Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: | |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: | |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): | |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: | |
Total fee paid: |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials: | |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
Amount previously paid: | |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: | |
Filing Party: | |
Date Filed: |
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Q: | When is the Proxy Statement being sent to stockholders and what is its purpose? | |
A: | This Proxy Statement is first being sent to our stockholders on or about May [ ], 2008 at the direction of our board of directors in order to solicit proxies for our use at the Annual Meeting. | |
Q: | When is the Annual Meeting and where will it be held? | |
A: | The Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 4, 2008, at 9:00 a.m., local time, at The Westin, South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California 92626. | |
Q: | Who may attend the Annual Meeting? | |
A: | All of our stockholders may attend the Annual Meeting. | |
Q: | Who is entitled to vote? | |
A: | Stockholders as of the close of business on April 15, 2008 are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. Each share of our common stock is entitled to one vote. | |
Q: | On what am I voting? | |
A: | You will be voting on: | |
The election of four members to our board of
directors to serve until our 2011 annual meeting of stockholders;
The ratification of the selection of
Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered
public accounting firm for 2008;
The amendment of the Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of
authorized shares of common stock from 45,000,000 to 90,000,000;
Such other business as may properly come before the
Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.
Q: | How does the board of directors recommend that I vote? | |
A: | The board of directors recommends that you vote your shares: | |
FOR the election of each of the persons
identified in Proposal For Election of
Directors as nominees for election as directors;
FOR the ratification of the selection of
Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered
public accounting firm for 2008; and
FOR the amendment of the Amended and
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of
authorized shares of common stock from 45,000,000 to 90,000,000.
Q: | How can I vote? | |
A: | You can vote in person at the Annual Meeting or you can vote prior to the Annual Meeting by proxy. Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, we urge you to vote by proxy without delay. | |
Q: | How do I vote by proxy? | |
A: | If you choose to vote your shares by proxy, you have the following options: | |
Over the Internet: You can vote
over the Internet at the website shown on your proxy card.
Internet voting will be available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, until 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on Tuesday,
June 3, 2008.
By telephone: You can vote by
telephone by calling the toll-free number shown on your proxy
card. Telephone voting will be available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, until 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on
Tuesday, June 3, 2008.
By mail: You can vote by mail by
completing, signing and dating your proxy card and returning it
in the enclosed prepaid envelope.
Q: | I want to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person. How do I obtain directions to the Annual Meeting? | |
A: | You may obtain directions to the Annual Meeting at the Internet website of The Westin, South Coast Plaza, at http://www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/area/directions.html?propertyID=1002 or by calling The Westin, South Coast Plaza, at (714) 540-2500. | |
Q: | What constitutes a quorum? | |
A: | As of April 15, 2008, the record date, [ ] shares of our common stock were issued and outstanding. A majority of these shares present or represented by proxy will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting. If you properly vote by proxy by submitting your voting instructions over the Internet, by telephone or by mail, then your shares will be counted as part of the quorum. Abstentions or votes that are withheld on any matter will be counted towards a quorum but will be excluded from the vote relating to the particular matter under consideration. Broker non-votes will be counted towards a quorum but will be excluded from the vote with respect to the matters for which they are applicable. A broker non-vote occurs when a broker holding shares for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular proposal because the broker does not have discretionary voting power with respect to that proposal and has not received instructions with respect to that proposal from the beneficial owner. | |
Q: | What are the voting requirements for the proposals? | |
A: | There are different voting requirements for each proposal. | |
The required vote for election of each director is a
plurality of the votes of the holders of the shares of our
common stock present in person or represented by proxy at the
Annual Meeting. Accordingly, the four nominees receiving the
highest number of votes will be elected. If you withhold
authority to vote for any particular director nominee, your
shares will not be counted in the vote for that nominee and will
have no effect on the outcome of the vote.
The approval of the holders of a majority of the
total number of outstanding shares of our common stock present
in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and
actually voted on the proposal is necessary to ratify the
selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for 2008. If you abstain from
voting on the proposal to ratify the selection of
Deloitte & Touche LLP, your shares will not be counted
in the vote for the proposal and will have no effect on the
outcome of the vote.
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of
the total number of outstanding shares of our common stock
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required to amend our
Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. If you
abstain from voting on either on the proposed amendment of our
Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, your shares
will effectively be a vote against that proposal.
Q: | If my shares are held in street name by my broker, will my broker vote my shares for me? | |
A: | To be sure your shares are voted, you should instruct your broker to vote your shares using the instructions provided by your broker. | |
Q: | What will happen if the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2008 is not ratified by stockholders? | |
A: | Pursuant to the audit committee charter, the audit committee of our board of directors has sole authority to appoint our independent registered public accounting firm, and the audit committee will not be bound by the ratification of, or failure to ratify, the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP. The audit committee will, however, consider any failure to ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP in connection with the appointment of our independent registered public accounting firm the following year. | |
Q: | What will happen if the proposed amendment of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation is not approved by stockholders? | |
A: | If the amendment of our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock is not approved by stockholders at the Annual Meeting, the amendment will |
not become effective, and the number of shares of common stock authorized under our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will remain 45,000,000. | ||
Q: | Can I change my vote after I mail my proxy? | |
A: | Yes. If you vote by proxy, you can revoke that proxy at any time before voting takes place at the Annual Meeting. You may revoke your proxy by: | |
voting again over the Internet or by telephone no
later than 11:59 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, on Tuesday,
June 3, 2008;
submitting a properly signed proxy card with a later
delivering, no later than 5:00 p.m., local
time, on Tuesday, June 3, 2008, written notice of
revocation to our Secretary,
c/o Mellon
Investor Services Proxy Processing, P.O. Box 1680,
Manchester, CT
attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person.
Your attendance alone will not revoke your proxy. To change your vote, you must also vote in person at the Annual Meeting. If you instruct a broker to vote your shares, you must follow your brokers directions for changing those instructions. | ||
Q: | What does it mean if I receive more than one proxy card? | |
A: | If you receive more than one proxy card, it is because your shares are held in more than one account. You must vote each proxy card to ensure that all of your shares are voted at the Annual Meeting. | |
Q: | Who will count the votes? | |
A: | Representatives of Mellon Investor Services, our transfer agent, will tabulate the votes and act as inspectors of election. | |
Q: | How much will this proxy solicitation cost? | |
A: | We have hired MacKenzie Partners, Inc. to assist us in the distribution of proxy materials and solicitation of votes at a cost not to exceed $15,000, plus out-of-pocket expenses. We will reimburse brokerage firms and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for forwarding proxy and solicitation materials to the owners of our common stock. Our officers and regular employees may also solicit proxies, but they will not be specifically compensated for these services. In addition to the use of the mail, proxies may be solicited personally or by telephone by employees of Kaiser or MacKenzie Partners. |
Carolyn Bartholomew
Alfred E. Osborne, Jr., Ph.D. | |
Carl B. Frankel
Georganne C. Proctor | |
Jack A. Hockema
Jack Quinn | |
Teresa A. Hopp
Thomas M. Van Leeuwen | |
William F. Murdy
Brett E. Wilcox |
| the general independence criteria; | |
| the qualifications to serve as a director as set forth in any applicable corporate governance guidelines adopted by the board of directors and policies adopted by the nominating and corporate governance committee establishing criteria to be utilized by it in assessing whether a director candidate has appropriate skills and experience; and | |
| any other qualifications to serve as director imposed by applicable law. |
| establishing hiring policies for employees or former employees of the independent auditors; | |
| reviewing our systems of internal accounting controls; | |
| discussing risk management policies; | |
| approving related-party transactions; | |
| establishing procedures for complaints regarding financial statements or accounting policies; and | |
| performing other duties delegated to the audit committee by the board of directors from time to time. |
| administering plans adopted by the board of directors that contemplate administration by the compensation committee, including our Amended and Restated 2006 Equity and Performance Incentive Plan; | |
| overseeing regulatory compliance with respect to compensation matters; | |
| reviewing director compensation; and | |
| performing other duties delegated to the compensation committee by the board of directors from time to time. |
| exhibits strong leadership in his or her particular field or area of expertise; | |
| possesses the ability to exercise sound business judgment; | |
| has a strong educational background or equivalent life experiences; | |
| has substantial experience both in the business community and outside the business community; | |
| contributes positively to the existing collaborative culture among members of the board of directors; | |
| represents the best interests of all of our stockholders and not just one particular constituency; | |
| has experience as a senior executive of a company of significant size or prominence or another business or organization comparable to our company; |
| possesses skills and experience which make him or her a desirable addition to a standing committee of the board of directors; | |
| consistently demonstrates integrity and ethics in his or her professional and personal life; and | |
| has the time and ability to participate fully in activities of the board of directors, including attendance at, and active participation in, meetings of the board of directors and the committee or committees of which he or she is a member. |
| assisting in succession planning; | |
| considering possible conflicts of interest of members of the board of directors and management and making recommendations to prevent, minimize or eliminate such conflicts of interests; | |
| making recommendations to the board of directors regarding the appropriate size of the board of directors; and | |
| performing other duties delegated to the nominating and corporate governance committee by the board of directors from time to time. |
| proof that the stockholder or group of stockholders submitting the recommendation for a director candidate has beneficially owned, for the required one-year holding period, more than 5% of our outstanding common stock; | |
| a written statement that the stockholder or group of stockholders submitting the recommendation for a director candidate intends to continue to beneficially own more than 5% of our outstanding common stock through the date of the next annual meeting of stockholders; | |
| the name and record address of each stockholder submitting a recommendation for the director candidate, the written consent of each such stockholder and the director candidate to be publicly identified (including, in the case of the director candidate, to be named in the companys proxy materials) and the written consent of the director candidate to serve as a member of our board of directors (and any committee of our board of directors to which the director candidate is assigned to serve by our board of directors) if elected; | |
| a description of all arrangements or understandings between or among any of the stockholder or group of stockholders submitting the recommendation for a director candidate, the director candidate and any other person or persons (naming such person or persons) pursuant to which the submission of the recommendation for a director candidate is to be made by such stockholder or group of stockholders; |
| with respect to the director candidate, (1) his or her name, age, business and residential address and principal occupation or employment, (2) the number of shares of our common stock beneficially owned by him or her, (3) a resume or similar document detailing his or her personal and professional experiences and accomplishments, and (4) all other information relating to the director candidate that would be required to be disclosed in a proxy statement or other filing made in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the election of directors pursuant to the Exchange Act of 1934, the rules of the SEC, the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules or other applicable criteria of the NASD; and | |
| a written statement that each submitting stockholder and the director candidate shall make available to the nominating and corporate governance committee all information reasonably requested in connection with the committees evaluation of the director candidate. |
Jack A. Hockema
61 | President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board; Director | ||||
Joseph P. Bellino
57 | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | ||||
John Barneson
57 | Senior Vice President Corporate Development | ||||
John M. Donnan
47 | Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary | ||||
James E. McAuliffe, Jr.
