Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

[X]        Filed by Registrant
[ ]        Filed by Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

[X]        Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]        Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[ ]        Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]        Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]        Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                               SUITE101.COM, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                                 NOT APPLICABLE
       (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

    1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:



    2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:



    3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
    pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
    filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


    4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


    5) Total Fee Paid:


[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the Fee is offset as provided by Exchange
    Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
    fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
    statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    1) Amount Previously Paid: ________________________________________

    2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement Number: _______________

    3) Filing Party: __________________________________________________

    4) Date Filed: ____________________________________________________

                               SUITE101.COM, INC.
                          SUITE 200, 630 - 4 AVENUE SW
                        CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA T2P 0J9

                                DECEMBER 4, 2003

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of, Inc. will be held at the Calgary Petroleum Club, 319 - 5 Avenue
SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L5 at 2:30 p.m., local time, on Thursday, December 4,
2003, for the following purposes:

     1.   to elect five (5) directors to hold office until our next Annual
          Meeting of Shareholders or until their respective successors are
          elected and qualified;

     2.   to consider and vote on a proposal to change our corporate name from
, Inc. to GeoGlobal Resources Inc.; and

     3.   to transact such other business as may properly come before the
          meeting, or any adjournments thereof.

     Information with respect to the above is set forth in the Proxy Statement
which accompanies this Notice. Only holders of shares of our Common Stock of
record at the close of business on October 30, 2003 (the "Record Date") are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting.

     We hope that all of our shareholders who can conveniently do so will attend
the Meeting. Shareholders who do not expect to be able to attend the Meeting are
requested to mark, date and sign the enclosed proxy and return same in the
enclosed addressed envelope which is intended for your convenience.

Patti Price, Secretary

Dated:  November 4, 2003

                               SUITE101.COM, INC.

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

        The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of, Inc., a Delaware corporation, from the holders of shares of its
Common Stock, $.001 par value ("Common Stock") to be voted at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders (the "Meeting") to be held at the Calgary Petroleum Club, 319 -
5 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L5 at 2:30 p.m., local time, on Thursday,
December 4, 2003, and at any adjournments thereof.

        The only business which the Board of Directors intends to present or
knows that others will present at the Meeting is: (i) to elect five (5)
directors of the Company to hold office until our next Annual Meeting of
Shareholders or until their respective successors are elected and qualified;
(ii) to consider and vote on a proposal to amend our Certificate of
Incorporation to change our corporate name from, Inc. to GeoGlobal
Resources Inc.; and (iii) to transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting, or any adjournments thereof.

        Our management does not know of any other business to be brought before
the Meeting but it is intended that as to any other business, a vote may be cast
pursuant to the proxy in accordance with the judgment of the person or persons
acting thereunder. If proxies in the enclosed form are properly executed and
returned, the Common Stock represented thereby will be voted at the Meeting in
accordance with the shareholder's direction. Unless otherwise specified, proxies
in the enclosed form will be voted for the election of the five (5) Directors
named as nominees and voted in favor of the amendment to our Certificate of
Incorporation to change our corporate name. Any shareholder giving a proxy has
the power to revoke it at any time before the proxy is voted by revoking it in
writing, by executing a later dated proxy or appearing at the Meeting and voting
in person. Any writing revoking a proxy should be addressed to Patti Price,
Secretary of the Company, at the address set forth below.

        The Directors to be elected at the Meeting will be elected by a
plurality of the votes cast by the holders of Common Stock present in person or
by proxy and entitled to vote. The amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
will require the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock. With regard to the election of Directors,
votes may be cast for or withheld from each nominee. Votes that are withheld
will have no effect on the outcome of the election because Directors will be
elected by a plurality of votes cast.

