Form 6-K
Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of July, 2011
Commission File Number: 001-09531
Telefónica, S.A.
(Translation of registrants name into English)
C, Ronda de la Comunicación s/n,
28050 Madrid, Spain
(Address of principal executive offices)
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Telefónica, S.A.
Sequential |
Page |
Item |
Number |
1. |
2 |
Review Report
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial
Statements and
Consolidated Interim Management Report
for the six-month period ended
June 30, 2011
Translation of a report and condensed consolidated interim financial
statements originally issued in Spanish. In the event of a discrepancy, the
Spanish-language version prevails (see Note 15)
To the Shareholders of
Telefónica, S.A., at the request of Management
1. We have carried out a review of the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial
statements (hereinafter the interim financial statements) of Telefónica, S.A. (hereinafter the
Parent Company) and subsidiaries (hereinafter the Group), which comprise the interim consolidated
statement of financial position at June 30, 2011, the interim consolidated income statement, the
interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the interim consolidated statement of
changes in equity, the interim consolidated statement of cash flows, and selected explanatory
notes, for the six-month period then ended. It is the responsibility of the Parent Companys
directors to prepare said interim financial statements in accordance with the requirements
established by International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as
adopted by the European Union, for the preparation of condensed interim financial reporting as per
article 12 of Royal Decree 1362/2007, of October 19. Our responsibility is to issue a report on
these interim financial statements based on our review.
2. Our review was performed in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements
2410, Review of Interim Financial Reporting Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity. A
review of the interim financial statements consists of making inquiries, primarily of personnel
responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying certain analytical and other review
procedures. The scope of a limited review is substantially less extensive in scope than that of an
audit and therefore, it is not possible to provide assurance that all the significant matters that
could be identified in an audit have come to our attention. Accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion on the accompanying interim financial statements.
3. As discussed in Note 2 to the accompanying interim financial statements, these statements do not
include all the information that would be required for complete consolidated financial statements
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European
Union, and therefore the accompanying interim financial statements should be read together with the
Groups consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010.
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4. During the course of our review, which under no circumstances can be considered an audit of
financial statements, nothing has come to our attention which would lead us to conclude that the
accompanying interim financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2011 have not
been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the requirements established by
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the
European Union in conformity with article 12 of Royal Decree 1362/2007 for the preparation of
condensed interim financial statements.
5. The accompanying consolidated interim management report for the six-month period ended June 30,
2011 contains such explanations as the Parent Companys directors consider necessary regarding the
events which occurred during said period and their effect on the interim financial statements, of
which it is not an integral part, as well as on the information required in conformity with article
15 of Royal Decree 1362/2007. We have checked that the accounting information included in the
abovementioned report agrees with the interim financial statements for the six-month period ended
June 30, 2011. Our work is limited to verifying the management report in accordance with the scope
mentioned in this paragraph, and does not include the review of information other than that
obtained from the consolidated companies accounting records.
6. This report has been prepared at the request of Management of the Parent Company with regard to
the publication of the semi-annual financial report required by article 35 of Securities Market Law
24/1988, of July 28, enacted by Royal Decree 1362/2007.
/s/ Ignacio Viota del Corte
Ignacio Viota del Corte |
July 27, 2011
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Consolidated statements of financial position
Millions of euros
Unaudited |
Audited |
Note |
06/30/2011 |
12/31/2010 |
A) Non-current assets |
104,221 |
108,721 |
Intangible assets |
7 |
24,262 |
25,026 |
Goodwill |
7 |
29,019 |
29,582 |
Property, plant and equipment |
7 |
34,549 |
35,797 |
Investment properties |
5 |
5 |
Investments in associates |
8 |
4,715 |
5,212 |
Non-current financial assets |
10 |
5,978 |
7,406 |
Deferred tax assets |
5,693 |
5,693 |
B) Current assets |
20,111 |
21,054 |
Inventories |
1,157 |
1,028 |
Trade and other receivables |
12,126 |
12,426 |
Current financial assets |
10 |
2,016 |
1,574 |
Tax receivables |
1,358 |
1,331 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
10 |
3,194 |
4,220 |
Non-current assets held for sale |
260 |
475 |
Total assets (A+B) |
124,332 |
129,775 |
A) Equity |
26,048 |
31,684 |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent |
20,324 |
24,452 |
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests |
5,724 |
7,232 |
B) Non-current liabilities |
65,066 |
64,599 |
Non-current interest-bearing debt |
10 |
51,981 |
51,356 |
Non-current trade and other payables |
2,237 |
2,304 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
6,141 |
6,074 |
Non-current provisions |
4,707 |
4,865 |
C) Current liabilities |
33,218 |
33,492 |
Current interest-bearing debt |
10 |
7,882 |
9,744 |
Current trade and other payables |
21,127 |
19,251 |
Current tax payables |
2,759 |
2,822 |
Current provisions |
1,450 |
1,675 |
Total equity and liabilities (A+B+C) |
124,332 |
129,775 |
Condensed notes 1 to 15 and Appendix I are an integral part of these consolidated statements of
financial position.
- 2 -
Consolidated income statements
Millions of euros
January June (*) |
Note |
2011 |
2010 |
Revenues from operations |
5 |
30,886 |
29,053 |
Other income |
842 |
868 |
Supplies |
(8,893 |
) |
(8,334 |
) |
Personnel expenses |
(4,139 |
) |
(3,793 |
) |
Other expenses |
(7,392 |
) |
(6,889 |
) |
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBDA) |
5 |
11,304 |
10,905 |
Depreciation and amortization |
5 |
(4,956 |
) |
(4,449 |
) |
Operating income |
5 |
6,348 |
6,456 |
Share of (loss) profit of associates |
8 |
(534 |
) |
72 |
Finance income |
450 |
312 |
Exchange gains |
2,998 |
5,494 |
Finance costs |
(1,628 |
) |
(1,507 |
) |
Exchange losses |
(2,985 |
) |
(5,553 |
) |
Net financial expense |
(1,165 |
) |
(1,254 |
) |
Profit before tax from continuing operations |
4,649 |
5,274 |
Corporate income tax |
(1,271 |
) |
(1,428 |
) |
Profit for the period from continuing operations |
3,378 |
3,846 |
Profit after tax from discontinued operations |
Profit for the period |
3,378 |
3,846 |
Non-controlling interests |
(216 |
) |
(71 |
) |
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent |
3,162 |
3,775 |
Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to equity
holders of the parent (euros) |
0.70 |
0.83 |
Condensed notes 1 to 15 and Appendix I are an integral part of these consolidated income
- 3 -
Consolidated statements of comprehensive income
Millions of euros
January June (*) |
2011 |
2010 |
Profit for the period |
3,378 |
3,846 |
(Losses) on measurement of available-for-sale investments |
(8 |
) |
(98 |
) |
Reclassification of losses (gains) included in the income statement |
2 |
Income tax impact |
1 |
33 |
(5 |
) |
(65 |
) |
Gains (losses) on hedges |
113 |
(504 |
) |
Reclassification of losses included in the income statement |
103 |
40 |
Income tax impact |
(73 |
) |
136 |
143 |
(328 |
) |
Translation differences |
(1,410 |
) |
1,740 |
Actuarial gains and losses and impact of limit on assets for
defined benefit pension plans |
13 |
(52 |
) |
Income tax impact |
(6 |
) |
11 |
7 |
(41 |
) |
Share of income (loss) recognized directly in equity of associates |
52 |
(109 |
) |
Income tax impact |
(15 |
) |
30 |
37 |
(79 |
) |
Total comprehensive income recognized in the period |
2,150 |
5,073 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of the parent |
1,981 |
4,782 |
Non-controlling interests |
169 |
291 |
2,150 |
5,073 |
Condensed notes 1 to 15 and Appendix I are an integral part of these consolidated statements of
comprehensive income.
- 4 -
Consolidated statements of changes in equity
Millions of euros
Attributable to equity holders of the parent |
Available- |
Non- |
Share |
Share |
Legal |
Revaluation |
Treasury |
Retained |
for-sale |
Equity of |
Translation |
controlling |
capital |
premium |
reserve |
reserve |
shares |
earnings |
investments |
Hedges |
associates |
differences |
Total |
interests |
Total equity |
Balance at December 31, 2010 |
4,564 |
460 |
984 |
141 |
(1,376 |
) |
19,971 |
45 |
648 |
(42 |
) |
(943 |
) |
24,452 |
7,232 |
31,684 |
Profit for the period |
3,162 |
3,162 |
216 |
3,378 |
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the period |
6 |
(5 |
) |
143 |
37 |
(1,362 |
) |
(1,181 |
) |
(47 |
) |
(1,228 |
) |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
3,168 |
(5 |
) |
143 |
37 |
(1,362 |
) |
1,981 |
169 |
2,150 |
Net movement in treasury shares |
(194 |
) |
(194 |
) |
(194 |
) |
Acquisitions and disposals of non-controlling
interests |
984 |
(323 |
) |
661 |
(1,185 |
) |
(524 |
) |
Dividends paid |
(6,874 |
) |
(6,874 |
) |
(578 |
) |
(7,452 |
) |
Other movements |
371 |
(73 |
) |
298 |
86 |
384 |
Financial position at June 30, 2011 (*) |
4,564 |
460 |
984 |
141 |
(1,199 |
) |
17,176 |
40 |
791 |
(5 |
) |
(2,628 |
) |
20,324 |
5,724 |
26,048 |
Balance at December 31, 2009 |
4,564 |
460 |
984 |
157 |
(527 |
) |
16,685 |
(39 |
) |
804 |
19 |
(1,373 |
) |
21,734 |
2,540 |
24,274 |
Profit for the period |
3,775 |
3,775 |
71 |
3,846 |
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the period |
(41 |
) |
(59 |
) |
(328 |
) |
(79 |
) |
1,514 |
1,007 |
220 |
1,227 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
3,734 |
(59 |
) |
(328 |
) |
(79 |
) |
1,514 |
4,782 |
291 |
5,073 |
Net movement in treasury shares |
(730 |
) |
(730 |
) |
(730 |
) |
Dividends paid |
(5,872 |
) |
(5,872 |
) |
(273 |
) |
(6,145 |
) |
Other movements |
(539 |
) |
(539 |
) |
57 |
(482 |
) |
Financial position at June 30, 2010 (*) |
4,564 |
460 |
984 |
157 |
(1,257 |
) |
14,008 |
(98 |
) |
476 |
(60 |
) |
141 |
19,375 |
2,615 |
21,990 |
Condensed notes 1 to 15 and Appendix I are an integral part of these consolidated statements of
changes in equity.
- 5 -
Consolidated statements of cash flow
Millions of euros
January June (*) |
2011 |
2010 |
Cash received from customers |
37,779 |
34,363 |
Cash paid to suppliers and employees |
(28,224 |
) |
(24,827 |
) |
Dividends received |
64 |
110 |
Net interest and other financial expenses paid |
(1,230 |
) |
(1,325 |
) |
Taxes paid |
(995 |
) |
(1,213 |
) |
Net cash from operating activities |
7,394 |
7,108 |
Proceeds on disposals of property, plant and equipment and
intangible assets |
90 |
38 |
Payments on investments in property, plant and equipment and
intangible assets |
(4,560 |
) |
(5,028 |
) |
Proceeds on disposals of companies, net of cash and cash equivalents
disposed |
544 |
Payments on investments in companies, net of cash and cash
equivalents acquired |
(792 |
) |
(396 |
) |
Proceeds on financial investments not included under cash equivalents |
3 |
181 |
Payments made on financial investments not included under cash
equivalents |
(247 |
) |
(1,368 |
) |
Net flows on cash surpluses not included under cash equivalents |
(181 |
) |
(211 |
) |
Government grants received |
7 |
1 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(5,680 |
) |
(6,239 |
) |
Dividends paid |
(3,620 |
) |
(3,003 |
) |
Transactions with equity holders |
206 |
(730 |
) |
Proceeds on issue of debentures and bonds |
3,473 |
4,056 |
Proceeds on loans, borrowings and promissory notes |
1,730 |
2,073 |
Cancellation of debentures and bonds |
(3,082 |
) |
(1,990 |
) |
Repayments of loans, borrowings and promissory notes |
(1,247 |
) |
(3,350 |
) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(2,540 |
) |
(2,944 |
) |
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on collections and payments |
(211 |
) |
(391 |
) |
Effect of changes in consolidation methods and other non-monetary
effects |
11 |
7 |
Net (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period |
(1,026 |
) |
(2,459 |
) |
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 |
4,220 |
9,113 |
3,194 |
6,654 |
Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents to the statement of financial position |
4,220 |
9,113 |
Cash on hand and at banks |
3,226 |
3,830 |
Other cash equivalents |
994 |
5,283 |
3,194 |
6,654 |
Cash on hand and at banks |
2,486 |
5,313 |
Other cash equivalents |
708 |
1,341 |
Condensed notes 1 to 15 and Appendix I are an integral part of these consolidated cash flow
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(1) |
Telefónica Group organizational structure
Telefónica, S.A. and its subsidiaries and investees make up an integrated group of companies (the
Telefónica Group or the Group) operating mainly in the telecommunications, media and contact
center industries.
The parent company of the Group is Telefónica, S.A. (Telefónica or the Company), incorporated
on April 19, 1924. Its registered office is at calle Gran Vía 28, Madrid (Spain).
Corporate structure of the Group
Telefónicas basic corporate purpose, pursuant to Article 4 of its bylaws, is the provision of all
manner of public or private telecommunications services, including ancillary or complementary
telecommunications services or related services. All the business activities that constitute this
stated corporate purpose may be performed either in Spain or abroad and wholly or partially by the
Company, either through shareholdings or equity interests in other companies or legal entities with
an identical or a similar corporate purpose.
The Telefónica Group follows a regional, integrated management model based on three business areas
by geographical market and integrated wireline and wireless businesses:
Telefónica Spain |
Telefónica Latin America |
Telefónica Europe |
The business activities carried out by most of the Telefónica Group companies are regulated by
broad-ranging legislation, pursuant to which permits, concessions or licenses must be obtained in
certain circumstances to provide the various services.
In addition, certain wireline and wireless telephony services are provided under regulated rate and
price systems.
(2) |
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30,
2011 (the interim financial statements) have been prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting and Article 12 of Royal Decree
1362/2007, of October 19. Therefore, they do not contain all the information and disclosures
required in complete annual consolidated financial statements and, for adequate interpretation,
should be read in conjunction with the consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2010.
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The accompanying interim financial statements were approved by the Companys Board of Directors at
its meeting on July 27, 2011.
Unless indicated otherwise, the figures in these interim financial statements are expressed in
millions of euros and rounded.
(3) |
Comparative information in the accompanying interim financial statements refers to the six-month
periods ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, except for the consolidated statement of financial position,
which compares information at June 30, 2011 and at December 31, 2010.
The principal changes in the consolidation scope taking place in the first half of 2011, as
compared to the same period of the previous year, are described in Note 6 and Appendix I.
With respect to seasonality, the historical performance of consolidated results does not indicate
that the Groups operations, taken as a whole, are subject to significant variations between the
first and second halves of the year.
The main events affecting comparability of the consolidated information for the six months ended
June 30, 2011 are described below.
Acquisition of Brasilcel, N.V. and corporate restructuring in Brazil
On July 28, 2010, Telefónica, S.A. and Portugal Telecom, SGPS, S.A. (Portugal Telecom) signed an
agreement for the acquisition by Telefónica, S.A. of 50% of the share capital of Brasilcel, N.V.
(Brasilcel) (which owned shares representing approximately 60% of Vivo Participaçoes, S.A.) owned
by Portugal Telecom. This transaction was completed on September 27, 2010, terminating the joint
venture agreements entered into by Telefónica and Portugal Telecom in 2002.
Vivo Participaçoes, S.A. was changed from the proportionate to full consolidation method within the
scope of consolidation as of the transaction completion date.
On December 21, 2010, the merger between Telefónica and Brasilcel was registered in the Madrid
Mercantile Register, with the Company becoming a direct shareholder of the Brazilian consolidated
group Vivo, with 59.6% of its capital stock.
Pursuant to Brazilian legislation, on October 26, 2010, Telefónica announced a tender offer for the
acquisition of voting shares of Vivo Participaçoes, S.A. (Vivo Participaçoes) held by
non-controlling interests, representing approximately 3.8% of its capital stock. This offer was
approved by the Brazilian market regulator (C.V.M.) on February 11, 2011 and, after its execution,
Telefónica acquired an additional 2.7% of the Brazilian companys capital stock, for a total of
- 8 -
In addition, on March 25, 2011 the Boards of Directors of each of the subsidiaries controlled by
Telefónica, Vivo Participações and Telesp, approved the terms and conditions of a restructuring
process whereby all shares of Vivo Participações that were not owned by Telesp were exchanged for
Telesp shares, at a rate of 1.55 new Telesp shares for each Vivo share. These shares then became
the property of Telesp, whereby Vivo Participações then became a wholly owned subsidiary of Telesp.
The restructuring process was approved by the shareholders of Vivo Participações at the
Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on April 27, 2011 and by the shareholders of
Telesp at the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on this same date.
Once the shares were exchanged, the Telefónica Group became the owner of 73.8% of Telesp which, in
turn, has 100% ownership of the shares of Vivo Participações. The impact on equity attributable to
equity holders of the parent arising from this transaction was an increase of 661 million euros (an
increase of 984 million euros in Retained earnings offset by the impact of translation
On June 14, 2011, the Boards of Directors of Vivo Participações and Telesp approved a restructuring
plan whose objective is simplify the corporate structure of both companies and foster their
integration, eliminating Vivo Participações from the corporate chain through the incorporation of
its total equity into Telesp, and concentrating all mobile telephony activities in Vivo, S.A. (now
a direct subsidiary of Telesp).