62 | Senior Vice President Human Resources | ||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
49 | Vice President and Treasurer | ||||
Lynton J. Rowsell
33 | Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer |
Jack A. Hockema
President and Chief Executive Officer (our principal executive officer) | |
Joseph P. Bellino
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (our principal financial officer) | |
John Barneson
Senior Vice President Corporate Development | |
John M. Donnan
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary | |
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
Vice President and Treasurer |
| A cash-based, short-term incentive plan designed to reward participants for economic value added, or EVA, versus cost of capital of our core Fabricated Products business; and | |
| An equity-based, long-term incentive program designed to align compensation with the interests of our stockholders and enhance retention of senior management. |
| Objectives for our compensation programs; | |
| Structure of our compensation programs; | |
| Succession planning; and | |
| Compensation of other members of senior management, including the other named executive officers. |
| Creating alignment between senior management and our stockholders by rewarding senior management for achieving strategic goals that successfully drive our operations and enhance stockholder value; | |
| Attracting, motivating and retaining highly experienced executives vital to our short-term and long-term success, profitability and growth; | |
| Differentiating senior management compensation based on actual performance; and | |
| Providing targeted compensation levels that are benchmarked to our compensation peer group discussed below as follows: |
| for base salary, the 50th percentile; |
| for annual cash incentives at target-level performance, the 50th percentile; and | |
| for annualized economic equity grant value of long-term incentives, between the 50th and the 65th percentiles. |
| Balanced short-term and long-term goals, with: |
| approximately 50% of the chief executive officers target total compensation being delivered through long-term incentives; and | |
| approximately 40% of the target total compensation for the other named executive officers being delivered through long-term incentives; |
| Delivered a mix of fixed and at-risk compensation directly related to our overall performance and the creation of stockholder value, with: |
| approximately 70% of the chief executive officers target total compensation being at-risk compensation; and | |
| approximately 60% of the target total compensation for the other named executive officers being at-risk compensation; |
| Provided compensation that is competitive with our compensation peer group; | |
| Used equity-based awards, stock ownership guidelines and annual incentives linked to stockholder value and achievement of corporate, segment and individual performance; and | |
| Used forfeiture provisions that can result in the loss of equity-based awards and resulting benefits if we determine a recipient, including any of the named executive officers, has engaged in certain activities detrimental to us. |
| The external challenges to our near- and long-term ability to attract and retain strong senior management; | |
| Each individuals contributions to our overall results; | |
| Our historical and anticipated operating and financial performance compared with targeted goals; and | |
| Our size and complexity compared with companies in our compensation peer group. |
Ameron International Corporation
Mittal Steel USA Inc. | |
Ash Grove Cement Company
Neenah Paper, Inc. | |
Bandag, Incorporated
Olin Corporation | |
Bemis Manufacturing Company
OMNOVA Solutions Inc. | |
Brady Corporation
Pella Corporation | |
Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Polaris Industries Inc. | |
Cameron International Corporation
Rayonier Inc. | |
The David J. Joseph Company
Ryerson, Inc. | |
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Sauer-Danfoss Inc. | |
EDO Corporation
Solar Turbines Incorporated | |
ESCO Technologies Inc.
Spring Global US, Inc. | |
Fellowes, Inc.
SPS Technologies, Inc. | |
Graco Inc.
Steelcase Inc. | |
Joy Global Inc.
Texas Industries, Inc. | |
Kaman Corporation
The Timken Company | |
Kennametal Inc.
Valmont Industries, Inc. | |
Lord Corporation
Vulcan Materials Company | |
Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.
Walter Industries, Inc. | |
Milacron Inc.
| Level of responsibility; | |
| Prior experience; | |
| Base salaries paid for comparable positions by our compensation peer group; and |
| The relationship among base salaries paid within our company. |
Amount of Base Salary |
Increase for 2007 | 2007 Base Salary | ||||||
Jack A. Hockema
$ | 28,000 | $ | 758,000 | ||||
Joseph P. Bellino
$ | 13,000 | $ | 363,000 | ||||
John Barneson
$ | 11,000 | $ | 291,000 | ||||
John M. Donnan
$ | 10,000 | $ | 270,000 | ||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
$ | 9,000 | $ | 234,000 |
| Removing results of our Primary Aluminum business to reflect the fact that it is not a core business; | |
| Removing discontinued or legacy operations; | |
| Eliminating fresh start accounting adjustments, including the approximately $49 million reduction of our total assets (and the resulting higher payouts those adjustments might otherwise create); | |
| Eliminating VEBA assets and liabilities; | |
| Excluding capital expenditures in progress; and | |
| Adding the capitalized value of long-term leases. |
| A targeted level benchmarked to the 50th percentile of our compensation peer group; | |
| Internal compensation balance; and | |
| Position responsibilities. |
| Our business plan and its key underlying assumptions; | |
| The expectations under then-existing and anticipated market conditions; and | |
| The opportunity to generate stockholder value. |
| Enhance our position as the supplier of choice for our customers; | |
| Facilitate our being a low cost producer by controlling costs beyond inflation; | |
| Achieve profitable sales growth through organic and external growth; | |
| Expand and enhance the deployment of the Kaiser Production System; | |
| Sustain financial strength to provide strategic flexibility in all phases of the business cycle; and | |
| Continue to improve our standing as a valued corporate citizen. |
Below Threshold | Threshold | Target | Maximum | Actual | |||||||||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
$ | 0 | $ | 259,615 | $ | 519,230 | $ | 1,557,690 | $ | 1,127,200 | ||||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
$ | 0 | $ | 90,750 | $ | 181,500 | $ | 544,500 | $ | 395,300 | ||||||||||
John Barneson
$ | 0 | $ | 65,475 | $ | 130,950 | $ | 392,850 | $ | 284,500 | ||||||||||
John M. Donnan
$ | 0 | $ | 60,750 | $ | 121,500 | $ | 364,500 | $ | 262,800 | ||||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
$ | 0 | $ | 41,950 | $ | 78,000 | $ | 245,700 | $ | 177,900 |
Number of Shares of |
Common Stock for |
Target |
Number of Shares of |
Which Option Rights |
Monetary Value(1) | Restricted Stock(2) | are Exercisable(3) | |||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
$ | 1,250,000 | 13,239 | 8,037 | ||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
$ | 476,000 | 5,041 | 3,060 | ||||||||
John Barneson
$ | 363,000 | 3,844 | 2,334 | ||||||||
John M. Donnan
$ | 324,000 | 3,431 | 2,083 | ||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
$ | 125,000 | 1,323 | 803 |
(1) | For purposes of these grants, (a) restricted stock was determined to have an economic value of $70.81 per share (calculated using (i) the $80.01 closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on April 3, 2007 and (ii) an 11.5% discount factor to take into account the applicable restriction period) and (b) option rights were determined to have an economic value of $38.88 per share of common stock purchasable upon exercise thereof (calculated by Hewitt using a modified Black-Scholes valuation). | |
(2) | The restrictions on 100% of the shares of restricted stock granted will lapse on April 3, 2010 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or in the event of a change in control. | |
(3) | The option rights granted became exercisable as to one-third of the total number of shares of common stock for which they are exercisable on April 3, 2008 and will become exercisable as to one-third of the total number of shares of common stock for which they are exercisable on each of April 3, 2009 and April 3, 2010 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or in the event of a change in control. The purchase price per share payable upon exercise of each option right is $80.01, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on |
April 3, 2007. The option rights granted terminate on April 3, 2017, unless terminated earlier in accordance with their terms. |
Number of Shares of |
Restricted Stock | |||
Jack A. Hockema
185,000 | |||
Joseph P. Bellino
15,000 | |||
John Barneson
48,000 | |||
John M. Donnan
45,000 | |||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
24,000 |
| the Kaiser Aluminum Savings and Investment Plan, a tax-qualified profit-sharing and 401(k) plan (which we refer to as our Savings Plan); and | |
| a nonqualified and unsecured deferred compensation plan intended to restore benefits that would be payable to participants in the Savings Plan but for the limitations on benefit accruals and payments imposed by the Internal Revenue Code (which we refer to as our Restoration Plan). |
| A company match of the employees pre-tax deferrals under our Savings Plan; | |
| A company contribution to the employees account under our Savings Plan; and | |
| A company contribution to the employees account under our Restoration Plan. |
| Provide an economic incentive for Mr. Hockema to delay his retirement until at least July 2011; | |
| Improve our ability to retain other key members of senior management; and | |
| Provide assurance to our customers and other stakeholders of the continuity of senior management for an extended period beyond our emergence from chapter 11 bankruptcy. |
Amount of |
Base Salary Increase | Base Salary | ||||||
Jack A. Hockema
$ | 29,000 | $ | 787,000 | ||||
Joseph P. Bellino
$ | 14,000 | $ | 377,000 | ||||
John Barneson
$ | 11,000 | $ | 302,000 | ||||
John M. Donnan
$ | 25,000 | $ | 295,000 | ||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
$ | 8,000 | $ | 242,000 |
Below |
Threshold | Threshold | Target | Maximum | ||||||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
$ | 0 | $ | 269,548 | $ | 539,095 | $ | 1,617,285 | ||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
$ | 0 | $ | 94,250 | $ | 188,500 | $ | 565,500 | ||||||||
John Barneson
$ | 0 | $ | 67,950 | $ | 135,900 | $ | 407,700 | ||||||||
John M. Donnan
$ | 0 | $ | 73,750 | $ | 149,860 | $ | 442,500 | ||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
$ | 0 | $ | 42,350 | $ | 81,070 | $ | 254,100 |
Number of Shares of |
Number of Performance |
Restricted Stock(1) | Shares(2) | ||||||
Jack A. Hockema
9,805 | 23,416 | ||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
3,731 | 8,912 | ||||||
John Barneson
2,847 | 6,801 | ||||||
John M. Donnan
2,681 | 6,404 | ||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
982 | 2,345 | ||||||
(1) | The restrictions on 100% of the shares of restricted stock granted will lapse on March 3, 2011 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or in the event of a change in control. | |
(2) | The table below sets forth the number of performance shares that will become vested for each of the named executive officers under the 2008 2010 LTI Program at the threshold, target and maximum performance levels: |
Threshold | Target | Maximum | |||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
0 | 11,708 | 23,416 | |||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
0 | 4,456 | 8,912 | |||||||||
John Barneson
0 | 3,400 | 6,801 | |||||||||
John M. Donnan
0 | 3,202 | 6,404 | |||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
0 | 1,172 | 2,345 |
The number of performance shares, if any, that vest based on the level of performance achieved during the three-year performance period will vest on the later to occur of March 3, 2011 and the date on which we certify the performance level achieved during the three-year performance period. If, prior to December 31, 2010, the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or in the event of a change in control, the target number of performance shares will vest. After December 31, 2010, the number of performance shares, if any, that will vest upon any of the foregoing events will be determined based on the performance level achieved during the three-year performance period. |
Change in |
Pension |
Value and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Name and |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Principal Position
Year(1) | Salary | Stock Awards(2) | Awards(3) | Compensation(4)(5) | Earnings(6) | Compensation | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jack A. Hockema,
2007 | $ | 751,000 | $ | 2,867,146 | $ | 80,169 | $ | 2,721,195 | $ | 10,178 | $ | 610,827 | $ | 7,040,515 | |||||||||||||||||
President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
2006 | $ | 730,000 | $ | 1,301,167 | | $ | 2,474,930 | $ | 8,403 | $ |
536,461 (7)(8)(9)(10)(15) |
$ | 5,050,961 | ||||||||||||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino,
2007 | $ | 359,750 | $ | 311,833 | $ | 30,524 | $ | 395,300 | | $ | 198,484 | $ | 1,295,891 | ||||||||||||||||||
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
2006 | $ | 220,018 | $ | 105,500 | | $ | 288,892 | | $ |
40,365 (7)(8)(11)(15) |
$ | 654,775 | |||||||||||||||||||
John Barneson,
2007 | $ | 288,250 | $ | 752,090 | $ | 23,282 | $ | 619,776 | $ | 6,511 | $ | 222,797 | $ | 1,912,706 | |||||||||||||||||
Senior Vice President Corporate Development
2006 | $ | 278,750 | $ | 337,600 | | $ | 554,941 | $ | 5,020 | $ |
195,037 (7)(8)(9)(12)(15) |
$ | 1,372,598 | ||||||||||||||||||
John M. Donnan,
2007 | $ | 267,500 | $ | 701,629 | $ | 20,778 | $ | 363,324 | $ | 62 | $ | 65,390 | $ | 1,418,683 | |||||||||||||||||
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
2006 | $ | 260,000 | $ | 316,500 | | $ | 297,699 | | $ |
41,897 (7)(8)(13)(15) |
$ | 916,096 | |||||||||||||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger,
2007 | $ | 231,750 | $ | 304,063 | $ | 8,010 | $ | 238,437 | $ | 880 | $ | 50,455 | $ | 893,595 | |||||||||||||||||
Vice President and Treasurer
(7)(8)(14)(15) |
(1) | Mr. Rinkenberger was not included as a named executive officer in the summary compensation table contained in the proxy statement relating to our 2007 meeting of stockholders. Accordingly, this table does not set forth information regarding his 2006 compensation. | |