        Abstentions may be specified on the proposal submitted to a stockholder
vote other than the election of Directors. Abstentions will be counted as
present for purposes of determining the existence of a quorum regarding the
proposal on which the abstention is noted. However, abstentions on the proposal
will have the effect of a negative vote on the proposal to amend the Certificate
of Incorporation because the proposal requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

        Under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, brokers who hold shares
in street name have the authority to vote on certain routine matters on which
they have not received instructions from beneficial owners. Brokers holding
shares of our Common Stock in street name who do not receive instructions are
entitled to vote on the election of Directors and the amendment to the
Certificate of Incorporation. Under applicable Delaware law, "broker non-votes"
on any proposal (where a broker submits a proxy but does not vote a customer's
shares on such proposal) will be considered not entitled to vote on that
proposal and thus will not be counted in determining the outcome of such vote.
Likewise, where authority to vote for the election of Directors is withheld by a
stockholder, such shares will not be counted in determining the outcome of such
vote. Therefore, broker non-votes with respect to the election of Directors and
stockholders who mark their proxies to withhold authority to vote their shares
will have no effect on the outcome of such proposal, although broker non-votes
and proxies submitted where the vote for the election of Directors is withheld
are counted in determining the existence of a quorum.

        Only holders of record of Common Stock as of the close of business on
October 30, 2003 are entitled to vote at the Meeting or any adjournments
thereof. On such date, we had outstanding voting securities consisting of
49,053,355 shares of Common Stock, each of which share is entitled to one (1)
vote on all proposals submitted to a vote of shareholders at the Meeting.

        Our principal executive office address is Suite 200, 630 - 4 Avenue SW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 0J9, and our telephone number is (403) 777-9250
and our facsimile number is (403) 777-9199. This Proxy Statement and the
enclosed Form of Proxy will be mailed to our shareholders on or about November
4, 2003.


        At the Meeting, it is proposed to elect five (5) Directors to hold
office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until their respective
successors are elected and qualified. It is intended that, unless otherwise
indicated, the shares of Common Stock represented by proxies solicited by the
Board of Directors will be voted for the election as Directors of the five
nominees hereinafter named. If, for any reason, any of said nominees shall
become unavailable for election, which is not now anticipated, the proxies will
be voted for the other nominees and may be voted for a substitute nominee
designated by the Board of Directors. Each nominee has indicated that he is
willing and able to serve as a Director if elected, and, accordingly, the Board
of Directors does not have in mind any substitute.

        The nominees as Director and their age are as follows:

        Name                                                Age
        -----                                               ---

        Jean Paul Roy                                       47

        Allan J. Kent                                       50

        John K. Campbell                                    70

        Brent J. Peters                                     31

        Peter R. Smith                                      56

        Mr. Roy was elected a Director of our company on August 29, 2003. He was
also elected President and Chief Executive Officer on August 29, 2003. For more
than the past five years, Mr. Roy has been consulting in the oil and gas
industry through his private company, GeoGlobal Technologies Inc. which he owns
100%. Mr. Roy has in excess of 20 years of geological and geophysical experience
in basins worldwide as he has worked on projects throughout India, North and
South America, Europe, the Middle East, the former Soviet Union and South East
Asia. His specialties include modern seismic data acquisition and processing
techniques, and integrated geological and geophysical data interpretation. Since
1981 he has held geophysical positions with Niko Resources Ltd., Gujarat State
Petroleum Corporation, Reliance Industries, Cubacan Exploration Inc.,
PetroCanada, GEDCO, Eurocan USA and British Petroleum. Mr. Roy graduated from
St. Mary's University of Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1982 with a B.Sc. in Geology
and has been certified as a Professional Geophysicist. Mr. Roy is a resident of


        Mr. Kent was elected as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of our company on August 29, 2003. Mr. Kent has in excess of 20 years
experience in the area of oil and gas exploration finance and has, since 1987,
held a number of senior management positions and directorships with Cubacan
Exploration Inc., Endeavour Resources Inc. and MacDonald Oil Exploration Ltd.,
all publicly listed companies. Prior thereto, beginning in 1980, he was a
consultant in various capacities to a number of companies in the oil and gas
industry. He received his Bachelor of Mathematics degree in 1977 from the
University of Waterloo, Ontario.