Approval for the transaction must be given at the General Shareholders Meetings of both companies.
The deal is also subject to authorization from the Brazilian telecommunications regulator.
According to the transaction calendar, the restructuring process is estimated to be completed in
the second half of 2011.
Extension of the strategic partnership agreement with China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited
Expanding on the existing strategic partnership, on January 23, 2011, Telefónica, S.A. and China
Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited (China Unicom) signed an extension to their Strategic Partnership
Agreement, in which both companies agreed to strengthen and deepen their strategic cooperation in
certain business areas, and committed to investing the equivalent of 500 million US dollars in
ordinary shares of the other party. Telefónica will acquire through its subsidiary Telefónica
Internacional, S.A.U. a number of China Unicom shares amounting to 500 million US dollars from
third parties, within nine months from the agreement date. In recognition of China Unicoms stake
in Telefónica, the Company appointed a board member named by China Unicom approved at the General
Shareholders Meeting held on May 18, 2011.
China Unicom completed the acquisition of Telefónica shares on January 28, 2011, giving it
ownership of 1.37% of the Companys capital (see note 9).
Telefónica purchased China Unicom shares during the first half of 2011 to the amount of 245 million
euros. At June 30, 2011 Telefónicas shareholding in this company amounted to 9.2% of its capital
- 9 -
Reduction of the value of the shareholding in Telecom Italia, S.p.A.
The Board of Directors of Telco, S.p.A., at its meeting on July 6, 2011, approved a valuation
adjustment to its stake in Telecom Italia, S.p.A. of up to 1.8 euros per share. The losses
contributed by Telco, S.p.A. to the Telefónica Group during the first half of 2011, included under
Share of (loss) profit of associates, totalled 505 million euros, which represents a decrease of
353 million euros in profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent, net of the
related tax effect. This valuation adjustment does not represent a cash outflow for the Company.
Reduction of stake in Portugal Telecom
In June 2010, the Telefónica Group reduced its ownership interest in Portugal Telecom by 7.98%,
resulting in cash inflow of 631 million euros from the sale of the shares. In addition, Telefónica
entered into three equity swap contracts for Portugal Telecom shares with a number of financial
institutions, subject to net settlement, which granted Telefónica the economic returns. The
investment was no longer reflected in the scope consolidation through the equity method of
accounting and was classified under Non-current assets held for sale.
In the first half of 2011 an orderly settlement of a portion of the aforementioned equity swap
contracts was performed, which gave rise to profit of 183 million euros recognized under Other
income in the consolidated income statement for the first half of 2011.
The accounting policies applied in the preparation of the interim financial statements for the six
months ended June 30, 2011 are consistent with those used in the preparation of the Groups
consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, except for the
adoption of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations published by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the International Financial Reporting
Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), and adopted by the European Union, effective as of January 1,
2011, noted below:
Revised IAS 24, Related party disclosures |
This revised standard includes the following changes: (i) it includes a partial exemption
for entities with government shareholdings, which requires disclosures of information on
balances and transactions with these entities only if they are significant, taken
individually or collectively; and (ii) includes a new revised definition of a related
party. |
Amendments to IAS 32, Classification of rights issues |
The purpose of this change is to clarify that rights issues that allow a set number of own
equity instruments to be acquired for a fixed exercise price, are classified as equity,
regardless of the currency in which the exercise price is denominated, provided that the
issue is aimed at all holders of the same class of shares in proportion to the number of shares they already own. The adoption of these changes has had no impact on the financial
position or results of the Group. |
- 10 -
Improvements to IFRSs (May 2010) |
These improvements establish a series of amendments to current IFRS with the aim of
removing inconsistencies and clarifying wording. These amendments have had no impact on the
results of financial position of the Group. |
IFRIC 19, Extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments |
This interpretation establishes that: (i) when the terms of a financial liability are
renegotiated with the creditor and the creditor accepts the companys equity instruments to
extinguish all or part of the liability, the instruments issued are considered to be part
of the consideration paid to extinguish the financial liability; (ii) these instruments
must be measured at their fair value, unless this cannot be reliably estimated, in which
case the valuation of the new instruments must reflect the fair value of the financial
liability settled; and (iii) the difference between the carrying amount of the extinguished
financial liability and the initial value of the equity instrument issued is recognized in
the income statement for the period. The adoption of these criteria introduced by this new
interpretation has had no impact on the financial position or results of the Group. |
Amendments to IFRIC 14, Prepayments when there is a minimum funding requirement |
This change is applied in specific situations in which the company is obligated to make
minimum annual contributions to its defined benefit plan and make prepayments in order to
meet this obligation. The amendment allows the company to consider the economic benefits
that arise from prepayments as an asset. The adoption of these criteria has had no impact
on the financial position or results of the Group. |
New standards and IFRIC interpretations issued but not in effect as of June 30, 2011
- 11 -
At the date of preparation of these interim financial statements, the following IFRS, amendments to
IFRSs and interpretations were issued but not effective as at June 30, 2011:
Mandatory application: annual |
Standards and amendments |
periods beginning on or after |
Amendments to IAS 1 |
Presentation of items of other comprehensive income |
July 1, 2012 |
Amendments to IAS 12 |
Deferred taxes: Recovery of underlying assets |
January 1, 2012 |
Amendments to IFRS 7 |
Disclosures Transfers of financial assets |
July 1, 2011 |
IFRS 9 |
Financial instruments |
January 1, 2013 |
IFRS 10 |
Consolidated financial statements |
January 1, 2013 |
IFRS 11 |
Joint arrangements |
January 1, 2013 |
IFRS 12 |
Disclosures of interests in other entities |
January 1, 2013 |
IFRS 13 |
Fair value measurement |
January 1, 2013 |
Revised IAS 19 |
Employee benefits |
January 1, 2013 |
Revised IAS 27 |
Separate financial statements |
January 1, 2013 |
Revised IAS 28 |
Investments in associates and joint ventures |
January 1, 2013 |
The Group is currently assessing the impact of the application of these standards, amendments
and interpretations. Based on the analyses made to date, the Group estimates that their adoption
will not have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements in the initial period
of application. However, the changes introduced by IFRS 9 will affect financial instruments and
transactions with financial instruments carried out on or after January 1, 2013.
- 12 -
In accordance with the organizational scheme approved by the Company in September 2010, Telefónica
International Wholesale Services (TIWS) and Telefónica North America (TNA) now form part of the
consolidation scope of Telefónica Europe as of January 1, 2011 (formerly part of Telefónica Latin
America). In order to facilitate a homogeneous comparison of information, the figures for 2010 were
revised and reflect this new organizational scheme as of January 1, 2010.
The following table presents profit and capital expenditure information regarding the Groups
operating segments for the six months ended June 30, 2011 and 2010:
January June 2011 |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Other and |
Total |
Millions of euros |
Spain |
Latin America |
Europe |
eliminations |
Group |
External revenues |
8,580 |
14,066 |
7,513 |
727 |
30,886 |
Inter-segment revenues |
172 |
51 |
149 |
(372 |
) |
Other operating income and
expenses |
(4,841 |
) |
(8,927 |
) |
(5,565 |
) |
(249 |
) |
(19,582 |
) |
Operating income before
depreciation and
amortization (OIBDA) |
3,911 |
5,190 |
2,097 |
106 |
11,304 |
Depreciation and amortization |
(1,049 |
) |
(2,317 |
) |
(1,515 |
) |
(75 |
) |
(4,956 |
) |
Operating income |
2,862 |
2,873 |
582 |
31 |
6,348 |
Capital expenditures |
903 |
2,072 |
708 |
155 |
3,838 |
January June 2010 (revised) |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Other and |
Total |
Millions of euros |
Spain |
Latin America |
Europe |
eliminations |
Group |
External revenues |
9,175 |
11,864 |
7,351 |
663 |
29,053 |
Inter-segment revenues |
146 |
64 |
149 |
(359 |
) |
Other operating income and
expenses |
(4,944 |
) |
(7,475 |
) |
(5,429 |
) |
(300 |
) |
(18,148 |
) |
Operating income before
depreciation and
amortization (OIBDA) |
4,377 |
4,453 |
2,071 |
4 |
10,905 |
Depreciation and amortization |
(990 |
) |
(1,853 |
) |
(1,536 |
) |
(70 |
) |
(4,449 |
) |
Operating income |
3,387 |
2,600 |
535 |
(66 |
) |
6,456 |
Capital expenditures |
831 |
1,242 |
2,144 |
78 |
4,295 |
For the presentation of segment reporting, revenue and expenses arising from intra-group
billings for the use of the trademark and management agreements have been eliminated from the
operating results, while projects managed centrally are included at the regional level. These
issues do not affect the Groups consolidated results.
- 13 -
The following table compares segment assets, liabilities and investments in associates at June
30, 2011 and December 31, 2010:
June 2011 |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Other and |
Millions of euros |
Spain |
Latin America |
Europe |
eliminations |
Total Group |
Investments in associates |
1 |
3 |
4,711 |
4,715 |
Fixed assets |
14,031 |
44,186 |
28,114 |
1,499 |
87,830 |
Total allocated assets |
21,999 |
61,871 |
35,247 |
5,215 |
124,332 |
Total allocated liabilities |
12,225 |
27,919 |
9,928 |
48,212 |
98,284 |
December 2010 (revised) |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Telefónica |
Other and |
Millions of euros |
Spain |
Latin America |
Europe |
eliminations |
Total Group |
Investments in associates |
1 |
71 |
5,140 |
5,212 |
Fixed assets |
14,179 |
45,459 |
29,329 |
1,438 |
90,405 |
Total allocated assets |
23,291 |
64,963 |
36,199 |
5,322 |
129,775 |
Total allocated liabilities |
11,021 |
29,093 |
10,333 |
47,644 |
98,091 |
(6) |
Acquisition of Brasilcel (Vivo)
During the second half of 2010, the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the
acquisition date were recognized and measured.
These values were determined using various measurement methods for each type of asset and/or
liability based on the best available information. The advice of experts has been considered in
addition to the various considerations made in determining these fair values.
The provisional carrying amounts, fair values, goodwill and purchase consideration cost of the
identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in this transaction were as follows:
Brasilcel, N.V. |
Millions of euros |
Carrying |
(provisional data) |
amount |
Fair value |
Intangible assets |
3,466 |
8,401 |
Goodwill |
932 |
N/A |
Property, plant and equipment |
2,586 |
2,586 |
Other non-current assets |
1,921 |
1,953 |
Other current assets |
3,101 |
3,101 |
Financial liabilities |
(1,913 |
) |
(1,913 |
) |
Deferred tax liabilities |
(828 |
) |
(2,506 |
) |
Other liabilities and current liabilities |
(3,046 |
) |
(3,203 |
) |
Value of net assets |
6,219 |
8,419 |
Purchase consideration cost |
18,408 |
Goodwill |
9,989 |
- 14 -
At the date of authorization for issue of these interim financial statements, the Group is in
the process of concluding the determination of the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired
and liabilities assumed. This conclusion is pending an analysis of trends in the Brazilian wireline
and wireless markets and their consideration with respect to the operations the Group is defining
in these markets. This analysis is expected to be completed within a maximum of twelve months from
the acquisition date.
Had the acquisition taken place on January 1, 2010, the Telefónica Groups revenues from operations
and OIBDA in the six-month period ended June 30, 2010 would have been approximately 1,519 million
and 549 million euros higher, respectively.
(7) |
The movements in Intangible assets and Property, plant and equipment in the first half of 2011
are as follows:
Intangible |
Property, plant |
Millions of euros |
assets |
and equipment |
Total |
Opening balance at December 31, 2010 |
25,026 |
35,797 |
60,823 |
Additions |
1,028 |
2,810 |
3,838 |
Depreciation and amortization |
(1,682 |
) |
(3,274 |
) |
(4,956 |
) |
Retirements/disposals |
(10 |
) |
(27 |
) |
(37 |
) |
Translation differences and monetary correction |
(356 |
) |
(611 |
) |
(967 |
) |
Changes in scope of consolidation, transfers,
and other |
256 |
(146 |
) |
110 |
Ending balance at June 30, 2011 |
24,262 |
34,549 |
58,811 |
The movement in Goodwill in the first half of 2011 is as follows:
Millions of euros |
Goodwill |
Opening balance at December 31, 2010 |
29,582 |
Translation differences and monetary correction |
(560 |
) |
Other movements |
(3 |
) |
Ending balance at June 30, 2011 |
29,019 |
- 15 -
Significant shareholders
The main transactions carried out between Group companies and the significant shareholders Banco
Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) and Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (la Caixa), and
their subsidiaries, are as follows:
Revenues and expense: |
January June |
Millions of euros |
2011 |
2010 |
Finance costs |
22 |
18 |
Leases |
2 |
5 |
Receipt of services |
21 |
9 |
Purchase of goods |
3 |
17 |
48 |
49 |
Finance income |
10 |
13 |
Dividends received |
11 |
6 |
Services rendered |
118 |
107 |
Sale of goods (finished or in progress) |
18 |
21 |
Other income |
3 |
7 |
160 |
154 |
Other transactions |
January June |
Millions of euros |
2011 |
2010 |
Finance arrangements: loans and capital contributions
(lender) |
116 |
2,177 |
Financing arrangements: loans and capital
contributions (borrower) |
1,131 |
807 |
Finance leases (lessor) |
6 |
9 |
Repayment or cancellation of loans and lease agreements |
3 |
4 |
Guarantees and deposits given |
792 |
378 |
Guarantees and deposits received |
91 |
4 |
Commitments acquired |
51 |
29 |
Dividends and other distributed earnings |
425 |
356 |
Other transactions derivatives (nominal volume) |
16,338 |
11,273 |
- 16 -
The breakdown of amounts recognized in the consolidated statements of financial position and income
statements related to associates is as follows:
Millions of euros |
30/06/2011 |
31/12/2010 |
Investments in associates |
4,715 |
5,212 |
Non-current loans to associates |
3 |
604 |
Current loans to associates |
628 |
43 |
Receivables from associates for current operations |
72 |
84 |
Loans granted by associates |
67 |
147 |
Payables to associates for current operations |
90 |
46 |
January June |
Millions of euros |
2011 |
2010 |
Share of (loss) profit of associates |
(534 |
) |
72 |
Revenue from operations with associates |
270 |
239 |
Expenses from operations with associates |
296 |
478 |
As described in Note 3, Telco, S.p.A. has adjusted the value of its stake in Telecom Italia,
S.p.A up to 1.8 euros per share. The losses contributed by Telco, S.p.A. to the Telefónica Group
during the first half of 2011, included under Share of (loss) profit of associates, totalled 505
million euros, which represents a decrease of 353 million euros in profit for the period
attributable to equity holders of the parent, net of the related tax effect.
In addition, Telefónica purchased China Unicom shares during the first half of 2011 in the amount
of 245 million euros. At June 30, 2011 Telefónicas shareholding in this company amounted to 9.2%
of its capital stock. In addition, in the first half of 2011, 21,827,499 treasury shares were sold
to China Unicom within the framework of the extension of the strategic partnership agreement
entered into with this company (see Note 3).
- 17 -
Directors and senior executives compensation and other information
Pursuant to the disclosures established in Circular 1/2008, of January 30, of the Comisión Nacional
del Mercado de Valores (the Spanish national securities commission, or CNMV), on periodic reporting
by issuers, the compensation and benefits paid to members of the Companys Board of Directors in
the first six months of 2011 and 2010 are as follows:
Directors: |
January June |
(Thousands of euros) |
2011 |
2010 |
Fixed remuneration |
6,051 |
5,563 |
Variable remuneration |
8,167 |
8,186 |
Attendance fees |
156 |
159 |
Other (1) |
1,234 |
1,102 |
15,608 |
15,010 |
(1) |
Other includes amounts received for: (i) medical and dental insurance premiums;
(ii) compensation for membership of the various regional advisory committees
(Andalusia, Catalonia and Valencia); and (iii) contributions made by the Telefónica
Group to the Pension Plan for Senior Executives (Retirement Plan). |
Other benefits for directors: |
January June |
(Thousands of euros) |
2011 |
2010 |
Pension funds and plans: contributions |
22 |
20 |
Life insurance premiums |
137 |
127 |
159 |
147 |
In addition, the total amounts paid to senior executives of the Company, excluding those that
are also members of the Board of Directors, for all items in the first six months of 2011 and 2010
are as follows.
Executives: |
January June |
(Thousands of euros) |
2011 |
2010 |
Total compensation paid to Directors |
10,751 |
8,061 |
The variation in figures of the first half of 2011 compared to the ones of the first half of
2010 is due to the payment of the extraordinary summer salary, which in 2011 was made in June to
every employee of the Company, in contrast to extraordinary summer salary payments in the past,
which were made in July, as occurred in 2010.
The remuneration received by the executive officers also includes, as an extraordinary item, a
contribution to the Companys Pension Plan (Plan de Previsión Social) in favour of an executive
officer which payment was pending.
