company or its subsidiaries (i.e., David F. Dyer, Betsy S.
Atkins and John J. Mahoney) and who each meet the requisite
criteria. The Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan provides
the Committee with broad authority to administer and interpret
the plan, including authority to make awards, determine the size
and terms applicable to awards, establish performance goals,
determine and certify the degree of goal achievement, and amend
the terms of awards consistent with the terms of the Amended and
Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan, except that the Amended and Restated
2002 Omnibus Plan does not permit, without further approval of
the stockholders of the Company, the repricing of previously
granted stock options or the cancellation of a stock option when
the exercise price exceeds the fair market value of the
underlying shares of common stock in exchange for a new stock
option grant.
Amendment and Termination. The Amended and
Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan provides that the Board may amend the
plan (or suspend or discontinue it) at any time, without further
stockholder approval, except with respect to certain major
changes such as increasing the total number of shares of the
common stock available for grants under the Amended and Restated
2002 Omnibus Plan, changing the designation of the class of
employees eligible to receive incentive stock options or
non-qualified stock options, decreasing the minimum option price
set forth in the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan,
extending the period during which an option may be granted or
exercised beyond the maximum period specified in the Amended and
Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan or withdrawing from the Committee the
authority to administer the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus
Plan as to awards made to employees. In addition, it is the
Companys intent that any further amendments to the Amended
and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan will be submitted for stockholder
approval to the extent required by the Code or other applicable
laws, regulations or rules. The Amended and Restated 2002
Omnibus Plan will continue indefinitely until the Board
terminates the plan, but generally no awards may be made under
the plan after June 25, 2012, which is the ten-year
anniversary of the original effective date of the plan.
Types of
The Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan provides for the
grant of incentive stock options, nonqualified stock options,
restricted stock awards, restricted stock units, stock
appreciation rights and other stock-based awards.
Stock Options. Stock options entitle the
participant to purchase up to the number of shares of common
stock specified in the grant at a specified price (the
Exercise Price). The Committee (or the Board, as the
case may
be) may grant incentive stock options or nonqualified stock
options. The Committee (or the Board, as the case may be) will
establish the terms of stock options including the Exercise
Price, vesting, duration, transferability, and exercise
Incentive stock options are intended to comply with
Section 422 of the Code. Incentive stock options may not be
sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or
hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of descent and
distribution. Further, all incentive stock options granted to a
participant under the plan shall be exercisable during his or
her lifetime only by such participant.
The Exercise Price of each incentive stock option may not be
less than the fair market value of the common stock on the date
of grant or, in the case of an employee owning more than 10% of
the outstanding common stock of the Company, not less than 110%
of such fair market value. Also, the aggregate fair market value
of the stock with respect to which options are exercisable for
the first time by an employee in any calendar year may not
exceed $100,000.
The per share Exercise Price of each nonqualified stock option
may not be less than the fair market value of the stock on the
date of grant.
An exception to these Exercise Price requirements is made for
any options the Company grants in substitution for options held
by directors, officers or employees of a company that the
Company acquires. In such a case, the Exercise Price would be
adjusted to preserve the economic value of such holders
option from his or her former employer.
If exercised, an option must be exercised within the exercise
period by payment of the option price in cash, by check, by
delivery of shares already owned by the option holder, by
withholding shares issuable in connection with the exercise of
the option, or by other means prescribed by the Committee (or
the Board, as the case may be).
Options are generally exercisable based on vesting schedules
established by the Committee (or the Board, as the case may be).
If an individuals affiliation with the Company as an
employee is terminated during the term of the option, the end of
the option period will be accelerated. Notwithstanding the
foregoing general rules, the Committee (or the Board, as the
case may be) may issue options for shorter periods of time and
may permit the earlier exercise of outstanding options.
Unless otherwise provided for by the Committee (or the Board, as
the case may be), an individual may not transfer any option
granted under the plan, although, in some circumstances after
the individuals death, the individuals personal
representative may exercise the option.
Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock
Units. Restricted stock grants are shares awarded
subject to the fulfillment of a certain time or price/time goal
or a performance goal or other conditions. The Committee (or the
Board, as the case may be) also can impose other restrictions
and conditions on the restricted stock awards such as payment of
a stipulated purchase price. Generally, when the conditions are
fulfilled, the shares are delivered free and clear of all
restrictions. If such conditions are not satisfied, restricted
stock may be forfeited.
A restricted stock unit entitles the recipient, upon achievement
of a time or price/time goal or a performance goal established
by the Committee (or the Board, as the case may be), to receive
cash and/or
shares of common stock based on the market price of the common
stock at the time of achievement of the applicable goal. If the
goal is not achieved, restricted stock units may be forfeited.
Except for voting and dividend rights, they may have all of the
characteristics of restricted stock, as described above.
The Committee (or the Board, as the case may be) may, at the
time of grant, make a restricted stock or restricted stock unit
award subject to such performance objectives as to qualify it
for deduction under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code. The performance objectives for each restricted stock or
restricted stock unit award intended to so qualify for purposes
of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code will be
based on one or more of the following measures: net sales;
revenue; revenue growth or product revenue growth; operating
income (before or after taxes); pre- or after-tax income (before
or after allocation of corporate overhead and bonus); net
earnings; earnings per share; net income (before or after
taxes); return on equity; total shareholder return; return on
assets or net assets; appreciation in and/or maintenance of
share price; gross profits; earnings (including earnings before
taxes, earnings before interest and taxes or earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization);
economic value-added models or equivalent metrics; comparisons
with various stock market indices; reductions in costs; cash
flow or cash flow per share (before or after dividends); return
on capital (including return on total capital or return on
invested capital); cash flow return on investment; improvement
in or attainment of expense levels or working capital levels;
operating margins, gross margins or cash margin; year-end cash;
debt reductions; shareholder equity; market share; regulatory
achievements; implementation, completion, or attainment of
measurable objectives with respect to research, development,
products or projects and recruiting and maintaining personnel.
The Committee (or the Board, as the case may be) may determine
that special one-time or extraordinary gains
losses should or should not be included in determining whether
such performance objectives have been met.
Other Stock-Based Awards. Under the Amended
and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan, the Committee (or the Board, as
the case may be) has the right to grant other awards of the
Companys common stock or awards otherwise based upon the
Companys common stock or other property, including without
limitation rights to purchase shares of the Companys
common stock and stock appreciation rights, having such terms as
the Committee (or the Board, as the case may be) may determine
consistent with the terms of the plan.
to Receive Awards
The Companys employees, officers and directors have been
eligible to be granted awards under the 2002 Omnibus Plan and
would continue to be eligible to be granted awards under the
Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan.
As of April 30, 2008, approximately 14,600 persons
were eligible to receive awards under the 2002 Omnibus Plan,
including the Companys ten executive officers and seven
non-employee directors.
As of April 30, 2008, the market value of a share of common
stock was $7.07.
New Plan
During fiscal 2007, the following equity awards were made under
the 2002 Omnibus Plan to the following groups:
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
All Named Executive Officers as a group (1)
All Non-Employee Directors as a group (2)
All Employees, excluding Named Executive Officers, as a group
(1) |
For additional information regarding awards made during fiscal
2007 to the NEOs, see Summary Compensation Table and
2007 Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table. |
(2) |
For additional information regarding awards made during fiscal
2007 to Non-employee Directors, see 2007 Director
Summary Compensation Table. |
As of February 2, 2008, the following awards remain
outstanding under the 2002 Omnibus Plan: (i) an aggregate
of 4,925,689 options at a weighted average exercise price of
$21.63 with a weighted average remaining life of 7.18 years
and 504,671 unvested shares of restricted stock. The unvested
restricted shares are already included in the Companys
total number of shares of its Common Stock outstanding. At
issuance, the outstanding options would increase the total
number of shares of the Companys Common Stock outstanding,
which, as of February 2, 2008, was 176,244,677 shares.
Also, as of February 2, 2008, 1,353,502 shares of
Common Stock (subject to adjustment as permitted by the terms of
the Plan) remain available for issuance under the Plan, without
giving effect to the amendment being proposed.
Since the 2002 Omnibus Plan was first adopted and through
February 2, 2008, the Company has granted the following
awards to the individuals and groups:
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Weighted Average
Total Option
Exercise Price
Shares Granted
Total Shares Granted
Named Executive Officers (NEOs)
Scott A. Edmonds
Charles J. Kleman
Kent A. Kleeberger
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
Current Non-Employee Directors
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
David F. Walker
David F. Dyer
John J. Mahoney
All Current Non-Employee Directors, as a group
All Current Executive Officers, as a group
All Current Employees Who Are Not Executive Officers, as a
with the SEC
The Company intends to file a registration statement with the
SEC pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, covering
the additional shares being authorized for issuance under the
Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan.
Income Tax Consequences
The following is a brief and general discussion of the United
States federal income tax consequences to recipients of awards
granted under the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan. This
summary is not comprehensive and is based upon laws and
regulations in effect as of the date of this filing. Such laws
and regulations are subject to change and changes to these laws
and regulations could alter the tax consequences described
below. This summary is intended for the information of
stockholders considering how to vote and not as tax guidance to
participants in the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan.
Participants in the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan
should consult their own tax advisors regarding the tax
consequences of participation. This summary assumes that all
awards granted under the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan
are exempt from, or comply with, the rules under
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code related to
nonqualified deferred compensation.
Incentive Stock Options. The recipient of an
incentive stock option should not recognize any taxable income
or loss for federal income tax purposes at the time the
incentive stock option is granted. Also, except as described
below, a recipient should not recognize income upon exercise of
an incentive stock option if the recipient has been employed by
the Company at all times beginning with the option grant date
and ending three months before the date the recipient exercises
the option. If the recipient has not been so employed during
that time, the recipient will be taxed as described below under
Nonqualified Stock Options.
Upon exercise of an incentive stock option, the difference
between the exercise price and the fair market value of the
shares received may be subject to the alternative minimum tax.
If the common stock purchased upon the exercise of an incentive
stock option is held for at least two years after the granting
of the option and at least one year after exercise, the
recipient should receive a long term capital gain or loss upon
the sale or disposition of the common stock based on the
difference between the fair market value of the common stock on
the date of sale or other disposition and the purchase price of
the common stock under the option. The Company will not be
entitled to any deductions with respect to the granting or
exercise of the incentive stock option in such cases.
If the recipient of an incentive stock option does not hold the
shares for two years after the grant of the option and one year
after exercise, the recipient will generally recognize as
ordinary income in the year of disposition the difference
between (i) the purchase price of common stock covered by
the option and (ii) the lesser of the sales price or the
fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise; and the
Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction for such
amount in that year, subject in certain cases to applicable
limitations for deductibility of executive compensation
exceeding $1,000,000. Any remaining gain would be taxable to the
recipient as capital gain. However, if the sales price is less
than the purchase price under the option, no income will be
recognized; the recipient would generally realize a capital loss
equal to the difference between the purchase price and the
disposition price; and the Company will not receive any
The general rules described in the preceding paragraph apply
only when the sale is made to an unrelated party, such as a sale
on the New York Stock Exchange made through a stockbroker. If
the recipient makes a sale or other disposition to certain
related persons or entities before the end of the applicable
holding periods, then the recipient will be treated as having
received ordinary income (with a corresponding deduction to the
Company) in the year of disposition in an amount equal to the
difference between the sales price and the fair market value of
the shares on the date of exercise (even if the fair market
value of the shares is less on the date of sale or other
Nonqualified Stock Options. Because the
Company does not anticipate that any nonqualified stock option
will have a readily ascertainable fair market value when issued,
the recipient of such an option should not recognize any taxable
income or loss for federal income tax purposes at the time the
option is granted. The exercise of the nonqualified stock
option, however, will result in the immediate recognition of
taxable income by its holder at ordinary income rates based on
the difference between the purchase price for shares covered by
the option and the fair market value of the shares received at
the time of exercise. The Company will receive a corresponding
deduction at the same time, subject in certain cases to
applicable limitations for deductibility of executive
compensation exceeding $1,000,000. Additional gain or loss,
determined under general rules of taxation, may be realized upon
the sale of the shares.
Restricted Stock. A participant receiving
restricted stock generally will recognize ordinary income in the
amount of the fair market value of the restricted stock at the
time the respective shares are no longer subject to forfeiture,
less any consideration paid for the restricted stock. At this
time, the Company is entitled to a deduction in the same amount.
However, a participant who is granted restricted stock may,
within 30 days of receiving the award, choose to have any
applicable risk of forfeiture disregarded for tax purposes by
making an 83(b) election. A participant who makes an
83(b) election will recognize ordinary income equal to the
difference between the value of the shares and the price paid
for the shares, if any, at the time of the transfer of the
restricted stock. The holding period to determine whether the
participant has long-term or short-term capital gain or loss on
the subsequent sale of
such shares generally begins when the restriction period
expires, and the participants tax basis for such shares
will generally equal the fair market value of such shares on
such date.
Restricted Stock Units. A participant who has
received restricted stock units under the Plan will generally
recognize ordinary income upon receipt of any shares of common
stock in satisfaction of the restrictions attached to the award
in an amount equal to the then fair market value of such shares
received, less the purchase price, if any. A participant is not
permitted to make an 83(b) election for a restricted stock unit.
Other Stock-Based Awards. The tax consequences
associated with other stock-based awards granted under the
Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus Plan will vary depending on
the specific terms of such award. Among the relevant factors are
whether or not the award has a readily ascertainable fair market
value, whether or not the award is subject to forfeiture
provisions or restrictions on transfer, the nature of the
property to be received by the participant under the award and
the participants holding period and tax basis for the
award or underlying our common stock.
Withholding Taxes. Because the amount of
ordinary income a participant recognizes with respect to the
receipt or exercise of an award may be treated as compensation
that is subject to applicable withholding of federal, state and
local income taxes and social security taxes, the Company may
require the participant to pay the amount required to be
withheld before delivering to the participant any shares or
other payment to be received under the Amended and Restated 2002
Omnibus Plan. Arrangements for payment may include deducting the
amount of any withholding or other tax due from other
compensation, including salary or bonus, otherwise payable to
the participant.
The specific application and impact of the tax rules will vary
depending on the specific personal situation of individual
Limitations on Deductibility of Compensation
In general, whenever a recipient is required to recognize
ordinary income in connection with an award, the Company will be
entitled to a corresponding tax deduction. However, pursuant to
Section 162(m) of the Code, the deductibility for federal
corporate tax purposes of compensation paid to certain
individual senior executive officers of the Company in excess of
$1,000,000 in any year may be restricted, subject to certain
exceptions. One exception applies to certain
performance-based compensation, provided that this
compensation has been approved by stockholders in a separate
vote and certain other requirements are met, such as equity
awards granted under the Plan. The Amended and Restated 2002
Omnibus Plan is designed to permit the Compensation and Benefits
Committee to grant awards that qualify for purposes of
satisfying the conditions of Section 162(m). The
Compensation and Benefits Committee would exclusively use one or
more of the following performance measures in establishing
performance goals for awards if the award is intended to satisfy
the condition of Section 162(m): net sales; revenue;
revenue growth or product revenue growth; operating income
(before or after taxes); pre- or after-tax income (before or
after allocation of corporate overhead and bonus); net earnings;
earnings per share; net income (before or after taxes); return
on equity; total shareholder return; return on assets or net
assets; appreciation in and/or maintenance of share price; gross
profits; earnings (including earnings before taxes, earnings
before interest and taxes or earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortization); economic value-added models or
equivalent metrics; comparisons with various stock market
indices; reductions in costs; cash flow or cash flow per share
(before or after dividends); return on capital (including return
on total capital or return on invested capital); cash flow
return on investment; improvement in or attainment of expense
levels or working capital levels; operating margins, gross
margins or cash margin; year-end cash; debt reductions;
shareholder equity; market share; regulatory achievements;
implementation, completion, or attainment of measurable
objectives with respect to research, development, products or
projects and recruiting and maintaining personnel. The
performance goals may be expressed in terms of absolute growth,
cumulative growth, percentage growth, a designated absolute
amount, percentage of sales
and/or per
share value. In addition, the performance goals may be measured
solely by reference to the Companys performance or the
performance of a subsidiary, division, business segment or
business unit or based upon performance relative to the
performance of one or more other companies or an index covering
multiple companies. The Company believes that, as a general
rule, it is in the best interests of the Companys
stockholders to meet the requirements for deductibility of
Section 162(m) while still maintaining the goals of the
compensation programs. However, when it has been deemed
necessary and in the best interests of the Company to continue
to attract and retain the best possible executive talent, and to
motivate such executives to achieve the goals inherent in the
Companys business strategy, the Compensation and Benefits
Committee may approve compensation to executive officers which
exceeds the Section 162(m) limits of deductibility.
and Required Vote
The amended and restated plan will be approved and ratified if
the number of votes cast FOR approval and
ratification of the amended and restated plan by holders
entitled to vote exceeds the number of votes cast opposing the
approval and ratification of the amended and restated plan.
Proposed for Ratification
Based on the recommendation of the Companys Audit
Committee, the Company has selected Ernst & Young LLP
(E&Y) as its independent public accountants for
the current fiscal year ending January 31, 2009 (fiscal
2008), subject to ratification of such appointment by the
stockholders. Ratification of the Companys independent
public accountants is not required by the Companys By-Laws
or otherwise, but the Board of Directors has decided to seek
such ratification as a matter of good corporate practice.
E&Y has audited the accounts of the Company since first
being engaged by the Company effective July 1, 2002.
Representatives of E&Y are expected to be present at the
Annual Meeting. They will have the opportunity to make a
statement if they desire to do so and are expected to be
available to respond to appropriate questions by stockholders.