(2) | Reflects the value of restricted stock awards granted to our named executive officers based on the compensation cost of the awards with respect to the applicable fiscal year, computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (revised 2004), Share-Based Payment, which we refer to as SFAS No. 123-R, but excluding any impact of assumed forfeiture rates. For additional information regarding the compensation cost of stock awards with respect to our 2007 fiscal year, see Note 11 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. | |
(3) | Reflects the value of option awards granted to our named executive officers based on the compensation cost of the awards with respect to the applicable fiscal year, computed in accordance with SFAS No. 123-R, but excluding any impact of assumed forfeiture rights. For additional information regarding the compensation costs of option awards with respect to our 2007 fiscal year, see Note 11 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. | |
(4) | Includes payments made under our Chapter 11 Long-Term Incentive Plan, pursuant to which key management employees accrued cash awards based on our attainment of sustained cost reductions above $80 million annually for the four and one-half year period from 2002 through our emergence from chapter 11 bankruptcy in July 2006. The total amounts accrued under our Chapter 11 Long-Term Incentive Plan during the four and one-half year period for Messrs. Hockema, Barneson, Donnan and Rinkenberger were as follows: Mr. Hockema, $3,298,880; Mr. Barneson, $693,876; Mr. Donnan, $208,575; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $123,609. Annual awards during this period were approximately 81% of target in 2002 and 2003; 61% of target in 2004; (16%) of target in 2005; and 40% of target in 2006, with an average award of approximately 55% of target over the four and one-half year period. For each of Messrs. Hockema, Barneson, Donnan and Rinkenberger, approximately one-half of the total amounts accrued under our Chapter 11 Long-Term Incentive Plan was paid in August 2006 following our emergence, as follows: Mr. Hockema, $1,649,440; Mr. Barneson, $346,938; Mr. Donnan, $104,554; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $63,072. For each of Messrs. Hockema, Barneson, Donnan and Rinkenberger, the remaining portion of the total amounts accrued under our Chapter 11 Long-Term Incentive Plan was paid in July 2007, as follows: Mr. Hockema, $1,593,995; Mr. Barneson, $335,276; Mr. Donnan, $100,524; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $60,537. Mr. Bellino who, joined us in May 2006, did not participate in the Chapter 11 Long-Term Incentive Plan. | |
(5) | Includes payments under our short-term incentive plans. Pursuant to such short-term incentive plans, key management employees earned cash awards based on the financial and safety performance of our Fabricated Products business, the performance of the particular segment to which the employee was assigned and individual performance objectives. For 2007, individual monetary awards paid to the named executive officers under the 2007 STI Plan, which were paid in March 2008, were as follows: Mr. Hockema, $1,127,200; Mr. Bellino, $395,300; Mr. Barneson, $284,500; Mr. Donnan, $262,800; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $177,900. For 2006, individual monetary awards paid to the named executive officers under our 2006 Short-Term Incentive Plan, which were paid in March 2007, were as follows: Mr. Hockema, $825,490; Mr. Bellino, $288,892; Mr. Barneson, $208,003; and Mr. Donnan, $193,145. | |
(6) | Reflects the aggregate change in actuarial present value of the named executive officers accumulated benefit under a defined pension benefit plan previously mentioned by us for our salaried employees, which we refer to as our Old Pension Plan, during the applicable fiscal year. For 2007, reflects the aggregate change in actuarial present value calculated by (a) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries and (b) applying a discount rate of 5.75% per annum to determine the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit at December 31, 2006 and a discount rate of 6.00% per annum to determine the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit at December 31, 2007. For 2006, reflects the aggregate change in actuarial present value (except for a negative aggregate change of $(603) for Mr. Donnan) calculated by (a) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries and (b) applying a discount rate of 5.50% per annum to determine the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit at December 31, 2005 and a discount rate of 5.75% per |
annum to determine the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit at December 31, 2006. Effective December 17, 2003, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, or PBGC, terminated and effectively assumed responsibility for making benefit payments in respect of our Old Pension Plan, whereupon all benefit accruals under the Old Pension Plan ceased and benefits available thereunder to certain salaried employees, including Messrs. Hockema and Barneson, were significantly reduced due to the limitations on benefits payable by the PBGC. Above-market or preferential earnings are not available under our Restoration Plan, which is our only plan or arrangement pursuant to which compensation may be deferred on a basis that is not tax-qualified, or any of our other benefit plans. | ||
(7) | Includes contributions made by us under our Savings Plan. For 2007, includes contributions as follows: Mr. Hockema, $23,975; Mr. Bellino, $13,400; Mr. Barneson, $29,708; Mr. Donnan, $22,200; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $20,523. For 2006, includes contributions as follows: Mr. Hockema, $22,883; Mr. Barneson, $24,225; and Mr. Donnan, $21,133. In 2006, we did not make contributions under our Savings Plan to Mr. Bellino, who joined us in May 2006. | |
(8) | Includes contributions made by us under our Restoration Plan (which is intended to restore the benefit of contributions that we would have otherwise paid to participants under our Savings Plan but for limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code). For 2007, includes contributions as follows: Mr. Hockema, $135,916; Mr. Bellino, $0; Mr. Barneson, $31,025; Mr. Donnan, $14,800; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $10,528. In 2007, contributions to Mr. Bellino under our Savings Plan were not subject to limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code. For 2006, includes contributions as follows: Mr. Hockema, $105,037; Mr. Barneson, $27,873; and Mr. Donnan, $9,809. In 2006, Mr. Bellino, who joined us in May 2006, did not participate in our Restoration Plan. | |
(9) | Includes amounts paid to Messrs. Hockema and Barneson under our Chapter 11 Retention Plan. The total amounts withheld from Messrs. Hockema and Barneson under our Chapter 11 Retention Plan were as follows: Mr. Hockema, $730,000; and Mr. Barneson, $250,000. One-half of the total retention payments withheld from Messrs. Hockema and Barneson under the Chapter 11 Retention Plan ($365,000 and $125,000, respectively) was paid to them in August 2006 following our emergence from chapter 11 bankruptcy, and the remaining one-half of the total amount withheld from each of Messrs. Hockema and Barneson ($365,000 and $125,000, respectively) was paid to them in July 2007. | |
(10) | Includes the cost to us of perquisites and other personal benefits for Mr. Hockema. For 2007, includes such costs as follows: vehicle allowance, $14,570. For 2006, includes such costs as follows: club membership dues, $3,780; legal fees and expenses incurred by Mr. Hockema in connection with the negotiation and consummation of his employment agreement with us, $25,191; and vehicle allowance, $14,570. | |
(11) | Includes the cost to us of perquisites and other personal benefits for Mr. Bellino. For 2007, includes such costs as follows: club membership dues, $5,319; housing and other expenses associated with his relocation to California $160,258; and vehicle allowance, $12,292. For 2006, includes such costs as follows: club membership dues, $4,286; housing and other expenses associated with his relocation to California, $27,840; and vehicle allowance, $8,239. | |
(12) | Includes the cost to us of perquisites and other personal benefits for Mr. Barneson. For 2007, includes such costs as follows: club membership dues, $7,941; and vehicle allowance, $10,459. For 2006, includes such costs as follows: club membership dues, $7,480; and vehicle allowance, $10,459. | |
(13) | Includes the cost to us of perquisites and other personal benefits for Mr. Donnan. For 2007, includes such costs as follows: vehicle allowance, $10,955. For 2006, includes such costs as follows: vehicle allowance, $10,955. | |
(14) | Includes the cost to us of perquisites and other benefits for Mr. Rinkenberger. For 2007, includes such costs as follows: vehicle allowance, $10,288. | |
(15) | Includes dividend payments made to Messrs. Hockema, Bellino, Barneson, Donnan and Rinkenberger in 2007 as follows: Mr. Hockema, $71,366; Mr. Bellino, $7,215; Mr. Barneson, $18,664; Mr. Donnan, $17,435; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $9,116. |
| For 2007, Mr. Hockema, 10.7%; Mr. Bellino, 27.8%; Mr. Barneson, 15.1%; Mr. Donnan, 18.9%; and Mr. Rinkenberger, 25.9%; and |
| For 2006, Mr. Hockema, 14.5%; Mr. Bellino (who joined us in May 2006), 33.6%; Mr. Barneson, 20.4%; and Mr. Donnan, 28.4%. |
Restoration |
Amounts Paid |
Club |
Savings Plan |
Plan |
Under Chapter 11 |
Membership |
Vehicle |
Dividend |
Year | Contributions | Contributions | Retention Plan | Dues | Allowance | Payments | Other(1) | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
2007 | $ | 23,975 | $ | 135,916 | $ | 365,000 | | $ | 14,570 | $ | 71,366 | | $ | 610,827 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2006 | $ | 22,883 | $ | 105,037 | $ | 365,000 | $ | 3,780 | $ | 14,570 | | $ | 25,191 | $ | 536,461 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
2007 | $ | 13,400 | | | $ | 5,319 | $ | 12,292 | $ | 7,215 | $ | 160,258 | $ | 198,484 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2006 | | | | $ | 4,286 | $ | 8,239 | | $ | 27,840 | $ | 40,365 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
John Barneson
2007 | $ | 29,708 | $ | 31,025 | $ | 125,000 | $ | 7,941 | $ | 10,459 | $ | 18,664 | | $ | 222,797 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2006 | $ | 24,225 | $ | 27,873 | $ | 125,000 | $ | 7,480 | $ | 10,459 | | | $ | 195,037 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
John M. Donnan
2007 | $ | 22,200 | $ | 14,800 | | | $ | 10,955 | $ | 17,435 | | $ | 65,390 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2006 | $ | 21,133 | $ | 9,809 | | | $ | 10,955 | | | $ | 41,897 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
2007 | $ | 20,523 | $ | 10,528 | | | $ | 10,288 | $ | 9,116 | | $ | 50,455 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(1) | For Mr. Hockema, represents reimbursement of legal fees and expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation and consummation of his employment agreement with us. For Mr. Bellino, represents reimbursement of housing and other expenses associated with his relocation to California. |
All Other |
All Other |
Stock |
Option |
Awards: |
Awards: |
Grant Date |
Number of |
Number of |
Fair Value of |
Estimated Possible Payouts Under |
Shares of |
Securities |
Stock and |
Award |
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards(2) |
Stock or |
Underlying |
Option |
Approval |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Units(3) |
options(4) |
Awards(5) |
Grant Date | Date(1) | ($) | ($) | ($) | (#) | (#) | ($) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
| | $ | 259,615 | $ | 519,230 | $ | 1,557,690 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | 13,239 | | $ | 1,059,252 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | | 8,037 | $ | 320,676 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
| | $ | 90,750 | $ | 181,500 | $ | 544,500 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | 5,041 | | $ | 403,330 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | | 3,060 | $ | 122,094 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
John Barneson
| | $ | 65,475 | $ | 130,950 | $ | 392,850 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | 3,844 | | $ | 307,558 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | | 2,334 | $ | 93,127 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
John M. Donnan
| | $ | 60,750 | $ | 121,500 | $ | 364,500 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | 3,431 | | $ | 274,514 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | | 2,083 | $ | 83,112 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
| | $ | 41,000 | $ | 78,000 | $ | 245,700 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | 1,323 | | $ | 105,853 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/3/07 | 3/30/07 | | | | | 803 | $ | 32,040 |
(1) | On March 30, 2007, the compensation committee of our board of directors approved the grants of restricted stock and option rights reflected in the table, with such grants to be effective as of the third trading day after the day on which we filed our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. We filed |
our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 on March 29, 2007, resulting in a grant date for such restricted stock and option rights of April 3, 2007. | ||
(2) | Reflects the threshold, target and maximum award amounts under our 2007 STI Plan for our named executive officers. No awards were available below the threshold performance level. Under our 2007 STI Plan, participants were eligible to receive a cash incentive award between one-half and three times the participants target award amount. Individual monetary awards paid to the named executive officers under the 2007 STI Plan, which were paid in March 2008, were as follows: Mr. Hockema, $1,127,200; Mr. Bellino, $395,300; Mr. Barneson, $284,500; Mr. Donnan, $262,800; and Mr. Rinkenberger, $177,900. | |
(3) | Reflects the number of shares of restricted stock received by our named executive officers pursuant to awards granted effective April 3, 2007. The restrictions on such shares will lapse on April 3, 2010 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or if there is a change in control. The named executive officer will receive all dividends and other distributions paid with respect to the shares of restricted stock he or she holds, but if any of such dividends or distributions are paid in shares of our capital stock, such shares will be subject to the same restrictions on transferability as are the shares of restricted stock with respect to which they were paid. | |