- 18 -
(9) |
The following dividends were distributed in the first half of 2011 and 2010:
06/30/2011 |
06/30/2010 |
Euros |
Euros |
% |
per |
Amount |
% |
per |
Amount |
Millions of euros |
Nominal |
share |
paid |
Nominal |
share |
paid |
Dividends charged to profit for the year |
75 |
% |
0.75 |
3,394 |
65 |
% |
0.65 |
2,938 |
Dividends charged to distributable reserves |
In addition, approval was given at the General Shareholders Meeting of May 18, 2011 to pay a
gross 0.77 euros dividend per share outstanding, up to a maximum amount of 3,514 million euros,
with a charge to unrestricted reserves. This dividend will be payable on November 7, 2011. The
outstanding amount is included under Trade and other payables under Current liabilities of the
accompanying interim consolidated statement of financial position.
Treasury shares
The following transactions involving treasury shares were carried out in the six months ended June
30, 2010 and 2011:
No. of shares |
Treasury shares at December 31, 2010 |
55,204,942 |
Acquisitions |
13,995,281 |
Disposals |
(23,542,086 |
) |
Treasury shares at June 30, 2011 |
45,658,137 |
Treasury shares at December 31, 2009 |
6,329,530 |
Acquisitions |
43,100,000 |
Treasury shares at June 30, 2010 |
49,429,530 |
Telefónica, S.A. directly owns all treasury shares of the Group, except 17,419 shares that are
held by Telefónica Móviles Argentina, S.A.
In the first half of 2011, 21,827,499 treasury shares were sold to China Unicom within the
framework of the extension of the strategic partnership agreement entered into with this company
(see Note 3).
The Group held call options on 160 million and 150 million treasury shares at June 30, 2011 and
2010, respectively.
The Company also holds a derivative financial instrument on 25.64 million Telefónica shares,
subject to net settlement (29.64 million shares at June 30, 2010).
On June 30, 2011, the third phase of the Telefónica, S.A. share option plan ended, which will
entail the delivery of up to 5,286,980 shares to Telefónica Group managers.
- 19 -
(10) |
The breakdown of financial assets and liabilities of the Telefónica Group at June 30, 2011 and
December 31, 2010 is as follows:
June 30, 2011 |
Fair value through profit |
or loss |
Held-to- |
Total |
Held for |
Fair value |
Available- |
Amortized |
maturity |
carrying |
Millions of euros |
trading |
option |
for-sale |
Hedges |
cost |
investments |
amount |
Non-current financial assets |
688 |
246 |
1,154 |
1,064 |
2,663 |
163 |
5,978 |
Equity investments |
585 |
585 |
Long-term credits |
18 |
246 |
569 |
1,181 |
163 |
2,177 |
Deposits and guarantees |
1,840 |
1,840 |
Derivative instruments |
670 |
1,064 |
1,734 |
Provisions |
(358 |
) |
(358 |
) |
Current financial assets |
95 |
126 |
342 |
43 |
4,034 |
570 |
5,210 |
Financial investments |
95 |
126 |
342 |
43 |
840 |
570 |
2,016 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
3,194 |
3,194 |
Total financial assets |
783 |
372 |
1,496 |
1,107 |
6,697 |
733 |
11,188 |
June 30, 2011 |
Fair value through profit |
or loss |
Total |
Held for |
Fair value |
Amortized |
carrying |
Millions of euros |
trading |
option |
Hedges |
cost |
amount |
Issues |
38,438 |
38,438 |
Interest-bearing debt |
588 |
798 |
20,039 |
21,425 |
Total financial liabilities |
588 |
798 |
58,477 |
59,863 |
- 20 -
December 31, 2010 |
Fair value through profit |
or loss |
Held-to- |
Total |
Held for |
Fair value |
Available- |
Amortized |
maturity |
carrying |
Millions of euros |
trading |
option |
for-sale |
Hedges |
cost |
investments |
amount |
Non-current financial assets |
948 |
211 |
1,194 |
1,630 |
3,423 |
7,406 |
Equity investments |
597 |
597 |
Long-term credits |
12 |
211 |
597 |
2,118 |
2,938 |
Deposits and guarantees |
1,680 |
1,680 |
Derivative instruments |
936 |
1,630 |
2,566 |
Provisions |
(375 |
) |
(375 |
) |
Current financial assets |
272 |
160 |
309 |
201 |
4,604 |
248 |
5,794 |
Financial investments |
272 |
160 |
309 |
201 |
384 |
248 |
1,574 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
4,220 |
4,220 |
Total financial assets |
1,220 |
371 |
1,503 |
1,831 |
8,027 |
248 |
13,200 |
December 31, 2010 |
Fair value through profit |
or loss |
Total |
Held for |
Fair value |
Amortized |
carrying |
Millions of euros |
trading |
option |
Hedges |
cost |
amount |
Issues |
39,692 |
39,692 |
Interest-bearing debt |
695 |
806 |
19,907 |
21,408 |
Total financial liabilities |
695 |
806 |
59,599 |
61,100 |
- 21 -
The movements in the Groups issues in the six months ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 are as
Balance at |
Net foreign |
Issues |
December 31, |
Repurchases or |
exchange and |
Balance at |
Millions of euros |
2010 |
Issues |
redemptions |
other differences |
June 30, 2011 |
Debt securities issued in an EU member state, which
required the registration of a prospectus |
26,035 |
1,338 |
(2,262 |
) |
(2,438 |
) |
22,673 |
Debt securities issued in an EU member state, which did
not require the registration of a prospectus |
203 |
(11 |
) |
192 |
Other debt securities issued outside of EU member states |
13,454 |
1,918 |
(818 |
) |
1,019 |
15,573 |
39,692 |
3,256 |
(3,080 |
) |
(1,430 |
) |
38,438 |
Balance at |
Net foreign |
Issues |
December 31, |
Repurchases or |
exchange and |
Balance at |
Millions of euros |
2009 |
Issues |
redemptions |
other differences |
June 30, 2010 |
Debt securities issued in an EU member state, which
required the registration of a prospectus |
23,716 |
2,163 |
(1,515 |
) |
83 |
24,447 |
Debt securities issued in an EU member state, which did
not require the registration of a prospectus |
183 |
37 |
220 |
Other debt securities issued outside of EU member states |
11,944 |
2,906 |
(765 |
) |
2,227 |
16,312 |
35,843 |
5,069 |
(2,280 |
) |
2,347 |
40,979 |
- 22 -
The description of the main issues or cancellations in the first half of 2011 is as follows
(in millions of euros):
Outstanding |
Issue / |
Transaction |
Nominal |
Issue |
balance |
Interest |
Listing |
Name of the issuer |
ISIN code |
Cancellation |
Type of security |
date |
amount |
currency |
(EUR) |
rate |
market |
Telefónica Emisiones, S.A.U. |
XS058590443 |
Issue |
Bond |
02/07/2011 |
1,200 |
1,200 |
4.750 |
% |
London |
Telefónica Emisiones, S.A.U. |
US87938WAN39 |
Issue |
Bond |
02/16/2011 |
1,250 |
865 |
3.992 |
% |
Telefónica Emisiones, S.A.U. |
US87938WAP86 |
Issue |
Bond |
02/16/2011 |
1,500 |
1,038 |
5.462 |
% |
Telefónica Emisiones, S.A.U. |
XS058590443 |
Issue |
Bond |
03/21/2011 |
100 |
100 |
4.750 |
% |
London |
Telefónica Emisiones, S.A.U. |
XS0241945236 |
Cancelation |
Bond |
02/02/2011 |
(2,250 |
) |
3.750 |
% |
London |
Telefónica Emisiones, S.A.U. |
US87938WAA18 |
Cancelation |
Bond |
06/20/2011 |
(1,000 |
) |
5.984 |
% |
Telefónica, S.A. |
Various |
Issue |
Promissory notes |
Various |
163 |
163 |
1.645 |
% |
Telefónica, S.A. |
Various |
Cancelation |
Promissory notes |
Various |
(63 |
) |
1.192 |
% |
Telefónica, S.A. |
Various |
Cancelation |
Promissory notes |
Various |
(62 |
) |
13.522 |
% |
Telefónica Europe, B.V. |
Various |
Issue |
Commercial paper |
Various |
2,951 |
2,951 |
1.436 |
% |
N/A |
Telefónica Europe, B.V. |
Various |
Cancelation |
Commercial paper |
Various |
(2,963 |
) |
1.052 |
% |
N/A |
Telefónica, S.A. has a full and unconditional guarantee on issues made by Telefónica
Emisiones, S.A.U. and Telefónica Europe, B.V.
- 23 -
Interest-bearing debt arranged in the first half of 2011 includes mainly the following:
On March 29, 2011, Atento Inversiones y Teleservicios, S.A.U. and its subsidiaries,
Atento, N.V. and Atento Teleservicios España, S.A.U., entered into a four-year syndicated
loan agreement totaling 235 million euros. |
On March 31, 2011, Telefónica, S.A. drew down 218 million US dollars from the first
tranche maturing on November 30, 2018 of the financing agreement entered into on February
12, 2010 for a maximum amount of 472 million US dollars guaranteed by the Swedish Export
Credits Guarantee Board (EKN). |
On May 3, 2011, Telefónica, S.A. arranged long-term financing for an amount of 376
million US dollars at fixed rates guaranteed by the export credit agencies of Finland
(Finnvera). This financing entails four tranches: a tranche of 94 US dollars maturing on
January 30, 2020, another of 90 million US dollars maturing on July 30, 2020, a third of
94 million US dollars maturing on January 30, 2021, and a fourth of 98 million US dollars
maturing on July 30, 2021. At June 30, 2011, none of this credit had been drawn down. |
On May 12, 2011 Telefónica, S.A. signed an amendment to the syndicated loan agreement
entered into on July 28, 2010 whereby it was agreed that of the 5,000 million euros that
would initially mature in July 2013, 2,000 million euros would be extended for another
year, i.e. until July 2014, and another 2,000 million for a further three years, i.e.
until July 2016. At June 30, 2011, this line of credit had been drawn down by 6,000
million euros. |
(11) |
The average numbers of Group employees in the first six months of 2011 and 2010 are as follows:
Average number of employees |
June 2011 |
June 2010 |
Males |
136,449 |
125,176 |
Females |
148,640 |
136,473 |
Total |
285,089 |
261,649 |
The average number of employees at the various companies of the Atento Group performing
contact center activities at June 30, 2011 and 2010 was 151,474 and 135,857, respectively.
There were no significant changes in the tax charges in the accompanying comparative half-yearly
income statements for the six months ended June 30, 2011 and 2010. However, the deviation in both
periods, with respect to the income tax expense that would result from applying the statutory tax
rates prevailing in each country where the Telefónica Group operates, is due to the existence of
tax incentives and non-deductible expenses in accordance with the rulings of the various tax
- 24 -
There were no new developments or significant changes with regard to the information on litigation
and arbitration included in Note 21 to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2010.
Regarding the tax risks included in Note 17 to the consolidated financial statements, on June 13,
2011 the Treasury of the State of Sao Paulo initiated new proceedings against Telesp with respect
to the ICMS tax (VAT-like tax on telecommunications services) for the years 2008 and 2009, joining
the proceedings previously raised for various periods between 2001 and 2007. The updated cumulative
amount of such proceedings, including interest, penalties and other items amounts to approximately
837 million euros.
The majority of disputed cases are currently in the judicial litigation phase; from which no
additional liabilities to the Group are expected.
The main developments in the first six months of 2011 with regard to commitments and the related
information thereto included in Note 21 to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2010 are as follows:
Agreement to acquire Acens Technologies, S.L.
On June 7, 2011 Telefónica de España, as the purchaser, and the partners of Acens Technologies,
S.L., as the sellers, entered into a purchase agreement for the whole share capital of Acens
Technologies, S.L.
The completion of this transaction is subject, among other conditions, to the express or
constructive approval of this transaction, without conditions, by the Spanish Competition
Commission. The parties have agreed to adjust the sale price subsequent to the completion thereof,
in accordance with the companys resulting cash, debt and working capital figures at the date the
transaction is completed. The operation is expected to be closed in the third quarter of 2011.
Shareholding in China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited
As described in Note 3, Telefónica and China Unicom signed an extension to their strategic
partnership agreement through which each party agreed to invest the equivalent of 500 million US
dollars in ordinary shares of the other party.
Telefónica has nine months from entering into the agreement to complete its acquisition, through
third parties, of a number of China Unicom share corresponding to 500 million US dollars.
Guarantees provided for Ipse 2000 (Italy)
The Telefónica Group had provided guarantees for the Italian company Ipse 2000, S.p.A. (holder of a
UMTS license in Italy and in which the Company has a stake through Solivella, B.V.) to ensure the
amounts payable to the Italian government in connection with the grant of the license. In November
2010, the last of the ten monthly payments scheduled was made and, therefore, this
guarantee expired on that date. In June 2011, the Italian government issued a release letter
confirming this expiration.
- 25 -
The contingencies arising from the litigation and arbitration described in Notes 17 and 21 to the
consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, as well as those previously
described, have been evaluated in the preparation of the interim financial statements at June 30,
2011 in the manner described in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December
31, 2010. The Group maintains related provisions to cover the estimated impact of the
aforementioned contingencies and commitments. The total amount such provisions in respect of the
commitments taken as a whole is not material.
(14) |
The following events regarding the Group took place between the reporting date and July 27, 2011:
On July 7, 2011 Telefónica de España, S.A.U., a subsidiary of the Telefónica Group, entered
into a collective agreement with the trade unions which considers, among other issues, the roll
out of a collective redundancy procedure, for up to a maximum of 6,500 employees, through
voluntary, universal and non-discriminatory programs All costs of the aforementioned collective
redundancy procedure will be borne by the company.
In accordance with the provisional estimates made by the company, the actual cost (discounted
at current rates in the interest rate swap market) of this collective redundancy procedure will
amount to approximately 2,700 million euros, which will be recognized in full in 2011.
This redundancy procedure was approved by the employment authorities on July 14, 2011.
(15) |
These interim financial statements were originally prepared in Spanish. In the event of a
discrepancy, the Spanish language version prevails.
These interim financial statements are presented on the basis of International Accounting Standards
(IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting and article 12 of Royal Decree 1362/2007. Consequently,
certain accounting practices applied by the Group do not conform with generally accepted principles
in other countries.
- 26 -
The main changes in consolidation scope in the first half of 2011 were as follows:
Telefónica Latin America
Telesp acquired all shares of Vivo Participações by increasing share capital with an exchange ratio
of 1.55 new Telesp shares for each Vivo Participações share following approval on March 25 by the
Boards of Directors of both Brazilian companies. The Telefónica Group also reached a direct and
indirect shareholding over Telesp of 73.8% of the capital stock. The stake in Vivo Participaçoes
has been changed from the proportionate to full consolidation method within the scope of
consolidation as of the transaction completion date (September 27 2010).
In February the Costa Rican company Azules y Platas, S.A. was included in the Telefónica Groups
consolidation scope using the full consolidation method following payment by Telefónica, S.A. of
2.2 million US dollars corresponding to 100% of its initial share capital.
In April, the Spanish company Wayra Investigación y Desarrollo, S.L. was incorporated. Its
corporate purpose is to identify talent in Spain and Latin American in the field of new Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) and promote its development through integral support and
provide the entrepreneurs with the necessary tools and financing.
As of January 1, 2011 Telesp included GTR Participações e Emprendimentos, S.A., TVA Sul Paraná,
S.A., Lemontree, S.A. and Comercial Cabo TV São Paulo, S.A. in its consolidated financial
statements using the full consolidation method. Up until 2010, these companies had been included in
the Companys consolidated financial statements through the equity method of accounting.
Other companies
In accordance with the strategic partnership agreement reached by Telefónica, S.A. and China Unicom
on January 23, 2011, Telefónica, S.A. increased its ownership interest in China Unicom by
approximately 0.8% to 9.2% at the end of the second half of 2011. The Telefónica Group continues to
account for this investment using the equity method of accounting.
- 27 -
Consolidated results
The restructuring of Telefónica by business unit, Telefónica España, Telefónica Latinoamérica
and Telefónica Europe, in line with the current integrated, regional management model, means that
the legal structure of the companies is not relevant for the presentation of Group financial
Therefore, the operating results of each of these business units are presented independently,
regardless of their legal structure. For the purpose of presenting information on a regional basis,
revenue and expenses arising from invoicing among companies within the Telefónica consolidation
scope for the use of the brand and management contracts have been excluded from the operating
results for each Group region, while centrally-managed projects are included at the regional level.
This form of presentation does not affect the consolidated results of Telefónica.
In line with this organisation, Telefónica has included in the Telefónica España, Telefónica
Latinoamérica and Telefónica Europe regional businesses units all information pertaining to
wireline, wireless, cable, internet and Television businesses, in accordance with each location.
The Other companies heading includes the Atento business and other holding companies and
eliminations in the consolidation process.
As of 1 January 2011, and in accordance with the new organisation approved by the Company in
September 2010, Telefónica Europe, on top of the businesses in the UK, Germany, Ireland, the Czech
Republic and Slovakia, also includes in its consolidation perimeter Telefónica International
Wholesale Services (TIWS) and Telefónica North America (TNA), whose activities are primarily
focused on the provision of services to multinationals as well as the provision of global wholesale
telecommunications services to international fixed and wireless voice operators, ISPs and content
providers. In the fiscal year 2010 both companies were part of the consolidation perimeter of
Telefónica Latinoamérica. Therefore, the results of Telefónica Europe and Telefónica Latinoamérica
have been revised for the fiscal year 2010 to reflect the new organisational structure as of 1
January 2010. As this is an intragroup change, Telefónica results for 2010 are unaffected.