We have been advised by E&Y that neither the firm, nor any
member of the firm, has any financial interest, direct or
indirect, in any capacity in the Company or its subsidiaries.
The persons named in the enclosed form of proxy intend, unless
otherwise directed, to vote such proxy FOR
ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as independent public accountants for the period specified. If
the stockholders do not ratify this appointment, other certified
public accountants will be considered by the directors upon
recommendations of the Audit Committee.
The appointment will be ratified if the number of votes cast
FOR ratification of the appointment by
holders entitled to vote exceeds the number of votes cast
opposing the ratification of the appointment.
Fees to
Independent Accountants
The following table presents fees for professional services
rendered by E&Y for the audit of the Companys annual
financial statements for fiscal 2007 (ended February 2,
2008) and fiscal 2006 (ended February 3,
2007) and fees billed for audit-related services, tax
services and all other services rendered by E&Y for fiscal
2007 and fiscal 2006.
Fiscal 2007
Fiscal 2006
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Fees for audit services include fees associated with the annual
audits, the reviews of the Companys quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q
and other SEC filings and audit consultations and the
Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 attestation.
Fees for audit-related services in fiscal 2007 principally
related to a review of the Companys purchase price
allocation related to the acquisition of its remaining franchise
operations and to the Companys adoption of FIN 48.
For fiscal 2006, such fees principally related to a review of
the Companys adoption of SFAS 123R.
Fees for tax services in fiscal 2007 principally related to
transfer pricing services and the review of the Companys
federal and certain state income tax returns. For fiscal 2006,
such fees principally related to the review of the
Companys federal and certain state income tax returns.
All audit-related services, tax services and other services in
fiscal 2007 were pre-approved by the Audit Committee, which
concluded that the provision of such services by E&Y was
compatible with the maintenance of that firms independence
in the conduct of its auditing functions. The Audit
Committees outside auditor independence policy provides
for pre-approval of audit, audit-related and tax services
specifically described by the Audit Committee on an annual basis
and, in addition, individual engagements anticipated to exceed
pre-established thresholds must be separately approved. The
policy authorizes the Committee to delegate to one or more of
its members pre-approval authority with respect to permitted
The following report of the Audit Committee does not
constitute soliciting material and should not be deemed filed or
incorporated by reference into any other Company filing under
the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, except to the extent the Company specifically incorporates
this report by reference therein.
The Audit Committee consists of four directors and operates
under a written charter adopted by the Board of Directors. This
Committees charter is available under the Investor
Relations portion of the Companys website
( by clicking on Our Company. The
current members of this Committee are David F. Walker (Chair),
Verna K. Gibson, Ross E. Roeder, and John J. Mahoney. Each
member of the Committee is independent, in the judgment of the
Companys Board of Directors, as required by the listing
standards of The New York Stock Exchange and as set forth in the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines. This Committee
is responsible for selecting, engaging and negotiating fee
arrangements with the Companys independent registered
public accountants (the independent accountants) with input from
the Companys Board and management. Management is
responsible for the Companys internal controls and the
financial reporting process. The independent accountants are
responsible for performing an audit of internal control over
financial reporting that is integrated with an audit of the
Companys consolidated financial statements in accordance
with auditing standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board in the United States, and for expressing
opinions thereon. This Committees responsibility is to
monitor and oversee these processes. In this context, this
Committee has met and held discussions with management, the
internal auditors and the independent accountants.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and regulations issued thereunder
added a number of provisions to federal law to strengthen the
authority of, and increase the responsibility of, corporate
audit committees. Related rules concerning audit committee
structure, membership, authority and responsibility have been
promulgated by The New York Stock Exchange.
The members of this Committee are not professional accountants
or auditors, and their functions are not intended to duplicate
or to certify the activities of management or the independent
accountants, nor can this Committee certify that the independent
accountants are independent under applicable rules.
This Committee serves a board-level oversight role, in which it
provides advice, counsel and direction to management, internal
auditors, and the independent accountants on the basis of
several factors, including the information it receives,
discussions with management, internal auditors, and the
independent accountants, and the experience of this
Committees members in business, financial and accounting
As part of its oversight of the Companys financial
statements, this Committee reviews and discusses with both
management and the Companys independent accountants all
annual and quarterly financial statements prior to their
issuance. This Committee reviewed and discussed the audited
consolidated financial statements of the Company as of and for
the year ended February 2, 2008 (fiscal 2007), with
management, the internal auditor and the Companys
independent accountants. With respect to fiscal 2007, management
advised the Audit Committee that each set of the Companys
consolidated financial statements reviewed had been prepared in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States, and reviewed significant accounting and
disclosure issues with this Committee. Discussions regarding the
Companys audited financial statements included the
independent accountants judgments about the quality, not
just the acceptability, of the Companys accounting
principles and underlying estimates used in the Companys
financial statements, as well as other matters, as required by
Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 114 (The Auditors
Communication With Those Charged With Governance) and by the
Audit Committees charter. The Companys independent
accountants also provided to the Committee the written
disclosures and the letter required by Independence Standards
Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees), and the Committee discussed with the independent
accountants that firms independence and satisfied itself
as to that firms independence.
In addition, this Committee reviewed key initiatives and
programs aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the
Companys internal and disclosure control structure. As
part of this process, this Committee continued to monitor the
scope and adequacy of the Companys internal auditing
program, reviewing staffing levels and steps taken to implement
recommended improvements in internal procedures and control.
Based upon the Audit Committees discussion with
management, the internal auditor, and the independent
accountants, this Committees review of the representations
of management, and the report of the independent accountants to
this Committee, and subject to the limitations on the role and
responsibilities of this Committee described above and in the
Committees charter, this Committee recommended that the
Board of Directors approve the inclusion of the Companys
audited consolidated financial statements in the Companys
annual report on
Form 10-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of and for
the fiscal year ended February 2, 2008.
David F. Walker, Chair
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John J. Mahoney
The following table sets forth certain information regarding the
Companys current executive officers.
Years with
Executive Officers
Scott A. Edmonds
President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and Director
Kent A. Kleeberger
Executive Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial
Officer and Treasurer
Michele M. Cloutier
Brand President-Chicos
Donna M. Colaco
Brand President-White House | Black Market
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Executive Vice President-Chief Operating Officer
Manuel O. Jessup
Executive Vice President-Chief Human Resources Officer
Gary A. King
Executive Vice President-Chief Information Officer
Mori C. MacKenzie
Executive Vice President-Chief Stores Officer
Michael J. Kincaid
Senior Vice President-Finance, Chief Accounting
Officer and Assistant Secretary
A. Alexander Rhodes
Senior Vice President-General Counsel and Secretary
Joined the Company in November 2007
Joined the Company in August 2007
Executive Officers
Kent A. Kleeberger is Executive Vice President-Finance, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer, having recently joined the
Company in November 2007. From 2004 through October 2007,
Mr. Kleeberger was the Senior Vice President-Chief
Financial Officer for Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. From 1998 to
2004, he served in numerous capacities for Too Inc., now known
as Tween Brands, Inc., culminating in his appointment as
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief
Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer. Prior to that,
Mr. Kleeberger served in various financial positions with
The Limited, Inc. Mr. Kleeberger also serves on the Board
of Directors of Shoe Carnival, Inc.
Michele M. Cloutier is Brand President-Chicos for the
Company, having just been promoted to that position in October
2007. Ms. Cloutier joined the Company in September 2006 as
Executive Vice President-General Merchandise
Manager-Chicos, after having served in the capacity of an
independent consultant from 2004 to 2006. From 2003 to 2004,
Ms. Cloutier served as Senior Vice President-General
Merchandising Manager at Ann Taylor Stores. From 1993 to 2002,
she held several senior merchandising roles in multiple
divisions at The Gap, Inc. Earlier in her specialty retailing
career, Ms. Cloutier held buying positions at Macys
and Abraham & Strauss.
Donna M. Colaco is Brand President-White House Black Market for
the Company, having joined the Company in August 2007.
Ms. Colaco has over 25 years of experience in
womans specialty apparel. Prior to joining the Company,
Ms. Colaco worked for Ann Taylor Corporation for more than
10 years in numerous capacities including, most recently
serving as President of Ann Taylor LOFT. Prior to Ann Taylor,
Ms. Colaco worked for the Lerner New York Division of
Limited, Inc. and Petrie Stores Corporation.
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. is Executive Vice President-Chief
Operating Officer for the Company. Mr. Nesbit has been with
the Company since August 2004, when he was hired as Senior Vice
President-Strategic Planning and Business Development. He was
promoted to Executive Vice President-Operations in April 2005
and to the additional title of Chief Operating Officer in August
2005. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Nesbit spent twenty
years at the Sara Lee Corporation where he most recently served
as a corporate vice president and Chief Supply Chain Officer for
the corporations U.S. and Canada apparel operations.
He served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Sara Lee
Intimate Apparel, the largest intimate apparel company in the
United States and Canada, from 1999 to 2003, and President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Bali Company from 1996 to 1999.
Manuel O. Jessup is Executive Vice President-Chief Human
Resources Officer of the Company, having been promoted to that
position in December 2007. Mr. Jessup joined the Company in
October 2006 as Senior Vice President of Human Resources.
Mr. Jessup was previously employed by Sara Lee Branded
Apparel where he most recently served as Corporate Vice
President, Human Resources. During his 21 year career at
Sara Lee, he also served as Global Vice President, Human
Resources, Sara Lee Branded Apparel, Latin America and Asia, as
well as Vice President, Human Resources, Sara Lee Hosiery. Prior
to joining Sara Lee, Mr. Jessup held human resources
management positions at Levi Strauss and J.P. Stevens.
Gary A. King is Executive Vice President-Chief Information
Officer for the Company. Mr. King joined the Company in
October 2004 after five years at Barnes & Noble, Inc.,
where he most recently served as Vice President, Chief
Information Officer. From 1988 to 1999, Mr. King held
various positions with Avon Products, Inc. including Vice
President, Global Information Technology. From 1982 to 1987,
Mr. King held various system management positions with
Unisys Corporation and Burroughs Corporation.
Mori C. MacKenzie is Executive Vice President-Chief Stores
Officer for the Company. Ms. MacKenzie has been with the
Company since October 1995, when she was hired as the Director
of Stores. From June 1999 until October 2001, she served as Vice
President-Director of Stores. In October 2001,
Ms. MacKenzie was promoted to Senior Vice President-Stores,
and effective February 2004 she was promoted to the position of
Executive Vice President-Chief Stores Officer. From January 1995
until October 1995, Ms. MacKenzie was the Vice President of
Store Operations for Canadians Corporation. From August 1994
until December 1994, she was the Vice President of Store
Development for Goodys Family Clothing. From April 1992
until August 1994, Ms. MacKenzie was the Vice President of
Stores for United Retail Group (URG) and from August
1991 until April 1992 she was employed by Conston Corporation, a
predecessor of URG. In addition, Ms. MacKenzie was Vice
President-Stores for Park Lane from November 1987 until July
1991, and was Regional Director of Stores for the Limited, Inc.
from June 1976 until October 1987.
Michael J. Kincaid is Senior Vice President-Finance, Chief
Accounting Officer and Assistant Secretary for the Company.
Mr. Kincaid has been with the Company since August 1999
when he was hired as Controller and Director of Finance. In
October 2001, Mr. Kincaid was promoted to Vice
President-Finance, in November 2003, Mr. Kincaid was
promoted to the additional position of Chief Accounting Officer,
in December 2004, Mr. Kincaid was elected to the additional
position of Assistant Secretary, and in March 2005, was promoted
to Senior Vice President-Finance. From 1991 to 1999,
Mr. Kincaid was employed by Tractor Supply Company, most
recently as Vice President-Controller, Treasurer and Secretary.
From 1981 to 1991, he held various management and accounting
positions with Cole National Corporation, Revco D.S., Inc. and
Price Waterhouse.
A. Alexander Rhodes is Senior Vice President-General
Counsel and Secretary for the Company. Mr. Rhodes joined
the Company in January 2003 as its Intellectual Property
Counsel, expanding his oversight of legal matters for the
Company into several other areas until October 2004, when he was
promoted to Vice President-Corporate Counsel and Secretary. In
April 2006, Mr. Rhodes was promoted to Senior Vice
President-General Counsel and Secretary. Mr. Rhodes
graduated from the Stetson University College of Law in 1994.
From 1997 through December 2002, Mr. Rhodes practiced law
with the Annis Mitchell Cockey Edwards & Roehn and
Carlton Fields law firms working primarily in the areas of
commercial litigation and intellectual property.
None of the executive officers or directors who currently serve
or who served in such capacities during fiscal 2007 are related
to one another. There are no arrangements or understandings
pursuant to which any executive officer was elected to office.
Executive officers are elected by and serve at the discretion of
the Board of Directors.
The following report of the Compensation and Benefits
Committee does not constitute soliciting material and should not
be deemed filed or incorporated by reference into any other
Company filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent the
Company specifically incorporates this report by reference
The Compensation and Benefits Committee (the
Committee) evaluates and establishes compensation
for executive officers and oversees the deferred compensation
plan, the Companys management stock plans, and other
management incentive, benefit and perquisite programs.
Management has the primary responsibility for the Companys
financial statements and reporting process, including the
disclosure of executive compensation. With this in mind, the
Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis found on pages
34-44 of
this proxy statement. The Committee is satisfied that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis fairly and completely
represents the philosophy, intent, and actions of the Committee
with regard to executive compensation. We recommended to the
Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
be included in this proxy statement for filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
David F. Dyer, Chair
Betsy S. Atkins
John J. Mahoney
Discussion and Analysis
of Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
In a highly competitive business such as ours, it is essential
that our executive compensation program is designed to help us
attract, motivate, and retain highly skilled executive officers
who are able to drive long term, sustainable, and profitable
growth for our Company. Ultimately, the goal of our executive
compensation program is the same as our goal for the
Company to increase stockholder value over the long
term. To this end, we have implemented a compensation program
designed to reward our executive officers for entrepreneurial
activity that increases stockholder value through sustained
financial performance and outstanding leadership that reflects
our values and unique culture.
The Companys Compensation and Benefits Committee has the
responsibility to review and approve the annual compensation,
compensation procedures and compensation plans and programs for
our officers, including the Named Executive Officers
(NEOs). The Committee is also responsible for
monitoring adherence with our compensation philosophy.
The Company bases its executive compensation programs and
decisions on the same objectives that guide the Company in
establishing all of its compensation programs:
Compensation should be based on the level of job responsibility,
individual performance, and Company performance. Because
associates are more able to affect our overall results as they
progress to higher levels in the organization, an increasing
proportion of their pay must be linked to and dependent on the
Companys performance and stockholder returns.
Compensation should reflect the value of the job in the
marketplace. To attract and retain a highly skilled work force,
the Company must remain competitive with the pay of other
premier employers who compete with the Company for talent.
Compensation should align all associates with our stockholders
by rewarding superior performance that enhances stockholder
value. Our executive compensation programs should deliver
top-tier compensation in situations where there is top-tier
individual and Company performance; likewise, where individual
performance falls short of expectations or Company performance
lags the industry, the programs should deliver lower levels of
compensation. Nevertheless, the objectives of
pay-for-performance and retention of key associates must be
balanced. Even in periods of temporary downturns in our
performance, the programs should continue to ensure that
successful, high-achieving and high potential associates will
remain motivated and committed to the Company.
Compensation should foster the long-term focus required for
success in the specialty retail industry. Although most
management associates receive a mix of both annual and
longer-term incentives, associates at higher levels have an
increasing proportion of their compensation tied to longer-term
performance because they are in a position to have greater
influence on longer-term results.
Performance-based compensation programs should enable associates
to easily understand how their efforts can affect their pay,
both directly through individual performance accomplishments and
indirectly through contributing to the Companys
achievement of its overall strategic, financial, and operational
Although compensation programs and individual pay levels will
always reflect differences in job responsibilities, geographies,
and marketplace considerations, the overall structure of the
compensation and benefit program should be broadly similar
across the organization.
Perquisites for executives should be rare and limited to those
that are important to the executives ability to safely and
effectively carry out his or her responsibilities.
Role of
the Committee and the Executive Officers in Compensation
The Committee, in consultation with its external compensation
consultant, makes all compensation decisions with respect to the
compensation for the CEO including establishing his base salary,
the terms under which his cash incentive bonuses are paid, and
determining the extent to which he receives stock-based
compensation awards. The Chief Human Resources Officer
(CHRO) assists the Committee with gathering relevant
data but does not participate in setting the CEOs
The Committee also determines the amount and terms of the cash
based compensation and stock-based compensation awards for the
other executive and non-executive officers, taking into account
recommendations on individual compensation levels and
performance evaluation input from the CEO and CHRO. The CEO and
CHRO have limited authority to make changes and adjustments to
cash based compensation, with the expectation that any
adjustments would be in keeping with our overall compensation
philosophy. No other NEO assumed an active role in the
evaluation, design, or administration of the 2007 executive
officer compensation program, although in fiscal 2007 our former
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) assisted the CEO and
the Committee in developing recommendations on the bonus
program. In addition, each NEO provided input to the CEO and
CHRO on individual compensation levels for those officers who
directly report to him or her.
Executive Compensation Benchmarking and Use of
Compensation Experts
In 2007, the Committee engaged Frederic W. Cook & Co.,
Inc. (Cook), as its independent compensation
consultant, to provide us with relevant market and benchmarking
data and strategic alternatives to consider when making
compensation decisions and recommendations for our executive
officers for fiscal 2008. This was the first year the Committee
retained Cook to assist us with setting executive compensation.