(4) | Reflects the total number of shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of option rights granted to our named executive officers effective April 3, 2007. The option rights became exercisable as to one-third of the total number of shares of common stock for which they are exercisable on April 3, 2008 and will become exercisable as to one-third of the total number of shares of common stock for which they are exercisable on each of April 3, 2007 and April 3, 2010 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or in the event of a change of control. The purchase price payable upon exercise of the option rights is $80.01 per share of common stock, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on April 3, 2007. The option rights expire on April 3, 2017, unless terminated earlier in accordance with their terms. | |
(5) | Reflects the grant date fair value of the stock and option awards reflected in this table, computed in accordance with SFAS No. 123-R. For information regarding the compensation cost of the stock and option awards with respect to our 2007 fiscal year, see Note 11 to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. |
| base salary earned through the date of such termination; | |
| except in the case of a termination by us for cause or by him other than for good reason, earned but unpaid incentive awards; | |
| accrued but unpaid vacation; | |
| benefits under our employment benefit plans to the extent vested and not forfeited on the date of such termination; and | |
| benefit continuation and conversion rights to the extent provided under our employment benefit plans. |
| base salary earned through the date of such termination; | |
| except in the case of a termination by us for cause or by him other than for good reason, earned but unpaid incentive awards; | |
| accrued but unpaid vacation; | |
| benefits under our employment benefit plans to the extent vested and not forfeited on the date of such termination; and | |
| benefit continuation and conversion rights to the extent provided under our employment benefit plans. |
| the employee received severance compensation or welfare benefit continuation pursuant to a Change in Control Agreement (described below) or any other agreement; | |
| the employees employment is terminated other than by us without cause; or | |
| the employee declined to sign, or subsequently revokes, a designated form of release. |
| the participant receives severance compensation or welfare benefit continuation pursuant to the Severance Plan or any other prior agreement; | |
| the participants employment is terminated other than by us without cause or by the participant for good reason; or | |
| the participant declines to sign, or subsequently revokes, a designated form of release. |
| three times (for Mr. Barneson) or two times (for Messrs. Donnan and Rinkenberger) the sum of his base pay and most recent short-term incentive target; | |
| a pro-rated portion of his short-term incentive target for the year of termination; and | |
| a pro-rated portion of his long-term incentive target in effect for the year of his termination, provided that such target was achieved. |
| forfeit any award under the Equity Incentive Plan held by the participant, | |
| return to us (in exchange for our payment to the participant of any cash amount that the participant paid to us for such an award) all shares of our common stock acquired under the Equity Incentive Plan that the participant has not disposed of, and | |
| with respect to any shares acquired under the Equity Incentive Plan that the participant has disposed of, pay to us the difference between the market value of those shares on the date they were acquired and any amount that the participant paid for such shares. |
| For our employees who were employed with us on or before January 1, 2004, we contribute in a range from 2% to 10% of the employees compensation, based upon the sum of the employees age and years of continuous service as of January 1, 2004; and | |
| For our employees who were first employed with us after January 1, 2004, we contribute 2% of the employees compensation. |
| If our matching contributions to a participant under the Savings Plan are limited in any year, we will make an annual contribution to that participants account under the Restoration Plan equal to the difference between: |
| the matching contributions that we could have made to that participants account under the Savings Plan if the Internal Revenue Code did not impose any limitations; and | |
| the maximum contribution we could in fact make to that participants account under the Savings Plan in light of the limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code. |
| Annual fixed-rate contributions to the participants account under the Restoration Plan are made in an amount equal to between 2% and 10% of the participants excess compensation, as defined in Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code. The actual fixed-rate contribution percentage is determined based upon the sum of the participants age and years of continuous service as of January 1, 2004. If a participant is first employed with us after January 1, 2004, the fixed-rate contribution percentage is 2%. A participant is required to be employed on the last day of the year in order to receive the fixed-rate contribution. Further, to the extent that fixed-rate contributions to a participant under our Savings Plan on compensation that is not excess compensation, as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17), cannot be made under the Savings Plan due to Internal Revenue Code limitations, such fixed-rate contributions will be made to such participants account under our Restoration Plan. Participants are vested 100% in our fixed-rate contributions to our Restoration Plan after three years of service or upon retirement, death, disability or a change of control. |
Option Awards(1) | Stock Awards | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Market |
Number of |
Number of |
Number of |
Value of |
Securities |
Securities |
Shares or |
Shares or |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Units of |
Units of |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Option |
Stock That |
Stock That |
Options |
Options |
Exercise |
Option |
Have Not |
Have Not |
(#) |
(#) |
Price |
Expiration |
Vested |
Vested(2) |
Exercisable | Unexercisable | ($) | Date | (#) | ($) | ||||||||||||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
| 8,037 | $ | 80.01 | 4/3/17 | 185,000 | (3) | $ | 14,703,800 | |||||||||||||||
13,239 | (4) | $ | 1,052,236 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
| 3,060 | $ | 80.01 | 4/3/17 | 15,000 | (3) | $ | 1,192,200 | |||||||||||||||
5,041 | (4) | $ | 400,659 | |||||||||||||||||||||
John Barneson
| 2,334 | $ | 80.01 | 4/3/17 | 48,000 | (3) | $ | 3,815,040 | |||||||||||||||
3,844 | (4) | $ | 305,521 | |||||||||||||||||||||
John M. Donnan
| 2,083 | $ | 80.01 | 4/3/17 | 45,000 | (3) | $ | 3,576,600 | |||||||||||||||
3,431 | (4) | $ | 272,696 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
| 803 | $ | 80.01 | 4/3/17 | 24,000 | (3) | $ | 1,907,520 | |||||||||||||||
1,323 | (4) | $ | 105,152 |
(1) | Reflects option rights granted to our named executive officers effective April 3, 2007. The option rights became exercisable as to one-third of the total number of shares of common stock for which they are exercisable on April 3, 2008 and will become exercisable as to one-third of the total number of shares of common stock for which they are exercisable on each of April 3, 2007 and April 3, 2010 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or in the event of a change of control. The option rights expire on April 3, 2017, unless terminated earlier in accordance with their terms. | |
(2) | Reflects the aggregate market value of the shares of restricted stock determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007. | |
(3) | Reflects the number of shares of restricted stock received by our named executive officers pursuant to awards granted on July 6, 2006 in connection with our emergence from chapter 11 bankruptcy. The restrictions on all such shares will lapse on July 6, 2009 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema and Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or if there is a change in control. | |
(4) | Reflects the number of shares of restricted stock received by our named executive officers pursuant to awards granted effective April 3, 2007. The restrictions on all such shares will lapse on April 3, 2010 or earlier if the named executive officers employment terminates as a result of death or disability (or, in the case of Messrs. Hockema or Bellino, retirement), the named executive officers employment is terminated by us without cause, the named executive officers employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason or if there is a change in control. |
Present Value of |
Number of Years |
Accumulated |
Credited Service |
Benefit(1) |
Plan Name
(#) | ($) | |||||||
Jack A. Hockema
Kaiser Aluminum Salaried Employees Retirement Plan |
11.92 | $ | 303,439 | ||||||
John Barneson
Kaiser Aluminum Salaried Employees Retirement Plan |
28.83 | $ | 275,883 | ||||||
John M. Donnan
Kaiser Aluminum Salaried Employees Retirement Plan |
10.25 | $ | 129,452 | ||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
Kaiser Aluminum Salaried Employees Retirement Plan |
7.58 | $ | 169,757 |
(1) | Reflects the actuarial present value of the named executive officers accumulated benefit under our Old Pension Plan at December 31, 2007 determined [(a) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries and (b) applying a discount rate of 5.75% per annum.] |
Registrant |
Contributions in |
Aggregate Earnings |
Aggregate Balance |
Last FY(1)(a) | in Last FY(2)(3)(b) | at Last FYE(c) | |||||||||
Jack A. Hockema
$ | 135,916 | $ | 70,178 | $ | 1,370,871 | ||||||
Joseph P. Bellino
| | | |||||||||
John Barneson
$ | 31,025 | $ | 59,072 | $ | 1,026,464 | ||||||
John M. Donnan
$ | 14,800 | $ | 8,664 | $ | 96,257 | ||||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
$ | 10,528 | $ | 627 | $ | 16,702 |
(1) | In each case, 100% of such amount is included in the amounts for 2007 reflected in the All Other Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table above. | |
(2) | Amounts included in this column do not include amounts reflected in column (a). | |
(3) | Amounts included in this column do not include above-market or preferential earnings (of which there were none) and, accordingly, such amount is not included in the Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column of the Summary Compensation Table above. |
| voluntary termination by the named executive officer; | |
| termination by us for cause; | |
| termination by us without cause or by the named executive officer with good reason; | |
| termination by us without cause or by the named executive officer with good reason following a change in control; | |
| termination at normal retirement; | |
| termination as a result of disability; or | |
| termination as a result of death. |
Circumstances of Termination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Termination |
by us without |
Termination |
Cause or by |
by us without |
the Named |
Cause or by |
Executive |
Voluntary |
the Named |
Officer with |
Termination |
Executive |
Good Reason |
by Named |
Termination |
Officer with |
Following a |
Executive |
by us |
Good |
Change in |
Normal |
Payments and Benefits
Officer | for Cause | Reason | Control | Retirement | Disability | Death | |||||||||||||||||||||
Payment of earned but unpaid:
Base salary(1)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term incentive(2)
| | $ | 1,127,200 | $ | 1,127,200 | $ | 1,127,200 | $ | 1,127,200 | $ | 1,127,200 | ||||||||||||||||
$ | 58,308 | $ | 58,308 | 58,308 | 58,308 | 58,308 | 58,308 | 58,308 | |||||||||||||||||||
Other Benefits:
Lump sum payment
| | 2,554,460 | (4) | 3,831,690 | (5) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Healthcare benefits
| | 37,498 | (6) | 59,104 | (6) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Disability benefits
| | 11,413 | (7) | 14,576 | (7) | | 528,814 | (8) | | ||||||||||||||||||
Life insurance
| | | (9) | | (9) | | | | (10) | ||||||||||||||||||
Perquisites and other personal benefits
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
| | | 3,616,563 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration of Equity Awards:
Market value of stock vesting on termination(12)
| | 15,756,036 | 15,756,036 | 15,756,036 | 15,756,036 | 15,756,036 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Spread for options vesting on termination(13)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of Restoration Plan Balance:
Amount of Distribution(14)
1,370,871 | | 1,370,871 | 1,370,871 | 1,370,871 | 1,370,871 | 1,370,871 | |||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 1,429,179 | $ | 58,308 | $ | 20,915,785 | $ | 25,834,347 | $ | 18,312,414 | $ | 18,841,228 | $ | 18,312,414 | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Assumes that there is no earned but unpaid base salary at the time of termination. | |
(2) | Under our 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Hockemas target award for 2007 was $519,230, but his award could have ranged from a threshold of $259,615 to a maximum of $1,557,690, or could have been zero if the threshold performance was not achieved. Mr. Hockemas award under our 2007 STI Plan was determined in March 2008 to be $1,127,200. Pursuant to Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, we must pay Mr. Hockema or his estate any earned but unpaid short-term incentive unless he is terminated by us for cause or he voluntarily terminates his employment other than for good reason. Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if his employment had terminated during 2007 but prior to December 31, 2007, Mr. Hockemas target award for 2007 under our 2007 STI Plan would have been prorated for the actual number of days of Mr. Hockemas employment in 2007 and Mr. Hockema would have been entitled to payment of such amount, without any increase or reduction that would normally be considered with his award, unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or had been voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if his employment had terminated on December 31, 2007, the last day of our 2007 fiscal year, Mr. Hockema would have been entitled to full payment of his award ($1,127,200) under the 2007 STI Plan unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or had been voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. | |
(3) | Assumes that Mr. Hockema used all of his 2007 vacation and that he has four weeks of accrued vacation for 2008. | |
(4) | Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if Mr. Hockemas employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must make a lump-sum payment to Mr. Hockema in an amount equal to two times the sum of his base salary and target annual bonus opportunity for the fiscal year in which such termination occurs. | |