Also, in the context of the organisation and integrated management of the fixed and wireless
businesses in Latin America, and with the objective of facilitating understanding and monitoring of
the financial performance of the Companys operations in this region and avoiding distortions
which, without affecting the consolidated results of Telefónica España, may result in an erroneous
interpretation of the individual performance of each of the businesses especially at the level
of operating expenses and investment -, from the first quarter of 2011 the Company has decided to
publish the selected consolidated financial data corresponding to Telefónica Latinoamérica,
providing breakdown by business only at a revenue level. The Company has continued to report all
the operating metrics previously reported.
During the first six months of 2011 the Company focused its commercial strategy on value
rather than volume, increasing efforts to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, while
fostering at the same time a strong adoption of smartphones and other mobile broadband devices in
our customer base, increasing tariff segmentation and widening the range of devices available.
- 28 -
This strategy has led to continued growth in accesses (+6% year-on-year) to 295.0 million at the
end of June 2011. By region, Telefónica Latinoamérica and Telefónica Europe, with year-on-year
growth of 8% and 5% respectively, were the main contributors to the growth in Telefónicas customer
Telefónicas mobile accesses totalled 227.3 million by the end of the first half of 2011,
up 8% year-on-year, underpinned by the sustained increase in the contract segment (+13%
year-on-year ), which now accounts for 32% of the total mobile access base. |
The focus of commercial efforts on higher-value customers and on new services is reflected in
the contract segments growing contribution to total net additions, which reached 47% in the
first half of 2011. |
Mobile broadband accesses -accesses with a data rate attached and therefore active users of
the service- reached 29.8 million at the end of June 2011. This figure represents a
penetration rate of 13% of Telefónicas mobile access base (+2 percentage points versus
December 2010). Telefónica Europa reached a penetration rate of 28%, followed by Telefónica
España (23%), while there is huge scope to increase penetration at Telefónica Latinoamérica
(7% in June 2011). |
Retail fixed broadband accesses reached 17.6 million, up 8% year-on-year. Bundles of
voice, broadband, and television services remain key to this strategy and especially to churn
control. Both in Spain and Latin America, close to 90% of retail fixed broadband accesses are
bundled as part of either a dual or triple service package. |
Pay TV accesses stood at 3.1 million at the end of the first half (+16% year-on-year),
representing a pick-up in the growth rate due to the success of the commercial repositioning
of the service in Latin America and the inclusion of TVAs customers in Brazil from June. |
Fixed telephony accesses totalled 40.7 million (-3% year-on-year). |
It is important to bear in mind that Vivo has been fully consolidated since October 2010 (prior to
that date, the results of Vivo were proportionately consolidated). Consequently, this has an
impact on the year-on-year comparisons of Telefónicas financial results in reported terms.
Revenues totalled 30,886 million euros in the first half of the year, up 6.3% year-on-year, pushed
by the higher revenues from Telefónica Latinoamérica (+18.4% year-on-year; 20.9% year-on-year
excluding Mexico) and from Telefónica Europe (+2.2% year-on-year).
By region, Telefónica Latinoamérica remained the main growth driver and was the largest
contributor to revenue growth (+7.5 percentage points), which together with Telefónica Europe
(+0.6 percentage points), offset the lower contribution from Telefónica España (-2.0 percentage
points). This highlights the benefits of the Companys high diversification.
In the first half, Telefónica Latinoamérica and Telefónica Europe accounted for 71% of
consolidated revenues (+4 percentage points from June 2010), compared to Telefónica Españas
contribution of around 28%.
Consolidated operating expenses for the first half totalled 20,306 million euros (+8.2%
year-on-year in reported terms):
Supply costs were 8,893 million euros (+6.7% in reported terms) as a result of increased
handset costs in the three regions associated with growing smartphone adoption across all
markets, although this effect was partially offset by lower mobile termination rates in the
three regions. |
- 29 -
Subcontract expenses amounted to 6,311 million euros, up +12.5% reported, mainly as a
result of the higher commercial effort in Telefónica Latinoamerica, associated to mobile and
broadband accesses growth, as well as higher network management expenses. |
Personnel expenses reached 4,139 million euros, rising +9.1%, mainly due to higher
personnel expenses in Spain, after salaries review linked to 2010 CPI, in Latin America, due
to in-sourcing processes developed in Brazil in 2010 and higher inflation in some markets of
the region, and in Atento. |
The average number of employees at the end of June 2011 was 285,089 (23,441 more than at the
end of June 2010), mainly due to the larger workforce at Atento. Excluding Atento,
Telefónicas average workforce would stand at 133,615 employees (125,792 employees in June
2010). |
At the same time, Telefónicas global projects continued to make a positive contribution to
consolidated results in the first half (274 million euros in revenues and 230 million in OIBDA).
In this context, and putting in value the benefits of our scale, it is worth to highlight the
announcement in July that Bouygues and Etisaltat will join Telefónicas Partners Program, a new
initiative that makes available to selected operators and under commercial terms a host of
services that allows partners to leverage on Telefónicas scale and to cooperate on key business
topics (roaming, services to multinationals, procurement, devices, etc.).
Gains on sales of fixed assets totalled 245 million euros in the first six months of the year,
including mainly the positive impact of the partial reduction of the Companys economic exposure
to Portugal Telecom (183 million euros).
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBDA) for the first half stood at 11,304
million euros, with a year-on-year growth rate of 3.7%, mainly driven by the growth at Telefónica
Latinoamérica (+16.6% year-on-year; +20.1% excluding Mexico) and to a lesser extent, at Telefónica
Europe (+1.2% year-on-year). OIBDA margin reached 36.6% for the first half of the year (-0.9 p.p.
By region, the contribution of Telefónica Latinoamérica to reported OIBDA increased by 5.1
percentage points year-on-year to 46%. This, together with the contribution from Telefónica
Europe, meant that 64% of consolidated OIBDA was generated outside Telefónica España in the first
half of 2011.
Depreciation and amortization totalled 4,956 million euros in the first half, a year-on-year
increase of 11.4% in reported terms, primarily due to the full consolidation of Vivo together with
the amortization of Vivos purchase price allocation (171 million euros in the first half). Total
depreciation and amortization charges derived from purchase price allocation processes amounted to
564 million euros in the first half (+9.3% year-on-year).
As a result, operating income (OI) in January-June 2011 amounted to 6,348 million euros, down 1.7%
Profit (loss) from associates stood at (534) million euros in the first half versus 72 million
euros a year earlier. This year-on-year change is largely due to the non-cash impact of Telco,
S.p.A.s revision of the value of its investment in Telecom Italia. As a result, the Company has
recorded a 505 million euros loss (353 million euros after the related tax effect at Telefónica,
S.A.). This item is also affected by the deconsolidation of Portugal Telecom beginning in the
second half of 2010 (contribution of 43 million euros in the first half of 2010) and the lower
contribution from China Unicom year-on-year.
- 30 -
Total financial expenses up to June 2011 reached 1,165 million euros, which yield an effective cost
of 4.21% over total average financial debt of 55,828 million euros in the first half of the year,
including the effect from the extraordinary dividend distributed by Portugal Telecom. Compared to
the same period last year, financial expenses excluding foreign exchange results decreased 0.5%
year-on-year, despite the 17% increase of the average debt of the Group in the period (7,988
million euros). Debt increased mainly in currencies with low interest rates (primarily euro), which
has allowed the Company to reduce the effective cost of servicing the debt by 73 basis points
year-on-year. Changes in foreign exchange results up to the end of June 2011 yielded a decrease in
expenses of 83 million euros year-on-year.
Free Cash Flow generated by Telefónica in the first six months of 2011 reached 3,133 million euros,
an increase of 666 million euros year-on-year. Operating cash flow after working capital and gains
on sale of fixed assets reached 5,506 million euros, increasing 11.0% versus January-June 2010,
when the Company paid for the spectrum bought in Germany.
Net Financial Debt rose by 826 million euros from 2010 year end (55,593 million euros) to reach
56,420 million euros at the end of June 2011. Free cash flow after shareholder remuneration and
financial investments and divestments made in the first six months of the year led to an increase
of debt of 1,520 million euros. In addition, the depreciation of currencies versus the euro, higher
interest payments with respect to those accrued in the period and other accounting effects have
reduced financial debt in 694 million euros.
The leverage ratio, net debt over last twelve months OIBDA (including accumulated 100% of Vivos
OIBDA over last twelve months, excluding results on the sale of fixed assets and adjusted by firm
commitments relating to the Fundación Telefónicas social welfare activities), stands at 2.49 times
at June 2011, and at 2.56 including commitments.
During the first half of 2011, the financing activity of Telefónica, excluding short term
Commercial Paper Programmes activity and including the extension on the Vivo syndicated facility,
rose to above 8,000 million equivalent euros, with the main objective of financing in advanced 2011
debt and smoothing our debt maturity profile for 2013 at the Holding level. It is worth
highlighting the financing activity of the Company during the first six months of 2011, both, in
the bank and bond markets:
A 6 year bond issue in the euro market, for an amount of 1,200 million raised in February,
increased by another 100 million euros through a private placement in March. |
In the US, Telefonica has issued an American dollar denominated bond for an amount of
2,750 million US dollars raised in February, distributed in two tranches: 5 year 1,250
million US dollars, and a 10 year tranche of 1,500 million US dollars. |
In the month of May, it was signed a 4,000 million euros extension on the three year
tranche Vivo syndicated facility, whereby out of the 5,000 million euros initially maturing
in July 2013, 2,000 million euros have been extended by one year, to July 2014, and another
2,000 million euros by three years, to July 2016. |
In May, it was also signed a loan facility for telecom equipment purchases for an amount
of 376 million dollars with the guaranty of the Finnish Export Credit Agency (Finnvera). |
- 31 -
Telefónica S.A. and its holding companies have remained active during the first half of 2011 under
its various Commercial Paper Programmes (Domestic and European), for an outstanding balance of
1,743 million euros at the end of June.
Latin America, Telefónicas subsidiaries have tapped the capital markets up to June for
an amount of approximately 700 million equivalent euros, mainly for refinancing 2011 maturities.
At the end of June 2011, bonds and debentures represented 62%, on the consolidated financial debt
breakdown, while debt with financial institutions reached a 38% weight.
Corporate income taxes in the first half totalled 1,271 million euros, which, over an income before
taxes amounting to 4,649 million euros, results in an effective tax rate of 27.3%, although fiscal
effects derived from the acquisition of Vivo have not yet been produced.
Profit attributable to minority interests dragged 216 million euros from net income in the first
half, mainly due to minority interests in earnings from Vivo with a material increase versus the
first half of 2010 due to the change in the consolidation method and the sound performance of the
Companys net income-, Telesp and Telefónica Czech Republic, which more than offset the minority
interests in Telefónica Telecoms losses.
As a result, consolidated net income amounted to 3,162 million euros (compared with 3,775 million
euros in the first half of 2010) and basic earnings per share stood at 0.70 euros. Both items were
affected by the non-cash impact from the revision of the value of Telco SpAs stake in Telecom
Italia mentioned before.
CapEx stood at 3,838 million euros in the first half of the year (-10.6% year-on-year). It is
worth mentioning that the CapEx reported in the first half of 2011 includes the spectrum costs in
Brazil and Costa Rica, both granted in 2010, while first-half CapEx in 2010 included basically the
investment in spectrum in Germany in the second quarter. The Company continues to focus its
investments on growth and transformation projects (80% of total investment), fostering the
development of fixed and mobile broadband services. It should be noted that that the year-on-year
growth in the first half cannot be extrapolated to the full year given the different levels of
execution of CapEx in both years.
Consequently, operating cash flow (OIBDA-CapEx) totalled 7,466 million euros in the first half.
- 32 -
Risks and uncertainties
The Telefónica Groups business is impacted by both risk factors that exclusively affect the Group
and other factors that are common to businesses of the same sector. The main risks and
uncertainties facing the Company in the second half of 2011, which could affect its business,
financial position and results, did not change significantly with respect to those described in the
Companys management report for 2010 and are as follows:
I. Group related risks
Country risk (investments in Latin America). At June 30, 2011, approximately 49.8% of the
Groups assets were located in Latin America. In addition, around 45.5% of its revenues from
operations in the first half of 2011 are derived from its Latin American operations. At June 30,
2011 approximately 59.3% of its assets and 50.5% of the income from the Latin American segment were
derived from its Brazil operations. The Telefónica business is especially sensitive to any of the
risks related to Latin America described in this section, particularly if they affect or arise in
The Groups investments and operations in Latin America (including the revenues generated by the
Groups operations in these countries, their market value, and the dividends and payments of
management fees) are subject to various risks linked to the economic, political and social
conditions of these countries, collectively denominated country risk, including risks related to
the following:
government regulation or administrative polices may change unexpectedly and negatively
affect the economic conditions or business environment in which it operates, and,
therefore, our interests in such countries; |
currencies may be devalued or may depreciate or currency restrictions and other
restraints on transfer of funds may be imposed; |
the effects of inflation and/or local currency devaluation may lead certain
subsidiaries to a negative equity situation, requiring them to undertake a mandatory
recapitalization or commence dissolution proceedings; |
governments may expropriate or nationalize assets or increase their participation in
the economy and companies; |
governments may impose burdensome taxes or tariffs; |
political changes may lead to changes in the economic conditions and business
environment in which we operate; and |
economic downturns, political instability and civil disturbances may negatively affect
the Telefónica Groups operations in such countries. |
In addition, the Telefónica Groups operations are dependent, in many cases, on concessions and
other agreements with existing governments in the countries in which it operates. These
concessions, including their renewals, may be affected by economic and political instability,
altering the terms and conditions under which it operates in these countries.
- 33 -
Management of foreign currency and interest rate risk. The Telefónica Groups business is
exposed to various types of market risks, including the impact of changes in interest rates or
foreign currency exchange rates, as well as the impact of changes of counterparty credit risk in
treasury operations or in some structured financed transactions entered into. The Telefónica Group
employs risk management strategies to manage this risk, in part through the use of financial
derivatives, such as foreign currency forwards, currency swap agreements and interest rate swap
agreements. If the financial derivatives market is not sufficiently liquid for the Groups risk
management purposes, or if it cannot enter into arrangements of the type and for the amounts
necessary to limit the exposure to currency exchange-rate and interest-rate fluctuations, or if
banking counterparties fail to deliver on their commitments due to lack of solvency or otherwise,
such failure could adversely affect the financial position, results of operations and cash flow of
the Group. Also, Telefónicas other risk management strategies may not be successful, which could
adversely affect its financial position, results of operations and cash flow. Finally, if the
rating of counterparties in treasury investments or in structured financed transactions
deteriorates significantly or if these counterparties fail to meet their obligations to the
Company, the Telefónica Group may suffer loss of value in its investments, incur in unexpected
losses and/or assume additional financial obligations under these transactions. Such failure could
adversely affect the Telefónica Groups financial position, results of operations and cash flow.
Current global economic situation. The Telefónica Groups business is impacted by general
economic conditions and other similar factors in each of the countries in which it operates. The
uncertainty about the economic recovery may negatively affect the level of demand of existing and
prospective customers, as customers may no longer deem critical the services offered by the Group.
Other factors that could influence customer demand include access to credit, unemployment rates,
consumer confidence and other macroeconomic factors. Specifically, in this respect the continuation
of recession in Spain, according to the forecasts contained in the Spanish economic ministrys
Stability Program for 2009-2013, could have an adverse affect on the Telefónica Groups results in
In addition, there could be other possible follow-on effects from the economic crisis on the
Groups business, including insolvency of key customers or suppliers. In general terms, a loss of
customers or a decline in sales could have an adverse effect on the Telefónica Groups financial
position, results of operations and cash flow and may therefore negatively affect the ability to
meet growth targets.
Dependence on external sources of financing. The performance, expansion and improvement of
networks, the development and distribution of the Telefónica Groups services and products require
a substantial amount of financing. Moreover, the Telefónica Groups liquidity and capital resource
requirements may increase if the Company participates in other fixed line or wireless license award
processes or makes acquisitions. There are also other major capital resource requirements relating
to, among other things, the development of distribution channels in new countries of operations and
the development and implementation of new technologies.
If the ability to generate cash flow were to decrease, whether due to an economic and financial
crisis or otherwise, the Telefónica Group may need to incur additional debt or raise other forms of
capital to support liquidity and resource requirements for the sustained development and expansion
of the business.
- 34 -
The performance of the financial markets in terms of liquidity, cost of credit, access and
volatility, continues to be overshadowed by persistent uncertainty regarding certain factors such
as the pace of the economic recovery, the health of the international banking system, the
increasing concerns regarding the burgeoning deficits of some governments, etc. Worsening
conditions in international financial markets due to any of these factors may make it more
difficult and expensive for the Telefónica Group to refinance its debt or take on additional debt
if necessary.
In addition, the capacity to raise capital in the international capital markets would be impaired
if Telefónicas credit ratings were downgraded, whether due to decreases in cash flow or otherwise.
Moreover, the current market conditions could make it harder to renew existing undrawn bilateral
credit lines, 25% of which, at June 30, 2011, initially mature prior to June 30, 2012. The current
financial crisis could also make it more difficult and costly for the Companys current
shareholders to launch rights issues or ask key investors for equity investments, if further funds
were needed for the Company to pursue its business plans.