The Committee chose a new compensation consultant to help secure
a fresh perspective on executive compensation. During this time,
Cook provided only compensation consulting services to the
Committee. Cook does no work for management unless requested by
the Committee Chair, receives no compensation from the Company
other than for its work advising the Committee, and maintains no
other economic relationship with the Company. In addition, our
human resources department includes associates with significant
compensation experience who provide the CHRO and the Committee
with additional support, data, and analysis.
In making compensation decisions, the Committee reviews all
compensation components for the NEOs taking into account a tally
sheet showing overall compensation for each NEO. The Committee
also compares each element of total compensation against a peer
group of publicly-traded specialty retailers (the
Compensation Peer Group). The Compensation Peer
Group, which is periodically reviewed and updated, consists of
U.S. based publicly traded retailers of generally similar size
and scope to us and against which the Company competes for
talent and for stockholder investment. The companies currently
comprising the Compensation Peer Group are:
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
The Dress Barn, Inc.
Limited Brands, Inc.
Aeropostale, Inc.
DSW, Inc.
The Mens Wearhouse, Inc.
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.
Eddie Bauer Holdings, Inc.
New York & Company, Inc.
Ann Taylor Stores Corp.
Finish Line, Inc.
Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc.
Brown Shoe Company, Inc.
The Gap, Inc.
Stage Stores, Inc.
Charming Shoppes, Inc.
Genesco, Inc.
Stein Mart, Inc.
The Childrens Place Retail
Stores, Inc.
Guess, Inc.
The Talbots, Inc.
Coldwater Creek, Inc.
J. Crew Group, Inc.
Urban Outfitters, Inc.
Collective Brands, Inc.
In fiscal 2007, we generally tried to set base salaries between
the 50th and 75th percentiles of the Compensation Peer
Group and to set total compensation, where performance targets
are achieved, at or near the 75th percentile of the
Compensation Peer Group. Variations to this objective may occur
as dictated by the experience level of the individual and by
other market factors. These objectives take into account our
expectations and desires that, over the long term, we will be
able to generate stockholder returns in excess of the average of
our peer group.
Components of Executive Compensation
The principal components of our executive compensation program
Base salary;
Annual cash incentive bonuses (earned and discretionary);
Long term stock-based incentive compensation;
Retirement and health and welfare benefits; and
Certain perquisites and other benefits.
Mix of
Compensation Components
Executive compensation is designed to help emphasize executive
performance measures that correlate closely with the achievement
of our shorter-term performance objectives as well as our
longer-term focus on increasing stockholder value, consistent
with our overriding compensation objectives and philosophy. To
this end, a substantial portion of the annual and long-term
compensation for our NEOs is at-risk. We define at-risk
compensation to include potential bonus payments under our
executive bonus plan and the targeted economic value of equity
There is no pre-established policy or target for the allocation
between either cash and non-cash incentive compensation or
short-term and long-term incentive compensation. Rather, the
Committee reviews information provided by consultants, surveys,
and other information considered relevant that is available to
it to determine the appropriate level and mix of incentive
compensation for each executive officer. However, the portion of
the compensation that is at-risk tends to increase commensurate
with the executives position within the Company. This
approach is designed to provide more upside potential and
downside risk for those with more senior positions because we
believe that the more senior executive officers tend to have
greater influence on our performance as a whole. The following
chart describes the percent of target pay at-risk for our NEOs
in 2007:
% 2007 Pay At Risk
Scott A. Edmonds
Kent A. Kleeberger
Charles J. Kleman
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
of Compensation
We provide our NEOs and other employees with base salaries to
compensate them for services rendered during the fiscal year.
Base salary ranges for our NEOs are determined based on each
executives position, level of responsibility and
accountability, experience and performance, and by using market
data. In fiscal 2007, we targeted base salaries between the
50th and 75th percentiles of the relevant market. We
may set a base salary above the 75th percentile when
necessary to attract or retain key executives.
During its review of base salaries for our executives, the
Committee primarily considers:
market and benchmarking data available to it, including any data
that may have been provided by outside consultants;
internal review of the executives compensation, both
individually and relative to other executive officers;
overall Company-wide performance; and
the individual executives overall performance and
contribution to the Companys performance.
The Committee reviews the base salaries of our NEOs on an annual
basis as well as at the time of any promotion or other material
change in responsibilities.
Because of our weaker financial performance in fiscal 2006, the
CEO, CFO and Chief Operating Officer (COO) as well
as other executive officers did not receive any
performance-based increase in their base salary from fiscal 2006
to fiscal 2007. In fiscal 2007, we decided to eliminate the car
allowance that certain executive officers were receiving and
simply added that amount to the officers base salary. In
recognition of Ms. Cloutiers promotion to Executive
Vice President-Chief Merchandising Officer in March 2007 and
subsequent promotion to Brand President-Chicos in November
2007, Ms. Cloutier received increases to her base salary
for such promotions of 16.2% and 8.5%, respectively. Because of
our continued weaker financial performance in fiscal 2007,
however, no NEO and only one officer at the Executive Vice
President level or above received any increase in his or her
base salary from fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008.
Cash Incentive Bonuses
An important component of an executive officers potential
total cash compensation consists of an incentive bonus, which is
intended to make a significant portion of the executives
compensation dependent on our performance and to provide
executive officers with incentives to achieve our near and
long-term goals, increase stockholder value, and work as a team
in meeting goals and overcoming challenges.
In 2007, bonuses were generally determined pursuant to our Cash
Bonus Incentive Plan. Under this Cash Bonus Incentive Plan, the
bonuses for NEOs were based on one or two performance measures
depending on an executives functional responsibilities.
For 2007, the Committee reviewed and approved the performance
measures for each executive.
For our NEOs the performance levels were principally designed to
stimulate growth in sales and earnings per share to align the
executives bonus compensation with the stockholders
interests. These performance measures, which are set forth in
more detail in the chart below, were chosen to provide
incentives for achieving both near and long-term financial goals.
Under the Cash Bonus Incentive Plan, each executive is to have
an assigned target bonus, expressed as a percentage of his or
her base salary, generally ranging from 20% to 100% of base
salary, depending on the executives position. The actual
bonus awards can range from 0% to 175% of target, depending on
the Companys actual financial performance. The following
chart describes the basics of financial performance needed to
achieve the referenced bonus payouts.
Less than 90% of Plan
90% of Plan
100% of Plan
105% of Plan or Greater
25% of Target
175% of Target
Thus, if the Company failed to achieve any of the minimum
performance measures applicable to a particular executive, then
no performance based bonuses would be awarded to that particular
executive and if the Company achieved certain of the minimum
performance measures applicable to a particular executive but
failed to achieve others, then only a portion of the performance
based bonus would be awarded. On the other hand, if the
Companys performance exceeds all or a portion of the
performance measures, then the NEO may receive more than the
targeted bonus.
Under the Plan, bonuses based on the performance criteria were
awarded twice during the fiscal year, with the midyear bonuses
based on achieving the respective performance measures the first
six months of the fiscal year and with year end bonuses based on
achieving the respective performance measures for the last six
months of the fiscal year.
The bonus measures, target financial performance, target payout,
and actual payouts for fiscal 2007 for each respective NEO are
set forth below.
Bonus Measure
Target Financial Performance
(% Salary)
(% Salary)
Scott A. Edmonds
13% Increase over last year
Kent A. Kleeberger
13% Increase over last year
Charles J. Kleman
13% Increase over last year
Michele M. Cloutier
Chicos Brand Sales
14% Increase over last year
Chicos Brand Gross Margin
10% Increase over last year
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
13% Increase over last year
Soma Brand Sales
78% Increase over last year
Gary A. King
13% Increase over last year
Consolidated Sales
20% Increase over last year
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Chicos Brand Sales
14% Increase over last year
Chicos Brand Gross Margin
10% Increase over last year
Michael J. Leedy
13% Increase over last year
Consolidated Sales
20% Increase over last year
For each of the NEOs, the applicable bonus measures and the
financial targets were tailored to drive growth in earnings per
share, consolidated sales, brand sales and brand gross margin,
as appropriate based upon their respective roles and
responsibilities. Where more than one bonus measure was used,
each measure was weighted equally.
Bonus targets were based on job responsibilities, internal
relativity, and peer group data. The Companys objective
was to set bonus targets such that total annual cash
compensation was within the broad upper middle range of peer
group companies and a substantial portion of that compensation
was linked to Company performance.
The bonuses paid for fiscal 2007 pursuant to the Plan appear in
the Summary Compensation Table under the Non-Equity
Incentive Plan Compensation column. Satisfactory
individual performance is a condition to payment. At the end of
the performance period, the Committee has the option to award a
discretionary bonus to reward individual productivity
improvements even in the face of weaker overall Company
In fiscal 2007, the Company experienced below-target growth in
several key financial categories. Despite the below target
growth, however, the Company was still a profitable enterprise.
At the recommendation of the CEO and in light of a concern over
the ability to retain talent in the face of the significant
impact that the below market performance had on bonus amounts
and the negative impact on our equity based incentives, the
Committee authorized approximately $500,000 in aggregate
discretionary bonuses for certain Company associates at the Vice
President and Director levels. No officer at the Senior Vice
President level and above and none of the NEOs received any
discretionary bonus. The bonuses paid to officers for fiscal
2007 based solely on the performance measures were only
approximately 9% of target and, when coupled with the
discretionary bonuses paid, were only approximately 10% of
target. Overall, our officers were awarded a total of
approximately $1.1 million in incentive bonuses for the
2007 fiscal year.
In February 2008, the Committee approved the bonus measures,
bonus targets, and financial performance levels for the fiscal
2008 annual incentive compensation under the Plan. The
performance measures are primarily designed, to stimulate growth
in sales and brand operating margins, improve return on invested
capital, and grow earnings per share. These performance criteria
and the weighting of a minimum of 3 metrics for each eligible
officer are intended to motivate and reward officers for
continued financial improvement for the Company, consistent with
increasing stockholder value. In addition, achievement of the
fiscal 2008 targets will require an improvement in our operating
results over our fiscal 2007 results, which we believe should
increase stockholder value when met. Moreover, the bonus
measures for the CEO and CFO will be a combination of the
measures noted above and no longer entirely based on growth in
earnings per share.
Sign On
and Guaranteed Bonuses
The Company will, as necessary, pay sign on and first year
guaranteed bonuses in order to attract the management talent
necessary to drive long term and sustainable growth. Executives
we recruit from other companies are often required to give up a
significant amount of compensation, in the form of lost bonus
opportunities or unvested equity. Sign on and first year
guaranteed bonuses are a necessary and effective means of
offsetting the losses an officer will incur when he or she
leaves his or her former employer. In those instances in which
we have provided an officer with a sign on bonus, we generally
require the newly hired officer to pay back a pro rata portion
of the sign on bonus if they voluntarily leave the Company
within a year after joining us. Sign on and guaranteed bonuses
paid to NEOs in fiscal 2007 are listed in the chart on
page 45.
Incentive Stock-Based Compensation
We believe that meaningful equity participation by each
executive officer is one of the primary motivating factors that
will result in significant long term and sustained increases in
value and growth. This belief is reflected in our officer and
director stock ownership guidelines and well as the aggregate
awards of stock options and restricted stock that we have made
to our executive officers. The stock ownership guidelines are
described on page 43 and are available on the
Companys website at
Providing executive officers stock-based compensation is the
most effective way to align their interests with those of our
stockholders. Stock options and restricted stock provide an
incentive, beginning immediately upon grant, to executive
officers to manage the Company from the perspective of an owner
with an equity interest in the business. In addition,
stock-based compensation has been and continues to be a key part
of our program for motivating and rewarding key employees over
the long term. We intend to continue to have stock based
compensation serve as an important part of the compensation
program for key employees.
The Committee, in consultation with its outside compensation
consultant, determines the stock based compensation for the CEO.
The Committee, upon the recommendation by the CEO and the CHRO,
also makes final decisions regarding stock based awards for all
other officers. Such factors as performance and responsibilities
of individual officers and the management team as a whole, as
well as general industry practices, play an integral role in the
determination of the number of stock options, number of shares
of restricted stock
number of restricted stock units awarded to a particular award
recipient. In determining the size of the individual stock based
awards, the Committee also considers the amount of stock based
awards outstanding and previously granted, the amount of stock
based awards remaining available for grant under the 2002
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan, the aggregate amount of
current awards, and the amount of awards believed necessary to
attract and retain qualified management. All stock based awards
vest over time as a means to encourage the recipient to remain
in service with us.
In fiscal 2007, (i) a total of 1,180,875 stock options were
granted to our employees and non-employee directors, including
285,000 stock options that were awarded to executive officers
and 90,000 stock options that were awarded to non-employee
directors and (ii) a total of 396,451 shares of
restricted stock were awarded to our employees and non-employee
directors including 131,668 shares of restricted stock that
were awarded to executive officers and 17,500 shares of
restricted stock that were awarded to non-employee directors.
The restricted stock award to executive officers includes an out
of cycle award of 25,000 shares to the CEO in recognition
of his special efforts in building and strengthening the
executive management team with a group of key senior personnel
considered necessary to drive long term, sustainable, and
profitable growth for our Company.
Substantially all stock options granted to key employees have a
ten-year term and vest in equal amounts over a period of three
years from the date of grant. Stock option award levels are
determined based on market data and vary among participants
based on their positions within the Company. The option exercise
price is the closing price on the date of grant. We grant stock
options as an incentive for our executives to create stockholder
value by encouraging a culture of ownership at the Company. For
an executive to receive value from a stock option, the stock
price at the time of intended exercise must be greater than the
grant price.
In fiscal 2007, we awarded stock options to our NEOs as follows:
Options Granted
Grant Price
Scott A. Edmonds
Kent A. Kleeberger
Charles J. Kleman
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
Currently, stock option awards for non-employee directors are
preset under the terms of the 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive
Plan, with 10,000 options being granted shortly following each
annual meeting of stockholders to each non-employee director
then serving in such capacity and with 10,000 options being
granted to each new non-employee director on the date such
director first joins the board and takes office as a director.
Reelected directors receive the normal annual grants, but do not
become entitled to another new election/appointment grant at the
time of his or her reelection. If the proposed Amended and
Restated 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan is approved by
the stockholders at the 2008 Annual Meeting, the automatic
grants of stock options will be eliminated and equity awards to
non-employee directors will be discretionary. At its February
2008 meeting, however, the Board approved an award to
non-employee directors of 10,000 shares of restricted stock
with a one year vesting period to be granted shortly after the
adjournment of the Annual Meeting. If the Amended and Restated
2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan is not approved by the
stockholders, the automatic grants of stock options will
continue as long as shares remain available.
We have not re-priced or replaced options in response to
declining stock prices.
Stock and Restricted Stock Units
Awards of shares of restricted stock are granted to key
employees based on similar criteria as stock option grants. The
restricted stock that was granted to senior executives as part
of fiscal 2005 compensation vested 100% at the end of three
years from the date of grant and was primarily an associate
retention tool. In 2006, the Company changed the vesting of any
newly issued restricted stock awards to now vest in equal annual
amounts over a three year period from the date of grant. In this
way, restricted stock can serve the dual purposes of associate
retention and driving stockholder value. Thus, the restricted
stock granted to senior executives as part of fiscal 2007
compensation and as part of fiscal 2008 compensation vests in
equal annual amounts over a period of three years from the date
of grant. Restricted stock encourages executives to not only
create stockholder value, but also to preserve value. We believe
restricted stock grants provide a balance with stock options and
further aligns the interests of management and stockholders.
In fiscal 2007, the Committee awarded the following shares of
restricted stock to the NEOs:
Shares Granted
Scott A. Edmonds
Kent A. Kleeberger
Charles J. Kleman
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
Unlike stock options, restricted stock awards for directors are
not preset under the currently effective terms of the 2002
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. However, since fiscal 2005 and
until fiscal 2007, the Board has
awarded 2,500 shares of restricted stock to each
non-employee director on an annual basis around the same time
that awards of restricted stock are made to executive officers.
The restricted stock granted to non-employee directors provides
for vesting in equal amounts over a period of three years from
the date of grant. If the Amended and Restated 2002 Omnibus
Stock and Incentive Plan is not approved by the stockholders,
the Board may act anyway to award restricted stock to the
non-employee directors shortly following the 2008 Annual
Meeting, although comprised of fewer shares because of the
continued automatic grant of stock options.
of Stock Options and Restricted Stock Awards
The Committees procedure for making equity grants (stock
options and restricted stock) is designed to provide some
measure of assurance that grant awards are not being manipulated
to result in a price that is unreasonably favorable to the
recipients of the grants. Beginning in fiscal 2007, the annual
equity grant date for all officers was changed to the date on
which the trading window period first opens following the public
release of year end earnings. This grant date is generally in
late February or early March and is established by us well in
advance. Because the Committee does not generally meet on this
date, the Committee will authorize the grants at its meeting
first preceding the grant date, usually several weeks in
advance, specifying an effective prospective grant date
consistent with this policy. The exercise price for stock
options is generally the closing date price on the specified
prospective grant date, but in no event less than such closing
date price. This grant date is driven by two principal
It coincides with our
performance management cycle for all officers, allowing
supervisors to deliver the equity awards close in time to
performance appraisals, which increases the impact of the awards
by strengthening the link between pay and performance.
It occurs about three days after release of year end earnings,
so that the stock price at that time can reasonably be expected
to fairly represent the markets collective view of our
then-current results and prospects.