        Mr. Campbell has been President of Transamerica Industries Ltd., a
natural resource company, for the past 17 years. He is a former practicing
lawyer and he is presently a retired member of the British Columbia Law Society.
He was elected a Director of our company in February 2002.

        Mr. Peters has been Vice President of Finance and Treasurer of
Northfield Capital Corporation, a publicly traded investment company acquiring
shares in public and private corporations for the past six years since 1987. He
was elected a Director of our company in February 2002 and from November 2002
until August 29, 2003 he was our Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Peters has a
Bachelor of Business Administration degree, specializing in accounting.

        Since 1989, Mr. Smith has been President and co-owner of Andrin Limited,
a large developer/builder of housing in Canada. Mr. Smith was appointed, and
held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation (CMHC), from September 6, 1995 to September 6, 2003. On
February 14, 2001, the Governor General of Canada announced the appointment of
Mr. Smith as a Member of the Order of Canada, effective November 15, 2000. Mr.
Smith holds a Masters Degree in Political Science (Public Policy) from the State
University of New York, and an Honours B.A. History and Political Science,
Dean's Honour List, McMaster University, Ontario.



        Our current executive officers are the following:

        NAME                  AGE        POSITION
       -------               ------      ------------

        Jean Paul Roy         47        President and Chief Executive Officer
        Allan J. Kent         50        Executive VP and Chief Financial Officer

     Mr. Roy's and Mr. Kent's employment backgrounds are described above.


        The Federal securities laws require our Directors and executive
officers, and persons who own more than ten percent (10%) of a registered class
of our equity securities to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of any of its
equity securities. Copies of such reports are required to be furnished to us. To
our knowledge, based solely on a review of the copies of such reports and other
information furnished to us, all persons subject to these reporting requirements
filed the required reports on a timely basis with respect to the year ended
December 31, 2002.



        The following table sets forth the annual and long-term compensation
paid during the three fiscal years ended December 31, 2002 to our chief
executive officer. No other executive officer received compensation exceeding
$100,000 for serving in such capacity at December 31, 2002:

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION

                                        ANNUAL                    OTHER          LONG-TERM
NAME AND                                SALARY                    ANNUAL      AWARDS/OPTIONS       ALL OTHER
PRINCIPAL POSITION       YEAR           ($)          BONUS        COMP.             (#)               COMP.
----------------------  --------  ----------------  ---------  ----------  ---------------------  -------------
Peter L. Bradshaw(1)     2000       $113,000(2)       $700        Nil         150,000 shares          Nil
                         2001       $114,000(3)       Nil         Nil         148,545 shares          Nil
                         2002       $131,000          Nil         Nil              Nil                Nil
Mitch G. Blumberg(4)     2002       $ 20,666          Nil         Nil         130,000 shares          Nil
----------------------  --------  ----------------  ---------  ----------  ---------------------  -------------

(1)  Mr. Bradshaw resigned as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and a Director
     on February 25, 2002.
(2)  In lieu of $16,150 salary, Mr. Bradshaw was granted options to purchase
     40,000 shares exercisable at $1.50 per share.
(3)  In lieu of $32,000 salary, Mr. Bradshaw was granted options to purchase
     254,545 shares exercisable at $0.25 per share.
(4)  Mr. Blumberg was elected President on February 25, 2002 and resigned as
     President and a Director on August 29, 2003.


        The following table provides information with respect to the above named
executive officers regarding options granted to such persons during our fiscal
year ended December 31, 2002.

