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Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 6-K
Report on Form 6-K for May 6, 2011
Commission File Number 1-31615
Sasol Limited
1 Sturdee Avenue
Rosebank 2196
South Africa
(Name and address of registrant’s principal executive office)
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solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.
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registrant’s securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not
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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also
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Exchange Act of 1934.
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If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule
Enclosures: Sasol announces appointment of Chief Executive designate
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Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share codes:                          JSE : SOL                 NYSE : SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes:                           ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE : SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(“Sasol” or “the Company”)

Sasol announces appointment of Chief Executive designate

The Chairman of Sasol, Hixonia Nyasulu, today announced the
appointment of David Constable as Chief Executive designate,
effective 6 June 2011.

Constable is currently Group President, Operations at Fluor

Constable grew up in Canada but has lived and worked all over the
world. He is an engineer with 30 years of experience in the heavy
industrial engineering, construction, operations and maintenance
arena across the globe. He has proven technical, operational and
commercial skills as well as a sound track record in diversity
and talent management. He has had global exposure to a range of
industrial sectors including mining, power, gas, oil and
chemicals. His successful track record in capital project
development and execution positions him well to guide Sasol’s
significant capital expenditure programme.

In June 2010, the board of Sasol, under the direction of the
Chairman, embarked on a comprehensive recruitment programme for a
successor to Pat Davies. Internal and external candidates were
considered with the search extending both locally and
internationally. The recruitment process sought to identify the
best leader for the role, within the criteria applied by the
Sasol Board, to ensure the candidate would be best positioned to
most effectively serve the Company’s interests at this juncture.

“We are excited to have found a chief executive of Davids’s
calibre and experience. His extensive engineering foundation has
seen him take critical leadership roles across the world in both
developed and developing economies”, said Sasol Chairman, Hixonia

Pat Davies said today, “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at
Sasol and I’m particularly pleased with the strong and diverse
management team we have in place. The company’s solid performance
base and depth of talent has it well positioned for growth both
at home and abroad, and I am confident that under David’s
leadership, great strides will be made in delivering on Sasol’s
exciting growth strategy.”
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Davies has reached retirement age and will step down on 30 June
2011 with Constable taking up the role of Chief Executive on 1
July 2011.

6 May 2011

Deutsche Securities (SA) (Pty) Limited

Biographical information - David E. Constable

David E. Constable serves as Fluor Corporation’s group president
of Operations, where he is responsible for the multi-functional
entity that serves Fluor’s core business groups and includes
information technology, project executive services, engineering,
global procurement, construction, industrial relations, project
management and risk management. Constable also chairs the
company’s Sustainability Committee.

Prior to his current position, Constable served as president of
Fluor’s Power business heading up the company’s activities in the
global coal, gas, nuclear and renewable power generation
industries. This business is also responsible for emission
control betterment, including CO2 capture and sequestration
technology solutions.

He also had management oversight responsibility for Fluor’s
Corporate Sales Board, which manages the company’s global sales
force across all five of its industry business groups.

Constable has served as senior vice president for Fluor’s Energy
& Chemicals business group, working closely with clients to
develop capital projects in the oil, gas, and chemicals
production industries.

During his tenure with Fluor, Constable has led two other Fluor
businesses and had management roles in both Operations and Sales
in Canada, the United States, South America and Europe. He
served as president of Fluor’s Operations & Maintenance business,
supporting client’s across a wide variety of industries with a
focus on operational asset productivity improvement. Prior to
this, Constable was president of Fluor’s Telecommunications
business. He also held the positions of vice president of
Fluor’s Europe, Africa & Middle East region; executive director
for the hydrocarbon industry in North America and the mining
industry in South America.
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Active in a variety of professional and civic organizations,
Constable is a member of the Institute of Petroleum, the United
States Energy Association and sits on the boards of the U.S.-
China Business Council and The Boy Scouts of America Circle 10
Council. He is a member of the company’s Executive Development
Board, its Compliance & Ethics Committee and sits on the Board of
Trustees of the Fluor Foundation. Constable is also a board
member of ICA Fluor, the company’s joint venture operation in

Constable graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree
in civil engineering and is a registered professional engineer.
He is a graduate of Thunderbird University’s International
Management Program and Wharton Business School’s Advanced
Management Program.
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant, Sasol Limited, has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: May 6, 2011
//s/ V D Kahla
Name: Vuyo Dominic Kahla
Title:    Company Secretary