Similarly, as was the case in 2007, the annual equity grant date
for all non-officers, which occurs later in the fiscal year, is
designed to coincide with our non-officer performance management
cycle. Again this allows us to deliver the equity awards close
in time to performance appraisals, which increases the impact of
the awards by strengthening the link between pay and
performance. Because the Committee does not generally meet on
this date, the Committee will authorize the grants at its
meeting first preceding the September grant date, usually
several weeks in advance, specifying an effective prospective
grant date consistent with this policy. Again, the exercise
price for stock options is generally the closing date price on
the specified prospective grant date, but in no event less than
such closing date.
and Welfare Benefits
In 1992, the Company adopted a profit sharing plan to provide a
means for all eligible employees at all levels of the Company to
share in our profits and accumulate retirement savings.
Effective January 1, 1999, we incorporated a 401(k) feature
into our profit sharing plan as a further means for all eligible
employees at all levels of the Company to accumulate retirement
savings. Under the 401(k) aspect of the plan, eligible employees
can elect to defer up to 100% of their respective compensation
subject to certain statutory limitations and have it contributed
to the plan. The Company has elected to match employee
contributions at 50% on the first 6% of the employees
contributions and can elect to make additional contributions
over and above the mandatory match, based on the amount it deems
appropriate in light of our operating results for any given
year. During the fiscal year ended February 2, 2008, our
aggregate matching contributions, including both mandatory and
additional matching contributions, were approximately
$2.4 million, of which $57,000 was contributed for the
benefit of our executive officers.
Stock Purchase Plan
In 2002, the Company adopted a new stock purchase plan
(replacing our 1993 employee stock purchase plan) to
continue to provide all eligible employees at all levels an
opportunity to become stockholders of the Company. As an
inducement, eligible employees may purchase shares of stock in
the Company during each exercise period at a 15% discount to the
value of the stock. This plan was amended and restated in 2004
to address certain technical amendments. The executive officers
are eligible to participate in this stock purchase plan.
and Welfare Benefits
Our executive officers also are eligible to participate in the
health and dental coverage, life insurance, paid vacation and
holiday and other programs that are generally available to all
of our employees.
and Other Benefits
We do not provide significant perquisites or personal benefits
to executive officers. We do offer to pay for an annual physical
examination for certain officers, which includes all NEOs. The
cost of the annual physical is immaterial and we believe the
Company benefits from this perquisite because it helps to
mitigate the risk of losing the services of a member of senior
management due to otherwise undetected health issues. We value
perquisites at their incremental cost to us in accordance with
SEC regulations, and the NEOs are allowed to reimburse us for
such perquisites at their incremental cost to us to the extent
that limitations on personal use are exceeded. These amounts are
reflected in the Summary Compensation Table below.
Compensation Plan
The Company has adopted two unfunded, nonqualified plans that
permit executive officers to defer current compensation for
retirement savings, one of which relates to deferrals made
through December 31, 2004 and related earnings and the
other of which relates to deferrals since January 1, 2005
and related earnings. Pursuant to the deferred compensation
plans, participants have been allowed to defer all or a portion
of qualifying remuneration payable by us. Under each plan, a
book account is then maintained for each such executive officer
in which there is an accounting of such deferred compensation
and deemed earnings thereon based upon selection of deemed
investment options by the executive officer. The Company has not
made any matching funds or other contribution to any
participants account. In accordance with the terms of each
of the plans, the deferral must be placed in a rabbi
trust. This trust arrangement offers a degree of assurance for
ultimate payment of benefits without causing constructive
receipt of the deferral or earnings thereon for income tax
purposes. The assets in the trust remain subject to the claims
of our creditors and are not the property of the executive
officer. This provides further incentive to the executive
officer to drive future performance.
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code (the
Code) imposes restrictions on the funding of,
distributions made under, and elections to participate in,
nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements. Although we
believe that we are operating in compliance with the statutory
provisions relating to Section 409A that are currently
effective and although we are in the process of completing
documents to reflect appropriate modifications to the applicable
plan, the statute and its regulations are complex and subject to
further interpretation and uncertainty. Thus, it is possible
that we will have to make additional adjustments to our
nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements to comply with
the applicable rules as further interpretations are issued.
and Change in Control Benefits
The Committee, based on research and experience, has concluded
that we must offer reasonable severance benefits in order to
attract and retain highly skilled officers. These severance
benefits should reflect the fact that our competition offers
comparable benefits and that it may be difficult for such
officers to find comparable employment within a short period of
time following severance.
Certain of the executive officers have employment agreements
that provide for severance benefits which trigger in connection
with certain employment terminations, with separate provisions
that would govern a severance associated with a change in
control. In particular, these contractual severance benefits are
extended to the following
executive officers: Scott A. Edmonds, the Chief Executive
Officer; Patricia Murphy Kerstein, the former Chief
Merchandising Officer; and Charles L. Nesbit, Jr., the
Chief Operating Officer. The principal terms of these employment
agreements and the related severance benefits are described
beginning on page 52 of this proxy statement.
In fiscal 2007, the Company adopted an officer severance plan.
This plan, which applied to all officers (other than those
officers who had a superseding individual agreement), sets forth
the severance benefits for which such officers are eligible upon
the occurrence of certain termination of employment events. The
plan is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as
required, and its material terms are summarized on page 60
of this proxy statement. In fiscal 2007, Michael Leedy was the
only NEO who received any severance as a result of the severance
With respect to fiscal 2007 compensation, the Committee utilized
a tally sheet of all compensation and maximum potential payouts
when approving compensation matters. Through the use of such
tally sheet, the Committee reviewed all components of the
compensation of our CEO, CFO, and other NEOs, including base
salary and annual cash incentive compensation as well as long
term equity based incentive compensation and accumulated
realized and unrealized equity award gains.
Retention Guidelines; Hedging Prohibition
The Company has adopted stock ownership guidelines for all
officers and directors, including the NEOs. Compliance with the
ownership guidelines are reviewed at least annually by the
Committee. The current guidelines include:
(i) CEO ownership equal to three times prior
years salary; (ii) other covered officers
ownership equal to one to two times prior years salary;
and (iii) non-employee directors ownership
equal to three times annual retainer.
Through fiscal 2007, the guidelines provided that covered
officers and directors had a period of three years in which to
satisfy the guidelines, either from the date of adoption of the
policy in October 2005, or the date of such persons
appointment to a qualifying position, whichever is later. Shares
counted toward this requirement will be based on shares owned
outright as well as shares otherwise beneficially owned by such
officer or director (as beneficial ownership is defined by the
SECs rules and regulations) and the value of the gain on
vested but unexercised in-the-money options. Unvested restricted
shares and unvested options awarded under our stock incentive
plan are not counted for these purposes. Officers and directors
are not permitted to hedge their economic exposures to the
Company stock that they own. In fiscal 2008, the guidelines were
amended as more thoroughly described below.
of Executive Compensation
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits
publicly held companies, such as us, from deducting certain
compensation to any one NEO in excess of $1,000,000 during the
tax year. However, Section 162(m) provides that, to the
extent that compensation is based on the attainment of
performance goals set by the Committee pursuant to plans
approved by our stockholders, the cash compensation is not
included for purposes of arriving at the $1,000,000.
The Company may seek to qualify executive compensation as tax
deductible to the extent feasible and where we believe it is in
the best interests of the Company and its stockholders but we
have not adopted a policy that all compensation must be
deductible. In particular, our annual cash incentive
compensation awards currently count against the
Section 162(m) limitation on deductible compensation
because we have not sought to have our cash incentive bonus plan
approved by our stockholders, allowing the Committee to keep
flexibility to use judgment to adjust awards (up or down) based
on evaluations of individual performance and contribution. Thus,
to the extent the cash incentive compensation awards in
combination with salaries and certain other compensation
elements for any NEO exceeds $1,000,000, such compensation will
not be deductible. However, we do not anticipate that any
significant portion of the applicable compensation for the NEO
will exceed the $1,000,000 limit and thus any amount that may
not be deductible should be a relatively small portion of the
cash compensation paid to the NEO.
The Company is permitted to and reserves the right to pay other
amounts that are not tax deductible to meet the design goals of
our executive compensation program. In any event, because of the
uncertainties associated with the application and interpretation
of Section 162(m) and the regulations issued thereunder,
there can be no assurance that compensation intended to satisfy
the requirements for deductibility under Section 162(m)
will in fact be deductible.
Compensation Framework
For 2008, the Company implemented several noteworthy changes in
compensation arrangements for its executive officers.
First, the Committee decided to target base salaries to the
50th percentile of the relevant market. Previously, base
salaries were targeted between the 50th and
75th percentiles. We may deviate from this targeted
positioning as necessary to attract or retain a key executive.
Although no base salaries were reduced as a result of this
change, we expect salaries will approach this target over time.
Second, as discussed more fully on page 38, the Committee
made changes in the performance criteria and weightings under
the Companys cash incentive bonus plan. In evaluating the
effectiveness of our fiscal 2007 bonus program, the Committee
concluded that the performance measures should be changed in
order to better drive associate behaviors necessary to stimulate
growth in sales and brand operating margins, improve return on
invested capital, and grow earnings per share. In addition,
bonus payouts for all officers as well as for all director level
associates in shared services will change from semi-annual to
annual. All other eligible associates will continue to receive
bonus payouts on a semi-annual basis.
Third, the Company entered into Clawback Agreements
with the CEO, CFO, and Chief Accounting Officer. Under these
Agreements, which have been filed with the SEC, each Participant
is required to reimburse the Company for incentive compensation
previously paid to the Participant under any of the
Companys executive bonus programs if within two years from
the date of payment of such incentive compensation, the Company
is required to prepare an accounting restatement due to material
noncompliance of the Company with any then applicable financial
reporting requirement under the securities laws as a result of
misconduct by the Participant
and/or gross
negligence by the Participant in failing to prevent the
misconduct or if the Participant is otherwise subject to
automatic forfeiture under Section 304 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The Committee believes that the
officers who certify the Companys financial reporting
should not be unjustly enriched in the event of a restatement.
Fourth, the Company amended its Stock Ownership Guidelines. The
amendments eliminated the established timeframes to meet the
Guidelines. The amendments also require officers and directors
to hold at least 25% of all shares obtained as a result of a
stock option exercise or the vesting of restricted shares until
such time as the officer or director is in compliance with the
Otherwise, all compensation programs are largely unchanged from
fiscal 2007.
Compensation Table
The following table includes information concerning compensation
for fiscal years 2005, 2006 and 2007 in reference to the NEOs,
which includes the Companys principal executive officer,
the persons who served as the Companys principal financial
officers during fiscal 2007, the three most highly compensated
executive officers of the Company other than the principal
executive officer and the principal financial officers and two
other persons who would have been among the three most highly
compensated executive officers but who were not serving as
executive officers at the end of fiscal 2007. A description of
the material terms of the employment agreements for each of the
NEOs, including a description of potential post employment
payments, appears below under the headings Employment
Agreements and Potential Payments Upon Termination
or Change in Control.
Change in
Pension Value
All Other
Name and Principal
(1) (2)
(3) (5)
(4) (5)
sation (1)(6)
sation (7)
(1) ($)
Total ($)
Scott A. Edmonds
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Kent A. Kleeberger**
Executive Vice President - Finance, Chief Financial Officer
and Treasurer
Charles J. Kleman*
Executive Vice President -
Finance, Chief Financial
Officer and Treasurer
Michele M. Cloutier
Brand President - Chicos
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Executive Vice President -
Chief Operating Officer
Gary A. King
Executive Vice President -
Chief Information Officer
Patricia Murphy Kerstein***
Michael J. Leedy ****
* |
Stepped down from his officer positions effective
November 5, 2007. |
** |
Joined the Company in November 2007. |
*** |
Stepped down from her position as Executive Vice President on
October 3, 2007. |
**** |
Commenced transitioning of duties on November 2, 2007 and
upon completion of such transition terminated employment with
the Company on February 2, 2008. |
(1) |
Each of Mr. Edmonds, Mr. Nesbit and Mr. King
deferred a portion of his earned compensation under the
Companys nonqualified deferred compensation plan, which
deferred amounts are included in the amounts reflected on the
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table on page 51. Each
of the NEOs, with the exception of Michele M. Cloutier and Kent
A. Kleeberger, contributed a portion of his or her compensation
to the Companys 401(k) savings plan. Mr. Kleeberger
was not eligible as a participant of the Companys 401(k)
savings plan in fiscal 2007. |
(2) |
The amounts in this column consist of discretionary bonuses
awarded (including sign-on bonuses in the case of
Mr. Kleeberger in fiscal 2007 and Ms. Cloutier and
Mr. Leedy in fiscal 2006), which were linked to an
assessment of the individual executive officers
performance, responsibilities and expected future contribution.
The manner in which discretionary bonuses are determined and
awarded is discussed in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
under the heading Annual Cash Incentive Bonuses. The |
particular discretionary bonuses were accrued as an expense in
the respective fiscal year, even though such discretionary
bonuses were computed and actually paid following the end of the
respective fiscal year. |
(3) |
The amounts included in the Stock Awards column for
fiscal 2007 and fiscal 2006 represent the compensation cost of
restricted stock awards recognized by the Company for financial
statement reporting purposes (except excluding any estimated
amount for forfeitures related to service-based vesting
conditions) in accordance with SFAS 123R. Because the
Company did not adopt SFAS 123R until January 29,
2006, the amounts shown for fiscal 2005 represent the
compensation cost of restricted stock awards recognized by the
Company for financial statement reporting purposes in accordance
with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25 (APB
25) and are included in the above table for comparability
purposes. For a discussion of the valuation of stock awards, see
Note 10 to the Companys consolidated financial
statements included in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended February 2, 2008 (fiscal 2007). See the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for information on restricted
stock granted in fiscal 2007. The amounts included in the
Stock Awards column for fiscal 2007 reflect the
Companys accounting expense for these awards, and do not
correspond to the actual value that will be recognized by the
NEOs. |
(4) |
The amounts included in the Option Awards column for
fiscal 2007 and fiscal 2006 represent the compensation cost of
stock option awards recognized by the Company for financial
statement reporting purposes (except excluding any estimated
amount for forfeitures related to service-based vesting
conditions) in accordance with SFAS 123R. Because the
Company did not adopt SFAS 123R until January 29,
2006, the amounts shown for fiscal 2005 represent pro forma
amounts computed as if the Company had adopted SFAS 123R on
January 30, 2005 and are included in the above table for
comparability purposes. For a discussion of valuation
assumptions, see Note 10 to the Companys consolidated
financial statements included in the Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended February 2, 2008 (fiscal 2007) with
respect to the amount shown for fiscal 2007 and fiscal 2006, and
see Stock Based Compensation under Note 1 to
the Companys consolidated financial statements for prior
years with respect to the amounts shown for fiscal 2005. See the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for information on options
granted in fiscal 2007. The amounts included in the Option
Awards column for fiscal 2007 reflect the Companys
accounting expense for these awards, and do not correspond to
the actual value that will be recognized by the NEOs. |
(5) |
Because the amounts reported represent compensation costs
computed based on application of required accounting rules, the
amounts do not reflect the current fair value of restricted
stock awards and the actual current intrinsic value of the
option awards or the actual amounts that the NEOs may realize
from these awards. Whether, and to what extent, an NEO is able
to realize the indicated amounts from these equity awards will
depend on a number of factors including the Companys
actual operating performance, stock price fluctuations, the
vesting terms of the award and the NEOs continued
employment. |
(6) |
The amounts in this column consist of annual incentive bonus
payments for each of the NEOs earned based on company
performance in fiscal 2007, fiscal 2006 and fiscal 2005. See
Compensation Discussion and Analysis Annual
Cash Incentive Bonuses. Amounts earned with respect to the
respective fiscal year are accrued as expenses in such fiscal
year, even though a portion of such bonuses were computed and
paid following the end of the respective fiscal year. |
(7) |
The amounts in this column consist of automobile allowances, the
Companys matching contributions to its 401(k) savings plan
on behalf of the NEOs, group term life insurance premiums paid
by the Company on behalf of the NEOs, expenses related to the
Companys executive wellness program, relocation expenses
and post-termination benefits, if applicable. For
Mr. Leedy, the amount shown for fiscal year 2007 also
includes accrued post-termination benefits of $677,000. For
Mr. King, the amount shown for fiscal year 2005 includes
$79,510 in relocation expenses. |
Year Grants of Plan Based Awards
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to the equity and non-equity awards granted during or for the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008 to each of our executive
officers listed in the Summary Compensation Table.