                        NUMBER OF SECURITIES  % OF TOTAL OPTIONS/                                     MARKET
                          UNDERLYING SARS/      SARS GRANTED TO     EXERICSE OR      EXPIRATION      PRICE ON
                         OPTIONS GRANTED         EMPLOYEES IN       BASE PRICE           DATE         DATE OF
NAME                            (#)              FISCAL YEAR         ($/SHARE)       (mm/dd/yy)       GRANT
Peter L. Bradshaw               Nil                   N/A               N/A              N/A            N/A
Mitchell G. Blumberg           50,000                 9.9%             $0.27           02/27/07        $0.27
                               5,000                  1.0%             $0.50           06/11/12        $0.50
                               75,000                14.9%             $0.25           11/27/07        $0.25

DECEMBER 31, 2002

         The following table provides information with respect to the above
named executive officers regarding options exercised during the year ended
December 31, 2002 and options held at the end of the year ended December 31,

                                                     Number of Unexercised Options    Value of Unexercised In-the-Money
                                                         at December 31, 2002(1)        Options at December 31, 2002(2)
                                                    -------------------------------- ----------------------------------
                         Acquired on      Value
Name                       Exercise      Realized      Exercisable      Unexercisable    Exercisable    Unexercisable
Peter L. Bradshaw          298,545    $137,331(3)     120,000(4)          - 0 -            - 0 -            - 0 -
Mitchell G. Blumberg        - 0 -        - 0 -        201,667             33,333          $47,450          $13,000

(1)  The options are exercisable at prices ranging from $0.25 to $1.50 per
(2)  Based on the closing sales price on December 31, 2002 of $0.39.
(3)  Based on the closing sales price on May 31, 2002 of $0.71 per share.
(4)  Exercisable at $1.50 per share.



        Our Directors do not receive any cash compensation for serving in that
capacity; however, they are reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses in
attending meetings. Pursuant to the terms of our 1998 Stock Incentive Plan, each
non-employee Director automatically receives an option grant for 50,000 shares
on the date such person joins the Board. Accordingly, effective February 25,
2002, each of Messrs. Douglas F. Loblaw, Campbell and Peters, all of whom were
first elected Directors on that date, were granted an option to purchase 50,000
shares exercisable at $0.27 per share. As employee directors, Messrs. Roy and
Kent are not eligible for these options under this part of the Plan. Mr. Loblaw
subsequently resigned as a Director on August 29, 2003. Mr. Smith will be
granted an option to purchase 50,000 shares as of the date of this Annual
Meeting. In addition, on the date of each annual stockholder meeting following
their initial election as a Director, each non-employee Board member who is to
continue to serve as a non-employee Board member will automatically be granted
an option to purchase 5,000 shares provided such person has served as a
non-employee Board member for at least six months. Each of Messrs. Peters and
Campbell will be automatically granted an option to purchase 5,000 shares on the
date of this Annual Meeting. Each such option has an exercise price equal to the
fair market value of the Company's shares on the date of grant, has a term of
ten years, subject to earlier termination following such person's cessation of
Board service, and is subject to certain vesting provisions.


         On August 29, 2003, pursuant to an agreement dated April 4, 2003, and
amended August 29, 2003, we completed a transaction with Mr. Roy and GeoGlobal
Resources (India) Inc. ("GeoGlobal"), a corporation wholly owned by Mr. Roy,
whereby we acquired from Mr. Roy all of the outstanding capital stock of
GeoGlobal. In exchange for the outstanding capital stock of GeoGlobal held by
Mr. Roy, we issued 34.0 million shares of our Common Stock. Of the 34.0 million
shares, 14.5 million shares were issued and delivered to Mr. Roy at the closing
of the transaction and an aggregate of 19.5 million shares are held in escrow by
an escrow agent. The terms of the escrow provide for the release of the shares
upon the occurrence of certain developments relating to the outcome of oil and
natural gas exploration and development activities conducted on an exploration
block off the east coast of India in which GeoGlobal holds a net 5% interest. In
addition to our shares of Common Stock, we delivered to Mr. Roy a $2.0 million
promissory note, of which $500,000 was paid on the closing of the transaction,
$500,000 was paid on October 15, 2003, $500,000 is to be paid on January 15,
2004 and $500,000 is to be paid on June 30, 2004. The note does not accrue
interest. The note is secured by the carried interest of GeoGlobal.