(5) | Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if Mr. Hockemas employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within two years following a change in control, we must make a lump-sum payment to Mr. Hockema in an amount equal to three times the sum of his base salary and target annual bonus. | |
(6) | Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if Mr. Hockemas employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must continue his medical and dental benefits for two years, or, if such termination occurs within two years following a change in control, three years, commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008 and a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2010 as compared to 2009. | |
(7) | Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if Mr. Hockemas employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must continue his disability benefits for two years, or, if such termination occurs within two years following a change in control, three years, commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (b) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (c) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (d) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(8) | Reflects the actuarial present value of Mr. Hockemas disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming full disability at December 31, 2007, (b) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Disabled Retiree mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (c) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. Such disability benefits would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(9) | Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if Mr. Hockemas employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must continue his life insurance benefits for two years, or, if such termination occurs within two years following a change in control, three years, commencing |
on the date of such termination. Mr. Hockema has declined life insurance coverage. Accordingly, we would not be obligated to provide Mr. Hockema with life insurance benefits for the applicable benefit continuation period. | ||
(10) | No life insurance benefit would have been payable assuming Mr. Hockemas death occurred on December 31, 2007 other than while traveling on company-related business. However, we maintain a travel and accidental death policy for certain employees, including Mr. Hockema, that would provide a $1,000,000 death benefit payable to Mr. Hockemas estate if his death had occurred during company-related travel. Such death benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(11) | Under Mr. Hockemas employment agreement, if any payments to Mr. Hockema would be subject to federal excise tax by reason of being considered contingent on a change in control, we must pay to Mr. Hockema an additional amount such that, after satisfaction of all tax obligations imposed on such payments, Mr. Hockema retains an amount equal to such federal excise tax. The table reflects an estimate of the additional amount that we would have been obligated to pay Mr. Hockema if his employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007 by us without cause or by him with good reason following a change in control on such date. | |
(12) | Reflects the aggregate market value of the shares of restricted stock for which restrictions would have lapsed early due to Mr. Hockemas termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007. The restrictions on all shares of restricted stock that were held by Mr. Hockema on December 31, 2007 would have lapsed early if his employment terminated as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment is terminated by us without cause or his employment was voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there was a change in control. | |
(13) | Reflects the spread, if any, of (a) the aggregate market value of the shares of common stock purchasable upon exercise of the option rights which would have vested early due to Mr. Hockemas termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007, over (b) the aggregate exercise price required to purchase such shares upon exercise of such option rights. All option rights that were held by Mr. Hockema on December 31, 2007 would have vested early if his employment terminated as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment was terminated by us without cause or his employment was voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there was a change in control. No spread is reported in the table because the $80.01 per share exercise price of such option rights exceeded the $79.48 closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007. | |
(14) | Under our Restoration Plan, Mr. Hockema is entitled to a distribution of his account balance six months following his termination, except that he will forfeit the entire amount of matching and fixed rate contributions made by us to his account if he is terminated for cause. In addition, under our Savings Plan, upon termination of employment, Mr. Hockema is eligible to receive a distribution of his vested balance under the plan. Such balance is not reflected in this table. |
Circumstances of Termination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Termination |
by us without |
Cause or by |
Termination |
the Named |
by us without |
Executive |
Cause or by |
Officer |
Voluntary |
the Named |
with Good |
Termination |
Executive |
Reason |
by Named |
Termination |
Officer with |
Following a |
Executive |
by us for |
Good |
Change in |
Normal |
Payments and Benefits
Officer | Cause | Reason | Control | Retirement | Disability | Death | |||||||||||||||||||||
Payment of earned but unpaid:
Base salary(1)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term incentive(2)
| | $ | 395,300 | $ | 395,300 | $ | 395,300 | $ | 395,300 | $ | 395,300 | ||||||||||||||||
$ | 27,923 | $ | 27,923 | 27,923 | 27,923 | 27,923 | 27,923 | 27,923 | |||||||||||||||||||
Other Benefits:
Lump sum payment
| | 726,000 | (4) | 1,633,500 | (5) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Healthcare benefits
| | 37,498 | (6) | 59,104 | (6) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Disability benefits
| | 15,369 | (7) | 22,136 | (7) | | 951,823 | (8) | | ||||||||||||||||||
Life insurance
| | | (9) | | (9) | | | | (10) | ||||||||||||||||||
Perquisites and other personal benefits
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
| | | 1,046,750 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration of Equity Awards:
Market value of stock vesting on termination(12)
| | 1,592,859 | 1,592,859 | 1,592,859 | 1,592,859 | 1,592,859 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Spread for options vesting on termination(13)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of New Restoration Plan Balance:
Amount of Distribution(14)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 27,923 | $ | 27,923 | $ | 2,794,949 | $ | 4,777,572 | $ | 2,016,082 | $ | 2,967,905 | $ | 2,016,082 | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Assumes that there is no earned but unpaid base salary at the time of termination. | |
(2) | Under our 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Bellinos target award for 2007 was $181,500, but his award could have ranged from a threshold of $90,750 to a maximum of $544,500, or could have been zero if the threshold performance was not achieved. Mr. Bellinos award under our 2007 STI Plan was determined in March 2008 to be $395,300. Pursuant to Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, we must pay Mr. Bellino or his estate any earned but unpaid short-term incentive unless he is terminated by us for cause or he voluntarily terminates his employment other than for good reason. Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if his employment had terminated during 2007 but prior to December 31, 2007, Mr. Bellinos target award for 2007 under our 2007 STI Plan would have been prorated for the actual number of days of Mr. Bellinos employment in 2006 and Mr. Bellino would have been entitled to payment of such amount, without any increase or reduction that would normally be considered with his award, unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or had been voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if his employment had terminated on December 31, 2007, the last day of our 2007 fiscal year, Mr. Bellino would have been entitled to full payment of his award under the 2007 STI Plan ($395,300) unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or was voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. | |
(3) | Assumes that Mr. Bellino used all of his 2007 vacation and that he has four weeks of accrued vacation for 2008. |
(4) | Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if Mr. Bellinos employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must make a lump-sum payment to Mr. Bellino in an amount equal to two times his base salary for the fiscal year in which such termination occurs. | |
(5) | Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if Mr. Bellinos employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within two years following a change in control, we must make a lump-sum payment to Mr. Bellino in an amount equal to three times the sum of his base salary and target annual bonus. | |
(6) | Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if Mr. Bellinos employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must continue his medical and dental benefits for two years, or, if such termination occurs within two years following a change in control, three years, commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008 and a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2010 as compared to 2009. | |
(7) | Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if Mr. Bellinos employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must continue his disability benefits for two years, or, if such termination occurs within two years following a change in control, three years, commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (b) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (c) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (d) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(8) | Reflects the present value of Mr. Bellinos disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming full disability at December 31, 2007, (b) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Disabled Retiree mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (c) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. Such disability benefits would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(9) | Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if Mr. Bellinos employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, we must continue his life insurance benefits for two years, or, if such termination occurs within two years following a change in control, three years, commencing on the date of such termination. Mr. Bellino has declined life insurance coverage. Accordingly, we would not be obligated to provide Mr. Bellino with life insurance benefits for the applicable benefit continuation period. | |
(10) | No life insurance benefit would have been payable assuming Mr. Bellinos death occurred on December 31, 2007 other than while traveling on company-related business. However, we maintain a travel and accidental death policy for certain employees, including Mr. Bellino, that would provide a $1,000,000 death benefit payable to Mr. Bellinos estate if his death had occurred during company-related travel. Such death benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(11) | Under Mr. Bellinos employment agreement, if any payments to Mr. Bellino would be subject to federal excise tax by reason of being considered contingent on a change in control, we must pay to Mr. Bellino an additional amount such that, after satisfaction of all tax obligations imposed on such payments, Mr. Bellino retains an amount equal to such federal excise tax. The table reflects an estimate of the additional amount that we would have been obligated to pay Mr. Bellino if his employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007 by us without cause or by him with good reason following a change in control on such date. | |
(12) | Reflects the aggregate market value of the shares of restricted stock for which restrictions would have lapsed early due to Mr. Bellinos termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007. The restrictions on all shares of restricted stock that were held by Mr. Bellino on December 31, 2007 would have lapsed early if his employment terminates as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment is terminated by us without cause or his employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there is a change in control. |
(13) | Reflects the spread, if any, of (a) the aggregate market value of the shares of common stock purchasable upon exercise of the option rights which would have vested early due to Mr. Bellinos termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007, over (b) the aggregate exercise price required to purchase such shares upon exercise of such option rights. All option rights that were held by Mr. Bellino on December 31, 2007 would have vested early if his employment terminated as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment was terminated by us without cause or his employment was voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there was a change in control. No spread is reported in the table because the $80.01 per share exercise price of such option rights exceeded the $79.48 closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007. | |
(14) | Under our Restoration Plan, Mr. Bellino is entitled to a distribution of his account balance six months following his termination, except that he will forfeit the entire amount of matching and fixed rate contributions made by us to his account if he is terminated for cause. As of December 31, 2007, no contributions had been made to Mr. Bellino under the Restoration Plan. Under our Savings Plan, upon termination of employment, Mr. Bellino is eligible to receive a distribution of his vested balance under the plan. Such balance is not reflected in this table. |
Circumstances of Termination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Termination |
by us without |
Cause or by |
Termination |
the Named |
by us without |
Executive |
Cause or by |
Officer |
Voluntary |
the Named |
with Good |
Termination |
Executive |
Reason |
by Named |
Termination |
Officer with |
Following a |
Executive |
by us for |
Good |
Change in |
Normal |
Payments and Benefits
Officer | Cause | Reason | Control | Retirement | Disability | Death | |||||||||||||||||||||
Payment of earned but unpaid:
Base salary(1)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term incentive(2)
| | $ | 284,500 | $ | 284,500 | $ | 284,500 | $ | 284,500 | $ | 284,500 | ||||||||||||||||