All Other
All Other
Grant Date
Estimated Future Payouts
or Base
Fair Value
Under Non-Equity
Number of
Number of
Price of
of Stock
Incentive Plan Awards (1) (2)
and Option
(3) (#)
(4) (#)
Scott A. Edmonds
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
June 8,
April 11,
Kent A. Kleeberger
December 7,
October 10,
December 7,
October 10,
Charles J..Kleman
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
Michele M. Cloutier
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
Gary A. King
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
Michael J. Leedy
March 9,
February 7,
March 9,
February 7,
(1) |
These columns show the range of aggregate payouts targeted for
fiscal 2007 performance under the Chicos FAS, Inc. Cash
Bonus Incentive Plan as described in the section titled
Annual Cash Incentive Bonuses in the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis. The Threshold amount represents the
aggregate amount that would have been payable to the executive
officer if the Company were to have achieved just the minimum
performance level for each of the performance measures
applicable to the particular executive officer in both halves of
the fiscal year. The Target amount represents the amount that
would have been payable to the executive officer if the Company
were to have achieved the targeted performance level for each of
the performance measures applicable to the particular executive
officer in both halves of the fiscal year. The Maximum amount
represents the amount that would have been payable to the
executive officer if the Company were to have achieved the
maximum performance level for each of the performance measures
applicable to the particular executive officer in both halves of
the fiscal year. The actual cash incentive bonus payments for
fiscal 2007 performance paid pursuant to the Cash Bonus
Incentive Plan |
were computed and paid at mid year and at the end of the year
and were based on the extent to which each NEO achieved the
respective performance measure targets established for that
officer, as more particularly described in the section titled
Annual Cash Incentive Bonuses in the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis. The aggregate of the amounts paid mid
year together with the amounts paid in fiscal 2008 with respect
to the end of fiscal 2007 is shown in the Summary Compensation
Table in the column titled Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Compensation. |
(2) |
Mr. Nesbit was the only named executive officer that earned
a bonus under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan
during fiscal 2007. |
(3) |
Restricted stock granted under the 2002 Omnibus Stock and
Incentive Plan is described in the Outstanding Equity Awards at
Fiscal Year-End Table below. The restricted stock granted to the
NEOs in fiscal 2007 vest annually in equal thirds beginning on
the first anniversary of the date of grant. Restricted stock
awards have no express performance criteria other than continued
employment (with limited exceptions for termination of
employment due to death, disability, retirement, and change in
control). However, restricted stock has an implicit performance
criterion because the higher the Companys stock price, the
greater the value of the restricted stock award. |
(4) |
Stock options granted under the 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive
Plan are described in the Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal
Year-End Table below. The stock options granted to the NEOs in
fiscal 2007 have a
10-year term
and vest annually in equal thirds beginning on the first
anniversary of the date of grant. Stock options have no express
performance criteria other than continued employment (with
limited exceptions for termination of employment due to death,
disability, retirement, and change in control). However, options
have an implicit performance criterion because the options have
no value to the executive unless and until the Companys
stock price exceeds the exercise price. |
(5) |
The amounts in this column represent the full aggregate grant
date fair value of each award, computed in accordance with
SFAS 123R. For a discussion of the valuation of stock
awards and valuation assumptions for option awards, see
Note 10 to the Companys consolidated financial
statements included in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended February 2, 2008 (fiscal 2007). |
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End
The following table outlines outstanding long-term equity-based
incentive compensation awards for the executive officers listed
in the Summary Compensation Table as of February 2, 2008.
Each outstanding award is shown separately. Option Awards are
all non-qualified stock options. Stock awards are all restricted
stock awards. The vesting schedule for each award is described
in the footnotes to this table.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Market or
Value of
Incentive Plan
Number of
Number of
Shares or
Value of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Units of
Shares or
Shares, Units
Units or
Stock That
Units of
or Other
Have Not
Stock That
Rights That
Rights That
Vested (#)
Have Not
Have Not
Have Not
Options (#)
Options (#) (1)
Options (#)
Price ($)
Vested ($)
Vested (#)
Vested ($)
Scott A. Edmonds
Kent A. Kleeberger
Charles J. Kleman
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
(1) |
All options listed above vest at a rate of
per year over the first three years of the ten-year option term,
beginning on the one year anniversary of the date of grant,
except for the option grant to Mr. Edmonds expiring on
December 4, 2013 which also vested equally over three years
but began vesting on September 3, 2004, the one year
anniversary of Mr. Edmonds appointment to the position of
Chief Executive Officer. |
(2) |
All awards represent awards of restricted stock. All restricted
stock awarded on or before January 31, 2005 vests on the
third anniversary of the date of grant. All restricted stock
awarded after January 31, 2005 vests at the rate of
per year beginning on the one year anniversary of the date of
grant. |
Year Options Exercised and Stock Vested
The following table sets forth stock options exercised and
restricted stock vested during the fiscal year ended
February 2, 2008 with respect to the executive officers
listed in the Summary Compensation Table. The dollar figures in
the table below reflect the value on the exercise date for
Option Awards and the vesting date for Stock Awards.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Number of Shares Acquired
Value Realized on
Acquired on Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
on Vesting (#)
Vesting ($)
Scott A. Edmonds (1)
Kent A. Kleeberger
Charles J. Kleman (2)
Michele M. Cloutier (3)
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. (4)
Gary A. King (5)
Patricia Murphy Kerstein (6)
Michael J. Leedy (7)
(1) |
Mr. Edmonds did not exercise any stock options during the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On January 31,
2008, 31,000 of the restricted shares he held vested. The market
price on the date of such vesting was $10.79. In addition, on
such date, Mr. Edmonds effectuated a sale of 8,200 of the
newly vested shares to satisfy tax withholding obligations in
connection with the vesting of the restricted stock. |
(2) |
Mr. Kleman did not exercise any stock options during the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On January 31,
2008, 11,178 of the restricted shares he held vested. The market
price on the date of such vesting was $10.79. In addition, on
such date, Mr. Kleman effectuated a sale of 3,164 of the
newly vested shares to satisfy tax withholding obligations in
connection with the vesting of the restricted stock. |
(3) |
Ms. Cloutier did not exercise any stock options during the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On September 12,
2007, 5,000 of the restricted shares she held vested. The market
price on the date of such vesting was $14.70. In addition, on
such date, Ms. Cloutier effectuated a sale of 1,633 of the
newly vested shares to satisfy tax withholding obligations in
connection with the vesting of the restricted stock. |
(4) |
Mr. Nesbit did not exercise any stock options during the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On January 31,
2008, 10,622 of the restricted shares he held vested. The market
price on the date of such vesting was $10.79. In addition, on
such date, Mr. Nesbit effectuated a sale of 3,035 of the
newly vested shares to satisfy tax withholding obligations in
connection with the vesting of the restricted stock. |
(5) |
Mr. King did not exercise any stock options during the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On January 31,
2008, 10,622 of the restricted shares he held vested. The market
price on the date of such vesting was $10.79. In addition, on
such date, Mr. King effectuated a sale of 3,035 of the
newly vested shares to satisfy tax withholding obligations in
connection with the vesting of the restricted stock. |
(6) |
Ms. Murphy Kerstein did not exercise any stock options
during the fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On
January 31, 2008, 18,333 of the restricted shares she held
vested. The market price on the date of such vesting was $10.79.
In addition, on such date, Ms. Murphy Kerstein effectuated
a sale of 4,890 of the newly vested shares to satisfy tax
withholding obligations in connection with the vesting of the
restricted stock. |
(7) |
Mr. Leedy did not exercise any stock options during the
fiscal year ended February 2, 2008. On April 3, 2007,
2,500 of the restricted shares he held vested. The market price
on the date of such vesting was $25.26. In addition, on such
date, Mr. Leedy effectuated a sale of 817 of the newly
vested shares to satisfy tax withholding obligations in
connection with the vesting of the restricted stock. |
Year Retirement Benefits
The Company does not maintain any pension benefit plan for any
of its employees, including for any of the NEOs. Thus, there are
no accumulated pension benefits for any of its NEOs. The only
funded retirement benefits
that are provided for the Companys NEOs are those accruing
as a result of contributions made under the Companys
401(k)/profit sharing plan.
Year Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
The Company maintains two separate Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Plans, one of which relates to deferrals made
through December 31, 2004 and related earnings and the
other of which relates to deferrals since January 1, 2005
and related earnings. Under the plans, participants have been
allowed to defer up to 80% of their base salary and up to 100%
of their annual cash incentive compensation awards and bonuses.
Under the plans, participant contributions are not matched.
A book account is maintained under each plan with respect to the
amount of such deferrals and the deemed accrued earnings
thereon, but no such deferrals or earnings are funded.
Accordingly, the deferred amounts are subject to forfeiture in
the event of bankruptcy. Under the plan, participants may
diversify their deferred compensation account balances into
various mutual fund investments as well as a money market
account and are permitted to change their designation from among
these investment alternatives at any time and from time to time,
with the change to be effective as of the end of the business
day on which the change is submitted.
Participants may elect in-service or post-employment
distributions. Post-employment distributions may be made in a
lump sum or in equal installments over a period of up to fifteen
years. Subject to the limitations in the plan, the NEOs may
elect when the payments commence, whether to receive the amount
in a lump sum and, if the amount is to be received in
installments, whether the payments will be made quarterly or
annually and whether the payment period will be 2 to
15 years. The earliest distribution date for any officer is
six months after the date of separation. Non-officers may
receive a distribution no earlier than 30 days after the
date of separation. Under the terms of each of the plans, the
NEOs will receive an accelerated distribution of their
respective full account balances upon the occurrence of a change
of control of the Company or upon the individuals death.
The plan relating to deferrals since January 1, 2005 is
intended to comply with the requirements of Section 409A of
the Internal Revenue Code and thus differs from the earlier plan
in several respects, including containing more restrictive
payment modification rules and different definitions of key
employees, change of control, disability and hardship
withdrawals. Also, because each NEO is expected to fall within
the definition of a specified employee under
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, any NEO who has
deferred compensation under the plan relating to deferrals since
January 1, 2005 and has an account balance under such plan
at the time of a termination may not receive lump sum payments
or commence receipt of any installment payments from such plan
for at least six months following a termination of employment.
All deferral elections and associated distribution schedules are
The following table illustrates the nonqualified deferred
compensation benefits under the Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Plans, reported collectively. It includes each
NEOs and the Companys contributions under the two
Chicos FAS, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plans
(collectively, the Deferred Plan), as well as the
earnings under each such plan during fiscal 2007, but does not
reflect any matching 401(k) or discretionary contributions made
under the qualified plan.
Executive Contributions
Balance at Last
in Last Fiscal Year (1)
Contributions in Last
in Last
Fiscal Year-End
Fiscal Year (2) ($)
Fiscal Year ($)
Scott A. Edmonds
Kent A. Kleeberger
Charles J. Kleman
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
(1) |
For Mr. Nesbit and Mr. King, amounts shown in this
column represent the deferral of the portion of the
executives annual salary and cash incentive bonuses for
fiscal 2007. |
(2) |
The Company may make contributions on behalf of its executive
officers to the Deferred Plan. To date, no Company contributions
have been made under the Deferred Plan nor has the Company paid
above market earnings on accounts under the Deferred Plan.
Amounts shown in this column represent the returns attributable
to the executives deemed investments of deferred
compensation amounts. |
The aggregate balances shown above represent amounts that the
NEOs earned but elected to defer, plus earnings (or losses).
Account balances may be invested in phantom investments selected
by the executive from an array of investment options. The array
changes from time to time; as of February 2, 2008,
participants could choose among several different investments,
including domestic and international equity, income, short term
investment, and blended fund investment. The participants are
not being offered and thus can not choose a Company stock fund. |
Scott A. Edmonds. Mr. Edmonds
serves as Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Company pursuant to an employment agreement originally entered
into effective September 3, 2003, as amended on
June 22, 2004, which provides for an annual base salary and
certain other benefits. Pursuant to the employment agreement and
certain further actions of the Board of Directors,
Mr. Edmonds current base salary is $1,094,000 and is
subject to further increases as established from time to time by
the Board of Directors. Mr. Edmonds is also eligible for an
annual cash bonus under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive
Plan and to be considered in the future for additional awards of
stock options or other stock-based compensation of the Company.
For fiscal 2008, Mr. Edmonds aggregate annual cash
bonus, to the extent earned, has a minimum bonus equal to 25% of
his base salary, a target bonus equal to 100% of his base salary
and a maximum bonus equal to 175% of his base salary. Under the
terms of Mr. Edmonds employment agreement, the
Company contracted to employ Mr. Edmonds for a period which
currently extends through March 1, 2009, and which period,
by the terms of the agreement, is automatically extended for
additional one year periods until the employment agreement is
terminated by the Company or by Mr. Edmonds with
appropriate notice. A description of potential post employment
payments payable to Mr. Edmonds appears below under the
heading Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Mr. Edmonds employment agreement also contains
certain non-competition provisions that are limited to specialty
retail in womens apparel and intimates, which continue for
two years following termination of employment.
Kent A.
Kleeberger. Mr. Kleeberger, who
currently serves as Executive Vice President- Finance and Chief
Financial Officer, is subject to an at-will employment offer
letter dated October 7, 2007. The offer letter contemplates
an annual base salary and certain other benefits.
Mr. Kleebergers current base salary is $550,000 and
is subject to further increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors. Mr. Kleeberger is also eligible for an
annual bonus under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan.
In particular, for fiscal 2008, Mr. Kleebergers
aggregate annual cash bonus, to the extent earned, has a minimum
bonus equal to 20% of his base salary, a target bonus equal to
80% of his base salary and a maximum bonus equal to 140% of his
base salary. In 2007, consistent with the terms of the offer
letter, he received a sign-on bonus, certain relocation benefits
and was awarded certain stock options and restricted stock.
Mr. Kleeberger also is eligible to be considered for
additional awards of stock options or other stock-based
compensation of the Company consistent with the equity award
practices applicable to other senior officers.
A description of potential post employment payments payable to
Mr. Kleeberger appears below under the heading
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Charles J. Kleman. As a result of
Mr. Kleman stepping down from his officer positions with
the Company, on November 5, 2007, Mr. Klemans
employment agreement with the Company terminated effective as of
the same date. Prior to that date and throughout fiscal 2007,
Mr. Klemans employment was governed by the terms of
an employment agreement that was entered into between the
Company and Mr. Kleman, effective April 1, 1993 and
which had been amended effective as of August 20, 2000.
Mr. Kleman continues to be employed by the Company with the
title of Director of Investor Relations but he no longer serves
as an officer or member of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Klemans April 1, 1993 employment agreement,
as amended, which was effective until November 5, 2007,
provided for an annual base salary and certain other benefits.
Pursuant to the amended employment agreement and certain further
actions that had been taken by the Board of Directors,
Mr. Klemans base annual salary through most of fiscal
2007 was $574,000.
The amended employment agreement for Mr. Kleman had
provided that the Company was to pay semi annual bonuses to
Mr. Kleman based upon his performance and to be computed in
accordance with the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan. In
particular, for fiscal 2007, Mr. Klemans aggregate
annual cash bonus, to the extent earned, had a minimum bonus
equal to 20% of his base salary, a target bonus equal to 80% of
his base salary and a maximum bonus equal to 140% of his base
salary. Under the terms agreed upon in connection with
Mr. Klemans resignation as Executive Vice
President-Finance and Chief Financial Officer, he continued to
remain eligible for these cash bonuses through the end of fiscal
2007. However, because of the Companys weakened financial
performance, no additional cash bonuses were earned by
Mr. Kleman with respect to the second half of fiscal 2007.
The Company has recently entered into a new employment agreement
with Mr. Kleman that provides for his continued employment
with the Company through August 2, 2010 as a non-officer
performing services in the area of investor relations and
handling such other projects as may reasonably be assigned to
him by the CEO or CFO, with compensation commensurate with these
reduced responsibilities.
A description of the general background and the current status
of post employment payment arrangements applicable to
Mr. Klemans situation appears below under the
subheading General under the heading Potential
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control.
Michele M. Cloutier. Ms. Cloutier,
who currently serves as Brand President
Chicos, is subject to an at-will employment offer letter
dated July 18, 2006. The offer letter contemplates an
annual base salary and certain other benefits.
Ms. Cloutiers current base salary is $725,000 and is
subject to further increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors. Ms. Cloutier is also eligible for an
annual bonus under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan.
In particular, for fiscal 2008, Ms. Cloutiers
aggregate annual cash bonus, to the extent earned, has a minimum
bonus equal to 20% of her base salary, a target bonus equal to
80% of her base salary and a maximum bonus equal to 140% of her
base salary. In 2006, consistent with the terms of the offer
letter, she received certain relocation benefits and was awarded
certain stock options and restricted stock. Ms. Cloutier
has since received additional stock-based compensation awards as
reflected elsewhere in this proxy statement and also is eligible
to be considered for additional awards of stock options or other
stock-based compensation of the Company consistent with the
equity award practices applicable to other senior officers.
The offer letter also set forth an initial outline of her
severance benefits. However, the offer letter clearly indicated
that if the Company were to adopt a severance plan applicable to
all officers, that plan would supersede the severance provisions
in the offer letter. The Company adopted such a severance plan
effective October 1, 2007, which superseded the severance
provisions in Ms. Cloutiers offer letter. The
Companys severance plan applicable to Ms. Cloutier
was further amended in certain respects effective March 1,
2008. The offer letter did not include any specified term of
employment and thus, Ms. Cloutiers employment is
terminable at will by either party at any time, subject only to
the applicable severance provisions in the severance plan. A
description of potential post employment payments payable to
Ms. Cloutier under the applicable severance plan appears
below under the heading Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control.
The offer letter provides for a limited covenant not to compete
which is to continue for one year following any termination of
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. Effective
August 4, 2004, the Company entered into an employment
agreement with Mr. Nesbit which provides for an annual base
salary and certain other benefits. Pursuant to the employment
agreement and certain further actions of the Board of Directors,
Mr. Nesbits current base salary is $549,000 and is
subject to further increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors. Mr. Nesbit is also eligible for an
annual bonus under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan.
In particular, for fiscal 2008, Mr. Nesbits aggregate
annual cash bonus, to the extent earned, has a minimum bonus
equal to 20% of his base salary, a target bonus equal to 80% of
his base salary and a maximum bonus equal to 140% of his base
salary. He also is eligible to be considered for additional
awards of stock options or other stock-based compensation of the
Company consistent with the equity
award practices applicable to other senior officers. Under the
terms of the employment agreement, the Company contracted to
employ Mr. Nesbit for a period which currently extends
through August 3, 2008, and which period, by the terms of
the agreement is automatically extended year by year until the
employment agreement is terminated by way of appropriate advance
notice by the Company or Mr. Nesbit. A description of
potential post employment payments payable to Mr. Nesbit
appears below under the heading Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control.