         On the closing of the transaction, Mr. Roy and Mr. Kent were elected
Directors and Mitchell G. Blumberg and Douglas F. Loblaw resigned as Directors.
Messrs. John Campbell and Brent Peters continued in office as Directors. Mr. Roy
was elected our President and Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Kent was elected
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. As a consequence of the
transaction, Mr. Roy holds an aggregate of 34.0 million shares of our
outstanding Common Stock or approximately 69.3% of the shares outstanding,
assuming all shares held in escrow are released to him. The terms of the
transaction provide that Mr. Roy is to have the right to vote all 34.0 million
shares following the closing, including the shares during the period they are
held in escrow. The election of Messrs. Roy and Kent as Directors and officers
were conditions to the closing of the transaction. Except for the foregoing,
there are no understandings or arrangements among Mr. Roy and Mr. Kent and their
associates or our other current Directors with respect to the election of
Directors or other matters in the future. As a consequence of his acquisition of
shares of the Company, Mr. Roy may be deemed to be in control of our company.



         On March 27, 2003, GeoGlobal entered into a Participating Interest
Agreement with Roy Group (Mauritius) Inc. ("RGM") a company organized under the
laws of Mauritius and wholly owned by Mr. Roy whereby, subject to Government of
India consent, GeoGlobal assigned to RGM, one-half of its original 10% interest
in the venture and its rights under the Carried Interest Agreement with GSPC.
Under the terms of the Participating Interest Agreement, until the Government of
India consent is obtained, GeoGlobal retains the exclusive right to deal with
the other parties to the Production Sharing Contract and the Carried Interest
Agreement and is entitled to make all decisions regarding the interest assigned
to RGM and RGM agreed to be bound by and responsible for the actions taken by,
obligations undertaken and costs incurred by GeoGlobal in regard to the RGM
interest and to be liable to GeoGlobal for its share of all costs, interests,
liabilities and obligations arising out of or relating to the RGM interest. RGM
agreed to indemnify GeoGlobal against any and all costs, expenses, losses,
damages or liabilities incurred by reason of RGM's failure to pay the same.
Subject to obtaining the government consent to the assignment, RGM is entitled
to all income, receipts, credits, reimbursements, monies receivable, rebates and
other benefits in respect of its 5% interest which relate to the PSC. GeoGlobal
has a right of set-off against sums owing to RGM any sums owing to GeoGlobal by
RGM. In the event that the Indian government consent is delayed or denied
resulting in either RGM or GeoGlobal being denied an economic benefit it would
have realized under the Participating Interest Agreement, the parties agreed to
amend the Participating Interest Agreement or take other reasonable steps to
assure that an equitable result is achieved consistent with the parties
intentions contained in the Participating Interest Agreement. In the event the
consent is denied, neither party is entitled to assert any claim against the
other except as is specifically set forth in the Participating Interest

        RGM further agreed in the Participating Interest Agreement that it would
not dispose of any interest in the agreement, its 5% interest, or the shares of
RGM without first giving notice to GeoGlobal of the transaction, its terms,
including price, and the identity of the intended assignee and any other
material information, and GeoGlobal has the first right to purchase the interest
proposed to be sold on the terms contained in the notice to GeoGlobal.

        On August 29, 2003, we entered into a Technical Services Agreement with
Roy Group (Barbados) Inc. ("RGB"), a company organized under the laws of
Barbados and wholly owned by Mr. Roy. Under the agreement, RGB agreed to perform
such geologic and geophysical duties as are assigned to it by us. The term of
the agreement extends through August 29, 2006 and continues for successive
periods of one year thereafter unless otherwise agreed by the parties or either
party has given notice that the agreement will terminate at the end of the term.
RGB receives a fee of $250,000 per year under the agreement and is reimbursed
for authorized travel and other out-of-pocket expenses. The agreement prohibits
RGB from disclosing any of our confidential information and from competing
directly or indirectly with us for a period of three years from August 29, 2003
with respect to any acquisition, exploration, or development of any crude oil,
natural gas or related hydrocarbon interests within the area of the country of
India. The agreement may be terminated by either party on 30 days' prior written
notice, provided, however, the confidentiality and non-competition provisions
will survive the termination.