Risks related to our industry
Highly competitive markets. The Telefónica Group faces significant competition in all of
the markets in which it operates. Therefore, it is subject to the effects of actions by competitors
in these markets. These competitors could:
offer lower prices, more attractive discount plans or better services or features; |
develop and deploy more rapidly new or improved technologies, services and products; |
launch bundle offerings of one type of service with others; |
in the case of the mobile industry, subsidize handset procurement; or |
expand and extend their networks more rapidly. |
Furthermore, some of these competitors in certain markets have, and some potential competitors may
enjoy, in certain markets, competitive advantages, including the following:
greater brand name recognition; |
greater financial, technical, marketing and other resources; |
dominant position or significant market power; |
better strategic alliances; |
larger customer bases; and |
well-established relationships with current and potential customers. |
To compete effectively with these competitors, the Telefónica Group needs to successfully market
its products and services and to anticipate and respond to various competitive factors affecting
the relevant markets, such as the introduction of new products and services by its competitors,
pricing strategies adopted by its competitors, changes in consumer preferences and in general
economic, political and social conditions. The Telefónica Groups inability to effectively compete
result in price reductions, lower revenues, under-utilization of the Groups services, reduced
operating margins and loss of market share. Any of these circumstances could negatively affect the
Telefónica Groups financial position, results of operations and cash flow.
- 35 -
Highly regulated markets. As a multinational telecommunications company that operates in
regulated markets, the Telefónica Group is subject to different laws and regulations in each of the
jurisdictions in which it provides services and in which supranational (e.g. the European Union),
national, state, regional local authorities intervene to varying degrees and as appropriate. This
regulation is particularly strict in some of the countries in which the Company holds a dominant
position. In this respect, the regulatory authorities regularly intervene in both the wholesale and
retail offering and pricing of the Telefónica Groups products and services.
Furthermore, the regulatory authorities could also adopt regulations or take other actions that
could adversely affect the Telefónica Group, including revocation of or failure to renew any of its
licenses, changes in the spectrum allocation or the grant of new licenses, authorizations or
concessions to competitors to offer services in a particular market. They could also adopt, among
others, measures or additional requirements to reduce roaming prices and fixed and/or mobile
termination rates, force Telefónica to provide third-party access to its networks and impose
economic fines for serious breaches. Such regulatory actions or measures could place significant
competitive and pricing pressure on the Groups operations, and could have a material adverse
effect on the Telefónica Groups financial position, results of operations and cash flow.
In addition, since the Telefónica Group holds a leading market share in many of the countries where
it operates, the Group could be affected by regulatory actions of antitrust or competition
authorities. These authorities could prohibit certain actions, such as making further acquisitions
or continuing to engage in particular practices or impose fines or other penalties on the Company,
which, if significant, could result in loss of market share and/ or harmful to future growth of
certain businesses.
Specifically, the regulatory landscape in Europe will change as a consequence of the approval in
2009 of the European Unions common regulatory framework, (which had to be transposed into national
law by member states by May 2011, despite the fact that at the date of preparing this document, the
European countries in which the Group operates are still in the process of transposing this
community law). The regulatory principles established for Europe suggest that the new frameworks in
each Member State could result in increased regulatory pressure on the local competitive
environment. This framework supports the adoption of measures by national regulators, in specific
cases and under exceptional conditions, establishing the functional separation between the
wholesale and retail businesses of operators with significant market power and vertically
integrated operators, whereby they would be required to offer equal wholesale terms to third-part
operators that acquire these products. The transposition of this new regulatory framework into
Spanish law, or into the law of any countries in the Company operates, may force a change the
internal organizational structure in those countries, which could give rise to additional expenses
for the Group. The Company may also face new regulatory initiatives in the area of mobile
termination rates and the provision of audiovisual content and services.
In some European countries, the Telefónica Group may also face increased pressure from regulatory
initiatives aimed at reallocating spectrum rights of use and changing the policies regarding
spectrum allocation which could lead to new procedures for awarding spectrum in Europe.
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Finally, the recommendation on the application of the European regulatory policy to next-generation
broadband networks drawn up by the European Commission could play a key role in the incentives for
operators to invest in net fixed broadband networks in the short and medium term, thus affecting
the outlook for the business and competition in this market segment. The European Commission is
currently drafting respective recommendations on cost accounting and non-discrimination which could
apply more regulatory pressure to fixed operators.
Services are provided under licenses or concessions. Most of Telefónicas operating
companies require licenses, authorizations or concessions from the governmental authorities of the
various countries. These licenses, authorizations and concessions specify the types of services
Telefónica is permitted to offer under each circumstance.
The terms of licenses, authorizations and concessions are subject to review by regulatory
authorities in each country and to possible interpretation, modification or termination by these
authorities. Moreover, authorizations, licenses and concessions, as well as their renewal terms and
conditions, may be directly affected by political and regulatory factors.
The terms of these licenses, authorization and concessions and the conditions of the renewals of
such licenses, authorizations and concessions vary from country to country. Although license,
authorization and concession renewal is not usually guaranteed, most licenses, authorizations and
concessions do address the renewal process and terms, which is usually related to the fulfillment
of the commitments that were assumed by the grantee. As licenses, authorizations and concessions
approach the end of their terms, the Telefónica Group intends to pursue their renewal to the extent
provided by their respective agreements, though the Group cannot guarantee that it will always
complete this process successfully, and occasionally and under certain circumstances may operate
under the terms and conditions of previous licenses, authorizations and concessions during the
renewal process that are technically expired. In the event the renewal processes are not completed
satisfactorily according to the Companys interests, the Groups operations, financial position,
results and cash flow may be adversely affected. Many of these licenses, authorizations and
concessions are revocable for public interest reasons. The rules of some of the regulatory
authorities with jurisdiction over the Telefónica Groups operating companies require them to meet
specified network build-out requirements and schedules. In particular, Telefónicas existing
licenses, authorizations and concessions typically require it to satisfy certain obligations,
including, among others, minimum specified quality standards, service and coverage conditions and
capital investment. Failure to comply with these obligations could result in the imposition of
fines or revocation or forfeiture of the license, authorization or concession. In addition, the
need to meet scheduled deadlines may require Telefónica Group operators to expend more resources
than otherwise budgeted for a particular network build-out.
Markets subject to constant technological development. The Telefónica Groups future
success depends, in part, on the ability to anticipate and adapt in a timely manner to
technological changes. New products and technologies are constantly emerging, while existing
products and services continue to develop. This need for constant technological innovation can
render obsolete the products and services the Telefónica Group offers and the technology it uses,
and may consequently reduce the revenue margins obtained and require investment in the development
of new products, technology and services. In addition, the Company may be subject to competition in
the future from other companies that are not subject to regulation as a result of the convergence
of telecommunications technologies. As a result, it may be very expensive for the Telefónica Group
to develop the products and technology it needs in order to continue to compete effectively
with new or existing competitors. Such increased costs could adversely affect the Telefónica
Groups financial position, results of operations and cash flow.
- 37 -
The Telefónica Group must continue to upgrade its existing mobile and fixed line networks in a
timely and satisfactory manner in order to retain and expand the customer base in each of its
markets, to enhance its financial performance and to satisfy regulatory requirements. Among other
things, the Telefónica Group could be required to upgrade the functionality of its networks to
achieve greater service customization, to increase coverage of some of its markets, or expand and
maintain customer service, network management and administrative systems.
Many of these tasks are not entirely under the Telefónica Groups control and could be constrained
by applicable regulation. If the Telefónica Group fails to execute these tasks efficiently, its
services and products may become less attractive to new customers and the Company may lose existing
customers to its competitors, which would adversely affect the Telefónica Groups financial
position, results of operations and cash flow.
Limitations on spectrum capacity could be costly and curtail growth. Telefónicas mobile
operations in a number of countries may rely on the availability of spectrum. The Companys failure
to obtain sufficient or appropriate capacity and spectrum coverage, and the related costs of
obtaining this capacity, could have an adverse impact on the quality of services and on the
Companys ability to provide new services, adversely affecting the Groups financial position and
results of operations.
Supplier failures. The Telefónica Group depends upon a small number of major suppliers for
essential products and services, mainly network infrastructure and mobile handsets. These suppliers
may, among other things, extend delivery times, raise prices and limit supply due to their own
shortages and business requirements. If these suppliers fail to deliver products and services on a
timely basis, this could have an adverse impact on the Telefónica Groups businesses and the
results of its operations. Similarly, interruptions in the supply of telecommunications equipment
for its networks could impede network development and expansion, which in some cases could
adversely affect the Telefónica Groups ability to satisfy its license terms and requirements.
Risks associated with unforeseen network interruptions. Unanticipated network interruptions
as a result of system failures whether accidental or otherwise, including due to network, hardware
or software failures, which affect the quality of or cause an interruption in the Telefónica
Groups service, could lead to customer dissatisfaction, reduced revenues and traffic, costly
repairs, fines or other types of measures imposed by regulatory authorities and could harm the
Telefónica Groups reputation. Telefónica attempts to mitigate these risks through a number of
measures, including backup systems and protective systems such as firewalls, virus scanners and
building security. However, these measures are not effective under all circumstances and it is not
possible to foresee every incident or action that could damage or interrupt the Telefónica Groups
networks. Although the Telefónica Group carries business interruption insurance, its insurance
policy may not provide coverage in amounts sufficient to compensate it for any losses it may incur.
Electromagnetic radio emissions and possible health risks. Currently, there is significant
public concern regarding alleged potential effects of electromagnetic fields, emitted by mobile
telephones and base stations, on human health.
- 38 -
This social concern has caused certain governments and administrations to take measures that have
hindered the deployment of the infrastructures necessary to ensure quality of service and affected
the deployment criteria of new networks. These and other regulatory interventions that may arise in
the future may adversely affect the Groups business, financial position, results and cash flow.
In May 2011, the specialized body of the World Health Organization for research on cancer (IARC)
classified electromagnetic fields of mobile telephony as possibly carcinogenic, a classification
which also includes products such as coffee and pickled foods. The World Health Organization
subsequently indicated, in fact sheet no. 193 published in June 2011, that to date it cannot be
confirmed that the use of a mobile telephone has adverse effects on health, although it also
announced that in 2012 an official assessment of this risk will be conducted, taking into account
all scientific evidence available.
Regardless of the scientific evidence that may be obtained and even though the Telefónica Group has
considered these risks and has an action plan coordinated among the different departments and
operations of all countries in which it provides services, assuring the compliance with codes of
good practices and relevant regulations, this concern regarding the electromagnetic fields, may
affect the Companys capacity to capture or retain customers or discourage the use of the mobile
telephone and should not be disregarded.
Risk of asset impairment. The Telefónica Group reviews on an annual basis, or more
frequently where the circumstances require, the value of each of its assets and cash-generating
units, to assess whether the carrying values of such assets and subsidiaries can be supported by
the future cash flows expected, including, in some cases synergies included in acquisition cost.
Changes in the regulatory, business, economic or political environment may result in the need to
introduce changes to the estimates made or recognize impairment losses in goodwill, intangible
assets or fixed assets. Though the recognition of impairments of items of property, plant and
equipment, intangible assets and financial assets results in a non-cash charge on the income
statement, it could adversely affect the Telefónica Groups results of operations.
I. Other risks
Litigation and other legal proceedings. The Telefónica Group is party to lawsuits and other
legal proceedings in the ordinary course of its business, the financial outcome of which is
generally uncertain. Litigation and regulatory proceedings are inherently unpredictable. An adverse
outcome in, or any settlement of, these or other proceedings (including any that may be asserted in
the future) could result in significant costs and may have a material adverse effect on the
Telefónica Groups business, financial position, results of operations and cash flow.
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Telefónica España
In the first half of the year, Telefónica Españas businesses continued to be shaped by weak
consumer consumption in Spain combined with intense competition.
Against this backdrop, the Company continued to focus its commercial strategy on high-value
customers, stepping up efforts aimed at improving customer satisfaction and increase retention
levels. As a consequence, churn improved across businesses in the second quarter.
In parallel with this commercial strategy, the Company reduced the commercial resources devoted to
customer acquisition leading to a year-on-year drop in net additions across all services.
By the end of June 2011, Telefónica España managed a total of 47.4 million accesses (+0.5%
year-on-year), being noteworthy the steady growth in mobile contract customers (+6%
year-on-year) and the continued expansion of mobile broadband accesses, which were 1.5 times higher
than in June 2010. In the wireline business, retail fixed broadband internet accesses rose by 1%
year-on-year, while the number of Pay TV customers increased 5% year-on-year.
Revenues in the first half of 2011 totalled 8,752 million euros (-6.1% year-on-year), mainly as a
result of lower ARPUs across services due to reduced customer usage and intense price pressure.
In the wireline business it is worth to highlight the positive performance posted by IT (+14.6%
year-on-year in the first half) and data revenues (+6.0% year-on-year). Highlights of the mobile
business include a sharp rise in data revenues, +11.4% in the first half, due to robust growth in
non-P2P SMS revenues (+23.7% year-on-year in the first half).
Meanwhile, operating expenses totalled 5,015 million euros in the first half of 2011, down 1.5%
year-on-year. Breakdown by component is the following:
Supplies totalled 2,009 million euros in the first half of 2011, posting a 1.6%
year-on-year decrease mainly due to the lower mobile interconnection costs. |
Subcontract expenses fell by 1.1% year-on-year to 1,491 million euros, reflecting a
slowdown in commercial activity. |
Personnel expenses amounted to 1,261 million euros in the first half, with a year-on-year
increase of 3.2%, as a result of the wage adjustment to 2010 CPI. Telefónica Españas
headcount stood at 35,390 employees at the end of the first half. |
Taxes fell by 24.7% year-on-year to 176 million euros, as a consequence of the Companys
revenue performance. |
Bad debt provisions which amounted to 0.9% of revenues, totalled 78 million euros in the
first half of the year, down 9.9% year-on-year, reflecting efforts to improve bad debt
recovery levels. |
As a result, OIBDA reached 3,911 million euros in the first half (-10.6% year-on-year), primarily
reflecting the loss of higher-margin revenues and leaving the OIBDA margin at 44.7% (-2.3
percentage points year-on-year).
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The Companys commitment to offer high-quality services amid a background of strong growth in data
traffic, both fixed and mobile, led to an 8.7% year-on-year increase in CapEx in the first half to
903 million euros.
Operating cash flow totalled 3,008 million euros in the first half of 2011(-15.2% year-on-year).
Moreover, it should be mentioned that in early July Telefónica España reached a wide-ranging
three-year Social Agreement with the unions. The Agreement includes a Redundancy Plan involving up
to 6,500 employees at the wireline business through 2013, which is voluntary, universal and
non-discriminatory, and has already been approved by labour authorities. It also includes a new
Collective Agreement for 2011-2013 which, for the first time, include salaries reviews linked to
the Companys OIBDA targets.
The current value of the cost of the Redundancy Plan before taxes is estimated to be approximately
2,700 million euros (around 415,000 euros per employee), which will be booked as personnel expenses
in the current year. The Companys results over the next few years will benefit from higher
efficiency in personnel expenses, with a positive impact on cash flow generation from year one.
Commercial activity and revenue performance by business unit
Wireline business
At the end of June 2011, the Company managed a total of 15.8 million wireline accesses (retail
wireline telephony access, wholesale line rental -AMLT-, fully unbundled loops and naked wholesale
ADSL), a slight drop of 1% year-on-year.
Retail wireline telephony accesses stood at 12.7 million in June 2011 (-7% year-on-year), affected
by a slower market growth environment and the unbundling of loops. Nonetheless, 66% of the loss in
retail accesses was offset by net growth in wholesale accesses, which continue to generate revenues
for the Company.
Retail fixed broadband internet accesses at Telefónica España rose 1% year-on-year to nearly 5.7
million in June 2011. The Companys commercial strategy to focus on value combined with a more
selective targeting for new customers in a highly competitive environment resulted in a lower
volume of gross additions and a net loss of accesses in the period. The Companys estimated access
market share exceeded 51%, with nearly 90% of retail fixed broadband accesses included in double or
triple play offers.
Pay TV accesses totalled 785 thousand at the end of June, with a year-on-year increase of 5%.
In the wholesale business, indirect broadband accesses reached 652 thousand to June 2011 (+40%
year-on-year), while growth in unbundled loop leases continued to slow (+14% year-on-year), to
nearly 2.7 million. Of these, 92% are full unbundled (including 685 thousand naked shared loops),
and the rest are shared loops.
Revenues in the first half of 2011 amounted to 5,353 million euros (-5.9% year-on-year). The
following is a breakdown by component:
Traditional access revenues fell 9.2% year-on-year, due to the decline in the number of
accesses and the lower average revenue per line. |
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Voice service revenues decreased by 10.5% year-on-year in the first half, affected by lower
traffic and the growing weight of traffic flat-rates. |
Internet and broadband revenues fell by 5.5% year-on-year in the first half : |
Retail broadband revenues fell 10.5% year-on-year, mainly due to the drop in
effective ARPU (-12.0% year-on-year). |
Wholesale revenues rose 27.3% year-on-year. |
Data revenues grew 6.0% year-on-year in the first half. Excluding revenues from Telefónica Españas wireless business,
data revenues would have been flattish year-on-year. |
IT services revenues in the first six months of 2011 climbed 14.6% year-on-year. |
Wireless business
At the end of June 2011, the estimated penetration in the Spanish mobile telephony market
stood at 126%.
Against a backdrop of strong price-oriented competition, the Company continued to focus on
selectively targeting new customers according to their value potential. It also put renewed
emphasis on further developing and increasing the loyalty of its existing, highest-value customers.
It is noteworthy the steady growth posted by contract gross additions in the first half of the year
(+12% year-on-year) and positive performance in churn in this segment compared with previous
months, at 1.7% This performance translated into total net additions of 60 thousand accesses in the
first half, being noteworthy contract net additions that reached 272 thousand accesses.
Consequently, contract accesses rose 6% from June 2010, accounting for more than 68% of the
Companys total accesses (+2 percentage points year-on-year) and totalling 24.4 million (+2% from
June 2010).