The employment agreement provides for a limited covenant not to
compete which is to continue for one year following any
termination of employment and a covenant not to solicit
non-clerical employees which is to continue for two years
following any termination of employment.
Gary A. King. Although Mr. King
participates in the executive compensation programs of the
Company (including the executive severance plan), Mr. King
is not a party to any similar type of employment agreement with
the Company. A description of potential post employment payments
payable to Mr. King pursuant to the currently applicable
executive severance plan appears below under the heading
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Patricia Murphy Kerstein. On
April 3, 2006, the Company entered into a new employment
agreement with Ms. Murphy Kerstein. The new employment
agreement supersedes an employment agreement that was effective
August 21, 2000 and that was in effect throughout fiscal
year 2005. Pursuant to the new employment agreement,
Ms. Murphy Kersteins base salary for fiscal 2007 was
to be $824,000, which was scheduled to continue until
March 31, 2008. Under the terms of Ms. Murphy
Kersteins new employment agreement, the Company contracted
to employ Ms. Murphy Kerstein for an initial period (the
Initial Term) which was originally intended to
extend through March 31, 2008, but was subsequently
modified to extend only through October 3, 2007. Since
October 3, 2007, the Company has continued to employ
Ms. Murphy Kerstein in a consulting capacity for a period
ending on March 31, 2011 (the Consulting
Period), at a reducing annual rate of compensation. During
the Consulting Period, Ms. Murphy Kersteins
employment may be terminated at any time by way of appropriate
advance notice by the Company or Ms. Murphy Kerstein.
Under the new employment agreement, Ms. Murphy Kerstein
continued in the position of an Executive Vice President
throughout the Initial Term which continued until
October 3, 2007 as a result of the modification. During the
Consulting Period which commenced October 3, 2007 and is
currently continuing, Ms. Murphy Kerstein is serving as a
non-officer consulting employee handling such responsibilities
as determined by the Chief Executive Officer or the Board.
The new employment agreement for Ms. Murphy Kerstein
provided that, during the Initial Term, the Company was to pay
Ms. Murphy Kerstein semi annual bonuses based upon her
performance and computed in accordance with the Companys
Cash Bonus Incentive Plan adopted each year by the
Companys Board of Directors. In particular, for fiscal
2007, Ms. Murphy Kersteins aggregate annual cash
bonus, to the extent earned, had a minimum bonus equal to 20% of
her base salary, a target bonus equal to 80% of her base salary
and a maximum bonus equal to 140% of her base salary. In
contrast, during the current Consulting Period, she is not
entitled to any further bonuses. A description of potential post
employment payments payable to Ms. Murphy Kerstein appears
below under the heading Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control.
The employment agreement also provides for a covenant not to
compete which is to continue for two years following any
termination of employment.
Michael J. Leedy. At the time
Mr. Leedy commenced employment with the Company in 2006, he
was presented with an offer letter, which he accepted. The offer
letter set forth an outline of the terms of his employment. On
November 2, 2007, the Company announced that Mr. Leedy
would begin transitioning his responsibilities to other
executives in the Company and subsequently terminated his
employment with the Company on February 2, 2008.
The offer letter indicated that his title would be Senior Vice
President and Chief Marketing Officer, and addressed such other
issues as his duties, his initial base salary, the anticipated
parameters of his incentive cash bonus program, the anticipated
initial equity compensation grants, certain other employee
benefits, entitlement to relocation payments and reimbursements
and an initial outline of his severance benefits. However, the
offer letter
clearly indicated that if the Company were to adopt a severance
plan applicable to all officers, that plan would supersede the
severance provisions in the offer letter. The Company adopted
such a severance plan effective October 1, 2007, which
superseded the severance provisions in Mr. Leedys
offer letter. The offer letter did not include any specified
term of employment and was terminable at will by either party at
any time, subject only to the applicable severance provisions. A
description of the post employment payments that were paid to
Mr. Leedy as a result of his departure appears below under
the heading Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change
in Control.
During fiscal 2007, Mr. Leedys annualized base salary
was $637,000 and, consistent with his offer letter, he
participated in the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan
and, similar to other officers of the Company, participated in
certain other benefit programs. The base salary, incentive cash
bonuses, relocation payments, severance benefits and other
compensation received by Mr. Leedy in fiscal 2007 are
reflected in the Summary Compensation Table above.
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
The section below describes the payments that may be made to
NEOs upon termination of their employment, pursuant to
individual agreements or otherwise.
Mr. Edmonds
Under Mr. Edmonds employment agreement, the Company
may be obligated to make severance payments to him in the event
of termination of his employment by the Company without good
cause, termination by him for good reason as
described below, or notice of non-renewal given by the Company
to Mr. Edmonds. Good Cause is defined under
Mr. Edmonds employment agreement as a termination
with the approval of at least two-thirds of our board of
directors under circumstances including the following:
his conviction of a felony or certain violations of securities
his willful and continued failure to use good faith efforts to
follow directions of the Board;
his willful and continued failure to use good faith efforts to
perform his duties; or
drug or alcohol abuse that has an obvious and material adverse
effect on the Companys reputation or his performance of
his duties and responsibilities.
Mr. Edmonds has the right to terminate the agreement for
good reason in the event he is not elected or
retained as a director of the Company or in the event the
Company acts to reduce or diminish his titles, positions, duties
or responsibilities, materially breaches the agreement,
relocates its executive offices by more than 50 miles
following a change in control of the company or a successor to
the Company fails to expressly assume the agreement in writing.
The Company appointed Mr. Edmonds to the Board on
January 23, 2004, consistent with the Companys
obligation set forth under the terms of his employment agreement
and he has continued to serve on the Board since that date.
Upon termination of employment by the Company without good
cause, termination of employment by Mr. Edmonds for
good reason as described above, or notice of
non-renewal given by the Company to Mr. Edmonds,
Mr. Edmonds is entitled to receive the following severance
all then accrued compensation;
a lump sum equal to two times the sum of (i) his then
current base salary and (ii) his then current target bonus;
a pro rata bonus for the year in which such termination occurs;
continued health benefits for two years;
accelerated vesting of all of his outstanding stock options and
restricted stock; and
outplacement assistance.
If Mr. Edmonds employment is terminated as a result
of death or permanent disability, Mr. Edmonds or his estate
will be entitled to receive a continued payment of his salary
for an additional twelve months, an additional monthly amount
equal to the greater of the target bonus or the highest annual
bonus during the three preceding years divided by twelve,
payable for twelve months, and accelerated vesting of all of his
outstanding stock options and restricted stock.
If a change in control occurs and within 18 months
thereafter Mr. Edmonds employment is terminated by
the Company for other than good cause or by Mr. Edmonds for
good reason or such termination occurred in
contemplation of the change in control, then Mr. Edmonds
would be entitled to receive:
all then accrued compensation;
a lump sum equal to three times the sum of (i) his then
current base salary and (ii) his then current target bonus;
a pro rata bonus for the year in which such termination occurs;
continued health benefits for three years;
accelerated vesting of all of his outstanding stock options and
restricted stock; and
outplacement assistance.
A change in control is considered to have occurred if
(i) any person (other than the Company, any trustee or
other fiduciary holding securities under any employee benefit
plan of the Company, or any company owned, directly or
indirectly, by the shareholders of the Company in substantially
the same proportions as their ownership of common stock of the
Company), is or becomes the beneficial owner, directly or
indirectly, of securities of the Company representing fifty
percent or more of the combined voting power of the
Companys then outstanding securities; (ii) during any
period of two consecutive years, individuals who at the
beginning of such period constitute the Board of Directors, and
any new director (other than a director designated by a person
who has entered into an agreement with the Company to effect a
transaction that would otherwise be a change in control
transaction) whose election by the Board or nomination for
election by the Companys stockholders was approved by a
vote of at least two-thirds of the directors then still in
office who either were directors at the beginning of the
two-year period or whose election or nomination for election was
previously so approved, cease for any reason to constitute at
least a majority of the Board; (iii) a merger or
consolidation of the Company with any other corporation, other
than a merger or consolidation which would result in the voting
securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior thereto
continuing to represent more than fifty percent of the combined
voting power of the voting securities of the Company or such
surviving entity outstanding immediately after such merger or
consolidation; or (iv) the shareholders of the Company
approve a plan of complete liquidation of the Company or the
consummation of the sale or disposition by the Company of all or
substantially all of its assets other than the sale or
disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company to a person or persons who beneficially own, directly or
indirectly, at least fifty percent or more of the combined
voting power of the outstanding voting securities of the Company
at the time of the sale.
If Mr. Edmonds exercises his right to terminate his
employment agreement other than for good reason or
if the Company terminates his employment for good cause, as
defined in the agreement, the Companys only obligation is
to pay any earned but unpaid salary and accrued benefits.
If any payments to or benefits under Mr. Edmonds
employment agreement would be subject to excise tax as
excess parachute payments under federal income tax
rules, he will receive a gross up payment to adjust
for the incremental tax costs to Mr. Edmonds of such
Because Mr. Edmonds falls within the definition of a
specified employee (as defined in Section 409A
of the Internal Revenue Code), no severance payment shall be
made to him before the date which is six months after the date
of termination of his employment.
The following table shows the potential payments upon
termination or a change in control of the Company for
Mr. Edmonds determined as if the respective termination
events had occurred on February 2, 2008.
w/o Good
w/ Good
For Good
Death or
w/o Good
Change in
Type of Compensation
Reason (1)
Cause (1)
Control (2)
Scott A. Edmonds
Cash Severance (3)
Cash Severance CiC
Addition (3)(4)
Equity (5)(6)
Deferred Compensation (7)
Health Benefits (8)
Other Benefits (9)
Excise Tax Gross Up (10)
(1) |
Termination for good reason by Mr. Edmonds and
termination upon notice of non-renewal are treated the same as a
termination by the Company without good cause. |
(2) |
Double trigger Change in Control. |
(3) |
Includes multiple of salary and bonus plus pro rata bonus for
year of termination. The cash severance associated with death or
disability is to be paid as income continuation, but is shown in
the aggregate and not as a discounted present value; all other
cash severance amounts for Mr. Edmonds are lump sum
payments. |
(4) |
Includes additional multiple of salary and bonus. |
(5) |
Stock option value assumes immediate exercise at $10.66/share at
termination. |
(6) |
Equity value for vesting of restricted stock assumes
$10.66/share. |
(7) |
No amounts are shown here because all amounts in
Mr. Edmonds account under the Companys
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan as of February 2,
2008 represent only elective deferrals of compensation
previously earned by Mr. Edmonds, together with the deemed
earnings on such deferrals, and thus such amounts are already
fully vested. The Company has not elected to make any Company
provided contributions to the plan which might otherwise be
subject to vesting over time. The balance in
Mr. Edmonds account on February 2, 2008 was
$1,792,740. See the discussion under Fiscal Year
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation for information about
certain accelerations of payout of such account balances upon
Mr. Edmonds death or following a change in control of
the Company. |
(8) |
Represents estimate using monthly COBRA cost times the months in
the period of income continuation, but is shown in the aggregate
and not as a discounted present value. |
(9) |
Constitutes an estimate of maximum outplacement assistance. |
(10) |
Includes Excise Tax
calculation as of February 2, 2008. |
L. Nesbit, Jr.
The employment agreement for Mr. Nesbit provides for
certain severance benefits in the event that his employment is
terminated by the Company without good cause or by
Mr. Nesbit within a specified period following a
change of control (both as defined in the employment
agreement). If Mr. Nesbit is terminated without good
cause, he would be entitled to continue to receive his
salary and other compensation (including bonuses that would
otherwise have been paid) for the remainder of the then
effective employment term (or, if longer, for 12 months),
accelerated vesting of all of his outstanding stock options, and
outplacement assistance. If his
employment is terminated within the specified period following a
change of control, Mr. Nesbit would be entitled
to receive an amount equal to 24 months of his then
applicable base salary plus two times the bonus he had received
over the preceding 12 month period (measured from the then
most recently ended fiscal quarter) and accelerated vesting of
all of his outstanding stock options. In the event of
termination as a result of death during the initial term,
Mr. Nesbits estate would be entitled to receive an
amount equal to twelve months of his then current salary. No
termination payments or benefits are payable if his employment
is terminated as a result of his permanent disability (except
for acceleration of certain equity awards), a termination by the
Company with cause or a voluntary termination or retirement by
Mr. Nesbit.
Because Mr. Nesbit falls within the definition of a
specified employee (as defined in Section 409A
of the Internal Revenue Code), no severance payment shall be
made to him before the date which is six months after the date
of termination of his employment.
The following table shows the potential payments upon
termination or a change in control of the Company for
Mr. Nesbit determined as if the respective termination
events had occurred on February 2, 2008.
w/o Good
w/ Good
For Good
Death or
w/o Good
Change in
Type of Compensation
Reason (1)
Control (2)
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Cash Severance (3)
Cash Severance CiC
Addition (5)
Equity (6)(7)
Deferred Compensation (8)
Health Benefits (9)
Other Benefits (10)
Excise Tax Gross Up
(1) |
Employment agreement contains no special rights to terminate for
good reason prior to a Change in Control. |
(2) |
Double trigger Change in Control. |
(3) |
Includes multiple of salary and bonus plus pro rata bonus for
year of termination. The cash severance associated with any
termination other than Change in Control is to be paid as income
continuation, but is shown in the aggregate and not as a
discounted present value; the cash severance associated with a
specified termination following a Change in Control is to be
paid in a lump sum payment. For these purposes, the cash bonus
is assumed at the target bonus for each applicable year, even
though the actual cash bonus paid would be based on the extent
to which performance measures are achieved by the Company. |
(4) |
Payable only in the event of death; no cash severance is payable
in the event of a disability termination. |
(5) |
Includes additional multiple of salary and bonus. |
(6) |
Stock option value assumes immediate exercise at $10.66/share at
termination. |
(7) |
Equity value for vesting of restricted stock assumes
$10.66/share. |
(8) |
No amounts are shown here because all amounts in
Mr. Nesbits account under the Companys
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan as of February 2,
2008 represent only elective deferrals of compensation
previously earned by Mr. Nesbit, together with the deemed
earnings on such deferrals, and thus such amounts are already
fully vested. The Company has not elected to make any Company
provided contributions to the plan which might otherwise be
subject to vesting over time. The balance in
Mr. Nesbits account on February 2, 2008 was
$680,771. See the discussion under Fiscal Year
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation for |
information about certain accelerations of payout of such
account balances upon Mr. Nesbits death or following
a change in control of the Company. |
(9) |
Represents estimate using monthly COBRA cost times the months in
the period of income continuation, but is shown in the aggregate
and not as a discounted present value. |
(10) |
Constitutes an estimate of maximum outplacement assistance. |
Murphy Kerstein
Ms. Murphy Kersteins employment agreement provides
that if she is terminated without good cause during
the Consulting Period (as defined above), she would be entitled
to certain lump sum payments. No termination payments or
benefits are payable if her employment is terminated as a result
of her disability (except for acceleration of certain equity
awards), a termination by the Company with cause or a voluntary
termination or retirement by Ms. Murphy Kerstein. Under her
employment agreement, a triggering change in control is
considered to have occurred if, within any 12 month period,
there is a greater than 50% change in the Companys
ownership or there is a greater than 50% turnover in the
Companys Board of Directors.
The following table shows the potential payments upon
termination or a triggering change in control of the Company for
Ms. Murphy Kerstein determined as if the respective
termination events had occurred on February 2, 2008.
w/o Good
w/ Good
For Good
Death or
w/o Good
Change in
Type of Compensation
Reason (1)
Control (2)
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Cash Severance (3)
Cash Severance CiC
Equity (4)(5)
Deferred Compensation (6)
Health Benefits (7)
Other Benefits
Excise Tax Gross Up
(1) |
Employment agreement contains no special rights to terminate for
good reason prior to Change in Control. |
(2) |
Double trigger Change in Control. |
(3) |
Includes multiple of salary. The cash severance is to be paid as
a lump sum. |
(4) |
Stock option value assumes immediate exercise at $10.66/share at
termination. |
(5) |
Equity value for vesting of restricted stock assumes
$10.66/share. |
(6) |
Ms. Murphy Kerstein has not deferred any of her
compensation under the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan
and thus did not have any deferred compensation account balance
on February 2, 2008. |
(7) |
Represents estimate using monthly COBRA cost times the months in
the period of income continuation, but is shown in the aggregate
and not as a discounted present value. |
Because Ms. Murphy Kerstein falls within the definition of
a specified employee (as defined in
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code), no severance
payment shall be made to her before the date which is six months
after the date of termination of her employment.
Named Executive Officers
Effective October 1, 2007, the Company put into effect a
formal executive severance plan for certain eligible officer
employees, including the Companys NEOs who are not covered
by superseding provisions in their respective employment
agreement. On March 1, 2008, the Companys executive
severance plan was amended to cover only executive vice
presidents and senior vice presidents and, at the same time a
separate vice president severance plan was adopted to cover vice
presidents not covered by the executive severance plan. The
division of the severance plan into two separate plans was
largely to limit a good reason termination trigger
to executive vice presidents and senior vice presidents and to
exempt the officers covered by the vice president severance plan
from any six month waiting period for the payment of severance
benefits. Because the NEOs (other than Michael Leedy) are
currently covered by the version of the executive severance plan
that was effective as of March 1, 2008, the following
description of the executive severance plan is based on the plan
as revised, effective March 1, 2008.