$ | 27,981 | $ | 27,981 | 27,981 | 27,981 | 27,981 | 27,981 | 27,981 | |||||||||||||||||||
Other Benefits:
Lump sum payment
| | 145,500 | (4) | 1,265,850 | (5) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Healthcare benefits
| | 8,928 | (6) | 59,104 | (7) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Disability benefits
| | 3,079 | (8) | 17,736 | (9) | | 762,649 | (10) | | ||||||||||||||||||
Life insurance
| | 2,810 | (11) | 4,968 | (12) | | | 600,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
Perquisites and other personal benefits
| | | 31,377 | (14) | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||
| | | 1,090,518 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration of Equity Awards:
Market value of stock vesting on termination(16)
| | 4,120,561 | 4,120,561 | 4,120,561 | 4,120,561 | 4,120,561 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Spread for options vesting on termination(17)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of New Restoration Plan Balance:
Amount of Distribution(18)
1,026,464 | | 1,026,464 | 1,026,464 | 1,026,464 | 1,026,464 | 1,026,464 | |||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 1,054,445 | $ | 27,981 | $ | 5,619,823 | $ | 7,956,587 | $ | 5,459,506 | $ | 6,222,155 | $ | 6,059,506 | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Assumes that there is no earned but unpaid base salary at the time of termination. |
(2) | Under our 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Barnesons target award for 2007 was $130,950, but his award could have ranged from a threshold of $65,475 to a maximum of $392,850, or could have been zero if the threshold performance is not achieved. Mr. Barnesons award under our 2007 STI Plan was determined in March 2008 to be $284,500. Under the 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Barneson would have been entitled to a pro rata award under the 2007 STI Plan if his employment had terminated during 2007 but prior to December 31, 2007 and his employment had been terminated as a result of death, disability, normal retirement or full early retirement (position elimination), had been involuntarily terminated by us without cause or had been voluntarily terminated by him for good reason. Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, if his employment had been terminated by us without cause or by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control and such termination occurred during 2007 other than on December 31, 2007, Mr. Barnesons target award for 2007 under our 2007 STI Plan would have been prorated for the actual number of days of Mr. Barnesons employment in 2007 and Mr. Barneson would have been entitled to payment of such amount. If Mr. Barnesons employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007, the last day of our 2007 fiscal year, Mr. Barneson would have been entitled to full payment of his award ($284,500) under the 2007 STI Plan unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or was voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. | |
(3) | Assumes that Mr. Barneson used all of his 2007 vacation and that he has five weeks of accrued vacation for 2008. | |
(4) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Barneson is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to his weekly base salary multiplied by a number of weeks (not to exceed 26), which we refer to as the continuation period, determined based on his number of years of full employment. As of December 31, 2007, Mr. Barnesons continuation period was 26 weeks. | |
(5) | Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period beginning 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, Mr. Barneson is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to three times the sum of his base salary and most recent short-term incentive target. | |
(6) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Barneson is entitled to continuation of his medical and dental benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008 and a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2010 as compared to 2009. | |
(7) | Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason and if such termination occurs within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his medical and dental benefits for three years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008 and a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2010 as compared to 2009. | |
(8) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Barneson is entitled to continuation of his disability benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming coverage throughout Mr. Barnesons continuation period, (b) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during Mr. Barnesons continuation period, (c) assuming we |
pay such costs throughout Mr. Barnesons continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | ||
(9) | Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason if within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his disability benefits for three years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (b) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (c) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (d) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(10) | Reflects the present value of Mr. Barnesons disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming full disability at December 31, 2007, (b) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Disabled Retiree mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (c) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. Such disability benefits would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(11) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Barneson is entitled to continuation of his life insurance benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such life insurance benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming coverage throughout Mr. Barnesons continuation period at his current election of the maximum available coverage, (b) based on our current cost of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during Mr. Barnesons continuation period, (c) assuming we pay such costs throughout Mr. Barnesons continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(12) | Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason if within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his life insurance benefits for three years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such life insurance benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming his current election of the maximum available coverage, (b) based on our current cost of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (c) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(13) | Reflects the life insurance benefit payable assuming Mr. Barnesons death occurred on December 31, 2007 other than while traveling on company-related business. Such life insurance benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. We maintain a travel and accidental death policy for certain employees, including Mr. Barneson, that would provide an additional $1,000,000 death benefit payable to Mr. Barnesons estate if his death had occurred during company-related travel. Such death benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(14) | Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Barnesons employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his perquisites for three years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the estimated cost to us of continuing Mr. Barnesons perquisites for such three-year period as follows: club membership dues, $7,941; and vehicle allowance, $10,459. Such amounts have been estimated by multiplying the cost of Mr. Barnesons perquisites for 2006 by three. |
(15) | Under Mr. Barnesons Change in Control Agreement, in general, if any payments to Mr. Barneson would be subject to federal excise tax or any similar state or local tax by reason of being considered contingent on a change in control, we must pay to Mr. Barneson an additional amount such that, after satisfaction of all tax obligations imposed on such payments, Mr. Barneson retains an amount equal to the federal excise tax or similar state or local tax imposed on such payments. The table reflects an estimate of such additional amount that we would have been obligated to pay Mr. Barneson if his employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007 by us without cause or by him for good reason following a change in control on such date. | |
(16) | Reflects the aggregate market value of the shares of restricted stock for which restrictions would have lapsed early due to Mr. Barnesons termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007. The restrictions on all shares of restricted stock that were held by Mr. Barneson on December 31, 2007 would have lapsed early if his employment terminates as a result of his death or disability, his employment is terminated by us without cause or his employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there is a change in control. | |
(17) | Reflects the spread, if any, of (a) the aggregate market value of the shares of common stock purchasable upon exercise of the option rights which would have vested early due to Mr. Barnesons termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007, over (b) the aggregate exercise price required to purchase such shares upon exercise of such option rights. All option rights that were held by Mr. Barneson on December 31, 2007 would have vested early if his employment terminated as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment was terminated by us without cause or his employment was voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there was a change in control No spread is reflected in the table because the $80.01 per share exercise price of such option rights exceeded the $79.48 closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007. | |
(18) | Under our Restoration Plan, Mr. Barneson is entitled to a distribution of his account balance six months following his termination, except that he will forfeit the entire amount of matching and fixed rate contributions made by us to his account if he is terminated for cause. In addition, under our Savings Plan, upon termination of employment, Mr. Barneson is eligible to receive a distribution of his vested balance under the plan. Such balance is not reflected in this table. |
Circumstances of Termination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Termination |
by us without |
Cause or by |
Termination |
the Named |
by us without |
Executive |
Cause or by |
Officer |
Voluntary |
the Named |
with Good |
Termination |
Executive |
Reason |
by Named |
Termination |
Officer with |
Following a |
Executive |
by us for |
Good |
Change in |
Normal |
Payments and Benefits
Officer | Cause | Reason | Control | Retirement | Disability | Death | |||||||||||||||||||||
Payment of earned but unpaid:
Base salary(1)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term incentive(2)
| | $ | 262,800 | $ | 262,800 | $ | 262,800 | $ | 262,800 | $ | 262,800 | ||||||||||||||||
$ | 20,769 | $ | 20,769 | 20,769 | 20,769 | 20,769 | 20,769 | 20,769 | |||||||||||||||||||
Other Benefits:
Lump sum payment
| | 62,308 | (4) | 783,000 | (5) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Healthcare benefits
| | 4,121 | (6) | 37,498 | (7) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Disability benefits
| | 667 | (8) | 6,031 | (9) | | 1,417,144 | (10) | | ||||||||||||||||||
Life insurance
| | 233 | (11) | 2,031 | (12) | | | 600,000 | (13) | ||||||||||||||||||
Perquisites and other personal benefits
| | | 21,910 | (14) | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||
| | | 834,480 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration of Equity Awards:
Market value of stock vesting on termination(16)
| | 3,849,296 | 3,849,296 | 3,849,296 | 3,849,296 | 3,849,296 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Spread for options vesting on termination(17)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of New Restoration Plan Balance:
Amount of Distribution(18)
96,257 | | 96,257 | 96,257 | 96,257 | 96,257 | 96,257 | |||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 117,026 | $ | 20,769 | $ | 4,296,451 | $ | 5,914,072 | $ | 4,229,122 | $ | 5,646,266 | $ | 4,829,122 | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Assumes that there is no earned but unpaid base salary at the time of termination. | |
(2) | Under our 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Donnans target award for 2007 was $121,500, but his award could have ranged from a threshold of $60,750 to a maximum of $364,500, or could have been zero if the threshold performance is not achieved. Mr. Donnans award under our 2007 STI Plan was determined in March 2008 to be $262,800. Under the 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Donnan would have been entitled to a pro rata award under the 2007 STI Plan if his employment had terminated during 2007 but prior to December 31, 2007 and his employment had been terminated as a result of death, disability, normal retirement or full early retirement (position elimination), had been involuntarily terminated by us without cause or had been voluntarily terminated by him for good reason. Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, if his employment had been terminated by us without cause or by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control and such termination occurred during 2007 other than on December 31, 2007, Mr. Donnans target award for 2007 under our 2007 STI Plan would have been prorated for the actual number of days of Mr. Donnans employment in 2007 and Mr. Donnan would have been entitled to payment of such amount. If Mr. Donnans employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007, the last day of our 2007 fiscal year, Mr. Donnan would have been entitled to full payment of his award ($262,800) under the 2007 STI Plan unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or was voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. | |
(3) | Assumes that Mr. Donnan used all of his 2007 vacation and that he has four weeks of accrued vacation for 2008. |
(4) | Under our severance policy, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Donnan is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to his weekly base salary multiplied by a number of weeks (not to exceed 26), which we refer to as the continuation period, determined based on his number of years of full employment. As of December 31, 2007, Mr. Donnans continuation period was 12 weeks. | |
(5) | Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period beginning 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, Mr. Donnan is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to two times the sum of his base salary and most recent short-term incentive target. | |