Mobile broadband penetration increase remains one of the Companys key priorities. By the end of
June 2011, more than 23% of mobile accesses included this service (+7 percentage points
year-on-year; +4 percentage points from December 2010).
Traffic continued to reflect lower customer usage, dropping 2.2% year-on-year.
Total ARPU stood at 23.2 euros in the first half, down 9.3% year-on-year.
Voice ARPU (-14.0% year-on-year in the first half) continued to be shaped by declining usage, lower
mobile termination rates (-19.2% following the cuts effective from April 2011) and ongoing pressure
on retail prices.
On the contrary, it is especially remarkable the sustained positive performance of data ARPU
continued, growing year-on-year 8.9%. Data ARPU now accounts for 25% of total ARPU (+4 percentage
points year-on-year), fuelled by rapid growth in mobile broadband.
Data revenues registered a solid 11.4% year-on-year increase in the first half, and accounting for
more than 24% of mobile service revenues (+4 percentage points year-on-year). Revenues from non-P2P
SMS services continued to drive growth at the data business, rising 23.7% year-on-year in the first
half to account for 73% of data revenues (+7 percentage points year-on-year).
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Revenues reached 3,955 million euros in the first half of 2011, with a year-on-year decrease of
Mobile service revenue totalled 3,329 million euros in the first half, a
year-on-year decrease of 7.9%, affected by lower usage and a drop in prices. |
Customer revenues fell 7.2% year-on-year due to lower usage and intense
competition. |
Interconnection revenues dropped 16.4% year-on-year in the first half. |
Roaming-in revenues fell 8.8% year-on-year in the first half of the year, hit by
the cut in mobile termination rates in July 2010 and lower traffic. |
Revenues from handset sales rose to 626 million euros in the first half of the year, a
year-on-year increase of 4.3%, due to higher smartphones sales. |
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TelefónicA Latinoamérica
Latin American business continued to grow at a fast pace in the first half of 2011, with
domestic demand cementing its role as the main driver for this dynamism, along with increasing
investment and private consumption. Brazil remains leading Latin America expansion being the main
regions growth driver.
Telefónica consolidates the growth of its Latin American customer base, to a total of 190.4 million
accesses (+8% year-on-year).
Highlights of key trends in the wireless telephony business in the first six months of 2011
Estimated penetration in Latin America rose to 103% (+10 percentage points year-on-year). |
Telefónicas mobile accesses in the region rose by 10% year-on-year to 155.5 million, due
to the differential profile of Company, underpinned by a sharp rise (+21%) in contract
accesses, which account for 21% of total accesses (+2 percentage points year-on-year). |
Net additions in the first half totalled 6.3 million accesses, of which 40% were contract
accounts. |
Mobile broadband penetration still enjoys strong growth potential, reaching 7% of
Telefónicas total mobile accesses (+2 percentage points from December 2010). |
Churn at 2.7% in the first half, with significantly lower levels of contract churn. |
Traffic managed climbed 11% year-on-year in the first half, a growth that exceeds customer
growth. |
Data revenues continued to show strong dynamism rising 31% year-on-year to June. Data
revenues accounted for 25% of mobile services in the first half (+4 percentage points
year-on-year), further securing their role as a key driver of revenue growth. |
ARPU confirmed a positive trend supported by the growth of outgoing ARPU (+2.1%
year-on-year). This evolution highlights the differential profile of Telefónicas customer
base in the region. |
Highlights of the fixed-telephony business include the following:
Telefónica managed 34.8 million fixed-line accesses in the region at the end of June 2011
(+2% year-on-year). |
The focus on bundling and broadband is reflected in that 70% of wireline accesses is
already including some type of bundled service, while 90% of broadband accesses have a 2P or
3P offer. |
In the broadband segment, the Company managed 7.9 million accesses (+14% year-on-year) in
the first half of the year following net additions of 418 thousand. |
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In Pay TV, the customer base stood at 2.1 million, including TVA customers in Brazil, while
net additions in the first half stood at 315 thousand accesses (165 thousand excluding TVA
customers), which reflect the success commercial refocus of this service. |
Traditional fixed-telephony accesses totalled 24.2 million through June 2011, a slight
year-on-year decrease of 1%. |
It should be noted that Telefónica Latinoaméricas reported year-on-year financial results reflect
the full consolidation of Vivo from the fourth quarter of 2010 (previously this companys results
were proportionately consolidated).
Particularly noteworthy was the solid growth across the operations, despite a lower contribution
from the business in Mexico and regional projects vs. the first half of 2010 (-92 million euros in
the year-on-year comparison in revenues and OIBDA in the first half).
First-half revenues totalled 14,117 million euros, a year-on-year growth of 18.4%.
Brazil consolidated its role as the regions main market, accounting for 50% of first-half
revenues. Similarly, Brazil is Telefónicas top Latin American market by contribution to revenue
growth (+18.8 p.p.). Following Brazil, Argentina (11%), Chile (8%), Venezuela (8%), Peru (7%) and
Mexico (6%) are Telefónicas next-largest markets by revenue.
Operating expenses (9,198 million euros in the first half) rose 19.5% year-on-year:
Supply expenses increased by 14% year-on-year to 3,622 million euros, impacted by higher
expenses in circuits, sites, towers and content providers associated to new services. Handset
costs increased in countries as Argentina, Venezuela and Peru mainly due to the higher
commercial activity and the higher end handsets as smartphones. |
Subcontract expenses reached 3,730 million euros rising 28.4% year-on-year in the first
half. This evolution reflects the increase of network associated resources and systems and the
stronger effort on customer care and commissions, both in fixed and wireless operations. |
Personnel expenses totalled 1,261 million euros rising 27.2% and remain affected by the
internalization process developed in Brazil in 2010 which generated costs savings in other
operating expenses, and by the increase in inflation in some markets of the region. |
OIBDA amounted to 5,190 million euros, up 16.6% year-on-year. Excluding the contribution of the
Mexican business OIBDA growth of Telefónica Latinoamérica remains its accelerating trend to reach
20.1% year-on-year growth.
The Company maintains high efficiency ratios amid an intensely competitive environment, with an
OIBDA margin of 36.8% (-0.6 percentage point reported) despite a low margin in Mexico and the lower
contribution from high-margin regional projects in 2011.
CapEx in the first six months of 2011 totalled 2,072 million euros (+66.8% reported), mainly
devoted to growth in mobile broadband, improvements in 3G capacity and coverage and to broadband
service at fixed operators. It is worth noting that CapEx was affected by the registration in the
first-half of 2011 of the wireless spectrum in Brazil for 355 million euros granted in 2010 and by
the spectrum acquisition in Costa Rica for 68 million euros.
Operating cash flow stood at 3,117 million euros (-2.9% reported).
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BRAZIL (year-on-year variations in local currency)
Brazil maintains a solid economic growth, fuelled by strong consumer spending, enhancing the
countrys role as the driver of Latin American growth.
Amid this positive environment, Telefónica remains the market leader, capitalising on the benefits
accruing from the integration of the Companys mobile and fixed operations, which have accelerated
the pace of the growth trend achieved in previous quarters.
Telefónica in Brazil managed 79.8 million accesses at the end of June 2011, up 12% year-on-year,
underpinned by the continued pace of growth in wireless accesses (+14% year-on-year) and fixed
broadband accesses (+17% year-on-year).
It should be noted that reported year-on-year financial results reflect the full consolidation of
Vivo from October 2010 (previously this companys results were proportionately consolidated).
Similarly, TVA has been fully consolidated since June 2011, with retroactive effects since January,
contributing 150 thousand Pay TV accesses, 33 million euros in revenue and 10 million euros in
OIBDA to first-half 2011 results.
Telefónicas Brazilian revenues totalled 7,123 million euros in the first half, a year-on-year rise
of 40.4%.
Operating expenses were 4,633 million euros in the first half rising 37.6% year-on-year:
Supply expenses grew by 20.2% year-on-year to 1,742 million euros. Taking out the full
consolidation of Vivo the result would have been a decline due to commercial cost savings
mainly in the wireless business despite the strong competitive environment and the intense
commercial activity. |
Personnel expenses rose 59.8% year-on-year to 527 million euros due to the increased in the
number of employees mainly related with the in sourcing processes developed in 2010 and which
generate cost savings in other operating costs. |
Subcontract expenses increased by 51.9% year-on-year to 2,072 million euros, mainly due to
rising customer care and management associated with the growth of mobile and broadband
customers. |
OIBDA in the first half (2,661 million euros), showed also an acceleration in the growth rate to
58.3% year-on-year in the first half, reaching high profitability ratios, OIBDA margin remains
enhancing to 37.4%, gaining +2.2 percentage points year-on-year.
CapEx stood at 1,120 million euros in the first half, and includes in the second quarter the cost
of the spectrum granted in 2010 (355 million euros). Stripping out this impact, CapEx advanced
42.6% year-on-year. First-half operating cash flow was 1,541 million euros (+55.6% year-on-year,
excluding the spectrum acquisition).
Commercial activity and revenue performance by business unit
Wireless business
Estimated penetration in the Brazilian wireless market stood at 112% at the end of June 2011,
up 16 percentage points year-on-year.
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In the second quarter, and despite operating in a strong competitive environment, the Company
continued to draw improvements coming from its integrated management model, with excellent customer
satisfaction levels. It simultaneously positioned itself as a clear technology and quality leader
focused on new businesses and services.
At the end of June, the Company managed 64.0 million accesses with a year-on-year increase of 14%,
as first-half net additions totalled 3.8 million accesses. Vivos market share stood at 29.5%.
It should be noted the Companys determination to enhance the quality of the customer base,
reflected in a 25% year-on-year increase of contract customers, which now account for 22% of the
customer base, (+2 percentage points year-on-year). The contract segment accounted for 43% of total
net additions in the first half of the year, reaching a 45% share of market contract net additions
in the first half and boosting the contract segments market share to 36.1% to June 2011 (+2
percentage points year-on-year).
Churn stood at 2.8% in the first half, slightly higher year-on-year due to higher churn in the
prepay segment.
Traffic climbed 17% year-on-year in the first half, driven mainly by on net and long distance
ARPU remains stable (-0.7%). The shift illustrates the success of two core principles underlying
Vivos strategy and positioning in the market: a commitment to improving the quality of the
customer base and the development of new products and services which continue transforming the
Company towards the data business.
The pace of revenue growth continues to increase, rising 127.6% year-on-year in the first half of
the year on a reported basis to 4,319 million euros. Taking into account the full consolidation of
Vivo in both years, it should be noted the solid rise in mobile service revenues (+14.8%
year-on-year in the first half), maintaining the improvement in trends seen since the Company has
been managed solely by Telefónica.
Data business consolidated its role as the Companys main growth driver, rising 42.0% year-on-year
and accounting for 22% of mobile service revenues (+4 percentage points year-on-year). It is worth
highlighting that non-P2P SMS data revenue now account for 64% of total data revenue, reflecting
the strong performance of mobile broadband, another service where Vivo is a sector benchmark.
Wireline business
By the end of June 2011, Telefónica managed 15.8 million fixed-line accesses in Brazil (-2%
Accesses at the traditional fixed-line totalled 11.1 million, with a reduction in access losses of
166 thousand accesses in the first half explained by the effects of the rainfalls in the first
Broadband accesses climbed 17% year-on-year to 3.5 million at the end of June 2011, accounting for
31% of the Companys fixed accesses (+5 percentage points year-on-year). Net additions, 168
thousand in the first half, shows a good pace of growth if we take into account the rainfalls of
Telesp managed 682 thousand pay TV accesses by June 2011, including TVA accesses in these numbers
from June 2011 (150 thousand customers). Stripping out TVA customers, the Company
reported first-half net additions of 45 thousand accesses evidencing the success of the Companys
offer repositioning.
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Revenues stood at 3,606 million euros in the first half, with year-on-year growth of 4.7%, gaining
momentum compared to the previous quarter. Accordingly, the Companys earnings clearly reflect the
operating and commercial improvements seen throughout 2010.
Revenues from traditional fixed-line telephony improved, remaining unchanged year-on-year in the
first half of the year (+0.2% year-on-year in the first half), mainly driven by the growth in SMP
service and fixed-to-mobile traffic offsetting lower local traffic. Meanwhile, revenues from
Internet, pay TV and content account to 16% of total revenues and continue increasing its
contribution to revenues.
ARGENTINA (year-on-year changes in local currency)
Telefónica Argentina continued strengthening its strategy of focusing on increasing customer
value, with a particular focus on a differential offer in broadband, both fixed and mobile.
At the end of the first half of 2011, the Company managed 22.5 million accesses (+1% year-on-year),
with noteworthy performance by fixed broadband, a change in evolution in mobile accesses and stable
traditional fixed accesses.
Revenue stood at 1,513 million euros for the first six months of 2011, with year-on-year growth of
16.2%, reflecting positive revenue performance in both the fixed and mobile businesses.
Operating expenses increased 21.0% year-on-year in the first half, in line with the first quarter
of the year, to reach 1,008 million euros. This trend is explained by the widespread increase in
prices that translated into higher personnel expenses and higher subcontracts expenses, and by
mobile traffic increase, increasing interconnection and roaming costs.
OIBDA totalled 510 million euros in the first six months, a year-on-year rise of 10.1%, with an
OIBDA margin of 32.7% (-1.9 percentage points year-on-year).
Operating cash flow in the first half amounted to 349 million euros, up 2.6% year-on-year despite
increased CapEx of 161 million euros in the first six months of 2011 (+31.1% year-on-year).
Commercial activity and revenue performance by business unit
Wireless business
The estimated penetration rate in Argentina stood at 131% at the end of June 2011, a
year-on-year increase of 5 percentage points.
Telefónica in Argentina managed 16.4 million mobile accesses at June 2011, unchanged for the past
twelve months. Particularly remarkable was the contract segments good performance, after
recording net additions of 228 thousand accesses in the first half a year-on-year rise of 10% in
this segment, now accounting for 37% of total accesses.
Churn was 2.4% in the first half of the year and with churn rate in the contract segment standing
out as a market benchmark.
Traffic increased by 8% in the first half.
Year-on-year growth in ARPU sped up to +15.9% in the first half, fuelled by a rising share of
contract accesses.
- 48 -
Revenue in the first half totalled 960 million euros, posting a solid year-on-year increase of
15.5%. This performance was spurred by the positive performance of mobile service revenue, rising
13.6% year-on-year in the first half, and by stronger handset sales (+41.6% year-on-year) stemming
from the Companys focus on attracting and retaining high-value customers.
Data revenue registered a solid year-on-year increase of 25.3%in the first half of the year and now
accounts for 38% of mobile service revenue (+4 percentage points year-on-year).
Wireline business
Telefónica managed 6.2 million fixed accesses in Argentina by the end of June 2011, up 3%
In the broadband market, managed accesses totalled 1.5 million, registering substantial
year-on-year growth of 14%, following net additions of 74 thousand accesses in the first half.
Telefónica continues to consolidate its position as a market benchmark, due both to its high
quality levels and to the excellence of its service, as reflected by its low churn rate.
The number of traditional telephony accesses stood at 4.6 million at the end of the first half of
2011, remaining stable year-on-year. The Company continues to prioritise service bundling, as 73%
of accesses now include some form of traffic bundling (+2 percentage points year-on-year).
Revenue totalled 603 million euros in the first half, increasing 18.0% year-on-year highlighting
the strong growth in Internet and content revenue, which rose 33.9% in the first half and
traditional telephony business revenue (+11.7% year-on-year in the first six months of the year).
CHILE (year-on-year changes in local currency)
The telecommunications market in Chile maintains its growth potential, and Telefónica,
operating under the Movistar brand, has a unique competitive advantage with global integrated
offers that have made it the market leader.
Telefónica managed 12.4 million accesses in Chile at the end of the first six months of 2011, a
year-on-year increase of 12%, mainly due to the strong rise in mobile and pay TV accesses and
acceleration of broadband growth.
Revenue stood at 1,134 million euros for the first six months of 2011, showing year-on-year growth
of 6.4% , reflecting the good performance of mobile revenue and stable fixed-line business.
Operating expenses in the first half of the year totalled 642 million euros, with a year-on-year
increase (+4.2%) below revenue growth rate. Main growths stems from higher supplies (+16.3%
year-on-year) as a result of higher commercial activity of mobile business, and higher
interconnection and content costs. The positive evolution of personnel and subcontracts expenses
reflect the efforts of the Company to maximize efficiency.
OIBDA stood at 510 million euros for the six-month period, with solid year-on-year growth of 8.2%,
and an OIBDA margin expansion, standing at 45.0% for the first half of the year (+0.8 percentage
point year-on-year).
Operating cash flow totalled 310 million euros (-4.2% year-on-year), on higher CapEx (+35.4%
year-on-year) of 199 million euros during the first half of the year.
- 49 -
Commercial activity and revenue performance by business unit
Wireless Business
Estimated penetration of the Chilean mobile market stood at 131% at the end of June 2011 (+19
percentage points year-on-year).
The Company managed 9.3 million mobile accesses by the end of June 2011, showing year-on-year
growth of 16%, highlighting a strong performance from both the contract segment, accounting for
29% of total accesses, and the prepay segment. Net additions during the six-month period reached
514 thousand accesses, a year-on-year increase of 10%, reflecting the strong growth in gross
additions and a churn rate that continued being a benchmark in the market (1.6% up to June 2011;
+0.1 percentage point year-on-year).
Traffic increased by 6% year-on-year in the first six months of the year.