Of the NEOs, Mr. Kleeberger, Ms. Cloutier, and
Mr. King are covered by the executive severance plan. As
described above, severance arrangements for Mr. Edmonds,
Mr. Nesbit and Ms. Murphy Kerstein are based on the
terms contained in their respective employment agreements.
As for Mr. Kleman, because his status as an officer of the
Company ended prior to the end of fiscal 2007 and because he and
the Company mutually terminated his employment agreement at that
time, Mr. Kleman was not covered by any agreement or plan
relating to severance as of the end of fiscal 2007. However, as
disclosed under the heading Employment Agreements,
the Company recently entered into a new employment agreement
with Mr. Kleman which provides for (i) six months
severance benefits for Mr. Kleman if his employment
terminates as a result of his death and (ii) continuation
of compensation through the end of the term of the new
employment agreement in August 2010 if his employment is
terminated by the Company without good cause.
The executive severance plan provides for the payment of certain
benefits to certain of the Companys senior executives,
including Mr. Kleeberger, Ms. Cloutier, and
Mr. King, upon terminations of employment from the Company.
The purpose of the executive severance plan is to promote
uniform treatment of senior executives who are involuntarily
terminated other than for cause or who terminate for
good reason.
The executive severance plan provides for the following
severance benefits:
A cash payment equal to 12 months of the senior
executives annual base salary.
A cash payment equal to the senior executives prorated
bonus for the year in which the termination occurs.
Provided that the senior executive properly elects continued
health care coverage under applicable law, the Company will
fully subsidize the COBRA premium cost for a period of up to
12 months.
Reimbursement for documented outplacement assistance expenses
incurred during the 12 months following the qualifying
termination of employment.
Release from any obligation to otherwise repay any sign-on bonus
or relocation benefit.
The provision of severance benefits under the executive
severance plan is conditioned upon the executive executing an
agreement and release which includes, among other things,
one-year non-competition and non-solicitation restrictive
covenants, a non-disclosure covenant, a non-disparagement
covenant as well as a release of claims against the Company. For
a terminated executive who falls within the definition of a
specified employee (as defined in Section 409A
of the Internal Revenue Code), no severance payment shall be
made before the date which is six months after the date of
termination of employment.
Kent A.
Mr. Kleeberger is party to an employment letter agreement
which agreement provides for continued payment of base salary
for twelve months following a termination of
Mr. Kleebergers employment without cause by the
Company. For purposes of this letter agreement,
cause means any action or inaction by
Mr. Kleeberger that
causes the Company substantial harm. However,
Mr. Kleeberger is also eligible to receive certain
post-employment payments as indicated below in accordance with
the Companys above-described executive severance plan
(payment of which is conditioned upon entry into the above
described letter agreement and release under the executive
severance plan) and, in certain cases, under the Companys
2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. In the event that
Mr. Kleeberger receives post employment payments pursuant
to the executive severance plan, he will not be entitled to
receive severance benefits pursuant to his employment letter
The following table shows the potential payments upon
termination of Mr. Kleebergers employment or a change
in control of the Company for Mr. Kleeberger determined as
if the respective termination events had occurred on
February 2, 2008 pursuant to the above-described executive
severance plan and the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and
Incentive Plan. The presentation is based on the executive
severance plan because the payments under such plan would exceed
the severance benefit payable under Mr. Kleebergers
employment letter agreement.
w/o Good
w/ Good
For Good
Death or
w/o Good
Change in
Type of Compensation
Control (2)
Kent A. Kleeberger
Cash Severance(3)
Cash Severance CiC
Equity (4)(5)
Deferred Compensation (6)
Health Benefits (7)
Other Benefits
Excise Tax Gross Up
(1) |
Good reason is limited to the definition of same
contained in the executive severance plan. |
(2) |
No special Change in Control provisions under the executive
severance plan; based on double trigger Change in Control under
the 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. |
(3) |
Includes 12 months of salary but includes no bonus
component because no bonus was payable for fiscal 2007. The cash
severance is to be paid as income continuation, but is shown in
the aggregate and not as a discounted present value. |
(4) |
Stock option value assumes immediate exercise at $10.66/share at
termination. |
(5) |
Equity value for vesting of restricted stock assumes
$10.66/share. |
(6) |
Mr. Kleeberger has not deferred any of his compensation
under the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan and thus did
not have any deferred compensation account balance on
February 2, 2008. |
(7) |
Represents estimate using monthly COBRA cost times
12 months, the period of income continuation, but is shown
in the aggregate and not as a discounted present value. |
M. Cloutier
Ms. Cloutier is not a party to an employment agreement with
the Company similar to those in effect for Mr. Edmonds,
Mr. Nesbit and Ms. Murphy Kerstein. However,
Ms. Cloutier would receive certain post employment payments
as indicated below in accordance with the Companys
above-described executive severance plan and, in certain cases,
under the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan.
The following table shows the potential payments upon
termination or a change in control of the Company for
Ms. Cloutier determined as if the respective termination
events had occurred on February 2, 2008.
w/o Good
w/ Good
For Good
Death or
w/o Good
Change in
Type of Compensation
Reason (1)
Control (2)
Michele M. Cloutier
Cash Severance (3)
Cash Severance CiC
Equity (4)(5)
Deferred Compensation (6)
Health Benefits (7)
Other Benefits
Excise Tax Gross Up
(1) |
Good reason is limited to the definition of same
contained in the executive severance plan. |
(2) |
No special Change in Control provisions under the executive
severance plan; based on double trigger Change in Control under
the 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. |
(3) |
Includes 12 months of salary but includes no bonus
component because no bonus was payable for fiscal 2007. The cash
severance is to be paid as income continuation, but is shown in
the aggregate and not as a discounted present value. |
(4) |
Stock option value assumes immediate exercise at $10.66/share at
termination. |
(5) |
Equity value for vesting of restricted stock assumes
$10.66/share. |
(6) |
Ms. Cloutier has not deferred any of her compensation under
the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan and thus did not
have any deferred compensation account balance on
February 2, 2008. |
(7) |
Represents estimate using monthly COBRA cost times
12 months, the period of income continuation, but is shown
in the aggregate and not as a discounted present value. |
Gary A.
Mr. King is not a party to an employment agreement with the
Company similar to those in effect for Mr. Edmonds,
Mr. Nesbit and Ms. Murphy Kerstein. However,
Mr. King would receive certain post employment payments as
indicated below in accordance with the Companys
above-described executive severance plan and, in certain cases,
under the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan.
The following table shows the potential payments upon
termination or a change in control of the Company for
Mr. King determined as if the respective termination events
had occurred on February 2, 2008.
w/o Good
w/ Good
For Good
Death or
w/o Good
Change in
Type of Compensation
Reason (1)
Control (2)
Gary A. King
Cash Severance (3)
Cash Severance CiC
Equity (4)(5)
Deferred Compensation (6)
Health Benefits (7)
Other Benefits
Excise Tax Gross Up
(1) |
Good reason is limited to the definition of same
contained in the executive severance plan. |
(2) |
No special Change in Control provisions under the executive
severance plan; based on double trigger Change in Control under
the 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. |
(3) |
Includes 12 months of salary but includes no bonus
component because no bonus was payable for fiscal 2007. The cash
severance is to be paid as income continuation, but is shown in
the aggregate and not as a discounted present value. |
(4) |
Stock option value assumes immediate exercise at $10.66/share at
termination. |
(5) |
Equity value for vesting of restricted stock assumes
$10.66/share. |
(6) |
No amounts are shown here because all amounts in
Mr. Kings account under the Companys
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan as of February 2,
2008 represent only elective deferrals of compensation
previously earned by Mr. King, together with the deemed
earnings on such deferrals, and thus such amounts are already
fully vested. The Company has not elected to make any Company
provided contributions to the plan which might otherwise be
subject to vesting over time. The balance in
Mr. Kings account on February 2, 2008 was
$166,978. See the discussion under Fiscal Year
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation for information about
certain accelerations of payout of such account balances upon
Mr. Kings death or following a change in control of
the Company. |
(7) |
Represents estimate using monthly COBRA cost times
12 months, the period of income continuation, but is shown
in the aggregate and not as a discounted present value. |
J. Leedy
When Mr. Leedy separated from the Company on
February 2, 2008, Mr. Leedys rights to
separation payments were governed by the Companys then
existing Executive Severance Plan, which superseded the
severance provisions in Mr. Leedys original offer
letter from the Company. In accordance with the provisions of
the Executive Severance Plan in effect at the time of his
separation from service, Mr. Leedy is entitled to receive a
separation payment of $637,000, (representing 12 months of
his annual base salary immediately prior to the time of
severance, less applicable withholdings. Mr. Leedys
separation payment is subject to Section 409A limitations
with respect to the timing of the payments and thus such
separation payment is scheduled to be paid August 2, 2008.
He is also entitled to payments to subsidize the costs to
continue his medical and dental plan benefits for up to
12 months following his termination and reimbursement of
reasonable outplacement assistance expenses incurred over that
same post termination period. The Company does not believe that
the total amounts payable to or on behalf of
Mr. Leedy under the Executive Severance Plan will exceed
$677,000. As a condition to Mr. Leedy receiving these
severance benefits and as required by the Executive Severance
Plan, Mr. Leedy executed a general release, acknowledged
certain confidentiality obligations and agreed to certain
customary restrictive covenants and nondisparagement agreements.
We have entered into indemnification agreements with all of our
directors and executive officers under which we have agreed to
indemnify such persons against all direct and indirect costs of
any type or nature whatsoever (including attorneys fees)
incurred as a result of the fact that such person, in his or her
capacity as a director or officer, is made or threatened to be
made a party to any suit or proceeding. These persons are
indemnified to the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted by
the Florida Business Corporation Act. The indemnification
agreements also provide for the advancement of expenses to these
directors and officers in connection with any such suit or
Relationships and Related Party Transactions
Director John Burdens
Adam Hinds, serves as the Director-Corporate Services for the
Company, with responsibility for overseeing and directing all
facilities management activities at the Companys
headquarters facility as well as all non-merchandise purchasing.
Mr. Hinds received a base salary of $153,308 for his
services with the Company during fiscal 2007, received a bonus
of $4,163 with respect to fiscal 2007 and was awarded an
aggregate of 3,300 stock options and 1,100 shares of
restricted stock in fiscal 2007, each of which was scheduled to
vest in
increments each year beginning one year following the respective
date of grant. Mr. Hinds did not exercise any stock options
in fiscal 2007.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The current members of the Companys Compensation and
Benefits Committee are David F. Dyer, Betsy S. Atkins and John
J. Mahoney. None of the members of the Compensation and Benefits
Committee have at any time been an officer or employee of the
To the Companys knowledge, based solely on a review of the
forms, reports and certificates filed with the Company by the
Companys directors and officers and the holders of more
than 10% of the Companys common stock, all
Section 16(a) filing requirements were complied with by
such persons during or with respect to the fiscal year ended
February 2, 2008.
The following tables set forth, as of April 4, 2008, the
number of shares of the Companys common stock beneficially
owned by (1) each of its directors and nominees to become a
director, (2) each NEO as defined under applicable
Securities and Exchange Commission rules, (3) all directors
and executive officers as a group and (4) each person known
to the Company as having beneficial ownership of more than 5% of
the Companys common stock together with such persons
Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
Subject to
Total Beneficial
Directors/Executive Officers
Holdings (1)
Options (2)
Ownership (1)
of Class
Scott A. Edmonds
Charles J. Kleman
Kent A. Kleeberger
Michele M. Cloutier
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Gary A. King
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Michael J. Leedy
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
David F. Walker
David F. Dyer
John J. Mahoney
All Directors and Executive Officers as a
Group (17 persons)
(1) |
Beneficial ownership of shares, as determined in accordance with
applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules, includes
shares as to which a person has or shares voting power and/or
investment power. Except as otherwise indicated, all shares are
held with sole voting and investment power. |
(2) |
Represents shares that may be acquired currently or within sixty
days after April 4, 2008 through the exercise of stock
options. The exercise price of options is the market price of
Chicos common stock on the date of grant and is not
discounted. Directors and officers realize value from options
only when exercised and only to the extent that the price of
Chicos common stock on the exercise date exceeds the price
of the common stock on the grant date. |
(3) |
Includes 1,200 shares owned by Mr. Edmonds
spouse, 2,248 shares owned by one of Mr. Edmonds
daughters, 25,448 shares owned by a trust controlled by
Mr. Edmonds and 189,035 shares owned by a limited
partnership whose general partner interests and limited partner
interests are indirectly owned by Mr. Edmonds and
Mr. Edmonds spouse. In addition, includes
10,000 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which
vest 100% on January 31, 2009 and which represent the
shares remaining unvested out of a 30,000 share restricted
stock grant made on January 31, 2006), 20,000 shares
owned directly as restricted stock (which vest 50% on
March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and which
represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
30,000 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007), 25,000 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning June 8, 2008 and 30,000 shares owned
directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one third
portions over three years beginning March 7, 2009. |
(4) |
Includes 14,860 shares owned by Mr. Klemans
stepdaughter and 2,560 shares owned by
Mr. Klemans spouse. In addition, includes
2,778 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
100% on January 31, 2009 and which represent the shares
remaining unvested out of a 8,333 share restricted stock
grant made on January 31, 2006), and 4,445 shares
owned directly as restricted stock (which vest 50% on
March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010, which
represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
6,667 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). |
(5) |
Includes 1,000 shares owned by Mr. Kleebergers
spouse. In addition, includes 25,000 shares owned directly
as restricted stock which vests in equal one third portions over
three years beginning December 7, 2008 and
6,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock which vests
in equal one third portions over three years beginning
March 7, 2009. |
(6) |
Includes 9,700 shares owned by Ms. Cloutiers
husband. In addition, includes 10,000 shares owned directly
as restricted stock (which vest 50% on September 12, 2008
and 50% on September 12, 2009 and which represent the
shares remaining unvested out of a 15,000 share restricted
stock grant made on March 9, 2007), 6,667 shares owned
directly as restricted stock (which vest 50% on March 9,
2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and which represent the
shares remaining unvested out of a 10,000 share restricted
stock grant made on March 9, 2007), and 10,000 shares
owned directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one
third portions over three years beginning March 7, 2009. |
(7) |
Includes 2,223 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on January 31, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining unvested out of a 6,667 share
restricted stock grant made on January 31, 2006),
4,445 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and
which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
6,667 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007), and 6,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning March 7, 2009. |
(8) |
Includes 2,223 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on January 31, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining unvested out of a 6,667 share
restricted stock grant made on January 31, 2006),
4,445 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and
which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
6,667 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007), and 6,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning March 7, 2009. |
(9) |
Includes 3,334 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on January 31, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining unvested out of a 10,000 share
restricted stock grant made on January 31, 2006), and
2,222 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and
which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
3,333 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). |
(10) |
Includes 100,000 shares owned by an Individual Retirement
Account, 85,784 shares owned by Ms. Gibsons
husband, 175,000 shares owned by Ms. Gibsons
grantor trusts and 175,000 shares owned by the grantor
trusts of Ms. Gibsons husband. Of the shares owned by
said grantor trusts, an aggregate of 250,000 shares are
subject to a pledge in support of a margin account and related
line of credit at a brokerage firm. In addition, includes
834 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
100% on February 27, 2009 and which represent the shares
remaining unvested out of a 2,500 share restricted stock
grant made on February 27, 2006), and 1,667 shares
owned directly as restricted stock (which vest 50% on
March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and which
represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
2,500 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). Also includes 6,000 shares held by a trust for the
benefit of one grandchild of which Ms. Gibsons
husband is the trustee, 6,000 shares held by a separate
trust for the benefit of another grandchild of which
Ms. Gibsons husband is the trustee, 7,970 shares
held by a separate trust for the benefit of another grandchild
of which Ms. Gibsons husband is the trustee, and
4,000 shares held by Ms. Gibsons husband as
custodian for another grandchild in a Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act (UTMA) account. Ms. Gibson disclaims
beneficial ownership of the aggregate 23,970 shares held in
these trusts for the grandchildren and in the UTMA account. |
(11) |
Includes 30,000 shares owned by an Individual Retirement
Account and 834 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on February 27, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining |
unvested out of a 2,500 share restricted stock grant made
on February 27, 2006), and 1,667 shares owned directly
as restricted stock (which vest 50% on March 9, 2009 and
50% on March 9, 2010 and which represent the shares
remaining unvested out of a 2,500 share restricted stock
grant made on March 9, 2007). |
(12) |
Includes 834 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on February 27, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining unvested out of a 2,500 share
restricted stock grant made on February 27, 2006), and
1,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and
which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
2,500 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). |
(13) |
Includes 834 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on February 27, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining unvested out of a 2,500 share
restricted stock grant made on February 27, 2006), and
1,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and
which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
2,500 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). |
(14) |
Includes 834 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 100% on February 27, 2009 and which represent
the shares remaining unvested out of a 2,500 share
restricted stock grant made on February 27, 2006), and
1,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock (which vest
50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9, 2010 and
which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
2,500 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). |
(15) |
Includes 1,667 shares owned directly as restricted stock
(which vest 50% on March 9, 2009 and 50% on March 9,
2010 and which represent the shares remaining unvested out of a
2,500 share restricted stock grant made on March 9,
2007). |
Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
Amount and Nature of Beneficial
Percent of
Name of Beneficial Owner
Ownership (1)
Franklin Resources, Inc.
(and investment management subsidiaries)
32,485,675 (2)
One Franklin Parkway
San Mateo, CA 94403
16,982,208 (3)
Bahnhofstrasse 45
PO Box CH-8021
Zurich, Switzerland
Columbia Wanger Asset Management, L.P.