        Following the acquisition of GeoGlobal, we, through GeoGlobal or other
entities to be organized by us, intend to seek opportunities to enter into joint
venture and other similar arrangements whereby we, through one or more
subsidiaries, can acquire leasehold or other oil and natural gas interests in
geographic areas where potential oil and natural gas reserves are considered by
Mr. Roy, and possibly other persons as may be employed by us, to have
significant development potential. These interests may be acquired through
entering into joint ventures of which we are a member or through other
contractual arrangements with various foreign governments and governmental or
other entities. GeoGlobal is a party to a Production Sharing Contract ("PSC")
entered into on February 4, 2003 with the Government of India, Gujarat State
Petroleum Corporation Limited ("GSPC") and Jubilant Enpro Limited ("Enpro") with
respect to an approximately 1,850 square kilometre area (457,000 acres) off the
east coast of India, designated as Block KG-OSN-2001/3 under National
Exploration Licensing Policy III. GeoGlobal and Roy Group (Mauritius) Inc. each
have a net 5% interest in the venture and GSPC and Enpro have 80% and 10%
interests in the venture, respectively. It is considered to be a highly
speculative exploration venture. Currently, this is GeoGlobal's only interest in
oil and natural gas properties. The parties to the PSC conducted seismic studies
on the exploration area during March through June 2003 and are now evaluating
those studies. Under the terms of a Carried Interest Agreement, GeoGlobal is
carried by GSPC for 100% of all its share of any costs during the exploration
phase prior to the start date of initial commercial production. However all of
GeoGlobal's share of any capital costs for the development phase will be paid
back to GSPC without interest over the projected production life or ten years
whichever is less. GeoGlobal is not entitled to any share of production until
GSPC has recovered GeoGlobal's share of the costs and expenses that were paid by


        You are being asked to vote upon a proposed amendment to our Certificate
of Incorporation for the purpose of changing the name of our corporation to
GeoGlobal Resources Inc. If the proposal is approved, it will become effective
upon the filing of a certificate of amendment with the State of Delaware.

        Our management is seeking stockholder approval to change our corporate
name so as to have a name more easily associated with our intended business
activities. Subsequent to Mr. Roy's acquisition of a controlling stockholder
interest, our principal activities are intended to be focused on the
exploration, development, and exploitation of oil and gas properties. Our
management believes that our operations and identity will be enhanced by this
change in our corporate name. Except for the change in our corporate name, the
adoption of the proposal will not effect any other change in our Certificate of

        Adoption of the Proposal requires the affirmative vote of the holders of
a majority of our outstanding shares of Common Stock. Mr. Roy has advised us
that he intends to vote in favor of the proposal.



        On October 6, 2003, we retained Grant Thornton LLP ("GT") as our
principal accountants. A representative of GT or of N.I. Cameron is not expected
to be present at the Meeting. However, if such a representative is present, he
or she will be offered the opportunity to make a statement if such
representative desires to do so and will be available to respond to appropriate

         N.I. Cameron Inc., Chartered Accountants ("Cameron") reported on our
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2002. On October 6, 2003,
we replaced Cameron as our principal accountant. During the two fiscal years
ended December 31, 2002, we have not filed any Current Report on Form 8-K
reporting any change in accountants in which there was a reported disagreement
on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement
disclosure or auditing scope or procedure.


         Our board of directors approved the change of accountants from Cameron
to GT. GT has been retained to audit our consolidated financial statements for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.

        The audit reports of Cameron on our financial statements for the two
fiscal years ended December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001 did not contain any
adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were they qualified or modified as
to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles, except the reports were
modified to include an explanatory paragraph for a going concern uncertainty
because of our accumulated losses, because it has had no material revenue
producing operations and because of its need to raise additional capital or
merge with a revenue producing venture partner which raise substantial doubt as
to our ability to continue as a going concern.

