(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1925/001431/06)
Share code: NPN ISIN: ZAE000015889
(‘Naspers’ or ‘the company’)
In compliance with Rules 3.63 – 3.74 of the JSE Listings Requirements, the following
information is disclosed:-
Mr J P Bekker as member of a consortium
Transaction date:
25 January 2006
Nature and details of transaction:
Agreement has been reached in terms of which
Sanlam Limited will contribute 168 605 Naspers
Beleggings Limited ordinary shares, 16 876 500
Keeromstraat 30 Beleggings Limited ordinary shares
and 133 350 Naspers ‘A’ shares into a new entity.
Sanlam will own 50% of the entity, while Mr JP
Bekker will acquire an interest of 25% for a cash
contribution of R67,5 million. The remaining 25%
will be acquired by Mr JDT Stofberg and other
interested parties.
Sanlam’s shareholding in Naspers “N” ordinary
shares is not affected by this transaction
Nature of interest:
Indirect beneficial
Clearance has been received in terms of paragraph
3.66 of the JSE Listings Requirements
Cape Town
25 January 2006