(6) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Donnan is entitled to continuation of his medical and dental benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008 and a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2010 as compared to 2009. | |
(7) | Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his medical and dental benefits for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008. | |
(8) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Donnan is entitled to continuation of his disability benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a)assuming coverage throughout Mr. Donnans continuation period, (b) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during Mr. Donnans continuation period, (c) assuming we pay such costs throughout Mr. Donnans continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(9) | Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his disability benefits for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (b) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (c) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (d) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(10) | Reflects the actuarial present value of Mr. Donnans disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming full disability at December 31, 2007, (b) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Disabled Retiree mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (c) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. Such disability benefits would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(11) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Donnan is entitled to continuation of his life insurance benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage |
under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such life insurance benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming coverage throughout Mr. Donnans continuation period at his current election of the maximum available coverage, (b) based on our current cost of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during Mr. Donnans continuation period, (c) assuming we pay such costs throughout Mr. Donnans continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | ||
(12) | Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his life insurance benefits for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such life insurance benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming his current election of the maximum available coverage, (b) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (c) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(13) | Reflects the life insurance benefit payable assuming Mr. Donnans death occurred on December 31, 2007 other than while traveling on company-related business. Such life insurance benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. We maintain a travel and accidental death policy for certain employees, including Mr. Donnan, that would provide an additional $1,000,000 death benefit payable to Mr. Donnans estate if his death had occurred during company-related travel. Such death benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(14) | Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Donnans employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his perquisites for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the estimated cost to us of continuing Mr. Donnans perquisites for such two-year period as follows: vehicle allowance, $21,910. Such amount has been estimated by multiplying the cost of Mr. Donnans vehicle allowance for 2007 by two. | |
(15) | Under Mr. Donnans Change in Control Agreement, in general, if any payments to Mr. Donnan would be subject to federal excise tax or any similar state or local tax by reason of being considered contingent on a change in control, we must pay to Mr. Donnan an additional amount such that, after satisfaction of all tax obligations imposed on such payments, Mr. Donnan retains an amount equal to the federal excise tax or similar state or local tax imposed on such payments. The table reflects an estimate of such additional amount that we would have been obligated to pay Mr. Donnan if his employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007 by us without cause or by him for good reason following a change in control on such date. | |
(16) | Reflects the aggregate market value of the shares of restricted stock for which restrictions would have lapsed early due to Mr. Donnans termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007. The restrictions on all shares of restricted stock that were held by Mr. Donnan on December 31, 2007 would have lapsed early if his employment terminates as a result of his death or disability, his employment is terminated by us without cause or his employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there is a change in control. | |
(17) | Reflects the spread between the aggregate market value of the shares of common stock purchasable upon exercise of the option rights which would have vested early due to Mr. Donnans termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007, and the aggregate exercise price required to purchase such shares upon exercise of such option rights. All option rights that were held by Mr. Donnan on December 31, 2007 would have vested early if his employment terminated as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment was terminated by us without cause or his employment was voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there was a change in control. No spread |
is reflected in the table because the $80.01 per share exercise price of such option rights exceeded the $79.48 closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007. |
(18) | Under our Restoration Plan, Mr. Donnan is entitled to a distribution of his account balance six months following his termination, except that he will forfeit the entire amount of matching and fixed rate contributions made by us to his account if he is terminated for cause. In addition, under our Savings Plan, upon termination of employment, Mr. Donnan is eligible to receive a distribution of his vested balance under the plan. Such balance is not reflected in this table. |
Circumstances of Termination | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Termination |
by us without |
Cause or by |
Termination |
the Named |
by us without |
Executive |
Cause or by |
Officer |
Voluntary |
the Named |
with Good |
Termination |
Executive |
Reason |
by Named |
Termination |
Officer |
Following a |
Executive |
by us for |
with Good |
Change in |
Normal |
Payments and Benefits
Officer | Cause | Reason | Control | Retirement | Disability | Death | |||||||||||||||||||||
Payment of earned but unpaid:
Base salary(1)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term incentive(2)
| | $ | 177,900 | $ | 177,900 | $ | 177,900 | $ | 177,900 | $ | 177,900 | ||||||||||||||||
$ | 18,000 | $ | 18,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
Other Benefits:
Lump sum payment
| | 45,000 | (4) | 624,000 | (5) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Healthcare benefits
| | 4,121 | (6) | 37,498 | (7) | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Disability benefits
| | 722 | (8) | 6,475 | (9) | | 1,150,813 | (10) | | ||||||||||||||||||
Life insurance
| | | (11) | | (11) | | | 600,000 | (12) | ||||||||||||||||||
Perquisites and other personal benefits
| | | 20,576 | (13) | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||
| | | 509,746 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration of Equity Awards:
Market value of stock vesting on termination (15)
| | 2,012,672 | 2,012,672 | 2,012,672 | 2,012,672 | 2,012,672 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Spread for options vesting on termination (16)
| | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of New Restoration Plan Balance:
Amount of Distribution(17)
16,702 | | 16,702 | 16,702 | 16,702 | 16,702 | 16,702 | |||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 34,702 | $ | 18,000 | $ | 2,275,117 | $ | 3,423,569 | $ | 2,225,274 | $ | 3,376,087 | $ | 2,825,274 | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Assumes that there is no earned but unpaid base salary at the time of termination. | |
(2) | Under our 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Rinkenbergers target award for 2007 was $78,000, but his award could have ranged from a threshold of $41,950 to a maximum of $245,000, or could have been zero if the threshold performance is not achieved. Mr. Rinkenbergers award under our 2007 STI Plan was determined in March 2008 to be $177,900. Under the 2007 STI Plan, Mr. Rinkenberger would have been entitled to a pro rata award under the 2007 STI Plan if his employment had terminated during 2007 but prior to December 31, 2007 and his employment had been terminated as a result of death, disability, normal retirement or full early retirement (position elimination), had been involuntarily terminated by us without cause or had been voluntarily terminated by him for good reason. Under Mr. Rinkenbergers Change in Control Agreement, if his |
employment had been terminated by us without cause or by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control and such termination occurred during 2007 other than on December 31, 2007, Mr. Rinkenbergers target award for 2007 under our 2007 STI Plan would have been prorated for the actual number of days of Mr. Rinkenbergers employment in 2007 and Mr. Rinkenberger would have been entitled to payment of such amount. If Mr. Rinkenbergers employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007, the last day of our 2007 fiscal year, Mr. Rinkenberger would have been entitled to full payment of his award ($177,900) under the 2007 STI Plan unless his employment had been terminated by us for cause or was voluntarily terminated by him other than for good reason. | ||
(3) | Assumes that Mr. Rinkenberger used all of his 2007 vacation and that he has four weeks of accrued vacation for 2008. | |
(4) | Under our severance policy, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Rinkenberger is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to his weekly base salary multiplied by a number of weeks (not to exceed 26), which we refer to as the continuation period, determined based on his number of years of full employment. As of December 31, 2007, Mr. Rinkenbergers continuation period was 12 weeks. | |
(5) | Under Mr. Rinkenbergers Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period beginning 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, Mr. Rinkenberger is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to two times the sum of his base salary and most recent short-term incentive target. | |
(6) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Rinkenberger is entitled to continuation of his medical and dental benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008 and a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2010 as compared to 2009. | |
(7) | Under Mr. Rinkenbergers Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his medical and dental benefits for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such medical and dental benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming family coverage in a point of service medical plan and a premium dental plan and (b) based on current COBRA coverage rates for 2008 and assuming a 10% increase in the cost of medical and dental coverage for 2009 as compared to 2008. | |
(8) | Under our Salaried Severance Plan, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause, Mr. Rinkenberger is entitled to continuation of his disability benefits following the termination of employment for a period not to exceed the shorter of his continuation period (see note (4) above) and the period commencing on the termination of employment and ending on the date he is no longer eligible for coverage under COBRA. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming coverage throughout Mr. Rinkenbergers continuation period, (b) based on our current costs of providing such benefits and assuming such costs do not increase during Mr. Rinkenbergers continuation period, (c) assuming we pay such costs throughout Mr. Rinkenbergers continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (d) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (e) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | |
(9) | Under Mr. Rinkenbergers Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his disability benefits for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the present value of such disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) based on our current costs of providing such benefits |
and assuming such costs do not increase during the applicable benefit continuation period, (b) assuming we pay such costs throughout the applicable benefit continuation period in the same manner as we currently pay such costs, (c) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Combined Health mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (d) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. | ||
(10) | Reflects the actuarial present value of Mr. Rinkenbergers disability benefits at December 31, 2007 determined (a) assuming full disability at December 31, 2007, (b) assuming mortality according to the RP-2000 Disabled Retiree mortality table published by the Society of Actuaries, and (c) applying a discount rate of 6.00% per annum. Such disability benefits would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(11) | No life insurance benefit would have been payable assuming Mr. Rinkenbergers death occurred on December 31, 2007 other than while traveling on company-related business. However, we maintain a travel and accidental death policy for certain employees, including Mr. Rinkenberger, that would provide a $1,000,000 death benefit payable to Mr. Rinkenbergers estate if his death had occurred during company-related travel. Such death benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(12) | Reflects the life insurance benefit payable assuming Mr. Rinkenbergers death occurred on December 31, 2007 other than while traveling on company-related business. Such life insurance benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. We maintain a travel and accidental death policy for certain employees, including Mr. Rinkenberger, that would provide an additional $1,000,000 death benefit payable to Mr. Rinkenbergers estate if his death had occurred during company-related travel. Such death benefit would be paid by a third-party insurer and not by us. | |