        In connection with the audits of the fiscal years ended December 31,
2002 and December 31, 2001 including the subsequent fiscal year and interim
periods through October 6, 2003, the date of replacement, we had no
disagreements with Cameron with respect to accounting or auditing issues of the
type discussed in Item 304(a)(iv) of Regulation S-B under the US Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which, if not resolved to its satisfaction,
would have caused Cameron to make reference in connection with its opinion to
the subject matter of the disagreement in connection with its report. In
addition, during that time we did not receive from Cameron any advice of the
type described in Item 304(a)(1)(iv)(B) of Regulation S-B.

        During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001,
including the subsequent fiscal year and interim periods through October 6,
2003, the date of Cameron's replacement, and prior to the appointment of GT, we
(nor anyone on our behalf) did not consult with GT regarding any of the
accounting or auditing issues stated in Item 304(a)(2) of Regulation S-B.


        As of the Record Date, we had issued and outstanding 49,053,355 shares
of its Common Stock. The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date,
certain information regarding beneficial ownership of our Common Stock by (i)
those persons beneficially holding more than five percent of our Common Stock,
(ii) each of our Directors and our chief executive officer and (iii) all of our
Directors and executive officers as a group.

                                                   Number of Shares Beneficially          Percentage of Outstanding
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                         Owned(1)                           Common Stock
--------------------------------------------    ------------------------------------   --------------------------------
Jean Paul Roy
c/o, Inc.
Suite 200, 630 - 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB   T2P 0J9                                       34,000,000                              69.3%

Allan J. Kent
c/o, Inc.
Suite 200, 630 - 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB   T2P 0J9                                            0                                   0%

John K. Campbell
750 West Pender Street - Suite 710
Vancouver, BC   V6C 2T7                                       66,667                           Less than 0.5%

Brent J. Peters(2)
c/o Northfield Capital Corporation
347 Bay Street - Suite 301
Toronto, ON   M5H 2R7                                         98,667                           Less than 0.5%

All officers and directors as a group (4 persons)           34,165,334                              69.6%

(1)  For purposes of the above table, a person is considered to "beneficially
     own" any shares with respect to which he or she exercises sole or shared
     voting or investment power or of which he or she has the right to acquire
     the beneficial ownership within 60 days following the Record Date.

(2)  Mr. Peters, an employee of Northfield Capital Corp., disclaims a beneficial
     interest in the shares held by Northfield Capital Corp.


        In accordance with the terms and conditions of the April 4, 2003 Stock
Purchase Agreement entered into with JPR and GeoGlobal, we intend to grant
options to purchase an aggregate of 2.0 million shares of Common Stock under our
Stock Option Plan to officers, Directors, employees and consultants exercisable
at not less than $1.00 per share.


Board of Directors
        Our Board of Directors held ten meetings during the year ended December
31, 2002. Except for Mr. Peters who was unable to attend one meeting, each of
our Directors participated in all of the meetings of the Board and of each
committee of the board of which he or she is a member.

Audit Committee
         Our Audit Committee, among other things, meets with our independent
accountants to review our accounting policies, internal controls and other
accounting and auditing matters; makes recommendations to the Board of Directors
as to the engagement of independent accountants; and reviews the letter of
engagement and statement of fees relating to the scope of the annual audit and
special audit work which may be recommended or required by the independent

        Our Audit Committee Charter was included as Appendix A to our Proxy
Statement dated May 2, 2001. The Charter describes the nature and scope of the
duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee.

        As of the date of this proxy statement, the members of our Audit
Committee are Messrs. Jean Paul Roy, Brent Peters and John Campbell. Our Board
of Directors appointed these members to the Audit Committee on August 29, 2003.
Our Board of Directors has reviewed Section 121 of the American Stock Exchange
Company Guide and has determined that, except for Mr. Roy, our Audit Committee
members are independent as defined under that Section.