ARPU decreased by 5.3% year-on-year during the first half, although it is important to note
contract ARPU evolution that remains stable in the past few months.
Revenue during the first half of 2011 totalled 685 million euros, showing year-on-year growth of
12.1% and reflecting a good performance in terms of mobile service revenue (+11.4% year-on-year in
the first half).
Data revenue over the first six months of 2011 showed an important growth of 42.6% year-on-year and
now accounts for 19% of mobile service revenue (+4 percentage points year-on-year). Non-P2P SMS
data revenue accounts for 71% of data revenue in the first half of the year (+8 percentage points
Wireline business
Telefónica managed 3.1 million fixed accesses at the end of June 2011, slightly more than at
June 2010 (+1% year-on-year). The Company continues to focus on boosting unit customer value as
growth lever, with almost all accesses associated with a service bundled offer.
Broadband accesses were 844 thousand at the end of the first six months of 2011, speeding up
year-on-year growth (+6%) on the strength of the changing trends of net additions from the previous
months resulting in 22 thousand accesses added during these six months.
It is worth mentioning the pay TV performance, with year-on-year growth of 22%, standing at 373
thousand accesses, after registering net additions of 32 thousand accesses during the first six
months of 2011 (+45% year-on-year) due to a strategy that continues to bolster service quality with
high-definition channels and continuous improvements in the entertainment offer.
Traditional business accesses are still slowing their downward trend (-3.2%, compared to -4.4% in
2010), mainly due to higher gross additions and a stabilization of churn, with an accesses net loss
34% lower than during the first six months of 2010.
Revenue stood at 511 million euros for the first half of 2011, with year-on-year growth of 0.7%.
The improved performance was explained by the Companys transformation strategy, reflected in the
higher revenue for Internet, TV and contents (+12.0% year-on-year over the six months). Likewise,
revenue from data, IT and capacity rental also marked a strong pace of growth (+9.7% year-on-year
over the six months). Both now account for 47% of fixed-line revenue (+4 percentage points
year-on-year), thereby offsetting lower revenue from traditional business (-7.0% year-on-year over
the six months).
- 50 -
PERU (year-on-year changes in local currency)
The telecommunications market in Peru continued to show solid growth, and Telefónica retained
its position as market leader, managing a total of 17.5 million accesses at the end of June 2011
(+7% year-on-year). It is worth highlighting, growth in fixed broadband (+18% year-on-year) and
mobile (+9% year-on-year) businesses, as well as the sequential slowdown in the loss of traditional
fixed-line accesses and the shift to a growing trend in pay TV.
Revenue consolidated the pace of growth registered in recent quarters, with an increase of 5.2%
year-on-year in the first half of the year reaching 971 million euros in the first six months,
mainly due to positive growth evolution in mobile revenues (+11.9% year-on-year).
Operating expenses stood at 619 million euros in the first half of 2011 (+7.0% year-on-year), in
line with higher commercial activity, both fixed and mobile, due to greater subcontract expenses
(+9.6% year-on-year) and supplies (+4.7% year-on-year). Personnel expenses remained under control,
posting a 4.7% year-on-year growth.
OIBDA totalled 366 million euros in the first six months of 2011, with year-on-year growth of 4.4%.
The OIBDA margin stood at 37.7%, stable on a year-on-year basis.
CapEx stood at 85 million euros in the first six months of 2011, showing year-on-year growth of
15.9%. Operating cash flow rose 1.4% year-on-year, amounting 281 million euros.
Commercial activity and revenue performance by business unit
Wireless business
At the end of the first six months of 2011, estimated penetration of Peruvian mobile market
stood at 70% (+7 percentage point year-on-year).
Telefónica managed 12.9 million mobile accesses in Peru by the end of June 2011 (+9%
year-on-year), accelerating due to the sound performance of the contract segment (+36%
year-on-year), which now accounts for 20% of total accesses (+4 percentage points year-on-year) and
by improved evolution in the prepay segment.
Thus, net additions accounted 414 thousand for the six-month period, on the back of increase in
gross additions (+20% year-on-year).
During the first six months of the year, the churn rate remained stable at 3.3% (+0.1 percentage
point year-on-year) as a result of the strong recovery in the prepay segment.
During the first six months of the year, traffic increased by 25% year-on-year, due to the good
performance of outgoing traffic (+25% year-on-year).
In the first six months of the year, ARPU consolidated the positive trend initiated during the
previous quarter, with a year-on-year increase of 1.7% due to the Companys focus on capturing and
retaining the high-value customers.
Revenue totalled 513 million euros over the first six months of 2011 (+11.9% year-on-year
reflecting the good performance of mobile service revenues (+11.0% year-on-year in the first half
of the year).
- 51 -
It is important to note the positive data revenue evolution (+45.7% year-on-year during the
six-month period), now accounting for 14% of total mobile service revenues (+3 percentage
points year-on-year), due to an increase in non-P2P SMS revenue (+66.6% during the period), which
represents 63% of data revenue (+8 percentage points year-on-year).
Wireline Business 1
Telefónica managed a total of 4.6 million fixed accesses in Peru at the end of June 2011, with
year-on-year growth of 2%.
Broadband accesses consolidated as the main growth lever, totalling 975 thousand accesses at the
end of the six-month period (+18% year-on-year). Net additions totalled 124 thousand accesses in
the first half of the year (+117% year-on-year), one of the highest figures achieved since 2009.
This positive trend reflects the effectiveness of the Companys commercial offer and churn control,
which remained practically stable year-on-year.
The Companys pay TV accesses continued to perform well with net additions of 45 thousand during
the six-month period, to total 736 thousand accesses (+1.6% year-on-year).
Traditional telephony accesses at the end of June 2011 stood at 2.8 million, consolidating the
deceleration trend registered since mid-2010 (-2% year-on-year in the first six months of the year
vs. -5% year-on-year up to June 2010).
At the end of June 2011, 59% of traditional phone accesses were bundled (+6 percentage points
year-on-year), and 75% of fixed broadband accesses were marketed under a Dúo or Trío package (+8
percentage points year-on-year), thereby consolidating service bundling as one of the key features
behind Telefónicas success in Peru.
Revenue amounted to 521 million euros during the first six months of 2011 (-1.4% year-on-year), due
to lower revenues from traditional telephony business (affected by regulatory measures), that were
not offset by higher Internet, TV and content revenues (+8% year-on-year growth), which now account
for 39% of total revenue (+3 percentage points year-on-year) and higher data, IT and capacity
rental revenues (+13 year-on-year).
COLOMBIA (year-on-year changes in local currency)
By the end of June 2011, Telefónica managed 12.3 million accesses in Colombia (+4%
year-on-year), due to the solid growth of fixed broadband accesses (+19% year-on-year) and pay TV
(+34% year-on-year) and a sustained rise in mobile accesses (+4% year-on-year).
Revenue totalled 761 million euros over the first six months of 2011 (+4.9% year-on-year), thus
consolidating the positive trend of previous quarters.
1 |
Fixed-line phone accesses include all
Telefónicas fixed accesses in Peru, both those managed by the fixed wireless
business and those managed by the mobile business. However, earnings from fixed
wireless accesses are included in the results of the Peruvian mobile business. |
- 52 -
Operating expenses increased by 5.3% year-on-year in the first half of 2011 to 557 million euros.
This growth was mainly explained by an increase in supplies (+13.6% year-on-year) associated with
higher interconnection and roaming costs.
OIBDA stood at 246 million euros for the first six months of the year (+2.2% year-on-year),
consolidating quarterly trends. Thus, OIBDA margin in the first half of the year reached 32.3%
(-0.9 percentage points year-on-year).
CapEx for the first half of 2011 amounted to 127 million euros (+25.4% year-on-year). As a result,
operating cash flow fell 14.7% year-on-year, to 118 million euros for the half-year period.
Commercial activity and revenue performance by business unit
Wireless business
Penetration of Colombias mobile market was estimated at 100% at the end of June 2011, a
year-on-year increase of 6 percentage points with respect to June 2010.
Telefónica managed 9.9 million mobile accesses (+4% year-on-year), with a substantial increase in
the contract segment (+24% year-on-year), which now accounts for 25% of total accesses (+4
percentage points year-on-year) and helps offset the loss of prepay accesses caused by intense
competition. The mobile broadband business also performed well, further consolidating its position
as one of the Companys key growth drivers.
The churn rate remained stable compared to previous quarters, and the half-yearly rate stood at
3.6% (+0.4 percentage point year-on-year) in the first half of the year, affected by an upturn in
the prepay segment, and despite a lower contract churn rate (-0.3 percentage point year-on-year).
Traffic rose by 12% year-on-year over the first six months of the year on the back of increasing
outgoing traffic (+15% year-on-year).
Over the first six months of 2011, ARPU increased slightly (+0.5% year-on-year).
Revenue stood at 444 million euros during the first half of the year (+9.1% year-on-year
consolidating the trend of previous quarters. This growth reflects the positive evolution from
mobile service revenues (+8.0% year-on-year in the first half), and the increase in handset sales
(+26.3% year-on-year in the semester).
Data revenues further consolidated their role as a growth driver, rising by 60% year-on-year,
accounting for 21% of mobile service revenues (+7 percentage points year-on-year). It is also
noteworthy, non-P2P SMS data revenue evolution, growing by 78% year-on-year, and accounting for 87%
of total data revenue (+9 percentage points year-on-year).
Wireline Business
Telefónica managed 2.4 million fixed accesses by the end of June 2011 (+3% year-on-year),
after registering 18 thousand net additions during the half-year.
The Companys broadband accesses totalled 588 thousand at the end of the first six months, with an
excellent pace of 19% year-on-year growth, due to the 40 thousand net additions, with a slight
deceleration in commercial activity due to stiff competition.
At the end of the first six months of 2011, pay TV accesses totalled 229 thousand posting a
substantial increase (+34% year-on-year), with 24 thousand net additions in the first half of the
- 53 -
In the traditional business, the Company managed 1.5 million accesses (-5.0% year-on-year) at the
end of June.
One of the major focuses of Company strategy is bundling of different services. 78% of fixed-line
accesses are now bundled, and all broadband accesses are marketed as part of either a Dúo or Trío
Revenue stood at 336 million euros for the half-year, virtually stable year-on-year (-0.4%) due to
the operational improvements introduced by the Company from the beginning of 2010. This improvement
is reflected in the slowdown of falling revenue from traditional services (-8.8%
year-on-year over the first six months vs. -18.9% during the first six months of 2010), and also in
the accelerated pace of growth in new business areas.
Thus, Internet, TV and content revenues increased by 18.6% year-on-year during the six-month
period, and now accounts for 26% of total wireline revenues (+4 percentage points year-on-year).
Data, IT and capacity rental revenues rose by 1.0% year-on-year during the first half of the year.
MEXICO (year-on-year changes in local currency)
Estimated penetration in the Mexican mobile market reached 85% by the end of June 2011, up 7
percentage points year-on-year.
Telefónica Méxicos first-half operating and financial results reflect the commercial repositioning
carried out since mid-2010, meanwhile it is worth noting that the new commercial offering has begun
to deliver results with a steady improvement in operating indicators.
Major changes are being implemented in the Mexican telecommunications market, including sharp cuts
in call termination rates. Following the resolutions issued by COFETEL, mobile termination rates
stand at 0.39 pesos per minute, billed per second according to effective call duration, which
represents a nominal change of -61%, although the real reduction is likely to be larger because
billing on calls can no longer be rounded to the minute. Likewise, the regulator approved cuts in
fixed termination rates and in transit rates.
It should be noticed that, while in the short term the reduction in the termination rates has a
negative impact on the Companys financial results, in the medium and long term it will cause a
substantial change in the dynamics of the Mexican market, which will enhance the competitive
position of non-dominant carriers.
Telefónica managed a total of 21.2 million accesses at the end of June 2011, up 13% year-on-year.
Mobile accesses stood at 20.6 million (+13% year-on-year), after recording net additions in the
first six months of the year of 905 thousand accesses. It is important to note the positive trend
in commercial activity throughout the year, illustrated by gross additions of 3.8 million accesses
in the first half (+21% year-on-year), underpinned by a positive performance in both the prepay and
contract segments.
On the other hand, the Company continued strengthening its competitive position in the mobile
broadband market due to its acquisition of spectrum in 2010. Thus, mobile broadband accesses
maintained its growth, with a fourfold increase compared to June 2010.
In the first half of the year churn rate stood at 2.4% (+0.3 percentage point year-on-year) but
showing a light improve in the last three months.
Telefónica Móviles México reached an estimated 21.5% share of the mobile market (+0.4 percentage
point year-on-year).
- 54 -
Traffic reversed the trend of previous months by returning to a growth pattern for the first time
since the second quarter of 2010. This turnaround was spurred by improved performance in outgoing
traffic, which rose +0.5% year-on-year in the first half.
ARPU dropped 22.9% in the first half, accelerating the year-on-year decline due to the reduction in
mobile termination rates. However, outgoing ARPU, which is unaffected by this effect, showed a
positive trend in the second quarter and interrupting the quarter-on-quarter downward trend showed
during several previous quarters.
Revenues totalled 808 million euros in the first six months of the year (-13.0% year-on-year),
reflecting lower mobile service revenue (-12.5% year-on-year) resulting from negative performance
in prepay segment revenues and the sharp reduction in mobile and fixed termination rates.
Stripping out the impact of the reduction in termination rates, revenues in the first half would
have fallen by 9.4% year-on-year.
In addition, it is worth to mention the good performance of data revenue, which now accounts for
27% of the Companys mobile service revenue (+5 percentage points year-on-year). Particularly
noteworthy was the performance of non-P2P SMS revenue, which was 2.4 times higher than in the same
period a year earlier and accounted for 25% of data revenue in the first half (+12 percentage
points year-on-year).
OIBDA, due to the performance of revenue and higher expenses associated with the commercial drive
and the accelerated deployment of 3G network, totalled 217 million euros in the first six months
(-31.1% year-on-year). Stripping out the impact of the reduction in termination rates, OIBDA in the
first half would have been down to have 25.3% year-on-year. The OIBDA margin was 26.8% in the first
half (-7.1 percentage points year-on-year).
CapEx stood at 124 million euros in the first half of 2011 (+36.3% year-on-year), reflecting the
Companys effort to roll out 3G coverage in order to maximise spectrum value. Operating cash flow
totalled 93 million euros (-58.4% year-on-year).
VENEZUELA (year-on-year changes in local currency)
Estimated penetration of the Venezuelan mobile market was 100% in June 2011 (-2 percentage
points year-on-year).
In the current environment, Telefónica Móviles Venezuela is consolidating a strategy based on
innovation and maximising customer value with a highly segmented approach. Therefore, the Company
consolidates its strategy focusing on value segments with a market benchmark offer and continues
positioning itself in the lower-income segments with a tariffs plan evolution.
Telefónica managed 10.4 million accesses in Venezuela (-10% year-on-year), with 9.4 million mobile
accesses (-9% year-on-year). Although the Company showed a net loss of 155 thousand accesses during
the first six months of 2011, this trend changed during the second quarter. This positive trend was
the result of the Companys strategy to increase segmentation and remain a market benchmark in
service quality. Likewise, focus on high-value customers is reflected in the 26% year-on-year
increase in contract accesses.
The mobile churn rate was 3.0% in the first half (+0.6 percentage points year-on-year). The
contract churn rate (0.7% in the first half), continues as a market benchmark.
Traffic showed a better evolution in the second quarter of the year, in contrast to the downward
trend showed in last quarters (-1.1% year-on-year on the first half of the year).
- 55 -
The Companys focus on unit customer value is reflected in the solid evolution of the ARPU, which
maintained a strong increase of 26.0% year-on-year in the six-month period.
Revenue during the first six months of 2011 was 1,068 million euros, a year-on-year increase of
10.0%, reflecting the positive performance in terms of mobile service revenues (+11.0% year-on-year
in the first half).
In the data business, Telefónica consolidates its position as a benchmark company, offering new
products and pioneering services, with mobile broadband solid results standing out. Thus, data
revenue increased by 23.0% in the first six months of 2011, accounting for 36% of mobile service
OIBDA totalled 461 million euros in the first half, with year-on-year growth of 5.4%. The Company
has maintained high levels of efficiency, with an OIBDA margin of 43.2% in the first half (-1.9
percentage points year-on-year), affected by higher commercial activity in the first six months of
the year.
CapEx stood at 145 million euros (+43.2% year-on-year), registered in the first half cannot be
extrapolated to the full year given the different phasing of investment along the year. It is
important to note that in the first half of the year the Venezuelan government renewed Telefónica
Móviles Venezuelas license until the end of 2022.
Lastly, operating cash flow stood at 317 million euros (-5.1% year-on-year).
- 56 -
TelefónicA Europe
In the first half of 2011, Telefónica Europe delivered a strong financial performance despite
challenging trading environments across the Group. In addition to increasing smartphone penetration
and delivering growth from data, the Company continued the execution of its value over volume
Telefónica Europes total customer base reached 57.3 million at the end of June 2011 (+5%
year-on-year), with ongoing growth in the mobile contract segment and internet and data wireline
The contract customer base continued recording solid grow, +8% year-on-year at the end of the
quarter, bringing the total mobile customer base to 47.4 million (+5% year-on-year). The
improvement in customer mix results in contract customers reaching 50% of the total mobile customer
base, 1 percentage point higher than a year ago.
Increased focus on selective customer investment in competitive markets led to total mobile net
additions of 755 thousand in the first half, driven by the strong performance of the contract
segment (815 thousand contract net additions in the first half; +3% year-on-year).
Mobile broadband customer base continued posting strong momentum and increased to 13 million in
June to represent 28% of the total mobile base (4 percentage points more than at the end of 2010).
Telefónica Europes wireline retail broadband accesses reached 4.1 million at the end of June 2011,
adding 136 thousand lines in the first half of 2011.
Revenues reached 7,662 million euros in the first half, a growth of 2.2% year-on-year driven by
growth in Germany and the UK that offset continued declines in Czech Republic and Ireland.
Fast mobile broadband adoption led to non-P2P SMS data revenue growth in the first half of 32.5%,
posting an acceleration from growth recorded in the first quarter (+29.4% year-on-year). This
accounted for 42% of total data revenues (35% in June 2010) and highlights the successful execution
of our tiered mobile data pricing.
Operating expenses stood at 5,664 million euros in the first half, increasing 1.5% year-on-year. By
Supplies increased 3.8% to 3,325 million euros in the first half, mainly due to the
consolidation of HanseNet since mid-February 2010 and thecontinued growth in smartphones. This
is partially offset by lower interconnection costs year-on-year. |
Personnel expenses decreased 3.5% on a reported basis to 718 million euros in the first
half of 2011 as a result of lower restructuring expenses booked in the first half of 2011 (7
million euros compared to 23 million euros in the first half of 2010) and the benefits from
prior year restructuring. |
Subcontract expenses reached 1,526 million euros in the first half of the year, a -0.2%
year-on-year. This decrease is mainly due to operational efficiencies in client management
costs. |
- 57 -
As a result, OIBDA amounted to 2,097 million euros in the first half and grew 1.2% year-on-year.
Reported OIBDA margin was 27.4% in the first half of 2011 (-0.2 percentage points year-on-year).
CapEx amounted to 708 million euros in the first half of the year (-67.0% year-on-year reported)
impacted by spectrum acquisition in Germany in the second quarter of 2010. The Company continued to
improve its infrastructure and maximise the benefits from network sharing.
Operating cash flow was 1,389 million euros in the first half of the year compared to -73 million
euros in the same period last year.
TELEFÓNICA UK (Year-on-year changes in local currency)
In the first half of the year, Telefónica UK performed well in an increasingly complex
economic and competitive environment. The Company further increased smartphone penetration and
continued monetising mobile data, leveraging the demand for the new tiered mobile data tariffs.
It should be noted that mobile termination rates cuts from 1st April had a significant
impact on financial results.
The Company also continued to drive transformational change in the UK market with the announcement
of a new joint venture with other mobile network operators to provide a platform for mobile
advertising and m-commerce. This will provide a central market place for mobile advertising and
enable the rapid adoption of mobile wallets.
At the end of the first half of 2011, the total access base stood at 22.9 million customers, an
increase of 3% year-on-year, primarily driven by growth in the contract mobile segment.
Telefónica UKs mobile customer base reached 22.1 million at the end of June 2011 (+2%
year-on-year) fuelled by the contract segment (+6% year-on-year), which accounted for 48% of the
total base (+2 percentage points on June 2010).
Contract mobile net additions in the first half were 175 thousand, reflecting the value over
volume approach taken by the Company since the beginning of the year.
Total customer base evolution from the beginning of the year (negative net additions of 69 thousand
in the first half) was mainly the result of the Companys lower commercial activity in the prepay
The Tesco Mobile joint venture (not included in the Companys total customer base) continued to
show strong momentum, adding 124 thousand customers in the first half. Closing base reached 2.7
million customers, a year-on-year increase of 21% with ongoing demand for their clear and simple
Demand for smartphones continued to be strong, increasing smartphone penetration2 to 35%
(+6 percentage points over 2010 year end).
Churn in the first half stood at 2.9% (+0.3 percentage points year-on-year). Contract churn for the
first half stood at 1.2%, stable over the previous year.
Mobile voice traffic decreased 7% year-on-year in the first half mainly driven by a lower prepay
customer base. Its important to highlight that total contract voice usage increased year-on-year.
2 |
Smartphones with data attached rate/total
mobile base excluding dongles and M2M. |
- 58 -
Data traffic from mobile broadband accesses also continued to grow with total volume increasing 31%
year-on-year in the first half of 2011.
Total ARPU in the first six months of the year stood at 23.4 euros (-5.2% year-on-year) after being
impacted by voice termination rate cuts from the 1st of April.
Voice ARPU declined 12.1% year-on-year in the first half. Excluding regulation, the decline was
8.4% year-on-year up to June, which reflects continued usage optimisation, but is in line with
previous quarter performance, evidencing that customers are not generally trading down their bundle
Data ARPU continued to grow at 5.2% year-on-year in the first half. The launch of new tiered data
tariffs at the end of the first quarter continued to demonstrate good traction. Close to 55% of the
contract data customers in the consumer segment have already contracted a tiered data tariff at the
end of June.
The Companys wireline retail broadband internet accesses remained flat year-on-year at 0.7 million
accesses at the end of June, 2011.
Revenues reached 3,451 million euros in the first half, up 0.9% year-on-year. Excluding the impact
from mobile termination rate cuts, revenues would have increased 3.0% year-on-year in the first
Mobile service revenues declined 0.4% year-on-year in the first half to reach 3,126 million euros.
Excluding the impact from regulation, mobile service revenues grew 2.0% year-on-year in the first
half, as a result of the lower rate of net additions seen in recent quarters and the ARPU decline.
Non-P2P SMS revenues were central to data growth, increasing 32.2% year-on-year in the first half
as smartphones become more prevalent and the high adoption of upper tier data packages. Total data
revenue grew 9.5% year-on-year in the first half to represent 44% of mobile service revenues (+4
percentage point improvement year-on-year).
OIBDA recorded a solid 7.7% year-on-year growth in the first half to 953 million euros. As a
result, OIBDA margin in the first half of 2011 stood at 27.6% (+1.7 percentage points year-on-year
margin expansion).
CapEx in the first half declined 6.8% to 324 million euros, a year-on-year performance that should
not be extrapolated for the whole year due to different shaping of investment execution.
Efficiencies in rollout continue to be delivered through the refarming of 900 Mhz spectrum in urban
areas and the progress of the network share agreement. This resulted in UK regulator Ofcom naming
Telefónica UK as the fastest network in terms of mobile broadband download speed.
Operating cash flow reached 629 million euros in the first half, a 17.1% year-on-year increase.
In the first half of 2011, Telefónica Germany continued leveraging its strong commercial
momentum with healthy demand for its current tariff portfolio and increased adoption of
smartphones, which led to mobile service revenue acceleration in the second quarter.
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HanseNet and Telefónica Germany were successfully integrated into one single legal entity at the
beginning of the second quarter and continued to deliver savings as a result of the integration and
related restructuring.
Telefónica Germany has also taken the first steps in their LTE strategy launching its mobile
broadband proposition in several rural areas from July 2011 which are now covered by the new LTE
The Companys total accesses base stood at 24.0 million at the end of June 2011 (+9%
The total mobile customer base reached 17.7 million at the end of June 2011 (+9% year-on-year),
mainly driven by the 10% year-on-year increase in the contract segment. Total net additions in the
first six months of the year amounted to 699 thousand, boosted by contract net additions, which
accounted for 66% of the total, a significant increase over the 31% recorded a year ago. As a
result contract customer base saw an increase of 459 thousand net adds for the first half driven by
strong traction in the consumer and business segments to represent 49% of the total mobile base at
the end of June 2011. The prepay segment added 240 thousand customers in the first half.
Mobile broadband penetration continued to grow, reaching 23% at June 2011 end (+3 percentage point
increase over 2010 year end) leveraging ongoing demand for smartphones, strongly supported by the
My Handy distribution model.
Churn in the first half reached 2.2%, a slight year-on-year increase.
Mobile voice traffic continued delivering strong growth (11% year-on-year in the first half), which
is in line with customer base growth and reflects sustained demand for voice products. Mobile data
traffic also increased significantly (+53% year-on-year in the first half), driven by higher mobile
broadband penetration as well as usage per customer growth.
Total ARPU declined 9.9% year-on-year in the first half to reach 13.4 euros with the main driver
being the steep cut in mobile termination rates introduced in December 2010. Excluding this impact,
total ARPU would have declined 3.2% in the first six months of 2011 , which is a significant
quarter-on-quarter improvement reflecting the continued adoption of mobile broadband services. It
is also worth highlighting that revenues from the My Handy model are not being reported under
mobile service revenues and are instead reported in hardware revenue, signifying that increased
smartphone hardware sales will not be reflected within ARPUs.
As a result of the aforementioned factors, voice ARPU declined 20.3% year-on-year in the first
Data ARPU however grew 11.3% year-on-year in the first half as a result of the increased adoption
of smartphones in the base as well as their associated data tariffs, such as O2 Blue.
Telefónica Germanys retail broadband internet customer base reached 2.6 million at the end of June
2011 (+9% year-on-year) and also fixed wholesale business recorded growth of 4%
year-on-year to reach 1.1 million accesses.
Revenue for the first six months of 2011 reached 2,440 million euros, a year-on-year increase of
7.5%, a positive performance despite strong impacts from regulation. Total mobile revenue increased
4.9% year-on-year in the first half, reflecting sound performance in mobile service revenue as well
as continued growth in hardware revenues through My Handy model.
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Non-P2P SMS revenue growth was central to this revenue performance (+47.9% year-on-year in the
first half), showing an acceleration driven by the aforementioned increased broadband penetration
and subsequent adoption of mobile data tariffs. Mobile data revenue grew 23.2% year-on-year in the
first six months of the year with mobile data now representing 40% of mobile service revenues,
which is a significant 8 percentage points improvement over the first half of 2010.
OIBDA for the first half of 2011 amounted to 558 million euros, a 4.8% year-on-year growth result
of the good evolution of revenues and the initial benefits of business restructuring offsetting
increased commercial spend.
OIBDA margin reached 22.9% in the first half of the year showing early efficiencies as a result of
the restructuring program.
CapEx of 243 million euros declined 85.4% year-on-year in the first six months of 2011 due to the
accounting in 2010 of 1,379 million euros of spectrum and different phasing of investment activity,
with ongoing LTE network deployment in line with plan.
Operating cash flow reached 315 million euros in the first half of the year.
In the first half of 2011, Telefónica Ireland performance continued to be impacted by a
challenging macro and competitive environment.
The Company actively focused on profitable investment with the contract segment growing 4%
year-on-year and adding 12 thousand customers in the first half of the year. As a result, contract
customers represented 44% of the mobile customer base (+3 percentage points year-on-year) at the
end of June, with mobile broadband penetration reaching 37%.
Telefónica Irelands mobile customer base stood at 1.7 million customers at the end of June (-2%
year-on-year), against of continued intense price competition which resulted in a lower prepay base
(-7% year-on-year).
Churn for the first half stood at 2.5% (+0.3 percentage points year-on-year).
Mobile voice traffic declined 3.8% year-on-year in the first half, primarily due to lower prepay
customer base.
Total ARPU, which continued to be impacted by regulation and the economic environment, declined
7.9% in the first six months.
Revenues declined 11.3% year-on-year to 372 million euros in the first half of the year driven by
lower mobile service revenue and hardware revenue. Mobile service revenues were down 9.6% in the
first six months with voice revenue declines partially mitigated by stronger data revenue trends.
Excluding mobile termination rate cuts, mobile service revenue would have declined 3.1% in the six
month period.
Mobile data revenues in the first half grew 11.8% year-on-year with high smartphone penetration
being the main driver.
Non-P2P SMS data revenue remained strong and grew 15.2% year-on-year in the first half to account
for 40% of data revenues (+1 percentage points year-on-year).
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OIBDA declined 11.8% in the first half to reach 112 million euros driven by the higher upfront
commercial costs associated with the increasing demand for smartphones. As a result OIBDA margin in
the first half stood at 30.2%, virtually flat on June 2010. In the first half of 2010 the Company
booked 7 million euros of restructuring charges.
CapEx in the first half reached 26 million (+9.7% year-on-year), with a different phasing of
investment activity. The full benefits of the network share agreement with eircom are expected to
flow going forward.
Operating cash flow for the first half reached 87 million (-16.7% year-on-year).
TELEFÓNICA CZECH REPUBLIC (Year-on-year changes in constant currency)
Telefónica Czech Republic maintained a solid commercial momentum in focused areas amid intense
competition. Additionally, in May the Company has launched of a new fixed broadband offer based on
VDSL technology which will speed up home internet by up to three times for its customers.
The Company, in order to foster mobile broadband adoption, has launched a new campaign to educate
users about the benefits of using a smartphone in a market where mobile broadband penetration has a
huge potential (14% of our mobile customer base in June 2011 vs. 11% in December 2010).
Total accesses (including Telefónica Czech Republic and Slovakia) at the end of June 2011 stood at
8.7 million (+4% year-on-year).
The mobile customer base in the Czech Republic grew 1% year-on-year, with growth in the contract
segment (+6% year-on-year) offsetting the lower prepay base (-7% year-on-year). Mobile net
additions for the first six months reached 30 thousand. Contract net additions were 93 thousand in
the six months versus 32 thousand net disconnections recorded in the first half of 2010. This
performance continued to be driven by customer migrating from prepay to contract and the ongoing
adoption of mobile broadband. At the end of June 2011, contract customers accounted already for 61%
of the base (+3 percentage points year-on-year).
Fixed telephony accesses stood at 1.6 million at June 2011(-6% year-on-year),
Retail broadband internet accesses continued to grow reaching 0.8 million in June (+13%
year-on-year). Net additions reached 57 thousand in the first half, 56% higher than the first six
months of 2010. Pay TV customers closed at 130 thousand (-3% year-on-year).
Telefónica Slovakia had a successful semester adding 122 thousand mobile customers, with the
closing mobile base now standing at 1.0 million customers (+41% year-on-year). The contract segment
performed strongly, accounting for almost two thirds of net additions in the first half, and now
represent 41% of the total mobile base (+5 percentage points year-on-year).
As a result of the success of the Companys strategy, focused on higher quality customers
acquisition and loyalty programs rewarding customers for regular top-ups, churn in the Czech
Republic continued its positive trend. Churn reached 1.9% for the first six months, recording a 1.1
percentage points improvement year-on-year.
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Mobile voice traffic grew 1.0% year-on-year in the first half). ARPU in the first six months of
2011 was 17.5 euros (-8.9% year-on-year), impacted by mobile termination rate cuts. Excluding this
impact ARPU would have declined 5.1% year-on-year in the first half, mainly driven by
voice ARPU where price competition remains high and the recovery of customer spend patterns is
Revenues in the Czech Republic and Slovakia combined reached 1,064 million euros in the first half
(-6.4% year-on-year) amid a backdrop of intense competition, mobile termination rate cuts, slow
recovery of usage in the mobile segment and lower ICT revenues in the Czech Republic. Revenues in
Slovakia continued to grow strongly (+49.8% year-on-year for the six months), as the Company
continues gaining market share.
Fixed revenues in the first half reached 461 million euros (-7.8% year-on-year), with continued
growth in DSL being offset by declines in the fixed line business.
Mobile service revenues in the Czech Republic stood at 504 million euros (-10.8% year-on-year in
the first half).
Operating expenses during the first half of the year declined 1.2% at a reported level and by 6.0%
in constant currency to reach 635 million euros. This was due to lower restructuring expenses
recorded in the first half of this year compared to 2010 and the resulting efficiency improvement
for the business. Supplies also decreased year-on-year primarily due to lower interconnection costs
which offsets higher handset costs.
OIBDA totalled 445 million euros in the first half, declining 6.8% year-on-year. In the first half
of 2011, the Company recorded 7 million euros of restructuring expenses (17 million euros in the
same period of 2010). OIBDA margin in the first half was 41.8%, broadly flat year-on-year. CapEx
was 105 million euros in the first half, growing 8.0% year-on-year mainly driven by continued
investment in the 3G network in Slovakia and in VDSL in the Czech Republic. CapEx should not be
expected to continue this trend through the second half since investment in 2010 was heavily
weighted towards the fourth quarter.
Operating cash flow reached 340 million euros in the first half of 2011 (-10.6% year-on-year).
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Other Businesses
During the first half of 2011, Atento earned revenues of 893 million euros, with a
year-on-year growth of 14.6%, consolidating the solid increase posted in 2010.
Multi-sector customer revenues (outside the Telefónica Group) increased, by more than the average,
17.3% year-on-year over the first six months of 2011, and its contribution to total revenue rose to
50.2% (49.1% in the first half of 2010).
By regions, Brazil showed the highest rate of growth, and has increased its contribution to total
revenue to 54.7% (54.0% in January-June 2010). The Americas and EMEAA, like Brazil, are posting
double-digit growth, accounting for 29.2% and 16.1% respectively of total revenue (29.9% and 16.2%
in the previous year).
Revenues from offshored business increased by 1.2% during the first half of 2011, accounting for
6.0% of Atentos total revenues (6.7% during the first six months of 2010).
The companys operating income (OI) stood at 63 million euros for the first six months of 2011
(+27.2% year-on-year).
Operating margin over the first half of the year was 7.0%, with a year-on-year increase of 0.7
percentage points.
CapEx amounted 29 million euros in the half-year period, remaining stable against the first six
months of 2010.
At the end of the first half of 2011, Atento had 151,117 employees, representing a year-on-year
increase of 8.2%.
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Telefónica, S.A.
Date: July 28th, 2011 |
By: |
/s/ Miguel Escrig Meliá
Name: |
Miguel Escrig Meliá |
Title: |
Chief Financial Officer |