(13) | Under Mr. Rinkenbergers Change in Control Agreement, if Mr. Rinkenbergers employment is terminated by us without cause or is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason within the period commencing 90 days prior to a change in control and ending two years following a change in control, we must continue his perquisites for two years commencing on the date of such termination. The table reflects the estimated cost to us of continuing Mr. Rinkenbergers perquisites for such two-year period as follows: vehicle allowance, $20,576. Such amount has been estimated by multiplying the cost of Mr. Rinkenbergers vehicle allowance for 2007 by two. | |
(14) | Under Mr. Rinkenbergers Change in Control Agreement, in general, if any payments to Mr. Rinkenberger would be subject to federal excise tax or any similar state or local tax by reason of being considered contingent on a change in control, we must pay to Mr. Rinkenberger an additional amount such that, after satisfaction of all tax obligations imposed on such payments, Mr. Rinkenberger retains an amount equal to the federal excise tax or similar state or local tax imposed on such payments. The table reflects an estimate of such additional amount that we would have been obligated to pay Mr. Rinkenberger if his employment had been terminated on December 31, 2007 by us without cause or by him for good reason following a change in control on such date. | |
(15) | Reflects the aggregate market value of the shares of restricted stock for which restrictions would have lapsed early due to Mr. Rinkenbergers termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007. The restrictions on all shares of restricted stock that were held by Mr. Rinkenberger on December 31, 2007 would have lapsed early if his employment terminates as a result of his death or disability, his employment is terminated by us without cause or his employment is voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there is a change in control. | |
(16) | Reflects the spread between the aggregate market value of the shares of common stock purchasable upon exercise of the option rights which would have vested early due to Mr. Rinkenbergers termination, determined based on a per share price of $79.48, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007, which was the last trading day of 2007, and the aggregate exercise price required to purchase such shares upon exercise of such option rights. All option rights that were held by Mr. Rinkenberger on December 31, 2007 would have vested early if his employment terminated as a result of his death, disability or retirement, his employment was terminated by us without cause or his employment was voluntarily terminated by him for good reason, or if there was a change in control. No spread is reflected in the table because the $80.01 per share exercise price of such option rights exceeded the $79.48 closing price per share of our common stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 31, 2007. |
(17) | Under our New Restoration Plan, Mr. Rinkenberger is entitled to a distribution of his account balance six months following his termination, except that he will forfeit the entire amount of matching and fixed rate contributions made by us to his account if he is terminated for cause. In addition, under our Savings Plan, upon termination of employment, Mr. Rinkenberger is eligible to receive a distribution of his vested balance under the plan. Such balance is not reflected in this table. |
Fees Earned or |
Stock |
Paid in Cash | Awards(1) | Total(2) | |||||||||
George Becker(3)
| | | |||||||||
Carolyn Bartholomew(4)
$ | 47,500 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 107,500 | |||||
Carl B. Frankel
$ | 52,750 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 112,750 | |||||
Teresa A. Hopp
$ | 65,750 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 125,750 | |||||
William F. Murdy
$ | 60,750 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 120,750 | |||||
Alfred E. Osborne, Jr, PhD
$ | 74,500 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 134,500 | |||||
Georganne C. Proctor
$ | 58,000 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 118,000 | |||||
Jack Quinn
$ | 55,750 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 115,750 | |||||
Thomas M. Van Leeuwen
$ | 59,500 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 119,500 | |||||
Brett E. Wilcox
$ | 55,000 | (5) | $ | 60,000 | $ | 115,000 |
(1) | Reflects the value of restricted stock awards granted to non-employee directors under our Equity Incentive Plan based on the compensation cost of the awards with respect to our 2007 fiscal year, computed in accordance with SFAS No. 123-R, but excluding any impact of assumed forfeiture rates. For additional information regarding the compensation cost of stock awards with respect to our 2007 fiscal year, see Note 11 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. The non-employee director will receive all dividends and other distributions paid with respect to the shares of restricted stock he or she holds, but if any of such dividends or distributions are paid in shares of our capital stock, such shares will be subject to the same restrictions on transferability as are the shares of restricted stock with respect to which they were paid. | |
(2) | Excludes perquisites and other personal benefits where the aggregate amount of such compensation to the director is less than $10,000. | |
(3) | Mr. Becker served as a director from July 2006 until his death in February 2007. | |
(4) | Ms. Bartholomew has served as a director since June 2007. | |
(5) | Reflects (a) annual retainer of $40,000, (b) any additional annual retainer for serving as Lead Independent Director or chair of a committee of the board of directors, and (c) fees for attendance of board or board committee meetings. Each non-employee director had the right to elect to receive shares of our common stock in lieu of any or all of his or her annual cash retainer, including retainers for serving as a committee chair or lead outside director, which is included in this column. In 2007: Mr. Bartholomew elected to receive 202 shares of common stock in lieu of approximately $14,970 of her annual retainer; Mr. Frankel elected to receive 404 shares of common stock in lieu of approximately $29,940 of his annual retainer; Ms. Hopp elected to receive 168 shares of common stock in lieu of approximately $12,450 of her annual retainer; Mr. Murdy elected to receive 607 shares of common stock in lieu of approximately $44,984 of his annual retainer; Dr. Osborne elected to receive 742 shares of common stock in lieu of approximately $54,989 of his annual retainer; Mr. Van Leeuwen elected to receive 137 shares of common stock in lieu of approximately $10,153 of his annual retainer; and each of Messrs. Quinn and Wilcox and Ms. Proctor elected to receive 539 shares of common stock in lieu of |
approximately $39,945 of his or her annual retainer. In each case, the number of shares received was determined based on a per share price of $74.11, the closing price per share of our common stock as reported by the Nasdaq Global Select Market on June 6, 2007, the payment date of the annual retainers. |
| an annual retainer of $40,000 per year; | |
| an annual grant of restricted stock having a value equal to $60,000; | |
| a fee of $1,500 per day for each meeting of the board of directors attended in person and $750 per day for each such meeting attended by phone; and | |
| a fee of $1,500 per day for each committee meeting of the board of directors attended in person on a date other than a date on which a meeting of the board of directors is held and $750 per day for each such meeting attended by phone. |
Number of Shares |
of Common Stock |
Remaining Available |
Number of Shares |
for Future Issuance |
of Common Stock |
Weighted-Average |
under Equity |
to be Issued Upon |
Exercise Price of |
Compensation Plans |
Exercise of |
Outstanding |
(Excluding Shares of |
Outstanding Options, |
Options, Warrants |
Common Stock Reflected |
Plan Category
Warrants and Rights(a) | and Rights(b) | in Column(a)(c) | |||||||||
Equity compensation plans approved by stockholders
N/A | N/A | N/A | |||||||||
Equity compensation plans not approved by stockholders
2006 Equity and Performance Incentive Plan(1)
28,864 | (2) | $ | 80.01 | (3) | 1,604,197 | (4) | |||||
28,864 | (2) | $ | 80.01 | (3) | 1,604,197 | (4) | |||||
(1) | Our 2006 Equity and Performance Incentive Plan was amended and restated on February 6, 2008. The amendments were not material and did not affect the number of shares available for issuance thereunder. We refer to the 2006 Equity and Performance Plan, both before and after its amendment and restatement, as our Equity Incentive Plan. The Equity Incentive Plan is our only equity compensation plan. A copy of the Amended and Restated 2006 Equity and Performance Incentive Plan is included as Exhibit 10.13 to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007. | |
(2) | Reflects options to purchase 25,137 shares of common stock and restricted stock units covering 3,727 shares of common stock, in each case outstanding as of December 31, 2007. | |
(3) | Reflects the exercise price per share of common stock purchasable upon exercise of options outstanding as of December 31, 2007. The exercise price is the same for all such options. No exercise price is payable in connection with the issuance of shares covered by the restricted stock units outstanding as of December 31, 2007. | |
(4) | Subject to certain adjustments that may be required from time to time to prevent dilution or enlargement of the rights of participants under the Equity Incentive Plan, a maximum of 2,222,222 shares of common stock may be issued under the Equity Incentive Plan. As of December 31, 2007, 580,815 shares of common stock had been issued thereunder and remained outstanding. Of such shares, 549,071 were shares of restricted stock that remained subject to forfeiture as of such date. In the event of forfeiture, such shares would again become available for issuance under the Equity Incentive Plan. |
| each named executive officer; | |
| each of our current directors; | |
| all our current directors and executive officers as a group; and | |
| each person or entity known to us to beneficially own 5% or more of our common stock. |
Amount and Nature |
of Beneficial |
Percent |
Name of Beneficial Owner
Ownership | of Class | ||||||
Directors and Executive Officers
Jack A. Hockema
210,723 | (1)(2) | 1.0 | % | ||||
Joseph P. Bellino
24,792 | (1)(2) | * | |||||
John Barneson
55,469 | (1)(2) | * | |||||
John M. Donnan
51,806 | (1)(2) | * | |||||
Daniel J. Rinkenberger
26,572 | (1)(2) | * | |||||
Carolyn Bartholomew
1,011 | (2) | * | |||||
Carl B. Frankel
4,426 | (2) | * | |||||
Teresa A. Hopp
1,901 | (2) | * | |||||
William F. Murdy
2,513 | (2) | * | |||||
Alfred E. Osborne, Jr., PhD
3,944 | (2)(3) | * | |||||
Georganne C. Proctor
2,734 | (2) | * | |||||
Jack Quinn
3,809 | (2) | * | |||||
Thomas M. Van Leeuwen
2,332 | (2) | * | |||||
Brett E. Wilcox
2,737 | (2) | * | |||||
All current directors and executive officers as a group
(16 persons)
423,595 | (1)(2)(3) | 2.1 | % | ||||
5% Stockholder
Union VEBA Trust
4,845,465 | (4) | 23.5 | % |
* | Less than one percent. | |
(1) | Includes shares of our common stock issuable upon exercise of options within 60 days after April 2, 2008, as follows: Hockema (2,679 shares); Bellino (1,020 shares); Barneson (778 shares); Donnan (694 shares); Rinkenberger (267 shares); and all current directors and executive officers as a group (5,793 shares). | |
(2) | Includes shares of restricted stock that remained subject to forfeiture as of April 2, 2008, as follows: Hockema (208,044 shares); Bellino (23,772 shares); Barneson (54,691 shares); Donnan (51,112 shares); Rinkenberger (26,305 shares); Bartholomew (809 shares); Frankel (809 shares); Hopp (809 shares); Murdy (809 shares); Osborne (809 shares); Proctor (809 shares); Quinn (809 shares); Van Leeuwen (809 shares); Wilcox (809 shares); and all current directors and executive officers as a group (399,679 shares). | |
(3) | Includes 1,000 shares of our common stock held by a Keough plan of which Dr. Osborne is the beneficiary, 200 shares of our common stock held by Dr. Osbornes wife as UTMA custodian for son and 500 shares held by the Rahnasto/Osborne Revocable Trust U/A DTD 11/07/1999 of which Dr. Osborne is a co-beneficiary and a co-trustee. |
(4) | Shares beneficially owned by the Union VEBA Trust are as reported on the Amendment No. 1 to Schedule 13G filed by the Union VEBA Trust on February 12, 2007 and the Form 4 filed by the Union VEBA Trust on December 12, 2007. Independent Fiduciary Services, Inc. in its capacity as independent fiduciary for the Union VEBA Trust has sole discretionary investment and voting power with respect to the 4,845,465 shares owned by the Union VEBA Trust. The principal address of the Union VEBA Trust is c/o Mellon Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Kaiser VEBA Trust, P.O. Box 3196, Pittsburg, PA 15230-3196. |
| the number of shares of common stock to be sold would not constitute more than 45% of the total number of shares of common stock received by the Union VEBA Trust pursuant to the plan of reorganization, less the number of shares included in all other transfers previously effected by the Union VEBA Trust during the preceding 36 months or since July 6, 2006, if shorter; and | |
| the shares of common stock to be sold would have a market value of not less than $60.0 million on the date the request was made. |
2006 | 2007 | |||||||
Audit Fees(1)
$ | 2,359,289 | $ | 3,369,568 | ||||
Audit-Related Fees(2)
$ | 311,358 | $ | 262,083 | ||||
Tax Fees(3)
$ | 295,186 | $ | 275,755 | ||||
All Other Fees
| |
(1) | Audit fees for 2007 consist principally of fees for the audit of our annual financial statements and review of our financial statements included in our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for those years, audit services provided in connection with compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, or SOX, and fees incurred in connection with the filing of registration statements with the SEC. Audit fees for 2006 did not |
include any services provided in connection with SOX as 2007 was the first year that the Company was required to comply. | ||
(2) | Audit-related fees for 2006 consist principally of fees for employee benefit plans, SOX, Section 404 advisory services and statutory audits. Audit related fees for 2007 consist principally of fees from employee benefit plans and statutory audits. | |
(3) | Tax fees consist principally of tax compliance and preparation fees. |
FOR all nominees | WITHHOLD AUTHORITY | |||
Nominees: | (except as marked to the contrary) | to vote for all nominees | ||
01 Carolyn Bartholomew 02 Jack A. Hockema 03 Georganne C. Proctor 04 Brett E. Wilcox |
o | o |
, 2008 | |||
Signature | ||||
Signature |
INTERNET [http://www. ] Use the internet to vote your proxy. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the website. |
OR | TELEPHONE [1-800- ] Use any touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy. Have your proxy card in hand when you call. |