        Between February 2002 and August 2003, we did not have an Audit
Committee and our Audit Committee held no meetings in 2002.

        Our Board of Directors in March 2003 discussed with management our
audited financial statements and with Cameron the matters required to be
discussed by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61 and received the written
disclosures and the letter from Cameron as required by Independence Standards
Board Standard No. 1. It also discussed with Cameron its independence as
auditor. Based on that review and those discussions, our Board in March 2003
recommended that our audited financial statements be included in our Annual
Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2002 for filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

        Messrs. Brent J. Peters and John K. Campbell, Directors of our company
in March 2003, remain Directors of our company in October 2003. Messrs. Blumberg
and Loblaw, Directors of our company in March 2003, are no longer Directors of
our company and our remaining Directors, Messrs. Roy and Kent, were elected as
Directors in August 2003.

                                                     Brent J. Peters
                                                     John K. Campbell
                                                     Jean Paul Roy

Other Committees
     Our Board of Directors has not appointed either a compensation committee or
a nominating committee.



     The following sets forth fees incurred by us during the two years ended
December 31, 2002 for services provided by N.I. Cameron Inc., our independent
public accountant at those year ends:

                Audit Fees     Audit Related Fees     Tax Fees     All Other
   2001         $14,185               -0-               -0-           -0-
   2002         $36,850               -0-               -0-           -0-

        Our Board of Directors believes that the provision of the services
during the two years ended December 31, 2002 is compatible with maintaining the
independence of N.I. Cameron Inc. Our Board of Directors has not adopted any
pre-approval policies and procedures for engaging an accountant to render audit
or non-audit services that are subject to the pre-approval requirement.


        Any proposals which shareholders intend to present for a vote of
shareholders at our 2004 Annual Meeting and which such shareholders desire to
have included in our proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting
must be sent to our executive office and received by us not later than July 7,
2004 or a reasonable time before we begin to print and mail our proxy materials
for our 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.


        The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by us. In addition to
solicitation by use of the mails, certain officers and regular employees may
solicit proxies personally and by telephone and we will request banks, brokerage
houses and nominees and fiduciaries to forward soliciting material to their
principals and will reimburse them for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

        Our Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2002,
including financial statements, is being mailed to shareholders herewith.
However, that report is not part of the proxy soliciting information.

By Order of the Board of Directors

Allan J. Kent, Executive VP and CFO

Dated:  November 4, 2003


                                   Exhibit "A"

         RESOLVED, that Article First of the Certificate of Incorporation of
         this corporation be hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

                  FIRST: The name of the corporation (hereinafter sometimes
         called the "Corporation") is GeoGlobal Resources Inc.


                             APPENDIX: FORM OF PROXY

                               SUITE101.COM, INC.
                          SUITE 200, 630 - 4 AVENUE SW
                        CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA T2P 0J9


The undersigned hereby appoints Jean Paul Roy, President and Chief Executive
Officer and Allan J. Kent, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
or either of them, with power of substitution, to represent and to vote on
behalf of the undersigned all of the shares of common stock, par value $.001 per
share ("Common Stock"), of the Company which the undersigned is entitled to vote
at the annual meeting of stockholders to be held at the Calgary Petroleum Club,
319 - 5 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L5 at 2:30 p.m., local time, on
December 4, 2003, and at any adjournments or postponements thereof, hereby
revoking all proxies heretofore given with respect to such stock, upon the
following proposals more fully described in the notice of the meeting (receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged).


|_|     For all nominees listed below (except as marked to contrary below)

|_|     Withhold Authority to vote for all nominees listed below



Jean Paul Roy                                  John K. Campbell
Allan J. Kent                                  Brent J. Peters
Peter R. Smith


Approval of the proposed amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation
to change the name of the Company to GeoGlobal Resources Inc.

In Favor of |_|            Against [_]                 Abstain  |_|

3. In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.





Dated: ___________________, 2003

            Title (if required)

            Signature (if held jointly)