Columbia Acorn
13,457,000 (4)
227 West Monroe Street
Suite 3000
Chicago, IL 60606
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
9,451,629 (5)
875 East Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 800
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(1) |
Beneficial ownership of shares, as determined in accordance with
applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules, includes
shares as to which a person has or shares voting power and/or
investment power. Except as otherwise indicated, all shares are
held with sole voting and investment power. |
(2) |
Based on information contained in Amendment No. 3 to
Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 8, 2008 by
Franklin Resources, Inc. (FRI) on behalf of itself
and Charles B. Johnson (principal shareholder of FRI), Rupert H.
Johnson, Jr. (principal shareholder of FRI) and Templeton Global
Advisors Limited (investment management subsidiary), and
includes: (i) 27,195,973 shares held by Templeton
Global Advisors Limited with respect to which it has sole
dispositive power and 26,695,973 shares of which it has
sole voting power; (ii) 2,342,181 shares held by
Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited with respect to
which it has sole dispositive power and 1,198,766 shares of
which it has sole voting power; |
(iii) 1,923,181 shares held by Templeton Investment
Counsel, LLC with respect to which it has sole dispositive power
and 1,342,371 shares of which it has sole voting power;
(iv) 495,130 shares held by Franklin Templeton
Investments (Asia) Limited with respect to which it has sole
dispositive power and 298,670 shares of which it has sole
voting power; (v) 197,550 shares held by Franklin
Templeton Investments Corp with respect to which it has sole
voting and dispositive power; (vi) 63,570 shares held
by Franklin Templeton Portfolio Advisors, Inc. with respect to
which it has sole voting and dispositive power;
(vii) 53,010 shares held by Templeton Asset Management
Ltd. with respect to which it has sole dispositive power and
17,200 shares of which it has sole voting power;
(viii) 31,860 shares held by Franklin Templeton
Investments Japan, Limited with respect to which it has sole
voting and dispositive power; (ix) 23,610 shares held
by Franklin Advisors, Inc. with respect to which it has sole
voting and dispositive power; and (x) 159,610 shares
held by Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC with respect to which
it has shared dispositive power and no shares over which it has
any voting power. Each of these entities is an investment
management subsidiary of FRI. In addition, the
Schedule 13G/A reports that Templeton Growth Fund, Inc., an
affiliated, registered investment company, has an interest in
14,000,000 of these shares. The Schedule 13G/A further
reports that FRI, the principal shareholders, and its investment
management subsidiaries disclaim beneficial ownership of the
shares. |
(3) |
Based on information contained in Amendment No. 2 to
Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 11, 2008
by UBS AG. As reported in such filing, all of such shares are
beneficially owned by the UBS Global Asset Management business
group of UBS AG and its subsidiaries and affiliates. UBS AG
disclaims beneficial ownership of such shares. UBS AG reports
that it has sole voting power over 15,228,519 shares and
shared dispositive power over all of the shares reported as
beneficially owned. |
(4) |
Based on information contained in Schedule 13G filed with
the SEC on January 22, 2008 by Columbia Wanger Asset
Management, L.P. and Columbia Acorn Trust. As reported in such
filing, Columbia Acorn Trust holds approximately 11,519,474 of
the shares and the filing parties, which are investment
advisors, have sole dispositive power over all
13,457,000 shares, sole voting power over
12,892,000 shares, and shared voting power over
(5) |
Based on information contained in Schedule 13G filed with
the SEC on February 13, 2008 by Artisan Partners Limited
Partnership, Artisan Investment Corporation, ZFIC, Inc., Andrew
A. Ziegler, and Carlene M. Ziegler. As reported in such filing,
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership, an investment advisor on
behalf of its discretionary clients, beneficially owns an
aggregate of 9,451,629 shares. Artisan Investment
Corporation is the general partner of Artisan Partners Limited
Partnership, and ZFIC, Inc. is the sole stockholder of Artisan
Investment Corporation. Each of Artisan Partners Limited
Partnership, Artisan Investment Corporation and ZFIC, Inc. has
shared voting power over 9,149,229 of such shares and shared
dispositive power over all such shares. Andrew A. Ziegler and
Carlene M. Ziegler are the principal stockholders of ZFIC, Inc.
and in such capacities are deemed to have shared voting power
over 9,149,229 of such shares and shared dispositive power over
all such shares. |
Trading Plans
We permit our officers and directors to adopt trading plans
Rule 10b5-1
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which
allows stockholders to establish prearranged written plans to
buy or sell shares or exercise stock options in accordance with
predetermined formulas.
Rule 10b5-1
plans allow stockholders to buy or sell shares of the
Companys common stock according to their plan on a regular
basis (for example, weekly or monthly or in accordance with
another predetermined formula), regardless of any subsequent
nonpublic information they receive. As of April 30, 2008,
none of the Companys stockholders, officers or directors
were known by the Company to have adopted and have in effect a
Rule 10b5-1
trading plan. However, directors and officers have effectuated
and carried out such plans in the past and may adopt such plans
in the future.
Pursuant to the General Rules under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, proposals of stockholders intended to be presented at
the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and in the proxy
statement for that meeting must be received by management of the
Company at its executive offices on or before January 9,
The Companys Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation also require certain advance notice to the Company
of any stockholder proposal and of any nominations by
stockholders of persons to stand for election as directors at a
stockholders meeting. Notice of stockholder proposals and
of director nominations must be timely given in writing to the
Secretary of the Company prior to the meeting at which the
directors are to be elected. To be timely, notice must be
received at the principal executive offices of the Company not
less than 60 days prior to the meeting of stockholders;
provided, however, that in the event that less than
70 days notice or prior to public disclosure of the
date of the meeting is given or made to the stockholders, notice
by the stockholder, in order to be timely, must be so delivered
or received not later than the close of business on the tenth
day following the day on which such notice of the date of the
annual meeting was mailed or public disclosure of the date of
the annual meeting was made, whichever first occurs.
A stockholders notice with respect to a proposal to be
brought before the annual meeting must set forth in addition to
the matters required to be set forth by the General Rules under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 the following: (a) a
brief description of the proposal and the reasons for conducting
such business at the annual meeting, (b) the name and
address, as they appear on the Companys books, of the
stockholder proposing such business and any other stockholders
known by such stockholder to be supporting such proposal,
(c) the class and number of shares of the Company which are
beneficially owned by such stockholder on the date of such
stockholder notice and by any other stockholders known by such
stockholder to be supporting such proposal on the date of such
stockholder notice, and (d) any financial interest of the
stockholder in such proposal.
A stockholders notice with respect to a director
nomination must set forth (i) the name, age, business
address and residence address of the person, (ii) the
principal occupation or employment of the person, (iii) the
class and number of shares of the Company which are beneficially
owned by such person, and (iv) all information that would
be required to be included in a proxy statement soliciting
proxies for the election of the nominee director (including such
persons written consent to serve as a director if so
elected). As to the stockholder providing such notice, such
stockholder must set forth (1) the name and address, as
they appear on the Companys books, of the stockholder and
(2) the class and number of shares of the Company which are
beneficially owned by such stockholder on the date of such
stockholder notice.
The complete Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
provisions governing these requirements are available to any
stockholder without charge upon request from the Secretary of
the Company.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Dated: April 30, 2008
Appendix A
Amended and Restated
Chicos FAS,
2002 Omnibus Stock and
Incentive Plan
and Restated
Chicos FAS, Inc.
2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan
Table of Contents
ARTICLE 1 Establishment; Purpose; Awards
Establishment; Purpose
Types of Awards Under Plan
ARTICLE 2 Definitions
ARTICLE 3 Eligible Persons
Selection of Participants
General Effect of Award
ARTICLE 4 Shares Subject to the Plan and
Maximum Awards
Sources of Shares Available for Grants and Limits on Shares
Subject to the Plan
Maximum Awards
Adjustments to Limitations
ARTICLE 5 Administration.
Power and Authority
Other Factors; Determinations Final
Quorum; Actions
No Liability; Indemnification
ARTICLE 6 Stock Options and Stock
Appreciation Rights
General Method of Grant
Number of Shares
Option or SAR Price
Date of Grant
Method of Payment
Option or SAR Exercise Period
Certain Interpretations
Exercise and Vesting of Options and SARs
Multiple Grants in Single Agreement
Minimum Exercise
Other Provisions
Special Provisions for Incentive Stock Options
ARTICLE 7 Performance Awards, Restricted
Stock and Restricted Stock Units
Awards of Performance Awards, Restricted Stock or Restricted
Stock Units; Restriction Period
Restricted Stock
Restricted Stock Units
Performance Awards
Performance Based Compensation
ARTICLE 8 Miscellaneous
Adjustment of Number of Shares, Etc.
of Contents
Change in Control
Beneficiary Designation
Tax Withholding
Gender and Number
Choice of Law
No Stockholder Rights
Amendments; Exchanges, Termination or Suspension
Listing and Registration of Common Stock
Compliance with Applicable Laws
Stock Certificates; Book Entry
No Implied Rights to Employees
Necessity for Delay
Use of Proceeds
No Obligation to Exercise
Assignment by Company; Third Party Beneficiaries
Effective Date
Term of the Plan
409A Compliance
and Restated
Chicos FAS, Inc.
2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan
1.1 Establishment; Purpose.
Chicos FAS, Inc. (the Company) hereby amends
and restates the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive
Plan, as approved
Plan). The purpose of the Plan is to
(i) attract and retain Participants as long-term employees
or directors; (ii) motivate Participants, by means of
appropriate incentives, to achieve long-range goals;
(iii) provide incentive compensation opportunities that are
competitive with those of other similar companies; and
(iv) further identify Participants interests with
those of the Companys other stockholders through
compensation based on the Companys common stock; and, as a
result of the foregoing, promote the long-term financial
interest of the Company and its stockholders.
1.2 Types of Awards Under
Plan. Under the Plan, the Company may grant
Incentive Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock Options, Restricted
Stock, Stock Appreciation Rights, Performance Awards, and
Restricted Stock Units.
The following words and terms as used herein shall have that
meaning set forth in this Article 2, unless a different
meaning is clearly required by the context. Whenever
appropriate, words used in the singular shall be deemed to
include the plural and vice versa, and the masculine gender
shall be deemed to include the feminine gender.
2.1 Award(s) shall mean any award
or benefit granted or awarded under the Plan, including, without
limitation, Options, Restricted Stock, Stock Appreciation
Rights, Performance Awards, and Restricted Stock Units.
2.2 Award Agreement(s) shall mean
any document, agreement or certificate deemed by the Committee
as necessary or advisable to be entered into with or delivered
to a Participant in connection with or as a condition precedent
to the valid completion of the grant of an Award under the Plan.
Award Agreements include Stock Option Agreements, Stock
Appreciation Right Agreements, Performance Award Agreements, and
Restriction Agreements.
2.3 Board or Board of
Directors shall mean the Board of Directors of the
2.4 Change in Control shall mean:
a change in control of the Company of a nature that is required,
pursuant to the Exchange Act to be reported in response to
Item 1(a) of a Current Report on
Form 8-K
or Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A, in each case, as such
requirements are in effect on January 1, 2008;
the adoption by the Company of a plan of dissolution or
the closing of a sale of all or substantially all of the assets
of the Company;
the closing of a merger, reorganization or similar transaction
(a Transaction) involving the Company in which the
Company is not the surviving corporation or, if the Company is
the surviving corporation, immediately following the closing of
the Transaction, persons who were stockholders of the Company
immediately prior to the Transaction own less than 65% of the
combined voting power of the surviving corporations voting
securities; or
the acquisition of Beneficial Ownership (as defined
in Rule
13d-3 under
the Exchange Act as in effect on January 1, 2008) of
the Companys securities comprising 35% or more of the
combined voting power of the Companys outstanding
securities by any person (as that term is used in
Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, but not including
any trustee or fiduciary acting in that capacity for an employee
benefit plan sponsored by the Company) and such persons
affiliates and associates (as those
terms are defined under the Exchange Act).
Notwithstanding any provision above to the contrary, no Change
in Control shall be deemed to have occurred with respect to any
particular Participant by virtue of a transaction, or series of
transactions, that results in the Participant, or a group of
persons including the Participant, acquiring the Beneficial
Ownership of more than 35% of the combined voting power of the
Companys outstanding securities.
2.5 Code shall mean the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
regulations promulgated thereunder. Reference to a specific
section of the Code shall include a reference to any successor
or replacement provision.
2.6 Committee shall mean the
Compensation and Benefits Committee of the Board of Directors,
as defined in Article 5.
2.7 Common Stock shall mean the
common stock, par value $.01 per share of the Company.
2.8 Company shall mean
Chicos FAS, Inc. and its successors.
2.9 Employee shall mean any
employee of the Company or of a Subsidiary. Directors who are
employed by the Company or by a Subsidiary shall be considered
Employees under the Plan.
2.10 Exchange Act shall mean the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended from time to time, or any successor statute.
2.11 Fair Market Value of a share of Common
Stock means, as of any
date, the value of a share of the Common Stock determined as
if the Common Stock is publicly traded and is then listed on a
national securities exchange, its closing price on the date of
determination on the principal national securities exchange on
which the Common Stock is listed or admitted to trading as
reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other source
as the Committee deems reliable;
if the Common Stock is publicly traded but is not listed or
admitted to trading on a national securities exchange, the
average of the closing bid and asked prices on the date of
determination as reported in The Wall Street Journal or
such other source as the Committee deems reliable; or
if none of the foregoing is applicable, by the Committee in good
2.12 Incentive Stock Option or
ISO shall mean an Option that is intended to
qualify as an incentive stock option under
Section 422 of the Code.
2.13 Insider shall mean an
individual who is, on the relevant date, subject to the
reporting requirements of Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.
2.14 Non-Employee Director shall
mean (a) a member of the Board of Directors who is not an
Employee or (b) a member of the board of directors (or
comparable governing body) of a Subsidiary who is not an
2.15 Non-Qualified Stock Option or
NSO shall mean an Option that is not intended to
qualify as an incentive stock option under
Section 422 of the Code.
2.16 Option shall mean an Incentive Stock
Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option granted in accordance
with the provisions of Article 6.
2.17 Option or SAR Period is defined in
Section 6.6.
2.18 Participant shall mean any
Employee or any Non-Employee Director to whom an Award is
granted under the Plan or who holds an outstanding Award.
2.19 Performance Award shall mean
a right to receive, in cash or Common Stock (as determined by
the Committee in accordance with the provisions of
Article 7), an award which is contingent on the achievement
of one or more performance goals.
2.20 Performance Award Agreement is defined
in Section 7.4.
2.21 Performance-Based Exception
shall mean the performance-based exception from the tax
deductibility limitation imposed by Section 162(m) of the
Code, as set forth in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code.
2.22 Plan shall mean the Amended
and Restated Chicos FAS, Inc. 2002 Omnibus Stock and
Incentive Plan, as set forth herein and as further amended from
time to time.
2.23 Plan Administrator shall mean
the Companys Vice President - Human Resources, or such
other person designated by the Committee to act as Plan
2.24 Restricted Stock shall mean
shares of Common Stock subject to the provisions of
Article 7 and granted in an Award in accordance with the
provisions of Article 7.
2.25 Restricted Stock Units shall
mean the right to receive shares of Common Stock or the cash
equivalent thereof subject to the provisions of Article 7
granted as an Award in accordance with the provisions of Article
2.26 Restriction Agreement is defined in
Section 7.2.
2.27 Restriction Period is defined in
Section 7.1.
2.28 Securities Exchange Act of
1934 shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder, or any successor or replacement statute or
regulation of similar import.
2.29 Stock Appreciation Right or
SAR shall mean a right to receive upon exercise of
the SAR, in cash or Common Stock (as determined in accordance
with the provisions of Article 6), value equal to (or
otherwise based on) the excess of (a) the Fair Market Value
of a specified number of shares of Common Stock at the time of
exercise, over (b) the SAR Price established by the
2.30 Stock Appreciation Right
Agreement is defined in Section 6.1.
2.31 Stock Option Agreement is
defined in Section 6.1.
2.32 Subsidiary shall mean any
corporation that at the time qualifies as a subsidiary of the
Company under the definition of subsidiary
corporation contained in Section 424(f) of the Code.
2.33 Substitute Awards shall mean
Awards granted or shares of Common Stock issued by the Company
upon assumption of, or in substitution or exchange for, awards
previously granted, or the right or obligation to make future
awards, in each case by a company acquired by the Company or any
subsidiary or with which the Company or any Subsidiary combines.
3.1 Eligibility. All Employees and
Non-Employee Directors are eligible to participate in the Plan.
The Company may grant an Award to any Employee who is in the
employ of the Company or any Subsidiary on the date of a grant
of such Award. The Company may grant an Award (other than an
Incentive Stock Option) to any person who is a Non-Employee
Director on the date of a grant of such Award.
3.2 Selection of Participants.
Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee may, from
time to time, select from all Employees those to whom Awards
shall be granted and shall determine the nature and size of each
The Board of Directors shall determine the discretionary Awards
to be granted to the Non-Employee Directors in accordance with
the Companys compensation program for Non-Employee
Directors, as such program may be determined from time to time.
3.3 General Effect of Award. Each Participant
to whom the Committee or the Board of Directors has granted an
Award shall be bound by the terms of the Plan and the Award
Agreement applicable to him or her.
4.1 Sources of Shares Available for Grants and
Limits on Shares Subject to the Plan. The Common
Stock for which Awards are granted under the Plan shall be
subject to the following conditions and limitations: